Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 80 Shipyard

Chapter 80 Shipyard

In the days that followed, the attacks from the vampire spawns didn't stop. They came once every couple of days and abducted over a dozen residents of the city every time.

And every time they appeared, many city guards would lose their lives. After all, they were mere mortals. How could they go up against undead creatures?

The Count was helpless. Although he did manage to save quite a lot of residents from getting abducted, the price he paid for it wasn't small.

Moreover, the vampire spawn that Adam had managed to capture alive had unsurprisingly committed suicide, preventing the Count from getting any useful information.

With his back against the wall, he decided to take a risk and ask for help from the wandering Magi in his county. He believed that a large enough reward would surely move them.

But these wandering Magi were known to be reclusive, and not all of them belonged to the righteous faction. Who knew if they would even accept the Count's plea for help? And even if they did, would they make it in time?

The Count knew his limitations. He knew that his strength alone wouldn't be enough. Seeing no other way out, the Count could only depend on the students of the Clover Academy for now.

Hannes City, being a coastal city, had several shipyards. However, the biggest and the most famous one was undoubtedly Rhodes Shipyard.

It was situated on a stretch of land three hundred meters directly across from Hannes Lighthouse. The area between the lighthouse and the shipyard formed a natural passage for the ships to enter and exit.

On this day, Adam, who had just finished up a session of practicing mindfulness, had some spare time on his hands and decided to visit Rhodes Shipyard. However, his purpose of visit was not sightseeing, but business. Rhodes Shipyard actually belonged to Magus Karl!

After the first battle with the vampire spawns, Magus Karl was heavily injured. At the time, Adam had given him a Potion of Healing, thinking that it would suffice. But the old Magus' health had surprisingly deteriorated.

Adam came to know this only after the Count had informed him about it. Thus, he decided to visit Magus Karl today, perform a diagnosis, and subsequently provide treatment.

After all, at this point, all help was crucial in their fight against the undead.

Adam walked through the crowded streets of the Bazaar District, curiously looking at the various stores and roadside stalls. He realized that although residents were being abducted by the undead creatures at night, the atmosphere in the city didn't seem to change at all.

He believed that the locals were oblivious to it because the Count had done a really good job of suppressing information about the abduction to prevent public unrest.

The youth couldn't help but admire the governing capabilities of Count Hannes. If there were to be a sudden mass panic, then things would get even more troublesome.

I wonder how he's dealing with the families of people who've been abducted, Adam thought to himself as he walked with his hands behind his back as he made his way to the shipyard.

Upon reaching the entrance of Rhodes Shipyard, Adam was taken aback to see that Magus Karl was waiting for him at the main gate.

"Magus Adam, thank you for coming all the way here. I apologize for not coming to your manor. I hope you can forgive me." Magus Karl bowed upon seeing the youth.

Adam was surprised to see Magus Karl's sickly complexion. He doesn't look so good…

"Good evening, Magus Karl." Adam placed his hand on his chest and bowed slightly. "Why didn't you look for me sooner?"

Magus Karl guided the youth through the factory as he replied, "To be honest, I didn't think that the poison would affect my body to this state even after taking the potion that you gave me."

The two made their way to the old Magus's office. On the way, Adam curiously looked at the assembly area where constructed ships were being assembled by hundreds of skilled workers.

"Moreover, I didn't know that you were a Herbalist." Magus Karl added. "To be honest, I was quite shocked that someone as young as you would have such attainments in herbalism. I only got to know this after your friend, Lisa, told me about it."

"Hehe, it's nothing," Adam replied with a smirk at being complimented.

The pair soon arrived at the old Magus's office. It was quite luxurious, to say the least. When Adam looked at the expensive furniture and decorations, he involuntarily whistled. "How lavish."

He then instructed the old Magus to take a seat on the cushioned couch beside them. Magus Karl did as he was told. Then, Adam gently grabbed the man's wrist and placed two fingers on it.

Following that, the youth closed his eyes and infused a small thread of mana through his fingers, and guided it into the old man's body.

The thread of mana traveled to almost every part of Magus Karl's body. Through this, Adam was able to learn exactly what was going on inside.

After about a minute or so, Adam withdrew his hands and sighed.

Seeing such a reaction, Magus Karl panicked a little. "Magus Adam, is everything alright?"

Adam replied with a serious expression, "By all rights, the potion that I'd given you should have cured the poison in your body. I can think of two reasons why it hasn't.

"First, you may have taken a lot of such potions in your lifetime, causing your resistance level to increase substantially. This could be the reason why the potion didn't work as it should have."

The youth's assessment was completely right and Magus Karl was slightly taken aback, to be honest. He felt as if the person sitting in front of him wasn't some kid but a wise, old, Herbalist.

"What about the second reason?" He asked.

Adam replied frankly, "You're getting old, Magus Karl. Your immune system is not strong enough to fight the poison. In fact, it's weak to the point that it can't even withstand the potent effects of a healing potion."

Magus Karl nodded with a bitter smile. "You're right, I'm indeed getting old. This frail body of mine is no longer capable of what it was used to."

Seeing the despondent look on the old Magus, Adam was silent.

Such was the fate of Magi. Those who were lucky enough to become a Magus would eventually age and die just like any other mortal. The only way to fight against such a fate was to constantly advance.

But how could that be possible for someone with a meager talent such as Magus Karl?

Thinking of this, Adam sighed. He then looked at the old man and comforted him. "But worry not. I still have a way to get you back to good shape in a short amount of time."

"Is that true?" Magus Karl was ecstatic. He wanted nothing more than to fight those damned undead creatures that were plaguing the city he had grown up in.

Moreover, he also wanted to prove to the Count and himself that he was not a burden. He wanted a shot at redemption.

"But!" Suddenly, Adam's lips curled up into a shady smirk.

Seeing the devious look on the youth's face, the old Magus stammered, "W-What?"

Adam rubbed his thumb against his index finger and grinned.

"The treatment is gonna be very expensive."

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