Gospel of Blood

Chapter 31: Spirit Path, Majesty


In the basement of Castell Estate, Charlotte sneezed and couldn't help but shrink her neck.

Although it was June, the temperature in the basement was still a bit low, making her nose feel stuffed.

The Blood Calling had ended.

Charlotte glanced at the hourglass she had prepared in advance, estimating that about fifteen minutes had passed.

"The cooldown of the Blood Calling has returned to 0%, it seems I'll have to attend more church services later..."

"My body feels a bit cold, I must have just entered that magical world with my consciousness while my body remains outside."

"It was the right decision to perform the Blood Calling in the basement. During the summoning process, my external body will lack protection."

Charlotte quickly deduced this conclusion.

She dusted off her dress, stood up from the ground, but suddenly felt dizzy. It felt like she had just completed a hundred obscure and difficult math problems. Charlotte felt her whole brain buzzing, dizzy, and confused.

As a girl who had some understanding of the supernatural power, she knew that this was a sign of mental exhaustion. However, despite feeling particularly tired, Charlotte's mood was quite joyful.

She had obtained the third page of the Gospel!

Although she hadn't had time to see what the content of the additional page was on the Gospel of Blood in the dream world, at the moment of the dream's collapse, Charlotte did sense some additional information on the Gospel.

After resting against the wall for a while and feeling that her mental strength had recovered slightly, Charlotte left the basement. After all, she had some unpleasant memories here, and she didn't want to linger for too long after she was done.

Returning to the ground floor of the estate, the bright sunlight made the girl feel like she was back from another world.

Leaning against the wall back to her bedroom, she collapsed onto the bed, not wanting to move at all.

She subconsciously shook the silver bell on the bedside, wanting to have a maid bring up a glass of milk, but then suddenly realized that there were no longer any maids in the house.

The vast manor still had only her alone, desolate, with only the chirping of birds in the garden.

The thought of having to go through two corridors and then around a big circle to get milk from the pantry, a walk that would take a full ten minutes, made her instantly lose motivation and feel like a slug.

"It's not good to have such a big house... It's so inconvenient to even want a glass of milk. Without maids, everything is so inconvenient."

Charlotte shook her head, suddenly missing her petite and exquisite house from her previous life, where she didn't need to do more than a few steps to reach the refrigerator in the kitchen.

With a sigh, she lay down on the bed and closed her eyes to rest her mental strength. And this rest lasted for about two hours.

Two hours passed, and most of the overused mental strength had recovered. Ensuring that she could communicate with the Gospel of Blood again, Charlotte couldn't wait to submerge into her consciousness.

She really wanted to know what abilities the additional page of the Gospel had provided.

The familiar crimson enveloped her vision, and the heavy gospel reappeared.

After flipping through the first two pages, the third page appeared in the Gospel.

The page was still blank. However, when Charlotte's consciousness focused on it, familiar golden words slowly appeared—

[Gospel of Blood - Spirit Chapter]

[Darkness rises like a veil]

[Looking around, I perceive my awakening...]

[Demand respect from opponents, majesty is my glory,]

[Command obedience from enemies, domination is my scepter,]

[Extend the limits of perception, illusion is my disguise.]

[Spirit Chapter - Majesty (Unlocked)]

[Discovered spell: Low-level Majesty Magic]

[Low-level Majesty Magic: Basic magic of the Path of Majesty, the common magic of the Spirit Path, can enhance one's majesty and intimidate or charm targets when facing the user.]

[Do you want to inherit?]

Charlotte was quite accustomed to this kind of description, similar to a game system.

The Gospel of Blood seemed to have the ability to adapt to the habits and cognition of its owner, so in her vision, it was presented as a system image like a cheat. After all, Charlotte had read many web novels in her previous life that featured systems.

She had experimented and found that if she wanted to change the way the Blood Scripture was displayed, she could do so completely. Such as materializing parchment, changing it to a blackboard, or even turning it into a virtual character in her consciousness, even a two-dimensional anime girl would suffice...

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However, Charlotte preferred to let the Gospel simulate a "system". This gave her the feeling of playing a game or being a protagonist in a novel.

Different from the first two pages of the scripture. The new page belonged to a new chapter and did not possess special abilities like the Genesis and Divinity chapters but merely recorded a spell of bloodborne.

"Low-level Majesty Magic? Spirit Path?"

Charlotte pondered.

It is said that there are five development directions for the bloodborne, also known as the resonance of the five major bloodlines.

This was determined by Charlotte after studying her personal information in the Genesis chapter several times.

The five bloodline resonances are the Darkness, Wilderness, Flesh and Blood, Spirit, and Insight.

Charlotte currently had only resonated with Darkness Path, mastering the basic blood magic of the Darkness Path, and was perfectly proficient. That is the ability to create blood servants and blood descendants.

This was the basic ability of the bloodborne, innate, and served as a solution for the difficulty of achieving natural reproduction of the bloodborne.

Bloodbornes are known as dark creatures, and besides not dying naturally, the primary reason is the possession of this basic talent of the darkness path.

Now, Charlotte finally had the opportunity to learn the second bloodborne magic!

"Majesty Magic... From the description, it's a magic that can enhance one's aura, which is very useful for me right now."

"Although it doesn't directly increase combat power, if used properly, it might be effective in future dealings with servants, nobles, and the church."

Charlotte pondered. She was well aware that socializing as a noble was necessary, and it had to be done well!

With this in mind, Charlotte didn't hesitate and made her choice immediately.


With the decision made, Charlotte felt a vast amount of information flooding into her mind.

Dots of crimson light constructed in her mental world, constantly spreading and outlining, finally condensing into an illusory magic structure.

At the same time, Charlotte felt her understanding of low-level Majesty Magic soaring rapidly.

It was like being fed a blueprint, knowing how to chant magic, how to evoke the magic structure in her mind, how to resonate with mental power, and successfully learning Majesty Magic... Everything took shape in her mind.

[Inheritance Successful]

[Low-level Majesty Magic Mastery (Basic: 0/100)]

After about a dozen seconds, the knowledge infusion ended.

Charlotte had a feeling... If she wanted to, she could completely cast this magic now!

Of course, not proficiently. She was just given a roadmap, but how to walk, how to walk better and faster, and how to truly integrate everything, required a lot of effort.

She couldn't wait to find a target to try it out on.

Looking around, Charlotte soon saw a chattering sparrow on the branch outside the window. She had an idea.

Sitting up straight, she locked eyes with the sparrow on the branch, following the magic structure in her consciousness she had just inherited, and then silently recited the convoluted and mysterious incantation:


A subtle light flashed in Charlotte's pupils, feeling a mysterious power somehow added to her body and projected onto her eyes.

"Come here!"

She waved to the sparrow, her childish voice carrying a hint of majesty, quite commanding.

The sparrow trembled slightly, then spread its wings and flew up, obediently landing on the girl's palm.

Watching the sparrow on her palm, which seemed a little scared but also inexplicably dependent on her, Charlotte smiled slightly.

At the same time, the information about low-level Majesty Magic in her consciousness changed.

After the basic description... 0/100 turned into 1/100.

However, just at this moment, Charlotte's consciousness suddenly stormed...

The crimson light appeared again, and the familiar text gradually spread—

[Conditions met...]

[Glorious Master of the Gospel, do you want to open the Inheritance Ascension Tree?]

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