Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch75- Plans within Plans

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On the other side of the bridge, Hinata and Shino faced the mysterious Hunter-nin, Haku, who had previously taken Zabuza away from their last encounter. Hinata's determination was evident in her stance, her eyes sharp with resolve. Since training with Horyu, her skills had evolved significantly, and she was eager to prove her worth. Shino, always composed, stood ready, his insect companions buzzing quietly around him, awaiting his command.

Haku, the masked figure, regarded them with a calm that belied the intensity of the situation. "I do not wish to harm you, but I will not let you interfere with Zabuza-sama's mission," Haku stated, his voice betraying no emotion.

Hinata took a deep breath, centering herself. Her Byakugan activated, veins bulging around her eyes, providing her with a near-360-degree vision and the ability to see chakra points. She had been practicing a new technique, one that Horyu had helped her refine. It was time to test it in real combat.

Shino, in silent agreement, released a swarm of his kikaichū, the insects spreading out to create a perimeter around them.

Haku swiftly created a series of hand seals, and suddenly, the area was filled with mirrors made of ice, reflecting the cold light of the morning. Hinata and Shino found themselves surrounded, Haku's image reflected in every direction.

Shino's insects were equally confused. As if the target vanished to thin air. Suddenly three ice senbon were sent from one of the mirrors, but others copied, and now Hinata and Shino were facing against tens of them.

Hinata’s Byakugan tracked the trajectory of each senbon, her body moving with practiced grace to dodge the deadly needles. Her eyes, those all-seeing orbs, flickered from mirror to mirror, attempting to pinpoint Haku's true location. The reflections were disorienting, a dizzying array of images that seemed to mock their efforts.

Shino, meanwhile, commanded his insects to form a protective swarm around them, the kikaichū buzzing in a dense cloud, intercepting several senbon with their bodies. He stood calm, calculating, his mind working rapidly to formulate a strategy amidst the chaos.

"Focus on the chakra signatures," Hinata called out, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "That's the real one!"

Shino nodded, his insects honing in on the fluctuating chakra within the mirrors. They moved in unison, a dark cloud swirling towards the identified target. But as they approached, the figure in the mirror vanished, reappearing in another reflection, the move almost too quick for the naked eye.

Haku, from within the safety of his Crystal Ice Mirrors, watched the Genin with a sort of detached curiosity. They were proving more resourceful than he had anticipated. With a flick of his wrist, more senbon rained down upon them, a deadly downpour meant to overwhelm and incapacitate.

Hinata, her eyes never leaving the mirrors, called out, "Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms!" She moved into the Hyuga clan's signature stance, her body a blur as she struck out at the air, her palms hitting the incoming senbon, neutralizing them mid-flight. It was a technique refined with Horyu's help, adapted to her own style and the situation at hand.

Shino, for his part, sent a wave of his insects directly at the mirrors, the kikaichū crawling upon the ice, seeking a way in, their tiny forms a creeping menace. Haku observed their approach, his hand forming seals once more to reinforce the mirrors with additional chakra.

Shino's strategy was twofold. To the untrained eye, his insects seemed to be attacking the mirrors with brute force, a desperate attempt to break through Haku's defense. However, the true intention lay deeper. Aburame Clan insects were not just simple attackers; they were leeches of chakra, each tiny bug a drain on their enemy's resources. His plan was to exhaust the mirrors' chakra, causing them to crumble and dissipate. Hinata, recognizing Shino's intent, launched herself into the fray, a decoy to distract Haku and protect the insects as they worked.

Equally, the Hyuga Clan excelled in seeing chakra and weak points. Hinata's Byakugan wasn't just a tool for seeing through illusions; it was a weapon that pierced the veil of deception, revealing the truth hidden beneath. As she focused, the pattern of chakra within the mirrors became clear, each one a complex network of interwoven energy, strong but not indestructible. There were flaws, tiny fractures in their otherwise impeccable construction, and it was these that Hinata targeted. Each step she took was calculated, a deliberate move closer to the mirrors, her eyes scanning for the moment to strike.

The flurry of senbons was relentless, a storm of ice that sought to impede her advance. But Hinata was not deterred. With the grace and precision that had become her signature, she weaved through the onslaught, her movements a dance of evasion and counter. "Focus," she whispered to herself, each word a mantra that guided her steps and sharpened her resolve.

Shino, silent as always, commanded his insects with a subtlety that belied the complexity of his strategy. His kikaichū, a dark wave of chakra-consuming shadows, swarmed the mirrors, their tiny bodies a constant drain on Haku's resources. It was a battle of attrition, a war of wills where the first to falter would find themselves at the mercy of the other.

Haku, from within the safety of his Crystal Ice Mirrors, watched the Genin with a mixture of respect and frustration. They were proving to be more than mere nuisances; they were adversaries worthy of his full attention. With a flick of his wrist, he sent another barrage of senbon needles raining down upon them, a sharp reminder of the danger they faced.

Haku didn't want to use stronger attacks; his mission was important, but the thought of killing two 13-year-olds weighed heavily on his conscience. However, as Hinata and Shino pressed him further, his strikes became more brutal, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. He knew that to fulfill his duty to Zabuza, he might have to cross lines he had hoped to avoid.

With a swift series of hand seals, Haku summoned ice clones, solid, cold replicas of himself that stepped out from one of the mirrors. The battlefield shifted dramatically; the reflections in the mirrors were no longer mere images but entities capable of launching their own attacks. Senbons flew not just from Haku's position but from multiple directions, a deadly rain that threatened to pierce through flesh and bone.

Hinata and Shino found themselves in the midst of a maelstrom, surrounded by a relentless assault. Hinata's Byakugan whirled, taking in the barrage of incoming senbons. She moved with an urgency that belied her usual calm demeanor, her mind racing to anticipate and counter each strike. Beside her, Shino's insects formed a protective barrier, intercepting many of the needles, but they were quickly being overwhelmed.

As a particularly vicious volley of senbons headed their way, Hinata's instincts screamed for her to protect Shino. In a moment of clarity and desperation, she activated her clan's sacred defense: Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven. Chakra erupted from her body in a swirling dome, repelling the senbons with a force that sent them clattering harmlessly to the ground. The mirrors, unable to withstand the sudden burst of energy, cracked, spiderweb fractures spreading across their surfaces. This was her first time using this jutsu successfully.

Shino, momentarily shielded by Hinata's defense, took the opportunity to regroup. He whispered to his insects, sending them in a focused stream towards the now-visible cracks in the mirrors. Their mission was clear: to exploit the weaknesses Hinata had revealed and bring the Crystal Ice Mirrors crashing down.

As Haku was about to unleash his full force, a ripple of unease coursed through him. His eyes flicked to the other side of the bridge where Zabuza, locked in a lethal dance with Kurenai and Horyu, was moments away from a fatal strike. Horyu's sword, driven by a fierce determination and honed skill, was hurtling towards an illusioned Zabuza's heart. Without a moment's hesitation, Haku manifested a mirror in Zabuza's immediate vicinity, stepping through it with the fluidity of water to intercept the attack, his presence a sudden barrier between life and death.


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