Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch73- Rythm

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This is the second chapter of the day!


Zabuza, wasting no time on further talk, lunged forward, his sword swinging in a deadly arc towards Horyu.

Horyu recognized Zabuza's opening slash, a movement he had ingrained in his mind. The knowledge he had gained from the System wasn't just a set of skills; it was an insight into how to counter them. Facing the Demon of the Mist with his relatively unrefined abilities would have been a death sentence otherwise. He braced himself, Chucky gripped firmly in his hands, ready to put his newly acquired techniques to the ultimate test.

Zabuza's blade cut through the air with a deadly grace, a silent whisper of death. Horyu, his senses heightened, sidestepped the initial attack with a fluidity that was new to him. The Uchiha Intercepting Style he had developed was paying off, his movements a blend of precision and anticipation.

Kurenai, seizing the moment, launched a barrage of kunai towards Zabuza, aiming to distract him and give Horyu an opening. Zabuza deflected them effortlessly, but it was enough for Horyu to close in.

The clash of steel rang out, echoing through the mist. Horyu's sword met Zabuza's. The Collection of Sword Techniques Horyu had mastered allowed him to match Zabuza's finesse but not raw power. He was still a child, while Zabuza was full-fledged Jonin before he escaped from Mist.

Horyu was much weaker than Zabuza, but he wasn't there to win; he was there to hone his newly gained sword skills and give Kurenai a chance. As Zabuza's blade came down in a vicious arc, Horyu's body moved almost of its own accord, driven by his experience on Zabuza's style. His movements were a whisper of evasion, the sword barely grazing his clothing as he slid to the side, Chucky in hand.

Kurenai, seeing the opening, cast a quick genjutsu, a simple illusion to momentarily distract Zabuza. Her expertise was evident as the environment around Zabuza subtly shifted, the mist seeming to solidify into spectral hands reaching out to grasp him. Zabuza's eyes widened, the briefest moment of surprise before he snorted, "No more party tricks!"

Zabuza swiftly dispelled Kurenai's Genjutsu, his chakra flow cutting off momentarily to break free from her illusion. He had already fallen for her tricks once and was determined not to let it happen again.  He would often momentarily sever his Chakra flow, a tactic to rid himself of any Genjutsu's grasp. His gaze shifted back to Horyu, the young Uchiha who had dared to challenge him.

Horyu, aware of the vast gap in their strengths, relied on his agility and the Uchiha Intercepting Style to evade Zabuza's ruthless attacks. Each swing of Zabuza's massive sword was met with a swift dodge or a parry from Horyu's katana, but whenever he was forced to parry, the shock travelled from his sword to his arm, almost broke his bones.

Horyu swore under his breath, 'Fuck, I cannot let this continue.' Every clash with Zabuza sent shivers down his spine and arms, the power of the Jonin's strikes nearly overwhelming. Kurenai, her eyes narrowed in concentration, realized that her typical genjutsu wouldn't suffice. She needed to understand Zabuza's pattern, his rhythm of severing chakra flow. If she could predict his moves, she could trap him in an illusion that he'd believe was his own making.

Zabuza, sensing their hesitation, grinned maliciously, "What's wrong? Out of tricks already?" His blade arced through the mist, a deadly promise with every swing.

Horyu, dodging another of Zabuza's powerful strikes, glanced at Kurenai. They needed a coordinated effort to turn the tides. "Sensei, keep him busy! I have an idea," he yelled over the sound of clashing steel. Kurenai nodded, understanding the unspoken plan. She launched a series of kunai, each laced with chakra to create fleeting illusions of attacking ninja. Zabuza swatted them away but was forced to focus on the multiple threats, giving Horyu the moment he needed.

Horyu tapped into his Collection of Sword Techniques, mimicking Zabuza's movements with his own twist. As he engaged Zabuza again, his blade moved faster, more unpredictable. He wasn't just fighting; he was learning, adapting every moment.

[System Message: Collection of Sword Techniques increased to Level 10. Your understanding and execution of various sword moves have improved. New Combo unlocked: Mist's End.]

A surge of confidence shot through Horyu as he read the message. He had a new combo, a series of moves that might just give him the edge he needed. With a deep breath, he launched into the Mist's End combo, a rapid succession of strikes aimed at disorienting and overwhelming Zabuza.

Zabuza, caught off guard by the sudden increase in aggression, grunted as he parried and countered. "You've got some spirit, brat!" he growled, but there was a hint of respect in his voice. He hadn't expected this level of skill from a mere Genin.

Meanwhile, Kurenai focused on deciphering Zabuza's pattern. She noticed the slight flicker in his eyes, the minute pause in his chakra flow before he dispelled an illusion. It was subtle, but it was there.

Kurenai, her eyes fixated on the swirling mist, whispered under her breath, "21 seconds." She started her mental countdown anew, focusing intently on Zabuza's rhythm of severing his chakra flow. This pattern was her key to trapping him in an illusion he wouldn't be able to distinguish from reality.

Meanwhile, Horyu, fueled by the surge in his abilities and the new combo 'Mist's End,' charged at Zabuza with renewed vigor. Zabuza, increasingly irritated by the persistence and skill of the young Uchiha, countered with brutal efficiency. His massive sword swung in wide, lethal arcs, each one intended to end the battle with a single blow. But Horyu, dancing on the edge of danger, evaded each strike with the agility granted by his Lightning Reflex skill.

[System Message:

Lightning Reflex (Level 20)(Max): Your reflexes have further improved, allowing for even more instantaneous reaction times.]

As the battle raged on, Zabuza decided to shift tactics. He was the Demon of the Mist, a master of Water Element techniques. He began to weave hand seals, his chakra coalescing into a dense mist that further obscured the battlefield. "Let's see how you handle this, brat!" he bellowed, his voice echoing ominously through the thickening fog.

Horyu's eyes narrowed as the mist thickened around them, a familiar yet suffocating blanket of uncertainty. Zabuza, a looming shadow within the swirling fog, was a predator in his element, but Horyu wasn't intimidated. He had learned Zabuza's sword art, including the silent killing technique, and now, as Zabuza relied on the mist, Horyu melded into it with Ghost Mirage, turning the predator's own tactics against him.

"Time to flip the script," Horyu muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper in the dense fog. He could always track Zabuza with his System Map, a constant in the ever-changing battlefield.

But Zabuza couldn't find Horyu as easily. Although the mist was his Jutsu and he was getting feedback from it, Horyu's Ghost Mirage allowed him to blend in, thus confusing Zabuza. Kurenai, in the meantime, counted again. The second time, it was 28 seconds. She started the count again, noting the irregular pattern. There had to be a routine; no one was that arbitrary.

As the mist became thicker, Horyu's form flickered in and out of visibility, a ghostly apparition in Zabuza's domain. His footsteps were silent, his breathing controlled. He moved with a purpose, each step bringing him closer to his target. The blade in his hand was ready, its edge a silent promise of pain.

Zabuza, feeling the presence of his adversary but unable to pinpoint him, grew increasingly frustrated. "What the hell is this!" he roared, his voice a mix of anger and contempt.


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