Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch89- Just Like Anime

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Sasuke swiftly vanished from his thoughts. Horyu had no intention of wasting brain cells on the edgelord. Instead, he redirected his focus to the upcoming Chunin Exams. 'The System Quest offered the same structure as the anime: a written exam, Forest of Death, Preliminaries, and the Final bout. It doesn't matter if there are deviations; my main concern is Orochimaru, although I doubt he'll make an appearance,' he thought to himself.

Sitting down, Horyu began to strategize. 'In the written exam, I'll need to be careful. It's not just about intellect; it's about cunning. I'll have to be crafty to gather information without getting caught.'

His thoughts then shifted to the Forest of Death. 'That stage is perfect for my skills. Stealth, tracking, ambush – these are my strengths. I can use 'Ghost Mirage' and 'Silent Step Technique' to move undetected to try to complete two subquests together. And with my enhanced Sharingan and genjutsu skills, I'll have an edge.'

As he contemplated the Preliminaries, Horyu mused, 'Close combat is inevitable. This stage is important. Subquests are tricky. I don't want to show too much skill, but I also want the rewards. But more importantly, I must outsmart my opponents.'

Finally, considering the final round, he thought, 'Here, versatility is key. I need to demonstrate a range of skills. This is where I can truly showcase my growth. But I must be cautious not to reveal too much of my true capability, but I really want to complete the quests too. Perks sound amazing.'

Sighing, Horyu decided it was time to wind down for the night. With the Chunin Exams starting tomorrow, he needed his rest. A quick shower to cleanse away the sweat and grime of the day's training, and he was ready for bed. His thoughts lingered briefly on the upcoming challenges before sleep claimed him.

The next morning, Horyu awoke with the first light of dawn. The day of the Chunin Exams had arrived. Dressing quickly, he grabbed his essentials and made his way to the Ninja Academy. He arrived earlier than necessary, keen on observing the dynamics between the other Genin, especially interested in whether the scene with Lee challenging Sasuke, as seen in the anime, would unfold in reality.

As he neared the Academy, the buzz of excited and nervous energy from the gathered Genin was palpable. He spotted Hinata and Shino waiting near the entrance, their expressions a mix of determination and anxiety. "Morning," Horyu greeted them, his voice calm and steady.

Hinata turned towards him, a small smile on her face. "Good morning, Horyu. Feeling ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Horyu replied. "What about you two?"

Shino adjusted his glasses, his voice even. "Ready. It will be an interesting challenge."

Climbing the stairs to the second floor of the Ninja Academy, Horyu, Hinata, and Shino observed the minor trick set to filter out the less perceptive Genin: Classroom 201 had been changed to 301 with a simple Genjutsu. Horyu gave a slight nod, acknowledging the test's subtlety. It was a basic challenge, yet effective in its purpose. Standing in front of the door were Izumo and Kotetsu, the eternal gate guards, now guarding this new entrance. As they approached, they noticed Rock Lee on the ground, apparently punched by Kotetsu. Of course, Horyu knew Lee was concealing his true strength.

Just then, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kiba arrived, observing the scene. Sasuke, never one to miss an opportunity to assert his superiority, casually remarked, "Well, you better let me pass. Since this is the second floor, that door is fake." His statement, smug and loud, alerted everyone in the vicinity, undermining the purpose of the test. Sasuke's eyes met Horyu's, a mix of anger and gloating evident in his expression.

"Isn't it, Sakura? You are our Genjutsu specialist. You should have seen it from miles away," Sasuke added, with a tone that implied both praise and a subtle jab.

Sakura, her cheeks flushing with a mix of coyness and pride, responded, "Of course I noticed."

Kotetsu, not one to tolerate such arrogance, charged at Sasuke, exclaiming, "Just seeing is not enough." As both were about to clash, Lee swiftly intervened, stopping their kicks with an effortless grace that shocked both Sasuke and Kotetsu.

Neji, watching the scene unfold, commented dryly to Lee, "That wasn't what we agreed. Didn't you suggest we hide our strength?"

Lee, his gaze briefly lingering on Sakura, replied hesitantly, "But..." He then confidently approached Sakura, introducing himself with a charming smile. "Hi. My name is Rock Lee. So, you are Sakura. Would you like to be my girlfriend? I will protect you with my life."

Sakura, taken aback by the sudden proposition, responded bluntly, "NO WAY! You are lame." Her words were harsh, echoing through the corridor.

Horyu, observing the interactions, couldn't help but smirk at the familiar scene. It was just like the anime, yet with a distinct twist that made it uniquely real. He thought to himself, 'This is going to be an interesting day.'

Horyu couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise when Neji didn't challenge Sasuke as he did in the anime. With his father still alive, Neji's demeanor was more subdued, a result of his different upbringing. But he felt amused as he watched the scene with Rock Lee unfold.

As Lee boldly approached Sasuke, challenging him for Sakura's hand, Horyu's smirk widened. "This should be good," he muttered to himself. The prospect of watching Sasuke get taken down a peg was always entertaining.

Shino, standing beside him, seemed surprised by Horyu's interest in the bout. "Are you interested in them, Horyu?" he asked.

"Not really," Horyu replied, his eyes fixed on the two Genin squaring off. "Just a bit of fun."

As Sasuke and Lee moved to an open area for their impromptu duel, Horyu activated his Sharingan, curious to see the techniques and movements of both combatants. If there was anything worth copying or learning from their fight, he wasn't going to miss it.

Sasuke and Lee faced each other, the tension palpable. Sasuke, with his usual air of arrogance, seemed confident, underestimating Lee. Lee, on the other hand, stood in a relaxed stance, his gaze focused and unwavering.

Lee was the first to move, closing the distance between him and Sasuke with surprising speed. His movements were a blur, a testament to his intense taijutsu training. Sasuke, caught off guard, barely managed to block the first few strikes.

[System Message:

Copying Attempt Detected - Taijutsu: Speed and Precision. Konoha Strong Fist Style.]

Horyu's Sharingan tracked every movement, the intricate details of Lee's taijutsu style becoming clearer with each passing second. However, Lee's speed was extraordinary, pushing the limits of what Horyu could analyze and copy in real-time.

Sasuke, regaining his composure, countered with a series of well-timed kicks and punches, his Uchiha training evident in his fluid movements. The two exchanged blows, their fight a dance of speed and agility.

[System Message:

Copying Attempt Detected - Taijutsu: Uchiha Intercepting Style]

Horyu's attention was divided between the two combatants, his Sharingan flickering as it absorbed the nuances of their techniques. While Sasuke's style was something he was more familiar with, Lee's unique form was a new puzzle to solve.

The duel escalated, with Lee's speed increasing to a point where Sasuke struggled to keep up. Lee's strikes became more precise, each one aimed at Sasuke's vital points. Sasuke, relying on his Sharingan, managed to evade the worst of the attacks, but it was clear he was on the defensive.

[System Message:

Konoha Strong Fist Style Taijutsu Analysis Complete - Data Stored]

Horyu's Sharingan had gathered enough information on Lee's taijutsu style. The precise, swift movements, optimized for close-range combat, were now imprinted in his mind. But he knew replicating such speed would require intense physical training.

When Sasuke was sent flying by Lee's swift attack, he opened his Sharingan, confident in his impending victory. But as he charged forward, he suddenly felt a presence beneath him. Before he could react, a powerful kick from Lee sent him flying through the air. Lee had used the Shadow Dance technique to position himself under Sasuke, ready to execute the Primary Lotus.

Horyu, having seen enough, deactivated his Sharingan and turned to walk away. He had gathered sufficient data from their fight and saw no need to witness the conclusion.

Hinata, looking puzzled, asked, "Huh, what happened?"

"It's over," he said, smirking slightly.

Just as Hinata and Shino turned to see the result of the fight, Guy appeared, his arrival marked by a thrown shuriken that stopped Lee's attack mid-air. The sensei's timely intervention was followed by a stern lecture on the appropriate use of their skills.


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