Harbingers of Change

Volume 3 – Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"I still think I'm the most suitable candidate for head wife. Out of the three of us, only I have any experience." Shalltear said as she took a sip from the cup of tea she was holding.

"Not with men, you don't!" Albedo shut her down.

"So what? It's still more than you have ever done!" She didn't back down.

"Girls, you are not getting anywhere again. I thought you already decided!" Buku interrupted them.

The four had gathered in Buku's quarters to finally settle their dispute before the next step. All three of Momonga's pursuers sat on the same sofa very closely next to each other with teacups in their hands.

Buku sat on a chair perpendicular to the sofa looking at the three women with a tired expression. Each time the three get to any sort of agreement a new one arises and all previous agreements go out the window.

"We did, but she started to boss us around and I will not let her do it outside the official duties! What should we do, aunt Buku?"

"If you make this a power play, you'll end up like my brother's girls who have to be put in their place by Lupus. Do you three want to spend most of your time arguing? Do you think Momonga would want that?" Buku scolded them.

"Lady Buku, how would you recommend for us to settle the hierarchy?" Albedo asked.

"Shion, do you have any suggestions?" Buku turned to the third woman that just sat silently and did not participate in the conversation just yet.

"I know I am placed third in the ranking. I can't defeat either of them." Shion remarked and took a sip. 'One day I will become the strongest and then I will put them in their place.'

"I see… Do any of you care what Momonga wants?" Buku asked with a sigh. "I'll make it very clear to you three: I am helping you because I want Momonga to have a partner or partners, because he sure as hell won't pick anyone on his own. He's not the type to actively search for a partner or catch any sort of hints. Hell, for a while, I thought he was not into women at all." Buku then lowered her tone. "If you don't even think about his feelings in all of this, then neither of you is getting any help, and in fact, I will protect him from you."

All three looked down with Shalltear speaking first. "You are right, aunt Buku. I will let Albedo take the charge."

"And I promise to not overstep my position and take all your wishes into consideration," Albedo said.

"Good, we are finally getting somewhere. Shion?"

"I will follow Albedo's lead as well, but I'm not letting Shalltear push me around!" She glared at the vampire.

"Ugh, fine. I'll be nicer to you. Lord Momonga would want us to get along." Shalltear said through grit teeth. Dealing with Albedo was enough of a headache. Why Shion was added to the mix was beyond her. The kijin was not even a Nazarick native. The only thing that worked in Shion's favor in Shalltear's eyes was that she was just as devoted to Lord Momonga as they were and seemingly Lord Momonga found her attractive.

When Buku raised her eyebrow, Shalltear added. "I promise I will not bully Shion."

"Now then, it's settled. We can move to the next step. Currently, Momonga is spending time with Benimaru and Shuna…"

"Again! Is that kijin using her brother as a shield to get to Lord Momonga first?!" Shalltear raised her voice.

"Shuna is not interested in Lord Momonga romantically. I think she sees him as more of a father figure." Shion remarked casually. Her old charge and now friend surely was a competitor for Momonga's attention but not in the same way.

Buku coughed loudly and continued. "As I was saying, Momonga is spending time with Benimaru and Shuna. After that, Pero will take Momonga for a few drinks so you can prepare for him when he comes back. I will deal with the guards and maids."

"But what if Lord Momonga rejects us?" Albedo asked. All her previous advances had failed after all.

"Even his emotional suppression has its limits. Against all three of you, he doesn't stand a chance. You can be assertive as long as he doesn't straight up tell you all to stop." Buku smiled. "It will work. Believe me."

The three women thanked her for all she had done and set out to make preparations.


"Relax buddy. Those three are into you. The only one who still doubts it is you." Pero said with a cheerful laugh. His job was to keep Momonga busy for an hour or so until girls were ready to jump him.

"I know, I just… you know…" Momonga tried to articulate his worries as he sipped the cocktail. It was on the sweeter side but the bartender was so happy to show off his cocktail-mixing skills that he couldn't tell no to it.

"Look…" Pero leaned in. "From my experience, our energy levels make any sort of performance issue impossible. I can be blackout drunk and still take care of all my girls."

"But…" Momonga still tried to protest.

"Buddy, figure out how to remove your immunities for a while to get yourself buzzed to relax a bit." Pero clapped his shoulder.

"I don't think it's even possible and I don't want to be drunk, but I guess you are right. I can't delay this any longer."

"That's the spirit."

A few more drinks later, Momonga walked back to his quarters in the Nazarick without a care in the world. In the next few days, he would talk with each girl and start figuring out what to do next.

The moment he walked into his quarters, his alarms went up. There were no maids at the entrance and the lights were much dimmer than usual.

'What is going on? I couldn't be ambushed in the tomb. I would know if there was anyone hostile.' Momonga frantically looked around.

"Oh, Lord Momonga, we waited for you." Albedo's smooth voice came from his bedroom through the half-opened door.

Momonga gulped and slowly crept forward. It was hard to deny what was going on. He couldn't reach the door before all three women walked out of the bedroom with only high-heeled shoes on their otherwise completely naked bodies.

His emotion suppression for the first time surpassed a normal heartbeat speed. Without any hesitation Albedo walked up to him and locked his lips with hers, which he didn't even need to materialize. Of course, with one thought, he could have easily suppressed her Seduce skill that had brought out his physical body overlay, but his mind was completely blank.

While Albedo was kissing him, the other two girls started to tear off his clothing. He would not be able to stop them even if he wanted to. Something he thought he would never experience was about to happen, and no part of his being could deny that all his life he had hoped for this exact moment.

As the last pieces of clothing were removed, Albedo was replaced by Shalltear. A half-head shorter than her, she practically had to cling to his neck to be able to reach his lips with hers.

The trio slowly pushed him towards the bed to have a night together he would never forget…


Momonga awoke after a short nap. The trio had drained enough of his energy for him to fall unconscious. Still in his human form, he became aware of his surroundings.

Shalltear was laying on top of him with her still rather petite, sweat-covered body, pressed against his. Albedo slept to his right with her head on his shoulder while Shion was in an identical position to his left.

Getting his thoughts together in the current situation was not the easiest task. 'All three of them. I…' Momonga quickly realized that he couldn't move without waking up at least one of them.

'They all are so peaceful. Is Shalltear mumbling in her sleep? I'm stuck. What should I do now?' For an undead like him, even with a human form, he had almost no need to sleep, so falling asleep was out of the question.

With not much else to do, Momonga opened a book in his mind's eye and read it without hurry as he listened to the three women sleeping peacefully.

After a few hours, he heard the doors to his quarters opening and a few people coming in. 'Shit! Maids. Wait, they would not come into the bedroom. What would they think if they saw… they probably know already. Someone had to tell them to go away in the evening.'

Just to be sure, Momonga made a blanket with Creation and covered himself and the three women. The people shifted around somewhere in the guest area but since none spoke, he could not figure out who was there.

After another hour or so like this, Albedo was first to stir. She slowly opened her eyes and mumbled. "Good morning, my Lord. I hope you liked the night."

"I did, you were wonderful," he responded and turned his head to face her. Albedo instantly used the opportunity to kiss him. She playfully bit his lip in the end and then asked. "Will you accept us as yours?"

"I… I will, but are you three ok with this?"

"Of course, we resolved all our disputes beforehand." She replied and then poked Shalltear in her side.

"Ugh… what?" She sleepily mumbled.

"Wake up, our beloved is awake." She scolded her peer. "And poke Shion so she wakes up as well."

With all of them slowly waking up, Momonga could finally move and turn off the human form. Remembering that his clothing was left somewhere outside the bedroom, Momonga got a morning robe from the closet and waited for the trio to get dressed before opening the door.

The moment he opened the door, a loud pop made him put a shield around himself and the trio. In a massively accelerated reaction mode, he saw Pero with a bottle of champagne and a cork slowly flying away from it. Next to him on the sofa sat Buku, and a bit farther away, Veldora.

"What are you doing!?" he yelled at them.

"We are here to celebrate the success of the mission 'Get Momo laid.'" Pero said with a loud laugh. "Come, we have a few more bottles and have enough for everyone." He started to fill up glasses with champagne.

Momonga clutched his face. 'Are they fucking serious!?' By the looks of it, he was the only one left out of the loop as the trio accepted glasses without hesitation and sat down leaving a place for Momonga in the middle of them.

"Come on buddy, with all the inaction and stumbling around on your part, we had to take the matter into our own hands." Pero said.

"Calm down. Let Momo breathe a little in the first morning as a taken man." Buku said and then turned to Momonga. "We won't hold you down for long since you likely want to go for another round." She winked at her friend.

"I see." He still had no idea how to react to all this. It was obvious that as of now he had three girlfriends and would take good care of them and especially make sure none of them were left out.

As someone who had not even been in a relationship with a single woman the three of them made the whole deal that much more difficult.

"I still don't get what the big deal is. You told me they are not trying to get any offspring as I have explained the dangers of such careless actions. So why even do all this and go to such silly lengths to achieve it?" Veldora remarked.

"I guess our next mission is to get Veldora laid." Pero said to his sister.

"Indeed. One job is done and the next one immediately pops up." She replied with a mischievous tone.

"Hey, hey, don't get me involved in all this nonsense!" Veldora roared.

"Too late, you are next, buddy, we will help out." Pero just laughed at him.

Momonga let out a sigh of relief. At least their attention was away from him for now. The siblings surely got a kick out of all that had happened and by the looks of it, the lucky or the unlucky dragon depending on the viewpoint, was the next target of their machinations.

After they finished the glasses, Pero, Buku, and Veldora departed arguing. Albedo stood up and said in a more serious tone. "I guess it's time to start our day as well. Shion, we will start where we left off yesterday and Shalltear, you should return to your duties as well."


"No buts." Albedo interrupted her. "We still have a job to do. That said…" She broke into a predatory smirk. "I hope our beloved will be ready for another wonderful night."

Proofreading by alassandro, Sad_Smiles, I AM THE STRING CUTTER, Abyssalidiot, RottenPizza, and Visur Nyxan.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (Link is in my profile) where additional chapters are available.

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