Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch72- The Day is Here

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Double Chapter!!


Sighing, Horyu dispelled the thoughts swirling in his mind and focused on the reward from his first mission – Zabuza's Sword Technique. As he willed it, a System message appeared before his eyes: [System Message: "Would you like to learn Zabuza's Sword Technique?"] Without hesitation, he mentally affirmed "Yes." Instantly, a wealth of information flooded his mind.

Visions of a giant silhouette performing various stances and attacks with different types of swords inundated his thoughts. The movements were fluid yet powerful, each strike demonstrating Zabuza's mastery over the blade. Horyu's mind absorbed the techniques, his body instinctively mimicking the movements in his mind's eye. As he practiced, another System message appeared, confirming the addition of the new skill to his list:

[System Message:

Zabuza's Sword Technique: Level 1

Description: A collection of sword techniques mastered by Zabuza Momochi, characterized by their brute strength and fluidity. Enhances sword combat skills, allowing for powerful, sweeping attacks and quick, lethal strikes.]

Horyu, standing by the riverside, practiced the newly acquired movements. His hands moved with a newfound precision, each slash and parry resonating with Zabuza's legacy. The technique was not just a set of movements; it was an art form, a dance of death honed on countless battlefields.

Hinata watched in awe, her eyes following Horyu's every move. "That's incredible, Horyu. Where did you learn that?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Horyu stopped mid-motion, turning to face her with a smirk. "Let's just say I've had a good teacher," he replied cryptically. 'I have a week,' Horyu thought, his gaze fixed on the shimmering water of the river, reflecting the morning light. Zabuza would return soon, and until then, he was determined to train his new sword technique, to gain at least a small mastery of it. Perhaps then he could hone it against Zabuza himself. "You two train together, I want to train my sword technique," he instructed Hinata and Shino, who nodded in understanding. They rose, preparing to spar once more, while Horyu held Chucky, his expression focused and intense.

As Hinata and Shino began their exercises, Horyu took a moment to center himself. He could still feel the echo of Zabuza's movements in his mind, the ghost of the mist ninja's power and fluidity. Gripping Chucky firmly, he began to mimic the techniques, each movement a whisper of death. The sword cut through the air, a silent but deadly dance. He moved with precision, each slash and thrust a testament to his unwavering focus.

The training was grueling, the blade an extension of his will. He could feel his muscles protesting, the strain of repeating the same movements over and over. But he pushed through the pain, his determination a flame that refused to be extinguished.

The training wasn't solely focused on mastering a new skill. It was a comprehensive process that honed Horyu's overall combat abilities. His recent acquisition of Zabuza's Sword Technique meshed well with his existing Blade Dancer skill, enhancing his fluidity and lethality with the blade. As he practiced, his movements became more natural, each swing of Chucky carrying a weight and precision that was noticeably improved.

[System Message:

Blade Dancer (Level 26): Proficiency in blade combat further enhanced. Your fluidity, speed, and precision with the blade have improved significantly.]

Horyu's relentless training regimen not only polished his swordsmanship but also bolstered his other skills. His agility and reflexes, sharpened by the constant motion and quick reactions required in swordplay, showed noticeable improvement.

[System Message:

Agility (Level 26): Your agility has improved, allowing for quicker and more fluid movements in combat.

Lightning Reflex (Level 19): Reflexes are further enhanced, providing near-instantaneous reaction times.]

As he trained, Horyu muttered to himself. "Not bad, but not good enough. Zabuza won't go easy on me," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and cynicism.

His other skills also benefited from the rigorous training. The constant shifting and maneuvering on the battlefield improved his Swift Evasion and Deceptive Retreat skills, making him a more elusive and unpredictable fighter.

[System Message:

Swift Evasion (Passive) (Level 20)(Max): Your evasive techniques are now highly refined, making you much harder to track and target.

Deceptive Retreat (Level 17): Your ability to feign weakness or defeat and then quickly counterattack has significantly improved.]

Horyu's training was not just physical; it was a mental and strategic exercise. His keen intelligence, coupled with his in-depth knowledge of various fictional tactics and strategies, allowed him to adapt and evolve his fighting style continually. He didn't merely practice the movements; he analyzed and refined them, integrating them seamlessly into his existing repertoire.

Just like that, the last week of Horyu's intensive training came to an end. His relentless practice had paid off, particularly in mastering the sword techniques he had acquired from Zabuza, which he now aptly called "Collection of Sword Techniques." The System chimed in with a familiar notification, a testament to his growth:

[System Message:

Collection of Sword Techniques (Level 9):

Description: A versatile set of sword techniques, now enhanced with elements of Zabuza's style, characterized by raw power and fluidity. Increases effectiveness in diverse combat scenarios and allows for adaptive strikes against various opponents.]

While his other skills also developed during the rigorous training, the progress in his swordsmanship was particularly significant. It was a crucial enhancement, especially with the looming threat of Zabuza's return.

As dawn broke, Horyu's routine remained unchanged. Kurenai left with Tazuna, continuing the construction escort. The past few days had seen a rotation among the Genin, with two accompanying Kurenai and one staying behind to protect Tazuna's family. Today, it was Horyu's turn to stay behind.

He was fully aware that the day would bring significant challenges. His system interface suddenly lit up, confirming his suspicions:

[System Message: Second Confrontation Subquest now active.]

The alert was a clear indication. Today was the day Zabuza would make his move. Horyu quickly checked the other active quests, his mind already analyzing the best course of action. The quest concerning Tazuna’s Daughter and Grandson caught his attention. It was vital, but he knew his presence was needed more at the bridge. Making a quick decision, he summoned a Kage Bunshin, a perfect copy to guard Tazuna's family. He trusted that the clone, with his skills and strategic mind, would be more than capable of handling a couple of low-level thugs.

Leaving the clone behind to guard Tazuna's family, Horyu set out for the bridge, his steps quick and purposeful. The air was thick with tension, a heavy mist rolling in, cloaking the surroundings in a shroud of uncertainty. As he neared the construction site, the scene that unfolded before him was grim. Several workers lay motionless on the ground, their lifeless bodies marked with deep, lethal sword wounds.

Horyu's gaze sharpened, his senses heightened. The minimap in the corner of his vision revealed two distinct red dots, indicating the presence of Zabuza and Haku. Haku was engaged with Hinata and Shino, their forms barely visible in the swirling fog, while Zabuza stood in a standoff with Kurenai. The atmosphere was charged with aggression and unspoken threats.

Zabuza's anger was almost tangible, a burning fury at being toyed with and made a fool of by Kurenai's illusions. The humiliation of falling for such trickery and being wounded by a mere Genin — it was a stain on his pride he could not tolerate. He was eager for retribution, his gaze locked on Kurenai with lethal intent.

Before Zabuza could act on his murderous intent, Horyu appeared, stepping into the open space between him and Kurenai. In his hand, he wielded Chucky. Zabuza's eyes narrowed as he recognized the Genin who had previously wounded him.

"This is better. Now I can kill you both," Zabuza growled, a smirk playing on his lips.

Kurenai, surprised by Horyu's sudden appearance, questioned, "What are you doing here?" She had tasked Horyu with the protection of Tazuna's family, and his presence here was unexpected.

Without missing a beat, Horyu replied calmly, "I am here to assist, don't worry, Tazuna-san's family is safe, Sensei." His assurance was firm, leaving no room for doubt.

Kurenai, though hesitant, decided to trust Horyu's judgment. She realized that facing Zabuza alone, especially now that he was aware of her Genjutsu tactics, would be perilous. Aided by Horyu, their chances of overcoming the Mist ninja increased significantly.


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