Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch93- End of the Second Stage

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Close to the tower, Team 8 stopped as Hinata and Shino reported a concerning situation. "Three teams," Shino said in a low voice. Hinata nodded in agreement. "If we walk through, we'll be ambushed," she added, her tone laced with caution.

Horyu clicked his tongue, frustration evident in his expression. 'We can't be detected. Even a mere glimpse by them means failure of the second quest. It's more challenging than the Hitman Game,' he thought. He scrutinized his HUD map; the enemy teams were still out of sight. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Tell me where they are."

Shino seemed taken aback by the request. "Are you planning to attack them? Why don't we just break through?"

Horyu shook his head, his voice firm. "I want to finish this stage undetected if possible." Shino and Hinata didn't understand his insistence, but he couldn't just reveal it was because of a system quest. Still, they complied and pointed out the positions of the teams.

Blending into the darkness of the night, Horyu donned the Master's Mantle, feeling the ancient chakra within it resonate with his own. The cloak, a living artifact, adapted to his stealthy movements, enhancing his already formidable ability to move unseen. He touched the bracelet on his arm, speaking to his Shinobi Shadow Pet, Noir. "I will leave one of them to you. Knock them out swiftly without killing." The bracelet melted into a black liquid and then took the shape of a kunai. Horyu grasped it firmly and flung it toward one of the enemy teams.

As the kunai flew through the air, Horyu moved swiftly towards another team. The darkness of the night combined with the Master's Mantle and Ghost Mirage made him nearly invisible, a phantom moving through the shadows. His plan was to incapacitate them silently with Genjutsu, allowing his team to pass swiftly and undetected.

Approaching the second team, Horyu's chakra flowed subtly, weaving an intricate Genjutsu. The team members suddenly found themselves hearing strange, disorienting sounds, their senses betraying them. In their confusion, they turned away from their original positions, fighting phantom enemies, they were lured away from the path.

He then turned to the third team as Noir came back to him. The sleek cat melted into a bracelet after a soft purr and attached herself to his wrist. With Noir back in place, Horyu surveyed the scene before him, his eyes narrowing as he formulated his next move. The third team, unaware of his presence, continued their vigilant ambush, oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows.

As he neared the third team, Horyu's Sharingan flickered to life, its crimson gaze piercing the night. He could see the chakra of the team members, a vibrant glow against the dark backdrop of the forest. With precise control, he extended his chakra, ready to cast another Genjutsu.

The team suddenly halted, their senses overwhelmed by an illusion of their deepest fears materializing before them. They saw monstrous figures emerging from the trees, their forms twisted and grotesque. The fear was palpable, their bodies frozen in terror as the phantoms closed in.

Horyu moved like a shadow, swiftly and silently. He circled around the paralyzed team, his movements fluid and calculated. His hand reached out, deftly snatching the Heaven scroll from the belt of the nearest Genin. The task was completed with such finesse that the team remained oblivious to their loss.

Retreating back to the safety of the shadows, Horyu deactivated his Sharingan, conserving his chakra. He signaled Hinata and Shino, who had been waiting for his mark. They quickly regrouped, Hinata's Byakugan scanning the area for any signs of pursuit, while Shino's bugs formed a protective perimeter around them.

Horyu took the second Heaven Scroll he had just stolen and turned towards the forest. With a powerful throw, he sent it soaring into the air. Following the scroll, he hurled a kunai with an a altered Explosive Tag attached. The tag ignited in mid-air, creating a fiery trail that illuminated the night sky. "Let's go," he called.

The explosive distraction worked perfectly, drawing attention away from their location. Hinata and Shino followed without hesitation, their trust in Horyu's judgment implicit despite the unconventional tactics. The forest around them was a cacophony of sounds, from the explosion's echoes to the distant shouts of confused ninja teams.

The path now clear welcomed Team 8. "No one ahead," Hinata reported, her Byakugan deactivating as she scanned the area one last time. Horyu nodded in acknowledgment. Speed and stealth had been their allies in this leg of the exam, and hopefully, their efforts had kept them undetected. The team moved swiftly towards the tower, blending into the shadows of the forest.

Just before they were about to enter the tower, Horyu paused. In the shelter of the dense foliage, he formed the hand seals quietly, his movements almost imperceptible in the dim light. A Shadow Clone materialized beside him, an exact replica of him, revealing nothing of its true nature. Without a word, the clone merged with the shadows and dashed away, its mission clear in Horyu's mind.

Hinata and Shino, none the wiser, followed Horyu as they approached the tower. The structure loomed above them. Upon reaching the tower, they found themselves in a large room. An enigmatic poem was inscribed on the wall but Horyu paid it little attention. His focus was on the task at hand. He held the two scrolls they had gathered and opened them simultaneously. A puff of smoke erupted, and a Chunin appeared. "Oh, you are quick," the Chunin commented, a hint of surprise in his voice.

Once inside, the team was led to separate rooms to rest. With over four days remaining until the exam concluded, they had ample time to recuperate. Entering his room, Horyu closed the door behind him and sat on his bed, his expression contemplative.

The System Message flashed before his eyes, a silent herald of their success:

[System Notification: Quest Update - "The Chunin Exams Challenge"]

Sub-Quest: "Master Tracker" - Completed

Sub-Quest: "Undetected Predator" - Completed

Total XP Gained: +600

Rewards Unlocked: "Tracker’s Instinct" Perk, "Ghost Walker" Perk

Horyu allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. The two subquests had posed a significant challenge, but their successful completion had granted him valuable perks. The "Tracker’s Instinct" and "Ghost Walker" perks would undoubtedly enhance his abilities, adding depth to his repertoire of skills.

Horyu lay on the bed in his assigned room, staring blankly at the ceiling. His mind wasn't idle, though; he was running through the events of the day and the rewards they had garnered. "System, show me my perks and explain the difference between perks and titles," he commanded internally, his eyes narrowing slightly in anticipation.

A translucent screen materialized in front of him. The system's response was prompt, displaying a detailed list of his newly acquired perks along with a brief explanation of their function.

[System Message: Perks and Titles Explanation]

[Perks: Enhancements or abilities gained through quests, achievements, or significant milestones. They provide specific improvements or abilities that are always active.

Titles: Earned recognitions that often come with passive benefits. They can be switched according to the situation but only a limited number can be active at any time.

[Current Perks]

"Master of Illusions": Enhances Genjutsu capabilities (Earned from Written Exam)

"Tracker’s Instinct": Improves tracking, stealth, and ambush skills

"Ghost Walker": Enhances stealth, making detection by others more difficult]

Horyu nodded slightly, absorbing the information. The 'Master of Illusions' perk was particularly intriguing, given his growing proficiency in Genjutsu. 'This will come in handy,' he thought, a faint smile playing on his lips.

He shifted on the bed, crossing his arms behind his head. 'These perks give me a distinct edge, especially in stealth and Genjutsu. It's like stacking the deck in my favor,' he mused, his eyes glinting in the dim light of the room.

Horyu decided to rest, knowing the importance of conserving energy for the challenges ahead. With more than four days at his disposal, he planned to use the time wisely, balancing rest with training his skills. As he lay on the bed, his thoughts drifted to the strategies and skills he would hone during this brief respite. Despite the quiet of the tower, his mind was anything but idle, constantly analyzing and preparing.


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