Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch76- Forcing Them to Retreat

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Horyu grinned as he saw Haku leap in front of Zabuza, intercepting the sword that was hurtling towards the Mist ninja's heart. His decision was clear: he needed to make it appear as though Haku had died to change Zabuza's heart, just as it had unfolded in the anime. However, unlike the scripted scenes of fiction, Horyu intended to keep Haku alive.

With a swift adjustment, he altered the trajectory of his sword. The blade, gleaming with deadly intent, pierced Haku's skin, barely missing the heart. It was a calculated move, executed with precision only a few could master. Haku gasped, the impact staggering him, his eyes wide with shock and pain.

The tip of the sword was so perilously close to Haku's heart that even Horyu had a fleeting moment of doubt. But he knew better. His aim was precise, designed to incapacitate without causing fatal damage. Haku's arm shook, his body heavy, he too felt death was approaching. With the last bit of his will, he held Horyu's arm that was holding the sword in vice hold, so Horyu couldn't escape.

Zabuza smirked, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Good, Haku. Hold him so I can kill him." His voice, devoid of any warmth, echoed through the mist, a chilling promise of death.

Horyu, his eyes locked on the approaching blade, rolled his eyes in disdain. 'Typical,' he thought, his mind cool and calculating even in the face of imminent danger. He couldn't help but wonder about the abrupt change in Zabuza's demeanor in the anime. But there was no Naruto here to plead for compassion, no scripted moment of redemption. It was just him, Kurenai, and the cold reality of the ninja world.

As Zabuza's massive sword arced down, aiming to cleave them both in two, Horyu acted with a swift decisiveness that betrayed his young age. Gripping Haku, who was still clinging to him, Horyu threw them both forward, tumbling out of the blade's deadly path. The ground rushed up to meet them, but Horyu was already moving, rolling to a crouch, his eyes never leaving Zabuza.

Kurenai, recognizing the imminent danger, rushed forward, her movements a blur of motion. She was ready to intervene, to cast another layer of genjutsu to confuse and delay Zabuza. But Horyu was one step ahead.

With a sharp focus, he unleashed a Genjutsu of his own, a technique he'd been perfecting for a while. He couldn't leave anything to chance. He needed to manipulate Zabuza's emotions, to make the Mist ninja feel a fraction of the regret for discarding Haku as nothing more than a tool.

Zabuza's sword crashed into the ground, missing its mark by mere inches. He looked up, ready to strike again, but paused. Something was off. His surroundings shimmered slightly, the mist behaving oddly. He shook his head, trying to clear the confusion, but it only deepened.

Haku's grip on Horyu's hand was like a vice. If Haku had truly been at death's door, it would've been nearly impossible to escape his hold, but he wasn't dead. Yet, freeing himself without snapping Haku's fingers was proving to be a challenge. Horyu, caught in the moment, allowed Haku to maintain his grip. Nearby, Kurenai, having realized Horyu was weaving a Genjutsu, layered her own illusion over it, deepening Zabuza's entrapment. She didn't question Horyu's plan, not yet; there was no time. Instead, she added to the confusion, making it harder for Zabuza to break free.

As she finished her handseals, she approached Horyu, who was still caught in Haku's steadfast hold. Time was of the essence; Zabuza's instincts as a seasoned ninja meant he would soon shake off the Genjutsu. Direct attack was not an option either; it would only hasten Zabuza's realization and shatter the Genjutsu. For now, he was deep within his emotions in a safe cocoon, if something threatened him, he would snap from illusion. "What is your plan?" Kurenai inquired, her voice low and urgent.

Horyu exhaled slowly, his breath visible in the chilly air. "Sensei, defeating Zabuza head-on is a tall order, so why not make them retreat instead? They're working for Gato; they're not our direct enemies." Kurenai nodded, understanding the rationale but curious about the execution. She too had considered this, but the 'how' eluded her.

Horyu's eyes flickered to Haku, who was still holding onto him. "This boy and Zabuza share a strange bond. I used an emotional Genjutsu to exploit that. If it works, they might retreat without further conflict." Doubt shadowed his features for a moment. He was, after all, still a Genin, playing at psychological warfare with a seasoned killer. But it was a gamble he was willing to take, hoping that the fake death of Haku and the Genjutsu would stir something in Zabuza. It was a risky play; it could very well provoke Zabuza into a frenzy instead of retreat.

Kurenai remained silent for a moment, gauging the situation. Zabuza was beginning to stir, his massive form tensing as he fought against the invisible chains of the Genjutsu. "We need to be ready for anything," she murmured, her hand instinctively reaching for a kunai.

Horyu nodded, his expression grim. "I'm aware, Sensei. But if we can't beat them, we should make them retreat or at least try." His voice was firm, his quests were paramount. Since rewards for letting Zabuza and Haku go were much better than simply killing them, he had to try his best to achieve just that.

The hold didn't last long. As Zabuza's eyes flickered open, a mix of remorse and fury swirled within their depths. He stared at Haku, who still clung to Horyu with a desperate grip. The moment was tense, filled with the potential for both violence and understanding. Horyu exhaled slowly, his relief palpable yet cautious. Zabuza's emotions were shifting, a subtle change that might just tilt the scales in their favor.

"He is not dead. I intentionally missed his heart," Horyu declared, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through him. His face was earnest, projecting sincerity. "We don't want to kill you. You're just hired swords. If you retreat now, we can forget this enmity." His words hung in the air, a tentative offer amidst the chaos.

Zabuza's expression was a complex tapestry of surprise and contemplation. The revelation that Haku was alive seemed to stagger him, his hardened heart softening ever so slightly at the edges. He grunted, his gaze shifting between Haku and Horyu, weighing his next move. The possibility of retreat, of living to fight another day, was a tempting one.

Horyu watched Zabuza closely, his eyes sharp and calculating. He knew the Mist ninja's decision was a pivotal one. If Zabuza chose to continue the fight, the outcome was uncertain, and more blood would undoubtedly be shed. But if he chose to retreat, it would be a subtle acknowledgment of the bond he shared with Haku, a humanizing moment for the feared Demon of the Mist.


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