God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 5: Expectations and Reality


[Narrator POV]  




It was just another morning.  

The students of Class 2-B were just chatting with their friends inside the classroom.  



The chime that signifies that the class was about to start has rung.  

Without waiting for the teacher, the students started going to their respective seats.  



A group of 4 friends was talking about anime-related things.  

They were talking about what would they do in a situation where they would be transported into another world.  

Suguta Yoshiaga, Inaba Motoichi, Tsuchiya Daisetsu, and Nobira Noanobu were friends who have the same hobby.  

They enjoy what people call the otaku culture.  

They have been using their time as youth to enjoy such a thing.  

Going to class and waiting for the class to start just like always.  

It was just a normal day for the four of them.  



All of a sudden light emerged from the floor enveloping the whole classroom.  



No one in the classroom could even react.  

They found that the surrounding had changed after the light from the floor dissipated.  

From the familiar classroom, the scenery changed into an unfamiliar room.  

They heard a voice while still confused.  

At first, they could not fathom what just happened until it registered to them.  



And again, a voice was heard  


Suguta Yoshiaga's face made an uncontrolled smile.  

"Heroes? You say?"  

The class president Hano Ryuusei replied to the voice.  

Suguta Yoshiaga reacted to the voice of his classmates and confirmed that Hano heard the same thing as he did.  



"Wait don't tell me" <Suguta>  

Suguta was trying to deny it but a certain feeling of happiness was building up within him.  

Suguta took a glance at his 3 friends, those three felt the same expectation.  

"This development..." <Inaba>  

Said a boy named Inaba Motoichi who was just 2 seats in front of Suguta.  

He was a boy wearing eyeglass that makes him look so frail  

He was also the least athletic guy in the class.  


An excited boy shouted as hard as he could.  

Another boy drummed his two fists on his table while not hiding his excitement.  

Tsuchiya Daisetsu’s puffed cheeks and spherical body slightly bounced in place.  

Then Nobira Naonobu started screaming as well  

"YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Here it comes! ISEKAI COMES!!!" <Nobira>  

Nobira Naonobu was a skinny high schooler that looks older because of his thin features  

He was just as excited as his friends.  



Suguta Yoshiaga, Inaba Motoichi, Tsuchiya Daisetsu, and Nobira Naonobu were close friends.  

They looked at each other having big smiles on their faces and stood up from their chair in their anticipation.  

Each of them wants to get together and share their excitement.  


The old man Orga Les Versi became confused about all of their reactions.  




Inaba Motoichi said while running towards the old man.  

His face was full of expectation.  

Inaba became the center of attention causing Orga to lose his composure.  

"OHHH!!!" <Nobira>  



Orga cleared his throat by coughing out nothing just to gather himself from the unexpected reaction from the boys who reacted differently than he expected.  

A knight quickly stops the boy who was closing in.  

Orga replied to the boy who was quickly approaching him.  

"Indeed" <Orga>  

He replied.  



"you-" <Orga>  

The old man was interrupted again by the sudden question from Inaba.  

"So? Are we going to defeat the demon king and save this Empire from his army who is trying to conquer the world? If so for us to go back we must defeat the demon lord, am I RIGHT?" <Inaba>  



Orga made a surprised look and could not help but to take a step back.  

"Uh... Yes... exactly... how did you..." <Orga>  

Orga was completely out of his comfort zone.  

He was not expecting this kind of reaction from the heroes they summoned.  

Not only that they were able to precisely guess the reason why they were summoned, but they also have an idea of what was happening to them at the moment.  



The students of class 2-B were listening to them carefully.  

Hano Ryuusei stepped forward to keep things under control by trying to speak to Orga Les Versi.  

Hano approached Orga slowly while raising his hands slightly above his head.  

It was similar to what a student does when asking the teacher for questions.  

"So, I just want to make sure, did we just got summoned into another world?" <Hano>  

"...yes..." <Orga>  

"ah… I see... I got it" <Hano>  

Hano turned around and spoke in a loud voice.  

"Everybody there you have it, we have been summoned to another world" <Hano>  

The class president Hano Ryuusei confronted his confused classmates.  



After hearing this reply from the Imperial Magician Orga Les Versi.  

The 4 boys, Suguta Yoshiaga, Inaba Motoichi, Tsuchiya Daisetsu, and Nobira Noanobu roared their hearts out.  

For these 4 boys, this situation was a dream come true.  



While this was going on.  

Inaba approached the imperial magician once again.  

"So, do we have special abilities for us to fight? Also, how can we know our abilities." <Inaba>  



"Ah yes, you just have to touch this special reading stone and say STATUS, and then…" <Orga>  

Orga replied to Inaba.   

He then presented the Status reading stone  

But just like before, Orga was not able to explain how to use the stone.  

Inaba touched the stone and said "Status"  

And there his status appeared.  



"OHH!!! It really worked! Status!" <Inaba>  

When Inaba successfully saw his status, the 3 of the boys stood up and ran toward the Status reading Stone.  

These 3 boys are Suguta, Tsuchiya, and Nobira.  

The four boys excitedly took a turn to look at their status.  
















The four boys continued asking questions to the Imperial Magician.  

By asking these questions they have concluded that this world follows the rules of what the four boys were expecting.  

After all the questioning.  

It was dinner time.  



"OH!!! MAID!!! A REAL MAID!!!" <Tsuchiya>  

Tsuchiya voiced out his amazement after seeing A maid.  

In turn, the maid just simply smiled at him as if she was totally fine with Tsuchiya's reaction  

She bowed down to them and lifted the hem of her skirt for a little bit to greet the heroes.  



"Heroes, we have prepared dinner for you... please follow me to the dinner hall." <Maid>  

"FOOD!!! Food from another world. I could not believe that this would come true" <Tsuchiya>  

Tsuchiya said toward the maid.  



They have marched following the maid.  

There were lights all around the pathway that we passed through  

It was a mysterious light floating near the walls.  

It was as bright as a typical room light bulb.  



Moments Later.  

They were able to arrive at the dining hall.  

There was a table in the center of the dining hall.  

The tableware was carefully placed over the table.  

The chair was also aligned to each set of tableware where they are expected to sit.  

There are 28 sets of it placed there.  

It was arranged so that there are 14 chairs on each side of the large table.  

On the table.  

The was a whole roasted pig, fresh vegetables, fruits, soup, and several other meat dishes.  

There was some sort of fruit juice.  



Without waiting for their classmates Suguta and his 3 friends run toward the table and sat on four of the chairs and sat right next to each other.  

"FOOD!" <Tsuchiya>  

"Yahoo!" <Inaba>  

"Wait for me!" <Naonobu>  

"Alright Isekai food!" <Suguta>  

The four boys start digging into the foods that are served at the table.  

They started eating without a care  



"Wait!" <Reno>  

A girl wearing a thick glass and has braided hair tried to stop the 4 boys  

The girl's name is Asano Reno  



"This taste ... URP!!!" <Suguta>  

Suguta started struggling and having difficulty breathing.  

"I knew it! the food might be Poisonous since we don’t originally live in this world" <Reno>  

Said the braided girl.  



The three other boys who had started eating without waiting for their classmates became pale.  

They removed the food that was already in their mouth right away by scraping it with their hands or spitting it on the floor.   

One of the maids immediately turned pale as well and quickly ran to Suguta.  



"Sir Hero are you alright?!" <Maid>  

the maid ran toward Suguta and rubbed his back.  

The maid's face was almost touching Sugata’s face.  

Suguta’s face became red and coughed out the food clogging his airway.  



"Are you alright Mr. Hero?" <Maid>  

The maid pulled out a handkerchief in her pocket and started wiping the food on Sugata’s mouth.  

His face turned red like a tomato.  



"I... I , I I am alright! I can clean my face myself." <Suguta>  

The maid was still concerned about the boy who had started coughing after getting the food to clog his airways.  

"I I-I-I'm Ok" <Suguta>   

Food that had just got stuck in Suguta's throat prevented him to breathe in air.  

And so, they discovered that the food was not poisonous.  

But their classmate was still in doubt and no one is trying to touch the food at all.  



"Geez, these disgusting Otaku's. Can't you just control yourself and stop eating everything like pigs?" <Sassy Girl 1>  

Some of the girls began to ridicule the actions of the four boys.  

"You guys could have checked if the food is alright first, right? are you guys stupid?" <Sassy Girl 2>  

"These people ..." <Sassy Girl 3>  

Some of the girls started blaming the boys like they have done something really bad.  



The four boys became gloomy on their chairs as the maid cleaned the food that they expelled from their mouths and on the floor.  

"These girls, even in this world they still look down on us" <Inaba>  

Inaba said in a faint voice with hate.  



"Did you say something four eyes?!" <Sassy Girl 1>  

The girl said as she notice Inaba’s gaze.  

"..." <Inaba>  

The four boys were looking down on the floor contemplating their wrongdoings.  

Then a girl walked toward the table and took a bite of the food  

"hmmm... I think this is ... OK?" <Kazue>  



"Kazue!" <Hano>  

The class president was concerned about the girl who started eating the food on the table.  

"Oh, Hano... The food is alright... try it." <Kazue>  

Kazue replied  

The 4 boys who were the first ones who started eating were silent  

They looked at the girl who started eating.  

Hano reluctantly ate the food Mizusawa Kazue had suggested.   

Surprisingly, Hano made a bright face after taking a bite.  

His eye widens as he chews on the food he just put in his mouth.  

"Hmnnn!!!” <Hano>  

"The food is great right?" <Kazue>  

Hano could only nod back at Kazue as a reply.  



Kazue looks at the four boys asking for their opinion on the food.  

Their faces turned a bit red as they were dumb folded on the girl who started eating the food that they ate.  



A gloomy little girl walked towards the table right after and tried the food.  

She just nodded after the first bite and she sat down on one of the chairs and started bringing food into the plate prepared for them.  

"I suppose the food is alright??" <Gloomy Girl>  

Hano pulled a sit right beside Inaba and started eating as well.  

One by one they started looking for chairs to sit down on and started eating.  



"Disgusting weebs." <Sassy Girl 1>  

A girl intentionally said near the 4 boys so that they could hear her as she passed by them.  

"Forgive the girls..." <Hano>  

Hano said in a low voice.  

He was trying to apologize to the girls  



"They are just in a panic right now and they are looking for someone to blame... so forgive them." <Hano>  

Hano added.  

He tapped the shoulder of Inaba.  

But instead of being comforted Inaba's face showed anger while trying to stop tears from coming out of his eyes.  

The other three boys also looked annoyed.  



While their classmates were eating.  

Suguta and the other three had not touched any food.  

The four stayed silent the whole time the class was having dinner.  

Hano could not help but feel concerned about them.  

"Hano Try this food it's great!" <Chiho>  

A girl with brown hair said to the class president while giving him food.  

"Ah, ok I’ll try that thanks Chiho." <Hano>  

The girls’ faces turned bright after Hano had accepted the food she offered.  

"Right? hehe." <Chiho>  

"Tsk, These normies..." <Inaba>  

Rather than being comforted, Inaba looked more annoyed after seeing the cutest girl in class interact with Hano.  



After dinner, they were led toward the sleeping quarters  

all of them will be sleeping together in one room.  

The four boys were still feeling down.  

They were the last ones who entered the room.  

The only empty beds were the ones farthest from the door where they entered.  



There are 30 beds inside the room and aligned in a pair of 15.  

it was separated by a distance of about 1 meter.  

The beds are the basic single-size bed.  

The bed is covered with white cloth and the pillows are also white.  



Each of the students gathered in groups and minded their own business.  

Some gathered with each other while some just silently sat or lay down on their beds.  



Inaba, Suguta, Tsuchiya, and Nobira grouped together and started a conversation.  

"I really hate those sassy girls" <Inaba>  

Said Inaba in a very hateful tone.  

He gazed at the girls with hateful eyes as he remembers the rude things, they said to them earlier.  

"Yeah, acting like they’re so important." <Nobira>  

"They will be sorry once we get stronger. Where in an Isekai after all." <Tsuchiya>  

"I will become some badass in this world, I'll make them regret looking down on me." <Inaba>  



Suguta did not want to talk about hateful things.  

He tried to divert the conversation to a lighter topic.  

"But man, Isekai huh... I've been dreaming about this kind of situation all the time before. But to think that we got transported." <Suguta>  

"Yah! Unbelievable! This is amazing" <Nobira>  

"I really wished that I got the same cheat ability that Hano got." <Inaba>  

"Cheat ability huh? that dreamboat really had it easy right? ... Hero... DAMN"<Nobira>  

"Well, I really felt that Hero suits him just right but... Damn, I’m envious." <Suguta>  

Suguta looks into the ceiling while imagining himself to be the hero instead of Ryuusei  



"So, what will we do now... We finally got into another world." <Suguta>  

"Fufu, bro it's funny we just talking about it this morning and now we're here." <Tsuchiya>  

"I don't want anything to do with the stupid girls... I want to go and have an adventure." <Inaba>  

"Yeah, that is a good idea Inaba... with our knowledge about this kind of thing we will become strong maybe even stronger than Hano." <Nobira>  

"Adventure huh... I'm sure it would be fun." <Suguta>  



The four started their chat about the things that they imagine they would do in this alternate world.  

It went on the whole night and the longer they chat the more excited they got.  

Hano then asked for them to continue their chat the next day.  

It was because some of their classmates are trying to sleep.  

Hano was trying to be considerate as he knew that many of their classmates were having a hard time.  

They needed rest.  

He knew that there will be a lot of things to do.  

If things would turn out as Orga had said, then they would need a lot of energy for tomorrow.   

They would be busy training with the soldiers of the empire.  



The four otaku boys have nothing against Hano.  

They are aware that the feeling they had against Hano was "envy".  

He was popular with girls.  

He had always been the center of attention in class.  

He was responsible.  

He was someone they could depend on.  

Hano was a good person.  

The reason why Hano was popular was for those very reasons.  

It was no surprise that Hano became the "Hero".  



The four otaku boys feel that not following his words was just being petty and childish on their part.   

They still respect the fact that he was the class president.  

Even though being the class president does not apply in this world, there was a feeling within them to still follow Hano's request.  

Following Hano was also the right thing to do.  



The four decided to settle down as much as they could.  

But they had a hard time getting to sleep because of the excitement they are feeling.  

Who could blame them?  

To them having transported to an otherworld was very exciting.   

They could not wait for the future ahead.  




The next day came.  



While eating breakfast they continued devising their plans once they become adventurers during breakfast.  

Again the class stayed with their would circle of friends.  

Comforting and encouraging each other.  

Talking and discussing things at the dining table.  



After eating and resting for a while.  

They were instructed to follow Orga.  

Yesterday they were told that they would be testing their abilities with the soldiers of the Empire.   

Today they will experience how different things are in this world.  



At the training ground of the empire castle.  

It was a huge open ground filled at the entrance were several wooden weapon replicas to be used for training.  

As they came into the ground the imperial magician instructed the heroes.  

"Heroes, please receive your status cards" <Orga>  

The imperial magician Orga said to the student of 2-B.  

Everyone took their own personal status cards following Orga’s announcement.   

The status card was given to every one of the summoned heroes.  



Several soldiers were there with them carrying their training weapons and gear.  

The soldier seemed to be very intimidating to look at.  

Despite their looks, these soldiers are not bad people.  

The empire chose soldiers who had good personalities.  

The empire was not trying to give the heroes bad impressions.  

Thus the soldiers were forbidden to act rudely towards the heroes.  

In fact, the soldier themselves were excited to see the heroes.  

They are excited to teach them what they knew.   

It was an honor for them to impart their knowledge to the heroes who would potentially become the saviors of this world.  



"Status" <Inaba>  

Inaba said while still holding his Status card.  

But nothing came out of the card.   

"Hey! my card is not working" <Inaba>  

Inaba complained to the Imperial Magician.  

He did not notice this but there was a distinct look of annoyance that can be seen from the Imperial Magician.  

Who can blame the old man?   

Ever since yesterday, the 4 Otaku boys had been making trouble for the Imperial Magician by acting as if they already know everything.  

Most of the time they were right and whenever Orga tries to explain their miss conceptions they act as if they did not need it.  

But Orga kept his patience toward the heroes and acted like an adult toward children and answered.  



"You have to drop a bit of your blood on it to make a connection with the Status Card. Thi-" <Orga>  

Just like yesterday, Inaba Interrupted the Imperial Magician's Explanation once again without letting him finish his sentence.  

"Oh, that's how it works huh" <Inaba>  

Orga shook his head and moved on.  



Without minding the imperial magician, the four boys bit into their thumbs to make them bleed.  

They pinched their bleeding thumb into the status card and it glowed slightly as a result.  

Their classmates also did the same.  

Of course, some of them were a bit reluctant as they did not want to make themselves bleed.  

In the end, they ended up doing so to make their status cards work.  

Thankfully there were mages there with them that could heal their wounds right away.  



The four otaku boys immediately tried out their status cards by saying "Status".  

This time around, the card worked.  

There was different information that appeared on it compared to the stone tablet they used yesterday.  

For example, the words Health and Mana appeared there.  

There were also their levels indicated in the status card  

As expected all of them were level 1, including all of their classmates.  

Then, other information printed on the card was the same as that on the stone tablet from yesterday.  

The only information missing there was their Skills and the Titles, which were not displayed on the card.  



Later on.  

"As promised, we will now commence today's main purpose." <Orga>  

The soldiers and mages moved forward as Orga signaled them to move forward.  

"These soldiers will be helping you experience fighting in this world. It seems that most of you have already had a gist of the things we have to explain. How about we move to a more practical application of that knowledge? As the famous hero from the past once said, experience is the best teacher."  



At first, the soldiers gave simple demonstrations of several things.  

It made the class mazed as they were seeing amazing stuff from them.  

They witness "Magic" for the first time.  

They watched some amazing feats of physical capabilities.  

The class was amazed by the things they see.  

After all the demonstrations, the training starts.  



Then the class began their training.  

The soldiers and Mages guide the students of the class.  

Of course, four Otaku boys had high hopes for their skills.  



To some, this session was fun.  

The class experienced moving their body in a way could never move in their world.  

Their bodies moved more agile compared to how they were in their world.  

Some of the students were even lucky enough to be able to use "Magic".  

The experience was even more fulfilling for the four boys.  



2 hours had passed  



"Magic Bullet!!!" <Inaba>  

Inaba cast magic toward the training dummy that they are using as targets for their magic.  

Inaba was able to blast off the dummy with his skill which is the Magic Bullet.  

It turned out that Inaba has the highest INT in the class, aside from Hano’s party.  

His magic was the second best compared to his other Mage-type classmates.  



After blasting off the dummy  

He looked at the girls who were bad-mouthing him from last night with pitiful eyes.  

With a smug face, he voiced something.  

It was loud enough that the people who wanted him to hear would catch each of his words, loud and clear.  

"Who's useless now." <Inaba>  



Those words were directed toward the girls who were bad-mouthing Inaba the night before.  

Those words hurt more as those same girls have shown no aptitude in terms of battle prowess.  

Those girls did not have fighting-related jobs.  

"HEY! INABA YOU!" <Twin-haired Sassy Girl>  

A girl in twin tail approached Inaba and grabbed him by his clothes' collar.  

She was angry at Inaba who was flexing his magic abilities at them.  

"INABA YOU!!" <Twin-haired Sassy Girl>  

She was angry at Inaba, but Inaba did not flinch even for a bit.  

In fact, Inaba was even smiling.  



"HAH! You girls were talking shit to me last night. And look at you now... useless." <Inaba>  

"Yeah, look at them they look pitiful" <Naonobu>  

Naonobu added to the insult.  



The girl named Kirari could not hold herself back.  

She then slapped Inaba in the face.  

"I know they said something harsh last night but you don't have to be this rude!..." <Kirari>  

Kirari's eyes were full of emotions, she was just about to tear up.  

The Inaba and the groups were not budging on their stance and remained confident.  



Hearing this commotion among these two groups.  

The class stopped whatever they were doing and watched the group of otaku boys and the sassy girls fight.  

Orga made a problematic stare at the 4 boys who were causing the ruckus.  



Hano quickly stopped his training with the head knight and ran toward the commotion.  

He was able to pacify the situation and separated the two-opposing group from each other.  

The two groups have not forgiven each other yet and were angrily glaring at each other.  




With a sigh, the imperial magician could just watch from afar.  

He did not dare to interfere with the bickering.  

It was not because he did not care, it was just... He feels that he was not the right person to stop their argument.  

"Those group of guys is going to be a problem..." <Orga>  

The imperial magician said to himself after watching the commotion.  

He could only shake his head and watch it be settled within themselves.  



After the two groups were separated by the class.  

The class was asked to take a break.  

It was to help them take a breather and cool the recent bickering.  

The otaku group and the sassy girls’ group were prevented to come close to each other.  



Suguta thought to himself.  

"Ah, I am feeling that I did something bad right now." <Suguta>  

"Don’t be, they've got what they deserve." <Inba>  

"Serves them right." <Nobira>  

"Just forget what happened." <Tsuchiya>  



The break lasted for over an hour.  

During the break, the class had their lunch served by the servants of the castle.  

After resting and letting the food go down in their stomach.  

The training continued after that.  



The students pushed themself and ended up reaching their limits around mid-noon.  

It was the same with most of the Heroes.  

At the moment only 5 people in the class were still training with the soldiers.  

Their exhausted classmates watched them as they trained.  



Hano Ryuusei who has the job, of "Hero"  

Sakata Chiho who has the job, of "Saint"  

Muto Aeko who has the job, "Sage"  

Haga Mizuko who has the job, of "Sword Princess"  

Those 4 individuals were the most promising out of all the Heroes.  

The things they could do was cut above the rest of the class.  

Everyone knew they were special with just one glance.  

They were doing things that one can only see in dreams.  

As the class was watching them, the reality of them being transported into another world seeped into their minds.  



Silently, despite not showing the same impressive feats that those four one of their classmate was doing a job too.  

The only one among those 5 still training with the soldiers was a girl.  

She only have a common job class which was a "Swordsman".  

It was just that her average stats were a bit higher than most of her classmates.  

It was Mizusawa Kazue.  



As most of their classmates were watching Hano Ryuusei, Sakata Chiho, Muta Aeko, and Haga Mizuko.  

The four otaku boys were watching Kazue instead.  

At this time.  

Even the soldier was exhausted.  

The four boys were listening to the soldier’s conversation.  



"Man, these heroes sure look promising, aren't they?" <Soldier 1>  

"Yeah, just look at them they are this powerful despite being level 1? It makes my hope high that they will someday defeat the demon lord" <Soldier 2>  

"Yup, but forget about those 4 monsters with special jobs...That girl… Mizusawa was it? She's amazing." <Soldier 3>  

"Yeah, her stat is on par with a level 5 soldier, right?" <Soldier 1>  

"I heard from the other heroes that she was already used to fighting even before they got transferred here." <Soldier 3>  

"So that's why." <Soldier 2>  

"That's why? what?"<Soldier 1>  

"I tried sparring with her once today since I saw how skilled she was. I managed to defeat her but… she was scary. I am already level 11 and she managed to push me back while fighting seriously." <Soldier 2>  

"Seriously bro?!" <Soldier 1>  

The soldier nodded, he then added.  

"As the way she is right now, she is on par with a D-Rank adventurer. Whew~ I can't believe that she's still level 1." <Soldier 2>   



They listened to the Soldiers' exchanges of words.  

"Hee~ Mizusawa sure is impressive." <Suguta>  

"Yeah..." <Inaba, Tsuchiya, Nobira>  



They ended the training after the sun has fallen.  

The Heroes were all sweaty and dirty wearing their uniforms as they got back inside the castle.  

The imperial Magician Orga was already inside waiting for them.  

He cast some kind of magic on the students and all of the sweat and dirt from their bodies and clothes were all clean.   

He then asked the students to follow him to the hall where we appeared when we were summoned.  

The place looked completely different from the time they were summoned  



The room was large enough to fit 2 basketball courts in it.  

The ceiling was about 10 meters high.  

There are circular pillars that extend from the ceiling to the ground.  

There were a total of 8 pillars 4 on each side.  

A large chandelier was dangling down coming from the center of the ceiling.  

The light was large enough and bright enough to light up the room.  

On each of the pillars was a small floating orb that serves as a source of light that helps illuminate the room.  

In front of the door, there was a red carpet that leads straight toward the throne.  

Lots of important-looking people were all around the room, It was a crowd of all ages from a small kids to old adults.   

On the right side of the large room was a long table full of food and drinks.  

Servants are right there waiting to serve the ones who would be eating that food.  

It was a grander version of the long table in the dining room,  

There seems to be a party prepared for them as a surprise.  

The emperor then asked the heroes to eat first to help them feel at ease.   

"Heroes! forgive me~ I was not able to properly welcome you yesterday because of some trouble but I Emperor Arcane Pau Artesia VI welcomes you to Artesia Empire." <Emperor>  



The four boys went toward the table and took some food to eat.   

With those words, the nobles around the room started clapping their hands while looking at the Heroes.  

"It's the emperor" <Suguta>  

Suguta whispered toward his friends who were beside him   



While eating, Inaba started a conversation.  

"Hey, what if we ask the Emperor to help us become adventurers?"   


"Hmm? what do you mean?" <Suguta>  

"We are planning to separate from our classmates and become adventurers, right?" <Inaba>  

"Eh, but asking the Emperor is quite..." <Suguta>  

"It can't be helped. I want to go on an adventure as soon as possible." <Inaba>  

"But it might be dangerous… we should train with the soldier some more just to be safe." <Suguta>  

"HUH?! I don't want to! I don't want to see the faces of those girls for another day!" <Inaba>  

"I agree" <Naonobu>  

"But..." <Suguta>  

Amongst them, Suguta seemed reluctant about the idea.  



"If you like you can stay here, but I will be going by tomorrow no matter what." <Inaba>  

"But why should we ask the emperor when we could just go without saying anything?" <Tsuchiya>  

"We should At least get some starting money from them at the least! I mean they are the reason we are here after all. So it’s their responsibility to give us the starting money we need" <Inaba>  

"But we don’t know how money works in this world." <Tsuchiya>  

"Stupid! if it's an Isekai then we should ask for gold coins!" <Inaba>  

"I see..." <Tsuchiya>  

Tsuchiya looked enlightened.  

"As long as the four of us are together, we can be successful in this world. Don't you guys feel the same?" <Inaba>  

"I guess..." <Suguta>  

Nobira and Tsuchiya nod in agreement.  

"But how will we ask the Emperor? <Suguta>  

The four boys continued talking while eating their food as they talked.  



A few minutes later.  

The emperor snapped his finger.  

The band stopped playing the lively music thus it became silent.  



"Heroes from another world! please gather over here." <Orga>  

The Imperial Magician started talking.  

His voice was amplified by magic so everyone in the hall could hear his voice.  



"Sir Hano, please" <Emperor>  

The emperor called for Hano, the class president  

He was wearing a serious face.  

"Everyone, Listen" <Hano>  

Hano exclaimed in a loud voice.  

"I have decided to defeat the demon lord. With that, I have to go on an adventure alone and defeat the demon lord." <Hano>  

Hano said with a straight face full of resolve.  

The Heroes made different reactions to this declaration from the class president.  



"The emperor has promised me that he would protect you guys until the time I defeat the demon lord." <Hano>  

He continued to explain to his classmates.  

After his declaration, a voice rang through the room.  



"Idiot! If that is the case, I will come with you!" <Chiho>  

It was Sakata Chiho, the girl who has the job of "Saint"   

While all of the people within the hall were busy listening to the scene that Hano and 3 other girls were making.   

Suguta and his friends were making discussions about who amongst them should ask the emperor for their plan to leave.  

It was a back-and-forth argument that kept on looping without having a conclusion.  



"Alright, I have an Idea! How about we settle this with Rock Paper and Scissor" <Tsuchiya>  

Tsuchiya suggested without thinking much.   

And so, they did Rock Paper and Scissor until one of them lost.  

In the end...  

"Alright Suguta! we’re counting on you" <Tsuchiya>  

It was Suguta who ended up being the loser.  

Now, he has to be the one who should ask the emperor to give them gold coins and explain their plans to leave.  

"Do your best" <Naonobu>  

"Just relax and say what we rehearsed" <Inaba>  



And so, they managed to persuade the Emperor just with a few words  

The Imperial Magician seems to be the one to push the emperor to allow it.  

Surprisingly enough the Emperor easily agreed with them after discussing with the Imperial Magician for a short while.  

Then... something happened that no one in the room has expected.  



A girl raised her hand and asked.  

"um" <Kazue>   

"Yes, miss what is it?" <Orga>  

"I would also want to be an adventurer just like them. Also, I demand the same thing too." <Kazue>  



This time the imperial magician became reluctant.  

The Imperial Magician tried his best to not let Kazue go.  

But Kazue managed to convince the Imperial magician instead.  

After the party, we all got back into the sleeping quarter where we have slept yesterday.  

The heroes kept on trying to change Kazue's mind about becoming an adventurer.  

On the other hand, nobody from the class tried to stop Suguta and company to become adventurers.  



"Mizusawa." <Inaba>  

"Well isn’t this great? We manage to make fewer ruckus thanks to her." <Tsuchiya>  

"Well... It is Mizusawa after all" <Naonobu>  

"But this difference in the treatment... It making me feel bad." <Suguta>  

"Heh, they will regret letting us go." <Inaba>  

"I envy her... I know we are unwanted but still, this kinda hurts hehe." <Suguta>  





The next morning.  

Mizusawa Kazue had left the castle without having breakfast.  



Suguta and his friends followed after they had eaten their breakfast.  

But they immediately noticed the gloomy atmosphere of the heroes after learning that Kazue had already left.  

"it's all their fault"  

The sassy girls glared at Suguta's party who was already prepared to leave.  



Not wanting to hear what their classmate had to say.  

The four boys left the castle right away.  

As promised, they left the castle after receiving 100 pieces of gold coins, each.  



"Now... where should we go now?" <Naonobu>  

"I guess, we should find the guild and register as adventurers?" <Suguta>  

"Yeah..." <Inaba>  

"... so how do we find the guild then?" <Tsuchiya>  

"let's just ask someone who looks like an adventurer?" <Suguta>  

The four looked around and saw someone that seems to be an adventurer.  

"Oh, look over there someone who looks like an adventurer" <Inaba>  



The four glance at each other as if reading each other’s minds.  

The four went into a stance and started doing Rock-paper-scissors amongst each other.  

This time the loser was Inaba.  

Inaba approached the wild-looking man who was wearing battle clothes and weapons that made him look like a fighter.  

"Sir~ we want to get to the adventurer's guild can you point us there?" <Inaba>  

Inaba asked while the 3 other was standing behind him.  



The man looked at Inaba from head to foot.  

After which he looked at Tsuchiya, Suguta, and Naonobu who were standing behind Inaba the same way.  

"Why of course!" <Man>  

"Thank you so much, Adventurer." <Inaba>  

"You guys are not from here, are you?" <Man>  

"No, actually we just arrive here in Artesia 2 days ago." <Inaba>  

"You are in luck! I'll lead you to the guild!" <Man>s  

"Thank you!" <Inaba>  

"No problem! Follow me" <Man>  

He smiled happily as the four boys followed from behind.  

The man who claimed to be an adventurer turned and his expression changed.  

From a nice smile, the man's face contorted into a more sinister smile, then he licked his lips like a crazy man.  



They walked for about 20 minutes.  

They followed the man and found themselves in a place that you can call the slums.  

"Uh... Mr. Adventurer... are we close to the guild?" <Inaba>  

"..." <Man>  

"Mr. Adventurer?" <Inaba>  




The man turned around.  

He looked at the 4 boys with an evil smile.  

"HIHI." <Man>  

A sinister-sounding giggle escaped the man's mouth.  

At the same time, numerous people appeared from the alleys of the slums and started attacking them.  

They tried to fight back but they all fell one by one and went unconscious.  



When they woke up, they found themselves tied up and unable to move.  

Their mouth was gagged so they could not speak.  

They could feel movement from where they are tied to.  

It seems that they are being carried on a carriage of some sort.  



And so...  

The 4 boys would go on a journey full of hardship.  

They will know how this world was not what they had expected it to be.  

The reality of the Isekai they all wished for was not as forgiving as they thought it would be.  












Author’s Note: 


Alright, there we have it! The Otaku boys 

In this chapter, the Otaku boys and the Girls made mistakes 

It’s all up to you who would you blame for what happened in this chapter. 


Up next I will be writing on the girl’s side of the Story 

It’s either I do another  

1st person as Kirari 

Or I make it  

3rd person looking over the group of Gals.  

Oh here are some sketches of the characters! 





4 boys



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