Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch94- Clash of Forest of Death

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Double Chapter. They were separate, but I want to end this part quickly. 


Meanwhile, at the center of the Forest of Death, an unexpected event caused a stir among the remaining teams. The Heaven Scroll, ignited by Horyu's clever distraction, soared through the sky, its trailing flame drawing attention. The teams, unable to discern the type of scroll from the distance, were split in their intentions. Some considered chasing it, hoping to claim it for themselves, while others saw it as bait, a chance to ambush other teams drawn to the spectacle. Almost instinctively, the various teams began to converge towards the location of the flying scroll.

Team 7, led by Sasuke, with Sakura and Kiba at his side, watched the scroll carefully. Sasuke's sharp eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "It could be a trap," he said cautiously. Sakura nodded in agreement, while Kiba, ever eager, seemed torn between the urge to chase and the caution advised by his teammates. “It is a Heaven Scroll.” He said, sniffing the air.

Team 10, composed of Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji, observed the scene with calculated interest. Shikamaru, his hands behind his head, appeared nonchalant but was deeply analytical of the unfolding scenario. "Troublesome," he muttered, "but it might be worth checking out." Ino agreed, her eyes flashing with excitement, while Choji munched on a snack, seemingly indifferent but alert.

Team Guy, consisting of Neji, Lee, and Tenten, focused on the scroll with varying degrees of intensity. Neji's Byakugan was activated, scanning the area for potential threats. Lee's enthusiastic demeanor contrasted with Neji's calm analysis. Tenten, weapons ready, weighed their options, her gaze shifting between her teammates and the scroll.

From the Mist Village, Team Mist, including Chōjūrō, Suigetsu, and a skilled kunoichi named Hakuha, debated their course of action. Chōjūrō, ever cautious, suggested they avoid the commotion, but Suigetsu, with a wild grin, was tempted by the chaos. Hakuha, her calm demeanor belying her lethal skills, suggested a stealthy approach to observe before acting.

Team Rock from Iwagakure, led by Kurotsuchi, included two capable ninjas, Takeshi and Kaede. Kurotsuchi's tactical mind was at work, considering the risks and rewards of engaging. Takeshi, a muscular and imposing figure, was eager for a confrontation, while Kaede, the more reserved of the two, advised caution.

The Cloud Village's Team Cloud, comprising Karui, Omoi, and Atsui, reacted with typical vigor. Karui's aggressive stance was tempered by Omoi's thoughtful consideration and Atsui's fiery temperament.

Team Sand from Sunagakure, with Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro, stood apart from the others. Gaara's intimidating presence and calm demeanor set the tone for his team. Temari assessed the situation with a tactical eye, while Kankuro, his puppets at the ready, waited for Gaara's signal. Gaara, his gaze unfathomable, contemplated the scroll in the sky, weighing the potential risks against the strategic advantages.

Some of the teams, such as Team Gaara, had already acquired a scroll, but to their luck, it was the same as theirs. Now, they all converged on a single scroll.

The clearing in the Forest of Death bristled with tension as teams from various villages gathered, each eyeing the others with a mix of wariness and calculation. The flaming scroll, a beacon in the night, had drawn them together into an uneasy standoff.

As the teams from various villages converged in the heart of the Forest of Death, they formed a large, tense circle around the fallen Heaven Scroll. No one dared to make the first move, their eyes darting between the scroll and their potential adversaries. The air was thick with anticipation and unspoken strategies, each team calculating their next move in this high-stakes game.

Sasuke, standing confidently with Team 7, broke the silence. His voice, laced with arrogance and a hint of disdain, echoed through the clearing. "This scroll is useless to us. I'm willing to trade it for an Earth Scroll," he announced, his eyes scanning the assembled ninjas.

Temari, representing Team Sand, stepped forward, her fan resting on her shoulder. "We have a spare Earth Scroll," she replied, her voice steady and her gaze unwavering.

Neji, his Byakugan active, smirked at Temari's admission. "That means you have two Earth Scrolls, doesn't it?" he said, his tone calm but provoking. "I'll take one, or maybe even both."

Kankuro, standing beside his sister, shot a glance at Sasuke. "Isn't he from your village, Uchiha?" he sneered. "Can't you control your dog?" His words, directed at Neji, visibly infuriated Team Guy.

Lee, always eager to defend his teammates, clenched his fists. "Neji is no one's dog," he retorted, his youthful energy barely contained. Tenten placed a calming hand on his shoulder, her eyes alert and assessing the situation.

Kurotsuchi with a sly grin, turned her attention to Sasuke. "That means you have a Heaven Scroll, right, Uchiha boy?" she asked, her tone teasing yet sharp.

Sakura, standing next to Sasuke, frowned at the escalating tension. She whispered to him, "Be careful, Sasuke. We don't want to start a fight we can't finish."

Kiba, his senses heightened, growled softly. "Let them come. We're not afraid of a fight," he muttered, his hand resting on Akamaru's head.

Shikamaru, observing the unfolding drama, sighed. "This is getting troublesome," he murmured to his teammates. Ino nodded, her hands ready to form seals if needed, while Choji looked on, his usual laid-back demeanor replaced with seriousness.

Suigetsu, unable to contain his excitement, chuckled. "This is getting interesting," he said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Chōjūrō, ever cautious, remained silent but alert, while Hakuha's eyes darted between the teams, assessing their strengths and weaknesses.

Neji, unphased by the growing tension, replied coolly to Kankuro. "Control is not an issue when you have the strength to back it up," he said, his confidence evident.

Karui, never one to shy away from a confrontation, stepped forward. "Looks like everyone's here for a trade, but who's going to make the first move?" she asked, her tone challenging.

Omoi, standing beside her, weighed his words carefully. "We need to be strategic about this. A fight here could cost us more than just a scroll," he cautioned, his hand resting on his sword.

Atsui, fired up by the situation, added, "Battlefield is hot! Let them try. We're ready for whatever comes our way."

Gaara, silent until now, spoke in a calm, almost chilling tone. "I don't care about the scroll. You all... just die." As he uttered these words, sand began to swirl menacingly around him.

The tension in the clearing snapped. Teams sprang into action, a chaotic ballet of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and strategy unfolding. Gaara's sand, a deadly whirlwind, lashed out at the nearest opponents. Kankuro quickly deployed his puppets, sending them slicing through the air towards Team Rock.

Kurotsuchi, reacting swiftly, formed hand signs, the ground beneath her team morphing into a protective barrier. Takeshi charged, his powerful build smashing through Kankuro's puppet defenses, while Kaede launched a barrage of kunai with pinpoint accuracy.

Meanwhile, Neji's Byakugan scanned the battlefield, identifying weaknesses and opportunities. He deftly avoided an attack from Suigetsu, countering with a precise Gentle Fist strike that disrupted Suigetsu's chakra flow. Tenten, her weapon scrolls unfurling, rained down an arsenal upon Team Mist, forcing them into a defensive stance.

Lee, his energy palpable, engaged in a high-speed duel with Atsui, their blows a blur. Karui, seeing an opening, launched herself at Sakura, only to be caught in a subtle genjutsu. Disoriented, Karui swung wildly, missing her intended target.

In the midst of the fray, Shikamaru's shadow jutsu slithered across the ground, seeking to bind Omoi. Omoi, alert to the danger, evaded just in time, his sword clashing against Choji's expanded arm.

Sasuke, observing the chaos, weighed his options. He locked eyes with Temari, who was skillfully manipulating her fan to create gusts of wind, disrupting Team Cloud's formation. Sasuke's Sharingan whirled, deciphering patterns and movements, planning his next move.

Sakura, recovering from her encounter with Karui, noticed Hakuha moving stealthily towards the scroll. She quickly formed hand signs, casting an illusion that masked the scroll's location. Hakuha hesitated, her senses betraying her.

Chojūrō, his sword drawn, faced off against Kiba, their weapons clashing. Akamaru, sensing danger, leapt at Chōjūrō, but was deflected by a swift water jutsu from Suigetsu, who had recovered from Neji's attack.

Ino, seizing an opportunity, used her Mind Transfer Jutsu on a member of Team Rock. However, in a surprising twist, Kurotsuchi anticipated the move and kicked Lee into the jutsu's path. Ino's consciousness suddenly found itself in the body of the spandex-wearing Shinobi, momentarily disoriented.

Tenten, noticing Ino's predicament, launched a series of smoke bombs, creating a smokescreen that allowed Ino to disengage and return to her body and free Lee. Choji, using the confusion to his advantage, expanded to a massive size, creating a diversion and allowing Team 10 to regroup.

Neji, his Byakugan revealing the movements of his enemies, coordinated with Lee and Tenten, their teamwork a fluid dance of offense and defense. Neji's strikes disrupted chakra points, Lee's speed overwhelmed opponents, and Tenten's weapons provided ranged support.

Shikamaru, his mind a veritable whirlpool of strategy, observed the frenzied battlefield with a calculating gaze. Each movement, each shift in the melee was a piece of a larger puzzle he was rapidly assembling. The Forest of Death had become a chessboard, and the ninjas its pieces, each with their unique abilities and weaknesses.

Temari, seizing the moment, unfurled her fan with a swift motion, creating a gust of wind that sent the Heaven Scroll spiraling into the air. It was a clever feint, a ruse to scatter the combatants' focus. The scroll, now a tantalizing prize in the sky, drew all eyes and intentions.

As the scroll ascended, Gaara's sand, like a living entity, surged upwards, forming a bubble to ensnare it. But this was not to be. Kurotsuchi manipulated the earth beneath them, and a sudden pillar erupted from the ground. The scroll was knocked from its sandy grasp, flying directly towards the Iwagakure kunoichi.

This momentary advantage was short-lived. Suigetsu, with a grin that belied his eagerness for the fray, extended his water-formed arm, stretching towards the scroll with remarkable fluidity. But just as his fingers brushed against the prize, Sasuke intervened. A burst of fire jutsu erupted from his mouth, a scorching wave that forced Suigetsu to retract his arm or risk incineration.

Amidst this chaos, Akamaru, guided by Kiba's silent command, leaped with astonishing agility towards the descending scroll. But Atsui, ever the hothead, unleashed a fiery slash, a blazing arc that cut through the air, deterring the canine's trajectory.

The Forest of Death was alive with the clash of jutsu and the cries of battle. Ninjas darted through the trees, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Each sought the scroll, yet none were willing to give up their ground or advantage.

Shikamaru's voice, a beacon of calm amidst chaos, sliced through the tumult of battle. "Tell everyone," he commanded Ino. She, her eyes closing for a moment, sent out a wave of thought through her Mind Body Transmission Technique. The message was clear: "Ten teams lurk in the shadows, waiting to prey on our exhaustion. This fight leads nowhere, but together, we can outmaneuver them. Attack now!"

As everyone heard Ino's voice in their minds, a palpable shift occurred. Teams, once singular in their strategies, now turned as one towards the lurking shadows. Eyes sharpened, and bodies tensed, they launched into a unified assault.

In the cacophony of battle, Gaara's presence was an unyielding storm. Sand, like a furious tempest, whirled and lashed, ensnaring foes with merciless precision. His opponents, overwhelmed by the ferocity and sheer power of his attacks, died one by one. Their bodies, trapped in sand, stood as haunting monuments to his strength.

Suigetsu, a fluid nightmare, twisted and turned through the forest. His water form, both shield and weapon, allowed him to weave through the chaos, striking with deadly precision. Opponents found their blades and punches slipping through him, only to be countered by a water-formed blade that left no chance of recovery. His laughter, a chilling sound amidst the screams of battle, echoed through the trees.

Sasuke, a shadow amidst the flames, moved with a predator's grace. His Sharingan, a vortex of calculation and foresight, read movements and intentions with unnerving accuracy. Fire became his dance partner, a ballet of destruction that left his foes scorched and stunned, their chances of victory snuffed out like candles in a storm.

Kurotsuchi manipulated the terrain with the ease of a sculptor. Ground erupted, stone spears pierced, and walls of earth shielded. Her enemies, caught off-guard by the ever-changing battlefield, found themselves either trapped or exposed to her team's relentless assault.

Soon, the commotion in the Forest of Death died down as the dust settled, revealing seven teams gathered in the middle. The sole Heaven Scroll lay on the ground, its fate about to be decided in this moment of uneasy truce. Shikamaru, always the strategist, pulled out a Heaven Scroll and an Earth Scroll, their recent acquisition. "We got two. We are leaving," he announced with a tone of finality.

Suigetsu, his grin as wide as the Cheshire Cat's, brandished two Earth Scrolls. With a theatrical flourish, he dropped one. "I will drop this," he declared, and then strolled to the center. Picking up the Heaven Scroll, he completed the exchange. "And take this."

Temari, with a nod that conveyed both approval and relief, dropped two Heaven Scrolls, opting instead for the Earth Scroll left by Suigetsu. One by one, the teams followed suit, exchanging scrolls in a tense ballet of strategy and survival.

Kurotsuchi, her grin reflecting a mix of satisfaction and cunning, observed the proceedings. "Not bad. Seven teams will pass this stage. It is a bit much, but not bad at all."

Ino, her voice cutting through the aftermath of battle, countered, "Eight." All eyes turned to her. Kurotsuchi raised an eyebrow. "What did you say?"

"Horyu's team is not here, but I am sure he either passed or he will," Ino stated with confidence. The mention of Horyu drew various reactions, especially from Sasuke, who snorted dismissively. He had hoped to confront Horyu but found his absence frustrating.

Sasuke's smirk returned as he walked towards the extra scrolls lying discarded on the ground. Channeling chakra into his mouth, he unleashed a burst of fire, incinerating the scrolls to ashes. "Then pray he passed already, or he won't be able to," he said coldly. Kiba and Sakura rolled their eyes at his pettiness but chose to remain silent.

Shikamaru, ever the voice of reason amidst chaos, interjected, "Let's not fight then. We can clash in the next stage." His words, carrying the weight of wisdom and foresight, were met with nods of agreement from the others.

Gaara's presence, a silent storm of lethal intent, was momentarily calmed by Temari's reassuring words. The Sunagakure siblings stood together, a symbol of unity and strength.

As the teams dispersed, the Forest of Death, once a battlefield of intense conflict, returned to its eerie silence. The aftermath of the battle was etched in the scarred landscape, a testament to the skills and strategies of the young shinobi.


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