God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 6: Normies and New Work

Narrator POV 




"What the... What... What is..." <Kirari> 

A confused Kirari muttered after a sudden flash of light blinded her all of a sudden. 

A few minutes ago, she was comfortable talking with her friends. 

She thought that she had passed out since everything turned so white. 

But then the light disappeared and found herself in an unknown place. 



The surrounding changed. 

There were people wearing metal armors over their whole body and carrying weapons in their hands. 

She looked around and there are several of them all around. 

Kirari became confused and her confusion turned into fear in an instant. 



She and her classmates were summoned into another world. 

The class president took charge of the class while the Otaku boys were acting as if they are very excited about the fact that they had been transported to another world. 

Yamanaka Kirari is a 16 years old High school student and was in her 2nd year in High School. 

Back in their world, Kirari has no real complaints about her life. 

At school, she likes chatting with girls with similar hobbies. 

In turn, she became a part of the group of sassy girls from within the class. 



Kirari finds her daily school life to be fun. 

Things like chatting with friends, going out for a stroll after school hours, eating in restaurants, and going out with friends during weekends. 

In short, it was fun. 

She does not wish for her current life to change in any way as it is right now. 

Kirari is happy on with her life right now. 

It was simple and normal. 



At home. 

Kirari would take care of her 12 years old and 8 years old sisters while waiting for their parents to come home since Kirari was the eldest of the three siblings. 

As the eldest sister, she would be the one that their mother would rely on to take charge of her two sisters and manage all of the household duties since she was the oldest of the three. 



Their family is not rich but they are not poor either. 

Her parents work as office workers in a company in the city. 

Their parents would give her extra money for her to pass by the supermarket to shop for ingredients for their dinner. 

She would arrive home around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. 



Kirari will arrive home knowing that her two sisters would be welcoming her home. 

They would ask Kirari what food she bought for dinner. 

Then the 3 sisters would then prepare food while waiting for their parents. 



The youngest will cook the rice. 

The second would help Kirari to prepare the ingredients. 

And Kirari will be in charge of cooking the main dish. 



They would wait for their parent who works at the same company to come home. 

They would arrive home between 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening. 

And when their parent would arrive, all of them would gather at the dining table to eat dinner together. 

While eating they would have trivial talks about their studies or experience throughout the day. 



Kirari was the type of girl who would often quarrel with her mother because of this. 

As a Teenager being nagged by your parents about doing household work and other trivial things like food and attitude. 

It was a healthy fight between a parent and a teenage child who is in her rebellious years. 

It's not because Kirari hates her mom. 

Kirari was just annoyed about how her mom pointed out and nag about the way she was dressing, the way she talks, or how she delays doing the house works because of personal matters. 

A typical cause of a teenager to be annoyed at their parents' nagging. 



On the other hand, Kirari was being pampered by her dad. 

She would often ask for extra allowance for her personal needs. 

Kirari was loved by her parents. 

Although Kirari would not tell it directly to her parents, she also loved them. 

She loved her 2 sisters too. 

She was contented of what she have. 


Now, all of a sudden she was transported into another world with her classmates. 

And then she realized how this simple thing made her happy up until now. 

This caused Kirari to become devastated. 



Things are still not clear in Kirari's mind. 

She was still confused and was trying to grasp what just happened. 

She tried to look for someone to explain things to her so she could understand why all of this is happening. 

But as more things are being explained to her. 

The more confused she became. 



Why should we fight the demon lord to save this world? 

Were are just normal people in our world, how can you expect us to save yours? 

I don't want to be here, why can't you just send us home? 

Those kinds of questions bugged Kirari's mind. 



She tried to find comfort with her closest friends in class. 

But she realized that they were as confused as she was. 

Maybe... it was because she was the eldest daughter in their family. 

Seeing her three friends who were freaking out from the current situation. 

Knowing that nothing would change if she stayed like that, Kirari decided to look after her friends instead. 

She acted tough through all of the confusion that the transportation caused. 



Kirari tried her best to be calm. 

She tried to understand what was going on to the best of her abilities. 

She tried to listen to the old man who calls himself the Imperial Magician Orga Les Versi. 



She was listening carefully... 

She listened to the conversation between the 4 otaku boys and the man who calls himself the Imperial Magician, Kirari was able to have an idea about their situation. 

All of the things the 4 otakus and the old man were talking about sounded stupid. 

It was laughable, to them it sounded like something out of a dream of a kid. 

To her, it was as if they were talking in a different language that she could not understand. 

Skills, Magic, stats, Level, Job class... What the hell are those? 

The more confused she became. 



Meanwhile her three friends. 

Utada Iyo, Arashi Yurisa, and Hino Nomi have calmed down for a bit. 

Just like Kirari, her three friends could not accept the fact that they got transported into another world. 

They did not like it. 

They hated the fact that they were transported into this world. 

They are denying the fact that they got transported. 

But they could not do anything. 



Kirari continued to listen. 

She wanted to know how to get home. 

And according to what she has understood so far, it seemed that the only way to get out of this world was to defeat the being that they call "DEMON LORD". 



"What is happening?! I Hate This." <Nomi> 

Hino Nomi said while trying to make contact with the people she knows with her smartphone. 

And as expected this did not work. 

"Why are those Otakus so happy about this... they are annoying." <Yurisa> 

Said Arashi Yurisa while glaring at the boys who are happily asking the old man. 

This was all while Kirari was caressing Utada Iyo's head. 

Clearly, out of all the people in the class, Iyo was the most devastated. 

She was curled into her knees, assuring her that everything is going to be alright. 

"What the hell is this? I want to go home." <Iyo> 

Iyo kept on repeating those words as she cried. 

Kirari could only try to calm Iyo by caressing her head. 




The four boys who bombarded Orga with continuous questions had finally finished asking the imperial magician. 

Orga looked so tired answering the question from the four boys plus Hano. 

[The class president is keeping it together. I expect nothing less from Hano.] 

Kirari thought on her mind while keeping silent watching Hano and the four Otakus. 



The Imperial magician made a signal toward the knights near the exit of the conference room we are in. 

The Knights went out of the room and came back quickly after a few moments. 

The door opened wide, and 4 guys in white-robed men entered the room. 

One of them was carrying the stone tablet Orga showed them earlier. 

As soon they appeared the Imperial Magician spoke loudly. 

"Heroes, please come check your status with this stone." <Orga> 



The class president spoke. 

"Alright everyone! since we're going to receive our status card tomorrow. Bring some paper and copy the status from stone for now!" <Hano> 

"Huh? Status Card?... WTF is that?" <Yurisa> 

"Come on Yurisa, just get a pen and paper. Let's just do as the pres. instructed." <Kirari> 

"Whatever..." <Yurisa> 

Kirari's friend uninterestedly took their notebooks and pen into their bags. 

They moved sluggishly to take their notebooks and pens. 



Their classmates started lining up in front of the stone. 

"This is so stupid." <Yurisa> 

"I know right..." <Nomi> 

Although unwillingly, Hino Nomi annoyingly walked toward the end of the line following Arashi Yurisa. 

They walked toward the end of the line with a noticeable look of annoyance painted on their faces. 



"Hey Iyo, we need to check our status... come on…" <Kirari> 

Kirari went to Utada Iyo who was still curled up to her knees. 

Kirari then lifted Iyo's face up. 

Utada Iyo's eyes were red from all her crying. 

There is a black substance smeared over her eyes. 

It was probably the make-up and eye-liner she uses. 



"Iyo... you look so bad... you should look at your face right now" <Kirari> 

She took a handkerchief and wiped Iyo's face. 

Kirari tried to cheer up Iyo by joking about how she looked. 

Although Kirari was joking, Iyo did look bad. 

"At least fix your hair." <Kirari> 

Kirari combed Iyo's hair with her hands and fixed her hair, while Iyo was wiping her face. 

Kirari then took Iyo's bag and searched for her pen and notebook for her to write on. 

She then went behind Iyo and pushed her from behind toward the end of the line. 



Kirari in particular was the one who is at the end of the line. 

From time to time their classmates are getting noisy as they looked at their classmates’ stats. 

When it was Hano's turn, they exploded while making a fuss. 

"WHOA! HANO IS THE HERO!" <Classmate 1> 

"What the heck is that stat?! he's the only one who has a stat that is over a hundred!" <Classmate 2> 

"Hano you're amazing!" <Classmate 3> 



2 of Kirari's friends were uninterested in their fuss. 

Only Kirari and Iyo were the ones who reacted to them. 

"What is happening?" <Iyo> 

Iyo asked  

"Saa~" <Nomi> 

"Dunno." <Yurisa> 

Iyo looked at the two girls in front of her but they did not know what happened. 

Instead, Kirari answered her. 

She placed each of her hands on Iyo's shoulders and said. 

"Ah, it's probably that Hano is the Hero?" <Kirari> 

Iyo answered looking back at Kirari. 

"...? Hero?" <Iyo> 

"yep..." <Kirari> 

"what's that hero thing?" <Iyo> 

"were listening earlier? The thing is...---" <Kirari> 

Kirari explained the things that she understood earlier. 



Time passed and then it was their turn to see their status. 

The four sassy girls took note of their status using the stone tablet. 











After checking their stats 

Kirari found out that the job that she and her friends got were none fighting jobs. 

Almost half of the girls in the class got these kinds of jobs. 

On the other hand, most of the boys got fighting-related jobs. 

Kirari and her friends were not familiar with the "stat" and other terms that were being used during the questioning. 

It seems that the terms were derived from the games that some of her classmates played back in their world. 



Kirari checked her notes and studied every detail written on them. 

She tried to explain the things she understood to herself as she looks at her notes. 

She tried to give meaning to the numbers and words she copied from the stone tablet. 

[Let's see...] 




Are blessing from gods for the deeds we have done in this world. 

This title can give certain benefits to the one who possesses it. 



Job Classes... determine the things we can do in this world. 

It will determine the skill we can learn in this world. 

As for me, I have the "Cook" Job Class, meaning I will be able to learn the skills related to cooking.  

I think that's just about right. 




6 categories are being measured. 

The number indicates how much of the ability we have, the higher number the better. 

STR: or Strength 

It was related to our body strength like weight lifting, jumping power, and things that needed strength. 

AGI: or Agility 

It was related to Speed related action and this also includes our reaction time. 

DEX: or Dexterity 

It was related to our fine motor skills; it affects overall body control. This includes eyesight and control over our job tools. 

VIT: or Vitality 

It was related to our body's constitution; it means how sturdy our body was. Vitality also includes stamina and survivability to take fatal attacks. 

INT: or Intelligence 

Although it says intelligence it does not affect our Intelligence per se. But rather it pertains to our magical talent and innate magical energy as well as its recovery. 

LUC: or Luck 

A non-battle-related stat that cannot increase in any way. It pertains to how things around us work according to our benefit. yes, it says how lucky of a person you are. 



And lastly...  


It pertains to the special ability we could use. 



[Yeah... I don't really get it.] 



When the class finished checking and writing their status, they were asked to have dinner by one of the maids in the castle. 

They walked toward the dining room while traversing the medieval castle's hallways 

They arrived in a room that looks like a high-class western restaurant. 

The otaku boys rushed towards the food and did not mind their manners. 



"Wait" <Reno> 

Kirari hears one of her classmates, Asano Reno. 

She was trying to stop the boys from eating the food on that table. 

Reno was the smartest girl in their class. 

But just like Kirari she also got a non-fighting-related job. 



Then suddenly Suguta, one of the boys who rushed and ate the food started to act as if he was eating something bad. 

He was struggling. 

Kirari and Iyo turned pale just thinking that the food might be poisonous. 

"I knew it! the food must be Poisonous since we don’t originally live in this world" <Reno> 

Said Asano Reno. 



The three other boys who had started eating without waiting for their classmates became pale too. 

They started removing the food that they put into their mouth right away. 

They started scraping and spitting the food on the floor. 



"Disgusting" <Yurisa> 

"Look at that nerd looking at the maid with such perverted eyes, seriously " <Nomi> 

Said Nomi and Yurisa in the sassy girl tone. 



Yurisa started talking loudly so everyone could hear her voice 

"Geez, these disgusting Otaku's. Can't you just control yourself and stop eating everything like pigs?" <Yurisa> 

"You guys could have checked if the food is alright first, right? are you guys stupid?" <Nomi> 

Nomi added, looking at the boys with belittling eyes. 



Kirari knew exactly why they started doing such action. 

It seems that Kirari's friends Nomi and Yurisa are especially annoyed by their attitude. 

Kirari's friends were annoyed seeing the happy faces of those otaku boys. 

In their mind, they are thinking 

[Why are those boys happy? we're having a hard time and yet those losers are getting so excited about this stupid thing.] 

"These people..." <Kirari> 

Kirari helplessly said to her friends. 

This was originally intended for her friends who were starting a fuss, but she realized that the 4 boys were the ones that were affected. 

It was also the same with her two friends who mistook Kirari's words to be directed toward the boys. 



The four boys became gloomy on their sits as the maid cleaned the food that they expelled from their mouths. 

Inaba Motoichi glared at Kirari and her friends. 

"These girls, even in this world they still look down on us" <Inaba> 

She felt bad for them and became silent. 

"Did you say something four eyes?!" <Yurisa> 



Knowing that Yurisa was too much, Kirari tugged on her shirt to get her attention. 

She whispered. 

"Yuri, you're being too much." <Kirari> 

"..." <Yurisa> 

With this remark from Kirari, Yurisa stopped and walked away from the boys. 



Later, the food was determined to be safe. 

Thus the class ate the food that the empire prepared for them. 

After eating 

They went toward the sleeping quarters where all of them would be sleeping. 

Everyone chose a bed of their liking. 



"I hate this place." <Iyo> 

This was while Kirari was stroking the head of Iyo who started crying once again. 

Her two other friends, Yurisa and Nomi can't stop complaining about everything. 

Yurisa was especially annoyed by the fact that her phone is rendered useless. 

Nomi was complaining that she can't roam around like she usually does. 

Iyo was yearning for the comfort of her room. 



As for Kirari... 

There were butterflies in her stomach. 

She is starting to feel concerned. 

[My sister would be in a panic right now. My parents should be calling my phone by this time.] 

She took her phone from her bag. 

There was no signal on it. 



She was hoping that a missed call or a text message would be there. 

The phone indicates that the battery remaining in it is 48% 

She bit on her lips. 




She wanted to ask for help but she could not. 

She manipulated her phone and tried to call one of the people in her contact. 

she pressed the call symbol 

the words "MOM" were present there. 

She waited for about 15 seconds and her call was canceled. 

She bit hard into her teeth while closing her hands trying to stop her tears. 

The let out a huge sigh and turned off her phone to save some of its battery power. 



She looked around and look at the reaction of her other classmates. 

The found that her classmates have a different expressions on their faces. 

She saw 3 of the other girls make a group and were seriously talking with each other. 

It was a group of smart girls in our class. 

Those three were Chino Akemi, Asano Reno, and Ueda Emika. 



Kirari was silently listening to them. 

They are planning on the things that they need to do while in this world. 

I wanted to join them but I could not leave Iyo and my two other friends right at the moment. 



Kirari moved her eyes and saw her gloomy girl classmate who loves playing games and reading. 

She saw that she was talking to herself which made her think that she might have gone crazy. 

But Kirari also knew that it was her usual self. 

Ota Rio was usually like this. 

She felt uneasy just looking at her so Kirari shifted her gaze. 



Kirari takes a look towards the deeper part of the room and saw that the boys were minding their own business as well. 

It’s especially true for the otaku boys who seemed to be having a good time. 

Aside from those Otaku boys all of them were minding their own business while looking at the paper where they used to write their status. 



Kirari looked toward the door and saw that Hano was talking with 3 of the classroom beauties. 

They are also the ones who got ridiculously high status and rare Jobs 

Most of the class except Hano himself knew that the three has feelings for him. 

Kirari was amazed by the fact Hano himself did not know. 



Then Kirari saw one of her female classmates. 

That classmate of hers went toward the window and leaned on the wall while looking outside. 

She made a very confident smile. 

"She's... smiling... why?" <Kirari> 

Kirari could not help but stare at the girl by the window. 

Her eyes were full of confidence and determination. 

The was no hint of despair or fear on her face. 



Kirari was thinking why would Kazue look like that? 

[Why is she not afraid like I do?] 

[Why are her eyes livelier than before?] 

[Why does she look so confident?] 

Kirari wanted to know. 

She wanted to ask. 



Kirari could not ask Kazue since she fell asleep before she managed to do so. 

Nomi and Yurisa are already asleep. 

She tried to blank her mind and then she realized how tiring this day had been. 

She hears a silent cry coming from Iyo. 

Kirari went to her and pacified Iyo by hugging her, telling her that things are going to be OK. 

This went on for some time. 

Later on, Iyo fell asleep like a child who got so tired of crying. 

Kirari could not leave her crying friend right now. 

The two ended up sleeping while hugging each other. 



Morning came. 



Kirari woke up later than everyone. 

Most of her classmates were up and the sun has already risen. 

Not long after, the maid knocked on the door. 

Hano ran toward the door and opened it. 

"Good morning Heroes, I have come here to invite you to have your breakfast" <Maid> 

With that, we have led to the dining room once again. 

Kirari could not appreciate it that much during the night but the place was fancy. 



They walked toward the table once again. 

Kirari remembered to ask Kazue why she did not look so afraid. 

It was just a simple curious thought and nothing more. 

She just wanted to know why Kazue was doing alright while she did not. 

She looked for Kazue and saw her sitting down in one of the chairs prepared for them. 

Kirari purposely chose to sit down next to Kazue. 

She wanted to ask how she was able to cope with their situation like it was nothing. 



They started eating 

Kazue was eating slowly while watching her other classmates as she eats. 

After some time, Kirari found a good time to talk to Kazue. 

Unlike last night, Kazue is back to her usual expressionless face. 

With a relaxed tone, Kirari casually talked to Kazue while bringing up her lively smile. 

"Hey Kazue-chi" <Kirari> 

Kirari said in a lively tone. 

"hmm??" <Kazue> 

Kazue noticed Kirari right away and looked at her with a kind of surprised face. 

"What? What is it Kirari?" <Kazue> 

Then Kirari went straight to the thing she wanted to ask the most. 

"I notice that you seemed to have no problem with all things happening right now, I was just wondering just how were you able to stay this composed." <Kirari> 

Kazue looked up while her fork was still inside her mouth while thinking of a reply. 

"Ahh~ Hano also asked me something like that. Hmnn, just like what I said to him I just imagine that this is some kind of school trip." <Kazue> 



Kirari's eyes widen and were surprised at how Kazue was interpreting their current situation. 

Kirari once thought that Kazue was the kind of person who usually looks at things seriously. 

Her sharp eyes and looks give off that kind of image. 

But that image of her all crumbled just with that reply 

"School trip... hee~" <Kirari> 

Kirari replied to me with a blank expression. 

"What??" <Kazue> 

Kazue asks as if she was troubled by how Kirari reacted. 



Kirari herself knew that she reacted weirdly toward Kazue’s reply too. 

"No, I just thought that you're surprisingly carefree, I thought you were the type who seriously thinks about things." <Kirari> 

Kirari honestly said what was on her mind. 

"Really? I think that I am always like this though?" <Kazue> 

"Hmmm. you're actually weird, aren’t you?" <Kirari> 

"Hahaha" <Kazue> 

Kazue replied toward Kirari while giving off an awkward smile. 



"So? what are you planning to do now?" <Kirari> 

Kirari asked. 

"Oh, Me? Actually, I have already thought of this last night. I decided to become an adventurer." <Kazue> 

An adventurer means that she would end up fighting monsters. 

Kirari imagined herself in that position and found out that it was one of the reasons she was originally afraid. 

She was surprised at how the two of them differed. 

"WOW, so you'll be fighting with monsters! Aren’t you afraid? ... Kazue, you're amazing" <Kirari> 

"EH why?? don't you think that what I am about to do would be crazy?" <Kazue> 

"Yeah, it's crazy that is why it is amazing. As for me, I'm just too afraid to fight monsters." <Kirari> 

Kirari did find it crazy but more than that she was amazed by Kazue's resolve instead. 

Kirari realized that the difference between her and Kazue was their perspective on how to look at things. 



"No, no I think you're amazing too. You are the one who calmed Hino and the other girls last night! If it were me, I probably fail since I am not good with those kinds of things." <Kazue> 

Kirari was surprised. 

She realized that Kazue was looking at her too. 

She was happy that somebody has noticed her effort to calm her friends after all of the confusion. 

"It's not amazing at all, I'm just acting tough. I mean look at my stats" <Kirari> 

Kirari became shy and downplayed what she had done. 

She then showed Kazue her notebook to shift the conversation toward something else. 



Kirari remembered the small pocket-sized notebook in her pocket and took it out. 

Kazue made a problematic face as she looked at Kirari's Status 

"... I" <Kazue> 

She was making a gloomy face while trying to reply 

Kirari realized her blunder 

Kirari shook her head side to side to try to fix Kazue's miss understanding. 

"Sorry, forget what I said. I'm ok with this ahaha~" <Kirari> 

"Kirari..." <Kazue> 

It seemed that she still thinks that she did something bad. 

Kirari just gave up on the conversation 

"come on! I’m ok Let's continue to eat~" <Kirari> 

"if you say so..." <Kazue> 



Later on... 

Kirari and her friends participated in the training. 

It was the first time she and most of her classmates held real swords and weapons. 



Her classmates were able to cast magic and all 

They moved so fast that it felt as if they were seeing a special effect that can only be seen in fantasy movies. 

Kirari was amazed that even she can do something that she could not do in the original world. 

She tried to swing some sword but her movement was so dull. 

It was the same with her friends and most of the girls. 

Unfortunately, after the training in the morning, only the boys were able to do good in this kind of thing. 

It was not surprising after all they came from a world that does not require anyone to know how to fight with a sword. 

They were just randomly swinging swords and all. 



Some seemed to be talented in this kind of thing 

One of them was Kazue. 

Kirari remembered that Kazue was part of the kendo club together with Haga Mizuko 

They moved like professionals while holding their swords 



Meanwhile, Hano Ryuusei makes loud yells with all of his flashy skills and absurd strength. 

It was the same with the two girls who were sticking close to him all the time. 



Because of this Iyo was especially depressed after claiming that she was so useless. 

She now feels even more helpless. 

Out of all her friends, Iyo was the most sensitive. 

Kirari's group had given up on practicing with a sword realizing that they can't keep up with their classmates. 



Then one of the otaku boys went close after a big explosion. 

It was the boy with thick glasses, Inaba Motoichi. 

"Who's useless now." <Inaba> 

A boy with large glasses said in Iyo's direction. 

He was one of the boys that Yurisa and Hino were bad-mouthing yesterday. 



"HEY! INABA YOU!!" <Kirari> 

Kirari tried to cover for Iyo and could not stop herself from grabbing Inaba by this clothes' collar. 

"INABA YOU!!" <Kirari> 

Kirari was angry because Iyo had nothing to do with Inaba, but Inaba did not flinch even for a bit. 

"HAH! You girls were talking shit to me last night. And look at you now... useless" <Inaba> 

"Yeah, look at them they look pitiful" <Nobira>  

Added by the thin Otaku, Nobira Naonobu added to the insult. 



Kirari was pissed off and slapped Inaba as a result. 

"I know they said something harsh last night but you don't have to be this rude!..." <Kirari> 

Kirari was about to cry. 

It was caused by the accumulation of stress from all the things that happened since yesterday. 

And now they are trying to shame Iyo, who had nothing to do with them. 

The Inaba’s groups were not budging on their stance. 



The class stopped whatever they were doing and watched the group of otaku boys and the sassy girls fight. 

Hano quickly stopped his training with the head knight and ran toward the commotion. 

He was able to pacify the situation and separated the two-opposing group from each other. 

The two groups have not forgiven each other yet and were angrily glaring at each other. 

The two groups were separated for the whole day. 



The evening of the same day. 

A party was held during the night. 

during the party, it was decided that Hano will take the responsibility to defeat the demon lord. 

Also, the 4 otaku boys would become adventurers and leave the castle by tomorrow 

And then there was Kazue who decided to become an adventurer just like what she said to me earlier this morning. 



The class tried to stop Kazue but I was the only one who did not. 

I knew that even if I tried, I won’t be able to change her mind. 

Since her closest friend Chiho, Mizuko, and Aeko themself could not stop her. 

I did not even try to stop her. 



Time passed. 

We spent our days training and learning about the world with the help of the imperial magician. 

During this time the class became homesick and missed their life back in their world. 

They were also culture-shocked by the norms in this world. 

But as time passes, they were starting to get accustomed to this world and there have been days when they would not even think of their old world 



And so, a month had passed by. 




The hero's party comprising of Hano Ryuusei, Haga Mizuko, Muto Aeko, Sakata Chiho, the Knight Master, and the Princess went on a journey to defeat the demon lord. 

Soon after, the class went away from the castle to do whatever they like. 

Soga Shunsho, together with Amisaki Hyobe, Wakuri Michio, and Mita Eisuke decided to become adventurers and left the castle a week before the Hero party left. 

Around the same time Chino Akemi, Asabi Reno, and Ueda Emika worked as merchants within the empire and have been traveling all over the place. 

Meanwhile, all of the other heroes went into their journey not able to resist the temptation to see the world themself. 



It has been a week since the hero party left and the only ones left in the castle were Kirari and her 3 friends. 



Kirari and her 3 friends were in the garden eating sweets and has nothing to do inside the castle of the empire. 

"I want to work" <Kirari> 

"Ah... it has been boring ever since our classmates have gone into their respective adventures" <Nomi> 

"Should we leave the castle too?" <Yurisa> 

"Eh? but the monsters..." <Iyo> 

"No, I was planning to work here in the capital, not as an adventurer. Since I am a cook maybe I'll look for a restaurant or something" <Kirari> 

"Well, we don’t have the skill to fight monsters anyway." <Yurisa> 

"Should we ask for the old man Orga to recommend us to a good place?" <Iyo> 

"Oh~ Iyo nice idea" <Nomi> 



And so, they asked Orga to find them a suitable job. 

"Old man Orga" <Nomi> 

"Miss Nomi, what is it?" <Orga> 

"We would like to find a work out of this castle can you find us one?" 

"Hmmm, Let's see" <Orga> 

"If possible, we want to work here in the capital" <Yurisa> 

"Also, if possible, for our workplace to be near to each other" <Iyo> 



Orga contemplated for a moment 

"Ah, I know a perfect place where all four of you can work close to each other" <Orga> 

"Really?!" <Iyo> 

"Indeed. It's in the Adventurer's Guild and the Scale Atelier." <Orga> 

"We don’t care about that! we accept" <Kirari> 

"Hohhot, fine I'll introduce you to the guild master and the owner of the scale Atelier" <Orga> 



Two days later Orga introduced the 4 girls to the owner and the guild master. 

They were on the top floor of the Scale Atelier. 

A man who was in his early 20s was there. 

He has black hair, black eyes, and a silver earring dangling on his right ear. 

He has a very charming face and is between the look of a wild and innocent-looking guy. 

He wears a simple white turtle neck shirt and a black leather jacket that is just hanging by his shoulders like a cape. 



"Let me introduce to you the Imperial Capital Adventurer Guild Master, The youngest of the 10 S-rank Adventurers in the whole world. Svencity Stirling" <Orga> 

"Haha what's up with that Introduction Old man," <Svencity> 

Replied by Svencity to the old Imperial Magician 



The four girls were standing still while looking at the young-looking guild master. 

They were surprised after seeing the guild master since they expected him to be much much older. 

"Iyo... It's a hottie!" <Nomi> 

Nomi said to Iyo while shaking her with her two hands. 

"Seriously... this is the guild master? He’s a hottie!" <Iyo> 

"This is the guild master... He's my type" <Yurisa> 

"This is surprising" <Kirari> 



The four began talking while looking at the guild master with passionate eyes. 

"Just ignore the Old man and call me Sven... anyways I heard that you want to have work?" <Svencity> 

"Ah! Yes! if possible, we want to work with each other nearby!" <Kirari> 

"Ahaha, you don't have to be nervous! Well of course we have work for all of you. As I was told your jobs were, Cook, Alchemist, Artist, and Crafter am I correct?" <Svencity> 

"Y-Yes!" <4 Gals> 

"Which of you is the cook?" <Svencity> 

"Ah, that would be me! I can cook just fine but to be honest I never work in as a cook in a bar before…" <Kirari> 

"We don't mind that. All of us will have to start somewhere, right?! Luckily, we are looking for a new cook. Would you like to work for the guild?" <Svencity> 

"GLADLY!" <Kirari> 

Kirari accepted the job without having second thought after knowing that the guild master has no problem with her work experience. 

"Great! As for the 3 ladies you would be working in Scale Atelier as apprentices is that ok?" <Svencity> 

"Yes! please!" <Nomi, Iyo, Yurisa> 

"Great! I have already notified the Owner of Scale Atelier but for the moment, she can't meet you for now because of some personal matters. Don’t worry she happily accepted you in her shop" <Svencity> 

"Thank you so much Sven-same" <4 gals> 



The guild master went toward the four girls 

He removed his black leather gloves and offered the girls his hands. 

"I'll be looking forward to working with you four." <Svencity> 



Each of the four girls shakes the guild master’s hands. 

It was as if the four had met a popular male Idol back in their world. 

Their faces were red after seeing the face of the good-looking guild master up close. 



They started working in the guild and the Atelier. 

This was also with the fact that the four were hiding their Identity as one of the summoned Heroes to avoid problems. 

Only the guild master and their employers were the only people who knew about their true identity. 



And so, time passed by again. 



It has been a week passed since Kirari and her friends started working. 

They were able to meet their classmates who were working as adventurers from time to time to visit the guild or the Atelier. 

They were all doing good and we're doing just fine. 



One day in the guild bar. 

Kirari was tasked to serve the food in the bar today. 

She had been popular with the adventurers as the bar's new worker. 

She was having a lively chat with them and found each day lively listening to their adventures 



One of the adventurers gave Kirari a magic stone that they call a “weak electric stone” as a tip. 

By flowing mana into its weak electric power can be stored in it. 



Kirari had an idea. 

She gave the electric stone to Yurisa to make something out of it. 

Yurisa gladly accepted it after knowing Kirari's Idea. 



Yurisa was able to finish Kirari's Idea 

They made makeshift power plug holes into the electric stone. 

They flowed some of their mana into it to charge its mana reserve so it could create electricity. 

"It's done!" <Yurisa? 

"I wonder if it will work"<Iyo> 

"We won’t know till we try" <Nomi> 

"Alright here I go" <Kirari> 



The four friends gathered in the guild bar after their work have been done for the day. 

Yurisa plugged her charger into the makeshift holes in the stones. 

The phone started charging. 


The four girls cheered. 

after 5 minutes, Kirari removed her phone from its charger and turned it on. 

The other girls took turns charging their phones using the weak electric stone. 



It has been a month since Kirari last turned her phone on. 

She was able to charge it up to 8% 

She turned on her phone and looked for new messages. 

But as she has expected, there was no message. 

She thinker the phone for a bit. 

"Huh?" <Kirari> 

She noticed something; happiness quickly emerged into her face. 

"WHAT!!" <Kirari> 

Kirari screamed which called the attention of her friends who were excited waiting to charge their phones. 

Iyo walked toward Kirari who had just screamed. 

"What’s wrong, Kirari?" <Iyo> 

"Iyo, Look!" <Kirari> 

"This is! NO WAY!!!" <Iyo> 

"Eh, what is happening over there?" <Nomi> 

Nomi and Yurisa walked toward Iyo and Kirari 

"EH! NO WAY!" <Nomi and Yurisa> 

Kirari snatched her phone from Nomi who fell to her knees 

She stared at the wave-like icon at the top of the screen of her phone. 

"What the heck, why is there WIFI connection in here?" <Kirari> 



Yes, there was a WIFI connection in the bar. 

Author Note:
Alright! Kirari's side is done!
Now I get into the others in the next few chapters
They might become short chapters since most of the next chapters are focused on just 1 character's adventure
and then we'll be back to Kazue!
Well I already have a draft on what to do
Here are the upcoming chapter titles until chapter 25:


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