Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 79 Darkness

Chapter 79 Darkness

Adam sat on the railing of the lighthouse's gallery deck. One leg was dangling in the air, while the other leg was folded as he rested his chin on his knee and looked at the city that had just woken up.

Seeing the people getting ready to begin their day, completely oblivious to what had happened the night prior, Adam sighed. Only the people who had lost someone would be aware of the tragedy that had struck the city last night.

Edward, Lisa, and their familiars climbed the top of the lighthouse and saw Adam sitting there, gazing at the City of Sails in silence.

Both of them took their seats beside the youth, and for a while, no one said a word. Edward suddenly patted Adam's shoulder and asked, "You okay?"

Adam simply nodded.

Seeing this, Lisa sighed. "This isn't like you at all, Adam. Tell us what happened."

Adam was silent for a long time and then replied, "I, uh…" He couldn't find the words to say. In the end, he clenched his fists and finally muttered what was in his heart, "Today, I killed someone with my own hands. And I don't feel so good about it!"

Edward and Lisa were taken aback. The latter thought to herself, So this is what's been bothering you?

She patted Adam's other shoulder and comforted him. "It was either you or them. Besides, what we were fighting were undead creatures, the nemesis of life. You shouldn't feel bad about killing them."

Adam nodded at Lisa's words. It made sense, but still, it was a surreal experience for him. He knew that on his journey as a Magus, he would have to stain his hands with the blood of countless people and that this was just the beginning. He had to steel himself.

I need to change my mindset, he thought to himself.

"But there's something else," Adam added.

"Oh?" Lisa raised her eyebrows. "What is it?"

"Earlier when I saw Magus Karl being severely injured by the vampire spawn, I was overcome by disdain for the man," he began.

"I never thought I'd feel contempt over someone who's… weak." He spoke with a hint of confusion in his eyes, seemingly not being able to believe that such words would even come out of his mouth.

Hearing this, Lisa smirked and even Edward started to laugh.

"What is it?" Adam looked at his two friends, not knowing what was so funny.

"That's just you being arrogant. It appears that you didn't even know how arrogant you were until now." Lisa chuckled.

"Me, arrogant?!" Adam was slightly taken aback. He never considered himself to be a haughty person. In fact, he always thought he was humble and down to earth.

"What else do you think it is then?" Edward rolled his eyes.

Adam remained silent, trying to come to terms with what he'd just learned about himself.

Lisa deeply looked at him and said gently, "It is the right of the strong to be arrogant and aloof."

She then looked into the distant sea with a reminiscent look in her eyes, remembering the words that her late father had once said to her.

"But that doesn't mean you can't be considerate of others."

Adam turned to look at her and could feel the sadness in her tone. But he didn't ask her about it. Instead, he smiled with gratitude.

"I see…

"Thank you. Both of you."

In the large cavern, the atmosphere was as gloomy and chilly as ever. The aura of death pervaded every inch of this grotto.

Near the large metal cage that imprisoned the close to a hundred residents of Hannes City, the Vampire Magus was standing with his arms crossed and looking at the seven spawns kneeling in front of him with a cold expression.

"So eight of you died?" His voice seemed to originate from the icy depths of hell, sending chills down the spines of those in front of him.

When the spawns heard him, they trembled in fear. All of them bowed their heads and smashed them against the cold floor as they asked for mercy.

"Forgive us, Master!"

"Please forgive us!"

"Show us mercy!"

"We beg you!"

"Silence!" The Magus snapped. He waved his pale and slender palm and instantly beheaded a vampire spawn. Then, he walked toward him and stomped his head to a pulp.

He looked at the other spawns and muttered coldly, "Who gave you the permission to speak?"

The remaining vampire spawns couldn't stop their body from trembling as they saw one of their comrades be instantly killed by their own master. They remained quiet, afraid of angering him further.

The Vampire Magus looked at the additional human sacrifices in the large cage and nodded. "Seventeen humans for the price of eight of you. Well, it's not too bad."

He turned to look at the spawns in front of him and coldly smiled. "It doesn't matter how many of you trash die. I can make as many of you as I want. As long as the the number of humans you abduct exceeds the number of you that die, everything will be on track."

Sensing the cold indifference from their Master's voice, the spawns shuddered. Yet, they could do nothing about it. Ever since they'd been turned by their Master, their life belonged to him. If their Master told them to kill themselves, they'd do it without hesitation.

Such was the control that a Vampire Magus held over their spawns!

Without saying another word to the spawns, the Magus walked to the other end of the cavern, toward the obsidian coffin that stood behind the throne of bones.

The Magus stood in front of the coffin with a complicated expression on his face. As he placed his pale hand on the coffin, unwillingness, helplessness, and rage flashed through his eyes. But before long, all these emotions were replaced by one thing and one thing only.

Absolute devotion!

"Soon everything will be ready. When the number of human sacrifices reaches the optimal level, I will initiate the ritual," the Magus spoke with euphoria.

"And then…" Seeing the bright future ahead of him, the Magus couldn't control himself anymore.



"A world of darkness awaits!"

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