Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch88- You Think You’re Better Than Me

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Horyu exhaled deeply, a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead. The mental exertion had been intense, but the satisfaction of breaking the Genjutsu was palpable.

Itachi nodded in approval. "Well done, Horyu. You've shown remarkable control and understanding of Genjutsu, especially for someone who has only recently awakened their Sharingan."

Horyu's eyes, still bearing the two swirling tomoes of the Sharingan, met Itachi's gaze. "Thank you, Itachi-sama. Your Genjutsu was intricate. It felt like trying to untangle a spider's web without breaking it."

Itachi's expression remained calm, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Your approach was methodical. Most would panic or try to brute-force their way out. You, however, analyzed and adapted. That's a rare quality."

Horyu deactivated his Sharingan, feeling the strain around his eyes ease. "This exercise gave me a lot to think of. Breaking Genjutsu with the delicacy of figuring out the key nodes is a lot different than brute techniques such as breaking the flow of Chakra.."

Itachi agreed. "Exactly. When using Genjutsu, the mind is the true battlefield for a shinobi. Control that, and you control everything. And to break it, break the control."

They continued their training, with Itachi guiding Horyu through various Genjutsu scenarios. They focused not only on creating illusions but also on counteracting and transforming existing ones. Itachi emphasized the importance of subtlety and precision, skills that would be crucial in the upcoming exams.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Horyu felt his understanding of Genjutsu deepen. It was one thing to know the theory, but practical application under Itachi's guidance was something else entirely. He could feel his control over chakra becoming more refined, his techniques more nuanced.

After several hours, Itachi called for a break. "You've made significant progress, Horyu. But remember, Genjutsu is not just about what you cast. It's also about what you don't. Sometimes, the threat of an illusion can be as effective as the illusion itself."

Horyu pondered Itachi's words. The concept resonated with him. In many ways, it paralleled his approach to strategy – sometimes the mere suggestion of a move was enough to shift the balance.

As they sat in silence, Horyu's mind wandered to the Chunin Exams. He knew that the skills he was honing now would be crucial. But there was more to it than just personal growth.

Itachi seemed to read his thoughts. "The Chunin Exams are a test of skill, but they're also a stage. How you perform will reflect not only on you but on Konoha and the Uchiha Clan."

Horyu nodded. "I understand. I won't let you or the village down."

Itachi smiled slightly. "I have no doubt. Now, let's continue. There's still much to cover before the day ends."

Itachi, occasionally countering Horyu's attempts, pushed him to refine his techniques further. "In a real battle, your opponents won't always give you a clear opening. Your Genjutsu must be able to adapt, to find the cracks in their defenses."

Horyu absorbed every lesson, every critique. He understood that this training was invaluable, a rare opportunity to learn from one of the best. As the days wore on, his illusions became more intricate, more convincing. He was learning to not only create illusions but to layer them, to create a web of deception that could ensnare even the most wary opponent.

As the sun began to set on the final day of the week, casting long shadows over the training ground, Itachi finally called a halt to their session. "That's the end of our training. Rest and reflect on what you've learned. Tomorrow, the exam begins."

Horyu bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Itachi-sama. I'll be ready."

Walking towards home, Horyu opened his system interface to assess the improvements he had achieved over the past week of intense training with Itachi. The screen before him flickered to life, displaying a series of updates in a crisp, clear format. Horyu's eyes narrowed as he read through the list, taking in every detail.

[System Message:

Sharingan Mastery: Current Mastery Level: 27%

First Tomoe (1-22%): Mastered

Second Tomoe (23-44%): Enhanced perception, including the ability to read lips and mimic basic physical movements. Improved genjutsu capabilities and better prediction of an opponent's moves.


Basic Senses Mastery:

Sight Mastery: 59%

Hearing Mastery: 53%

Taste Mastery: 50%

Touch Mastery: 49%

Smell Mastery: 40%

Secondary Senses Mastery:

Balance and Acceleration: 28%

Pain: 39%

Temperature Awareness: 25%

Kinesthesia(The sense of muscle movement): 18%

Hunger and Thirst: 24%

Time Perception: 7%

Space Mastery: 5%

Emotions Mastery: 18%

Physical Response Mastery:

Arousal: 19%

Sexual Acts: 18%

New Jutsu;

Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change: Allows the user to turn an opponent's Genjutsu against them.

Temple of Nirvana Technique: Induces a deep sleep in targets, rendering them unconscious.

Mental Fortitude: Enhanced resilience against psychological stress and mental manipulation.

Chakra Control: Further refined. Efficiency in chakra usage improved, particularly in executing Genjutsu.]

Horyu couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at the significant progress he had made. His training with Itachi had not only honed his existing skills but had also introduced him to new techniques and concepts, deepening his understanding of the Uchiha clan's infamous visual prowess and the art of Genjutsu.

Closing the interface, Horyu reflected on the week's training. Itachi had pushed him to his limits, forcing him to adapt and evolve. The new techniques he had learned were powerful tools in his arsenal, particularly the Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change. It was a technique that resonated with his strategic mindset, turning an opponent's strength into their weakness.

It was a funny story as well. Horyu, inspired by anime, had decided to use Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death in a training session with Itachi. He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. The irony was not lost on him – using the very same Genjutsu Kurenai had once employed against Itachi, only to have it reversed with Itachi's Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change. He wondered how Kurenai had felt in that moment, tied by her own Genjutsu. Walking home, Horyu couldn't help but laugh lightly to himself, reminiscing about the moment.

His Genjutsu Mastery had certainly come a long way in just a week. During their breaks, he had engaged in deep conversations with Itachi about different branches of Genjutsu. Horyu was careful to keep his questions vague, steering Itachi towards subjects he wanted to learn more about, especially in time and pain masteries. Itachi’s Tsukuyomi, capable of stretching a single second into 72 hours of perceived time and unleashing endless pain, was a subject of particular interest to Horyu.

Walking through the familiar streets of Konoha, Horyu mused to himself, "I always thought Itachi's Tsukuyomi was overpowered in the anime, but understanding the mechanics behind it... it's even more terrifying." He shuddered slightly at the thought of being subjected to such an intense Genjutsu.

He reached his home and sat down to relax, contemplating the wealth of information he had gathered from Itachi. His mind wandered to the upcoming Chunin Exams. 'With this kind of power, I could easily dominate the exams... but that would put too much attention on me,' he thought. 'Need to balance showing off my skills with keeping some cards hidden.'

Horyu's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a sharp knock at his door. Rising from his contemplative state, he strode over and swung it open, revealing Sasuke on the other side. The boy's presence was as imposing as ever, his demeanor brimming with a mixture of arrogance and impatience.

"What do you want?" Horyu asked bluntly, his tone devoid of any warmth.

Sasuke snorted dismissively, "Come with me." His demand was terse, expecting compliance.

Horyu didn’t bother with pleasantries. Closing the door right in Sasuke's face, he turned back into his house. But Sasuke wasn’t one to give up easily. The door shook under another series of louder bangs.

Sighing, Horyu reopened the door. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Sasuke demanded, his voice tinged with irritation and offense.

Horyu met Sasuke's gaze with a deadpan expression. "I don't owe you an explanation, nor do you have permission to order me around. Now, what do you want?"

Sasuke's teeth gnashed in frustration. "What did Nii-san teach you?" he inquired, his curiosity overcoming his irritation.

Smirking, Horyu replied, "What does it have to do with you?"

Sasuke, driven by a mix of envy and frustration, reached out to grab Horyu's collar, but his hand passed right through, a clear sign of a Genjutsu. "Genjutsu? Since when?" he asked, his Sharingan activating, revealing two tomoe in each eye.

Before Sasuke could react further, Horyu pressed a cold kunai to his neck. The sudden shift from illusion to reality caught Sasuke off guard. "Don't force me, Sasuke. I can make it hurt... a lot."

Sasuke froze, the cold metal against his skin a stark reminder of the situation's seriousness. "Fine," he growled. "Just tell me what he taught you."

Horyu withdrew the kunai, stepping back as he released Sasuke from the Genjutsu. "It's none of your business, Sasuke. But since you're so curious," he paused, a sly smile crossing his face, "let's just say I've learned a few tricks that go beyond the standard Uchiha curriculum."

Sasuke, his pride wounded, shot back, "You think you're better than me?"

Horyu looked directly into Sasuke's eyes and said, "I don't think, Sasuke."

Sasuke's smirked, mistaking Horyu's words for retreat, but Horyu continued, "I don't think about you. I care very little about you. So, no. I don't think I am better than you. I couldn't care less."

Frustration etched on his face, Sasuke clenched his fist tightly and turned away. "So be it. In the exam, I will destroy you and show everyone who is better." With those final words, Sasuke stormed off, leaving Horyu to close the door once again.


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