Gospel of Blood

Chapter 30: Sebastian's Life Goal

Regarding the origin of the Bloodborne, there are various opinions on the Myria Continent.

Some say that it dates back to when the elves, fleeing their homeland, first set foot on the Myria Continent three thousand years ago, bringing with them the bloodline curse resulting from their intermarriage with humans.

Others claim that it originated from a legion of immortals created by an ancient God during the forgotten war between Gods in annal of history.

However, regardless of the source, any origin story mentions a mysterious and grandiose presence.

Described as the oldest entity, the source of all bloodbornes, a true myth.

It is depicted as the progenitor of the Bloodborne, an entity revered by all Bloodbornes as the True Ancestor.

No one knows what the True Ancestor of the Bloodbornes is called. Some say HE is called Cain, some say SHE is Lilith, some say HE is a brooding, elegant male, and others say SHE is a beautiful female whom even Gods would admire.

T/N: I think I need to start typing in all capital for God's pronouns...

Some even say that the True Ancestor never had a name.

IT is simply itself, IT is the True Ancestor.

During the era when the True Ancestor walked on the mortal realm, bloodbornes held the pinnacle of secular power, and their influence could be found behind the scenes in almost every country.

Until the Bloodborne Civil War.

No one knows what exactly happened during the Bloodborne Civil War two thousand years ago. Time can drown everything, turning history into stories, stories into legends, and eventually burying legends in the passages of time.

People only know that since then, the Bloodborne began to decline.

The True Ancestor became a thing of the past, and the Bloodborne split into six major clans, beginning a long and brutal internal struggle.

At the same time, the Holy Court, which ruled the entire continent right now, began to rise.

Today, there are only five out of the six major Bloodborne clans left.

During the Thousand-Year Holy War, the Holy Court buried the past, wrote a new history, and Bloodbornes were completely branded with the label of evil race and forced to survive by hiding in the darkness...


The old woman spoke with a calm and weathered tone, recounting the secrets buried in history.

Sebastian's expression gradually became solemn.

"So... where is the True Ancestor of the Bloodbornes? Where did HE go?" he asked.

"I don't know..."

The old woman shook her head.

"Some say HE was betrayed by the Bloodbornes and fell, some say HE disappeared, and some say HE grew weary of HIS divine status and exiled HIMself..."

"However, there has always been an ancient prophecy among the Bloodbornes—"

The old woman paused, her expression serious, and slowly said.

"When the progenitor returns, HE will eventually reclaim HIS divine throne, and all traitors will receive their fair punishment!"

Sebastian's heart skipped a beat, then he fell silent. After a moment, he suddenly murmured softly.

"So... HE will return someday?"

"That's not for me to know. I'm just an old woman about to pass away. As for this ancient prophecy... frankly speaking, many Bloodbornes no longer believe in it."

The old woman chuckled lightly. But then, her expression turned solemn again.

"However, even if a fallen myth returns, it won't be easy. In the process of reclaiming the divine throne, there will undoubtedly be various difficulties..."

"A slight misstep could lead to failure."

"Of course, if HE really returns, then... in this era when true Gods are in retreat, it will surely stir up a storm that sweeps through the entire world!"

"Some will benefit from it, and it's even possible that some will follow in HIS footsteps and ascend to the divine throne."

"Some will face destruction, even if... they are lofty Gods!"

Listening to the old woman's words, Sebastian's eyes flashed with determination. His hands subconsciously clenched and then relaxed, then clenched again. And his mood was like a tsunami, surging and turbulent, stirring up waves of shock and awe.

The return of the God! It's very likely that Lady of the Night is a returning ancient God!

Sebastian's heart was crying out, roaring, trembling!

At the same time, there seemed to be some kind of thought churning in his heart, growing stronger and stronger...

Everyone has ambitions and pursuits. The long lifespan had already robbed Sebastian of any life goals. Apart from the troubles brought by the Adam Cult, he lived a monotonous life day after day.

Boring, uninteresting, and tiresome. He had no interest in getting involved in the struggles of any power.

In his view, even the demi-gods revered by mortals were nothing more than the afterglow of true gods behind the scenes.

But now, things were different. He suddenly realized that he might have come into contact with the truly towering figures behind this world!

To follow a demi-god might make one a legend in epic tales. But to follow a true God might offer the chance to become a myth written on the walls!

There's no denying that Sebastian was tempted.

Myth! That's a myth! It means true eternity and the admiration of mortals!

If the desire in his heart wasn't strong enough, it could only mean that the temptation presented to him wasn't strong enough.

What temptation could be more enticing than following in the footsteps of a true God, witnessing THEIR return to THEIR divine throne, and witnessing THEIR radiance shining upon the world once again?

The Gods never mistreated their followers. The stories of those who followed myths, demi-gods, and even true gods were not uncommon in the legends of the Myria world!

The more Sebastian thought about it, the more tempted he became. He felt as if flames were burning deep within him, his heart pounding wildly.

He seemed to see a path he had never considered before, one he had never dared to hope for.

His expression kept changing, his breathing becoming increasingly rapid, his face gradually flushing, his gaze becoming brighter... After a long time, he gently closed his eyes, returning to calmness.

When he opened his eyes again, those crimson pupils were filled with unprecedented determination. He made up his mind.

He must seize this once-in-a-millennium opportunity, hitch a ride with Lady of the Night, and see the unseen sights from a higher vantage point!

At this moment, Sebastian had never been so eagerly anticipating Lady of the Night's call!

"Sebastian... your eyes have changed."

Seeing Sebastian's expression, the old woman looked surprised.

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"I can sense that your heart no longer seems as confused as it used to..."

"You seem to have found your path."

"Can you tell me what you're thinking?"

Sebastian's gaze fell slowly on the old woman. He was about to answer when he suddenly stopped.

After a moment of hesitation, he smiled faintly.

"It's nothing, just some small thoughts."

The change in his thoughts brought about a change in his way of thinking.

After deciding to follow Lady of the Night, who was likely the resurrected True Ancestor of the Bloodbornes, Sebastian found that many of his thoughts had changed.

For example, looking at the prophetess witch with her foresight eyes before him, he suddenly felt a sense of caution deep in his heart.

"I can't tell her about Lady of the Night's matters!"

"At least... not now!"

"She's too mysterious, and her abilities are too miraculous."

"Lady of the Night is hiding her identity, obviously not wanting more people to know about her return."

"As the chosen one of Lady of the Night, I have a responsibility and obligation to keep her secret!"

"Even if I tell Anna about Lady of the Night's secret and invite her to join... that's something for later, and I'll need the permission of the Great Being!"

"I am the chosen one of Lady of the Night, and only I can be the first companion of the Great Being to walk on the mortal realm!"

Sebastian was persuading himself like he was self-convincing. Perhaps he couldn't fully distinguish whether he was genuinely considering Lady of the Night's well-being or if he had some concerns about someone else taking the position closest to the God.

"The return of God must come with signs. Maybe I should investigate if there have been any related events on the Myria continent recently."

"I can't just rely on Lady of the Night's call again, I should actively seek her out, approach her, and offer my loyalty!"

"I need to do it quickly, no, I must do it quickly! I am not a Bloodborne; if Lady of the Night finds someone she favors among the Bloodbornes, I will lose my advantage..."

"No, I have to go back quickly and investigate the news about the cursed pages, try to find more cursed pages as much as possible!"

Sebastian soon made up his mind. And after making up his mind, he couldn't sit still anymore.

He stood up in one go, gracefully and lightly picked up the wine glass, and smiled politely.

"Ms. Anna, thank you for clarifying my doubts. This is your reward for this time, please accept it."

With that, he took out a gorgeous ring and placed it on the table.

"I suddenly remembered that there are other matters to attend to. I'll leave it here for today, and I'll visit again when I have time next."

After speaking, Sebastian hastily bowed to the old woman and then left gracefully.

Watching his departing figure, the old woman's gaze remained unchanged for a long time. After a long while, she sighed lightly, laughing and scolding.

"What an impolite old fox!"

But soon, she coughed violently, her aged face showing an unnatural paleness.

Leina hurried over, her amber eyes filled with concern.

"Leina, I'm fine..."

The old woman waved her hand gently, her gaze full of affection as she looked at the girl.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, she gently took the girl's hands, whispering softly.

"Leina, how long have you been with me... ten years, right?"

The girl didn't speak but nodded obediently, her cute appearance evoking pity.

"It's been ten years, huh..."

The old woman sighed with emotion.

"Time flies so fast. Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you haven't changed at all, but I have grown old."

"Perhaps... this is the price of foresight, giving me miraculous power but taking away more of my hope..."

The old woman sighed deeply, as if lost in memories. After a long time, she held the girl's hands again.


This time, her expression became unusually serious.

"If one day I'm no longer here, go and find Sebastian."

Leina trembled slightly. She raised her head, and her big eyes instantly filled with mist, pleading and reluctant.

The old woman paused for a moment, then smiled.

"What's with that expression? I'm not going to abandon you."

She sighed lightly.

"It's just... I don't have much time left."

"I can't accompany you forever, nor can I protect you for a lifetime..."

"But he's different..."

"I don't know what he encountered, but... I see a new prophecy in him, I see a possibility!"

"That's not only his hope but also yours."

"He must have encountered something, and your destiny... perhaps only that kind of power he encountered can change it."


"When I'm gone, go find him."

"I believe that the entity he encountered will not only change him but also bring you... a new life!"


T/R: Man, this chapter makes me contemplate on my translation... I'm not sure if it was Sebastian that was fickle or the author. They started with respectful god's pronouns but then later went back to casual pronouns. Also, the races translated entirely to vampire now... I'm not sure if I should keep the bloodborne, and even if I change to vampire, idk how to smoothly change it without giving an inconsistent translation feeling. If u pay attention at the start of the story, they're called Blood Demon (Bloodborne)/Bloodkin, and there's no one calling it a vampire. Hence later on MC stated that the race is similiar to vampires from Earth's myth. So by that point, it should've been only MC that knows the term vampire... Sigh... That is my rant for now

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