Harbingers of Change

Volume 3 – Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Keeping up with Milim was not an easy task. The amulet of flight was out of the question on the first day as it could not provide decent enough flying speed. Even after learning how to fly by manipulating gravity with magicules, Buku could not keep up with Milim's insane speed.

The childlike demon lord was simply on another level. She even did some loops around Buku when she got bored after the first twenty or so minutes of flying.

Taking any guards with her was also completely pointless. The only compromise she took to get her overbearing children and Momonga off her back was to call for them the moment she is seriously threatened.

Veldora was adamant that Milim would not betray her and if something weird happened he would come personally and set things straight. 'Even that lizard worries about me.' She chuckled as she recalled their last conversation.

Milim once again made a loop around her and shot forward, gaining distance.

{ Hey, wait up! } Buku shouted after her with a message.

{ Come on, you can do better! I thought you got juiced up to keep up with me. }

'How would she know! I'm sure neither Aura nor Mare said anything to her. Veldora? Hmm… instead of pointless speculation I'll just ask who told her.'

{ How did you know? Who told you? }

Milim flipped around and faced Buku while still flying forward at an insane speed. { No one. I just used my Dragon Eye ability to know exactly how strong you are. Nothing can be hidden from me. } She pointed at her right eye and let out a laugh that was lost in the wind.

'She knows how strong anyone is? I punished her by taking away the sweets and she still took it even knowing I could not enforce the punishment. Is she that starved for a social environment that she played along? Fuck, I better be careful and deal with her through Veldora.' Buku just flashed a smile back at the girl, trying to conceal her real thoughts.

{ What a clever girl you are. I bet other demon lords think of you as a child and don't even suspect how smart you really are. } She tried to appeal to Millim's massive ego.

It seemed to work like a charm, as Milim flashed a satisfied smirk and made another loop around her.

{ By the way, where did you really come from? I'm sure it wasn't Veldora who made you all. } Milim suddenly asked.

{ From a collection of worlds called Yggdrasil. } Buku chose to twist the truth a bit. { But I'm not sure how we got here as it was not our doing. }

{ Hmm, I think otherworlders can just pop up out of the blue. So maybe it was just an accident. } Milim said with a shrug as she slowed just enough to fly close to Buku.

{ I guess so. No one has claimed to summon us. Why do you ask? }

{ Even without my uncle, you are kinda a big deal. I mean, some demon lords would surely lose to you. Not me, of course, but there are weaker ones. }

{ Why are you telling me this? Aren't you supposed to keep something like that a secret? } Buku couldn't help but ask.

{ Ahmm… I wasn't… I mean, it's not like Momonga would do something stupid and just go to war with a demon lord without a reason. } Milim's answer sounded rather unconvincing to Buku.

{ Anyhow, we are here. I sense the labyrinth entrance over there. } Milim enthusiastically pointed down in a clear attempt to hide her blunder.

Milim was first to land, performing her usual graceful flip while Buku, who was not yet fully used to flying, hit the ground like a rock, leaving an impact crater and taking down a few nearby trees.

"Let me do the talking first. Ramiris is in her child phase and tends to be… childish." Milim warned Buku and pushed the labyrinth door open.

The moment Buku stepped into the labyrinth after Milim, the door shut.

"Oh, some foolish intruders enter my domain. How amusing." A melodic and graceful voice echoed through a wide hall that seemed to stretch forward infinitely.

"Cut the crap, Ramiris!" Milim shouted back at the voice.

"I'm not talking to you, you, you… brute!" The voice immediately lost all its grace and shouted back in a childish manner.

"Yeah, yeah that's rich coming from a child like you. Do I have to wreck your labyrinth for you to come out?" Milim asked.

"You see, she is a brute!" The voice screeched from all directions seemingly aimed at Buku.

"Can you two knock it off!" Buku asked with a lower tone.

"She started it!" The voice shouted back.





"Enough!" Buku shouted in a full voice. She exhaled and added. "Milim, please explain why we have come here."

"Oh yeah. We need your help with some otherworlder kids. You know, like you helped Leon a while ago." Milim turned her head to her left and stared at a particular point in the wall.

"Oh, do you now? Then you will need to pass my test." The voice became graceful once again. "But Milim is not allowed to help."

"What do I have to do?" Buku tried to remain calm.

"Come. Walk deeper into my domain, your challenge awaits." The voice addressed Buku.

"Ramiris, you are digging your own grave. For your sake, don't mess around." Milim tried to sound as mature and refined as possible.

"Let's just get this over with. Just give me pointers so I don't go overboard." Buku whispered to her.

"Sure. Do whatever, but don't hurt Ramiris. A lot of demon lords would be mad if you killed or seriously wounded her." Milim whispered back

"You think I can do that?"

"She is very weak at the moment. A gust of wind can hurt her."

"Hey, what are you two whispering about!?" The voice screeched.

"Just bring out your toy and then don't whine afterwards, when it's destroyed." Milim shouted back with a laugh.


The tunnel suddenly started to move towards them, and within a blink of an eye, they stood in a round chamber with a massive pink golem in the center. The golem was at least four meters tall with large, stumpy arms, giving it an almost apelike appearance.

"This is your challenge. Best the guardian in a fight and I will grant you an audience." The voice said as a spotlight shone on the golem seemingly out of nowhere.

"Are you sure you want me to destroy it?" Buku asked. If you break a child's toy further negotiations might prove difficult. Then again, it also would be the best method to put a brat in her place.

"You, destroy it?" the voice laughed. "Do your worst! Milim, stay out of this."

"Does anyone live within it?" Buku asked just to be sure.

"Just spirits. Are you getting scared? You should be!" The voice let out a mock laugh. As the golem started to move.

Buku took out a shield from her inventory and let the golem land a hit. Unless it had some death or holy-related ability she would not get harmed anyway.

A loud bell-like metallic sound rang through the chamber as the robot's arm collided with the shield. Its seemingly massive strength wasn't enough to even budge Buku, who just pushed the golem's arm back with her shield.

"Last warning! Call it off or I will eliminate it."

"You sure are strong, intruder, but not strong enough!" Ramiris didn't give in.

As the golem went for another hit a sudden clear night sky appeared above it with a bright moon shining on the golem. The massive metal figure, almost instantly, melted into a puddle and hardened.

"Wha! You! You! Milim, what sort of monster have you brought into my labyrinth?!" Ramiris shrieked as she appeared right in front of Milim. The fairy-looking girl was palm-sized, with two golden braids almost as long as she is tall, golden eyes, and four transparent wings. She was dressed in a knee-length dress and buzzed around her fellow demon lord angrily.

"I tried to warn you, but you didn't listen." Milim shrugged her shoulders. "A deal is a deal. Help her out."

"No!" Ramiris crossed her arms. "She destroyed my golem."

"You asked me to do it. I did promise Milim to treat you fairly but my patience has its limits and I will not be denied!" Buku spoke in a deeper voice and took a step forward.

Ramiris shrieked and hid behind Milim. "Keep her away!"

"Then help her out."

"No! That golem was my protection and she destroyed it."

"Oh, the big scary demon lord needs protection? I can promise to help you against mean intruders if you need it but you'll have to call for help each time." Buku took another step forward.

Ramiris seemingly didn't pick up on her mocking tone and flew out and extended her hand. "It's a deal. You'll have to come into my service for a century."

"That's not what I offered! Tempest can grant you protection if you need it, but no one will be in your service."

Ramiris glared at the woman, but when she saw that there was no way to scare her, she said enthusiastically. "It's a deal. You are my protector until I grow up."

"Sure thing. You just call and I'll come and help you out. Now, are you willing to help me?"

"Of course. What do you need help with?" Ramiris asked, completely forgetting that Milim already told her.

"I have five otherworlder children in my care that are unstable. My friend has managed to keep their magicules in check but I need a permanent solution."

"Ohh, I see. Good thing Milim brought you to me. I can help. I am the Hero's guide and helping them would be my responsibility anyway."

"Call me curious, but how did a demon lord gain that responsibility?" Buku asked.

"It's the other way around. I was the Fairy Queen before I fell from grace and it has been my sacred duty since the beginning of the world."

"Fair enough. What should we do now?"

"You will have to bring those children here so they can call for higher elemental spirits to become their guardians."

With the children already waiting, Buku simply opened a gate beside her and told them to come through. Ramiris seemed to be just as eccentric as Milim but she didn't give off any sense of hostility anymore.

"Whh… what is that?" Ramiris pointed at the dark void of the gate.

"Transportation magic." Buku casually remarked.

The children came through one by one led by Gale, who took it upon himself to lead the group when Buku was not present.

"These are Gale, Kenya, Chloe, Royota, and Alice. Kids, say hello to the Hero's Guide, Ramiris. She will help you." Buku introduced the children and made sure to give a title to Ramiris. She likely was just as prideful as Milim.

Milim noticing the gate opening, looked at her wrist as if there was a watch on it and exclaimed. "I'm late for my dinner! You guys can carry on without me." And she promptly walked through it.

"Wait, where is Milim going? What dinner? I want to eat too!" Ramiris shouted after Milim with a whine.

'Oh for the love of…' Buku resisted the urge to grab the bridge of her nose. "What sort of food do you like?"

"I don't know. Tasty ones." Ramiris' eyes lit up in excitement at the prospect of getting a meal.

{ Can you please put together a quick assortment of pastries and send them to my location? } Buku messaged Nazarick's head chef.

{ It would be my pleasure. Should I pack them according to your tastes? }

{ No, make the general one. It's not for me. }

Not even a minute later another gate opened and one of the homunculus maid's came through with a weaved picnic basket in her hands. She gave it to Buku with a bow and then walked back into the gate which instantly disappeared.

Buku put it on the ground and said. "Here you go."

Ramiris instantly flipped the lid open and grabbed the first thing she could, a large puff pastry, and took a tiny bite out of it. "So GOOD!" She let out a loud squeal and started to eat far too fast.

It came to no one's surprise that she ended up coughing up a half-eaten pastry almost instantly.

"Calm down. No one is going to take it away from you. That basket will keep it fresh for about a month." Buku said as she gently tapped the careless demon fairy's back with one finger.

Ramiris coughed one more time and said. "You try to live alone with nothing tasty to eat for a century!"

"I'm just saying that there is no need to rush. The stuff is not going anywhere." Buku chuckled.

"Sure… by the way, while I eat you should all sit down and meditate. Clearing your mind will help you connect with the spirits easier."

Alice raised her hand. "Miss Ramiris, will it hurt?"

Ramiris patted her tiny nose with her index finger a few times and after a moment said. "I don't think so. Most elemental spirits are playful. Some are maybe too energetic, but I doubt anyone would want to harm you. Especially not with her present." She glanced at Buku. The destruction of her golem would not be so easily forgiven nor forgotten. Sure, it was her fault for not seeing the signs, but Buku was the one who melted the whole thing.

"Kids, you heard Ramiris. Try to relax and everything will be fine." Buku flashed them a reassuring smile. "I will protect you from anyone trying to hurt you."

"Don't you go around hurting spirits. They remember such things for a long time." Ramiris said as sternly as she could.

"I am not planning to start attacking anyone without a reason." Mentioning that she technically had already absorbed one spirit completely was not beneficial in the current situation.

Ramiris snarled in response. "Just like my poor golem."

"I warned you more than once."

"That's beside the point." Ramiris said as she finished the puff that was half her size, making everyone wonder where the thing could disappear within the minuscule pixie.

She then flew up and sat down on Buku's shoulder with an expression of self-importance. "Relax and be ready while I make preparations."

Proofreading by Alassandro, Sad_Smiles, RottenPizza, Kazuma, Tophrel, and Visur Nyxan.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (Link is in my profile) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader.

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