Harbingers of Change

Volume 5 – Chapter 16

Chapter 16

When opportunities arise, they should be taken, even those shrouded in potential peril. When the nations bordering previously Falmuthian lands, Siltrosso included, received invitations to open direct diplomatic channels and sign mutual non-aggression pacts with Tempest, Mariabell resolved to confront the mysterious Supreme Overlord Momonga face-to-face.

Together with her great-great-grandfather Granbell, they made their way to utilize the guild's transport network and reach the Tempest branch. Their objectives, originally just one, were now twofold: to appoint Kagali as the new grandmaster of the guild, as stipulated in an official post-mortem recommendation from 'Yuuki' in his will, and to finally engage with the leadership of the monster nation.

They knew that the will was a fabrication, but it was greatly disadvantageous to openly go against Tempest in the present moment, especially knowing that Granbell was unlikely to be able to defend Siltrosso if they revealed Tempest's Lords for the monsters they were.

Before their arrival, she had a lengthy discussion with Granbell about their course of action, mindful of the potential for their surface thoughts to be intercepted - a risk despite the protection of their skills - as nobody knew the extent of the monster nation's intelligence networks. Mariabell may have been the embodiment of greed, not only thanks to the unique skill of the same name but due to her nature as well. In her previous life, she had held Europe in a stranglehold, being one of the wealthiest and most elusive women on the continent. Her ambition had always been to rule the world through financial means, and now that was being jeopardized by the new nation's encroaching upon her business interests.

Both she and Granbell had agreed that the leaders of Tempest likely were otherworlders reborn as monsters. With tactics resembling the ones tried and tested during Earth's modern era, it made them more dangerous than any demon lord, and by a wide margin. Her plan was simple; offer a trade deal they couldn't refuse. She would not even attempt to conceal her Earthly origins, and once a foothold was secured, she planned to weave herself into the fabric of their society, becoming an insidious worm that indirectly influenced their thoughts. Her whispers would plant seeds of misleading notions, gradually positioning herself to ascend to the pinnacle of power, with none the wiser.

Accompanied by a retinue of nineteen people, ten of whom were powerful guards and nine highly trained servant staff, she was the sixth to tread upon the teleportation pad within Siltrosso's Free Guild branch. Preceding her were Granbell and five of their elite sentinels. Considering the cold weather outside, she wore a thick and luxurious coat made out of the finest silver fox furs. However, it made the wait rather uncomfortable amidst the room's heat, exacerbated by the crowd within.

As the surroundings morphed instantaneously, Mariabell's gaze settled on the welcoming visage of Kagali, whose eyes sparkled with intelligence. Beside her stood an elderly butler, his posture impeccable despite the years etched onto his features, a silent testament to a seeming lifetime of dignified service. The air was thick with anticipation, and the subtle undercurrents of political intrigue were almost palpable as Mariabell stepped off the teleportation pad, her mind already latching onto numerous tangents and conclusions.

The moment everyone had fully materialized within the guild's domain, the butler stepped forward and offered a slight bow, a subtle yet unmistakable sign of respect. "Welcome to the capital of the Tempest Hegemony, your Royal Highness. A castle wing has been prepared for your stay and a carriage is ready to be used at your leisure."

"On behalf of the Rosso family, allow me to express my gratitude for the warm welcome and hospitality. We will make our way to the castle once our affairs with the guild here are settled," Mariabell responded, her head inclining gracefully in acknowledgment. With Granbell's official status as a distant relative of the royal family, it was she who naturally assumed the forefront of their delegation.

"Of course. I shall wait outside," replied the butler, his departure marked by a deferential bow, leaving them to their imminent dealings.

Using her skill actively was out of the question, but that still left enough room to work with. She sought to discern Kagali's deepest desires - or those of the possible imposter that now stood before her.

'This is indeed the real one… but something is amiss… I... cannot read her anymore?' Mariabell's confusion was genuine. Although she couldn't control Granbell outright, she still knew what he desired the most. In the old man's case, it was his long-dead wife, who couldn't be brought back by any means save for parading around the corpse through necromancy. The Kagali present was unmistakably the same one she always knew of, but with the woman never being at the level of her grandfather, she should've been like an open book.

Her mind raced, sifting through every conceivable reason that could shield Kagali from her probing scrutiny. One by one, she dismissed the impossibilities: a sudden surge in Kagali's power, an unknown artifact of protection, a divine intervention - all unlikely. The list narrowed until she arrived at a conclusion that, while improbable, was the only one that fit the puzzle; Kagali's soul was not hers to read because it was now bound to something else… someone else. 'Her soul is owned by… Momonga! Is his ability to control people superior to my own!?' This realization was alarming, yet Mariabell resolved to maintain her composure. No matter what, Granbell would never permit her enslavement.

Assigning Kagali the Grandmaster's position was a quick formality to perform, as the contract was already written and signed by the majority of shareholders, all of whom were under Mariabell's control in the first place. The whole thing was a farce anyway, effectively ceding control to Tempest and its enigmatic leader.

But a temporary loss wasn't the end of the world, merely being stepping stones to greater grains. She had weathered financial downturns before, even in her previous life. For now, Kagali would remain within Tempest's borders, under the pretense that the church couldn't assassinate her so deep in the monster territory, while the guild's headquarters underwent reconstruction.

The streets of Tempest's capital were a sight to see, but nothing too impressive for one such as herself. True to urban custom, the main streets were cleaned of snow and slush, making the ride smooth enough to acceptable standards. But then again, for an individual accustomed to the pinnacle of luxury across not just one, but two lifetimes, such comforts were the norm.

Granbell was sitting beside her, lost in thought and oblivious to the world passing by their carriage window.

"You sensed it too?" Mariabell broke the silence.

"Yuuki underestimated them. Our actions need to be carefully calculated," Granbell responded, his voice a low rumble.

"Indeed. But greed runs the world. I have a plan to infiltrate their ranks, and once we're in, they'll be the ones playing our game and dancing to our tune," the girl declared with a sly grin.

"You're too overconfident," he muttered.

"Not at all. Unlike Yuuki, I won't take them lightly and can adjust plans on the go. Have faith in me, grandfather. I can turn this around with sheer finesse. I will not need to rely on any skills or tricks," she retorted, conviction oozing from her smirk.

In her previous life, she had used any means necessary to stay on top and rarely made mistakes. When faced with a mightier foe, she'd don the mask of subservience, turning on her belly to play the role of a happy little lackey until she could bite the hand that fed her. Seduction had been a weapon in her youthful arsenal, bending men to her will, though such tactics were ill-suited for her current guise. Perhaps in time, when she was older, those strategies might once again serve her ambitions.

"Be careful. These monsters are no fools," Granbell intoned wearily, his sigh conveying the weight of centuries. The burden of protecting humanity for over a millennia had taken its toll, and he was getting tired of it all. Mariabell wasn't ready to be on her own, at least not until she claimed the world's throne for herself and secured complete dominion.

"I know. But that's exactly what we should be counting on." Experience had taught her that intelligent people operated in logical and predictable patterns, which could then be exploited. The foolish were the truly dangerous ones, their actions being completely unpredictable.

How true her statement was, only time would tell. The provided living space was adequate, so there was no reason to dwell on that. And despite her child-like visage, her royal status commanded prompt respect; Momonga didn't make her wait, foregoing any display of dominance.

Mariabell's stride into the meeting room was one of calculated poise, only to find it immediately faltering in the face of the assembly within. Her soul screamed in panic as her skill automatically analyzed those present, even before she had gotten a good look at them. The undead ruler, Momonga, exuded an aura of power so profound it sent involuntary shivers through her, and that wasn't even mentioning the burning gaze of the crimson blazes in his eyesockets going right through her. Even then, it was the presence of the pale, six-winged woman that truly tested her resolve. This being, this thing, whose very existence seemed an affront to the natural order, radiated a palpable sense of wrongness that pierced through any attempts at masking her presence.

'It-It harbors the desire to devour everything?! What is this… F-Focus!' Mariabell steeled herself, approaching the towering undead. It was just as likely as any other possibility that the mockery of an angel was there for mere distraction.

"Princess Mariabell Rosso and Sir Granbell Rosso, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person," Momonga spoke with a commanding tone befitting a natural-born ruler.

"Likewise, Supreme Overlord Momonga of Tempest," She replied, accepting the offered seat with Granbell settling onto the chair beside her.

It was only then that she allowed herself a cursory glance at her surroundings. Calling it decadent wealth wouldn't even begin to describe what she saw. Each piece of furniture was an intricate work of art that would take years to replicate, even for the most skilled artisan. The lavish use of silks, the quality of which could ransack entire realms in the human nations, was evident everywhere - draping the windows, covering the floors, even the handkerchiefs were of the finest weave.

'They've been holding back on selling their most valuable goods,' she realized with a start. Though that was a fact she could ponder upon later.

"Let's get right down to business, shall we?" Mariabell began, her tone breezy yet confident. The beginning of her plans all revolved around this, so she couldn't afford any mistakes. "And please do not hold my appearance against me. I am an otherworlder and a reincarnated one at that," she quipped, lifting the delicate teacup before her with a practiced ease, complimenting it with a bite of one of the small, locally made cupcakes that were a pain to get fresh in human nations.

"An otherworlder, you say? How interesting," came the reply, tinged with a newfound curiosity. "Very well, we can start with the main topic at hand. As I have officially stated, Tempest seeks no conflict, only the safety of its people."

"Indeed, the goal of a wise ruler," Mariabell concurred. "To that end, the Kingdom of Siltrosso agrees to enter a mutual non-aggression pact and establish a direct trade route. We can sign the deal right away if you wish. However, my personal audience with you extends beyond these formalities. I have no doubt you are aware of the influence Rosso has in the Western nations. As such, I want to propose the merging of the Rosso and Fuschio trade companies."

The undead shifted around in his seat, and a moment later, the avian known as Perononcino sauntered into the chamber, claiming an unoccupied seat with an air of nonchalance. He casually crossed one leg over the other and reclined, his tone light yet edged with intrigue. "Interesting proposal, but what's in it for us?

Mariabell met the birdman's gaze, her smile unwavering. "A monopoly over the human nations' economies. Together, we can control the world through financial means. Divided, we would merely step on each other's toes"

Peroroncino leaned forward, his feathers ruffling slightly. "Seventy-thirty in our favor and you can get a position as a consultant," he offered.

"The Rosso company is the bigge-" She began, only to be promptly cut off, as Peroroncino waved a dismissive wing, ignoring any sort of etiquette. "Not for long."

Mariabell clamped her mouth shut at the sheer audacity but managed to compose herself as her biggest financial rival continued unabated.

"You won't get offered that a second time. And let's be honest, we both know your skill does jack shit against my direct employees," The avian stated as if the debate was already won. If anything, he seemed to have unshaken confidence that he held all the cards.

'I underestimated how prepared they would be. I can't use deceit and financial jargon to confuse them. If Peroroncino catches even a whiff of my deception, the talks are done. Fine, if playing the underdog is what it takes…'

"My skill? Ah, you're well-informed, Lord Peroroncino," she openly admitted. "Though tell me, what role do I play within this united company?" Mariabell inquired, effortlessly playing off her surprise.

"Associate vice president and, of course, you'd receive your fair share of the profits, post-taxation," Pero stated matter of factly.

Granbell, who was closely listening thus far, interjected. "And why would we let you control the human world so easily? If you had the numbers to take over, you'd have done so already if Falmuth is of any indication," the man said, his voice laced with skepticism.

"Then what do you propose, Sir Granbell?" Momonga questioned, the flames in his eyes flaring up threateningly.

"That Mariabell remains in control of the west. The company is shared fifty-fifty. Humans are not as weak as you think."

A tense silence fell upon them before a mirror materialized on the tabletop, its surface shimmering. Mariabell saw her reflection dissolve and in its place was an open view of the Rosso family castle. Momonga snapped his fingers and numerous swirling portals appeared right in front of the stronghold, Mariabell recognizing them as casted Gates.

Granbell's face clouded over with fury, but Momonga's taunts were merciless. "Care to demonstrate the might of humanity? Who, I wonder, will come to the aid of the good King and Queen?"

Mariabell placed her hand on her grandfather's arm with a subtle nod and spoke confidently. "A pointless act of aggression would only hamper your attempts at working with humans. Harm my parents and you might as well dissolve your trading company."

"Do you truly believe I would hesitate to raze Siltrosso's capital?" Momonga leaned forward, looking her dead in the eyes.

Mariabell held his stare, despite the chill that raced across her skin. 'A power play. If Grandfather cannot defeat them, then we're not in a strong position for negotiation.'

"I doubt you will. You would lose far too much," Just as she uttered those bold words, a group of undead warriors emerged through the gates.

In an instant, Granbell was on his feet, his sword drawn, its tip aglow with a spectral light. "I suggest you call them off."

"Rubedo, if he makes a move, reveal your true self," Momonga ordered, his voice as calm as the grave. The creature known as Rubedo offered a twisted grin, unsettling in its glee, yet Momonga casually reclined in his seat, showing not even the slightest reaction to such an open threat.

Mariabell's thoughts raced, 'He didn't say to kill or apprehend us! Momonga specifically said to reveal her true self. He's certain Granbell cannot best him that easily,' Her natural arrogance fueled by her skill struggled against the realization that Momonga wasn't bluffing and if she as much as tried to get an upper hand, he would burn down her empire together, with the entirety of humanity if need be.

{ Do not provoke action. I doubt you can stop that creature. They know what they are dealing with. } She messaged Granbell.

Her grandfather's reply was swift and resolute, { You understand that if we show weakness now, there won't be any coming back. This monster should know I will kill him if I'm pushed to the extreme, even if it is the last thing I do. }

{ And you'd sacrifice me, and all of humanity, for your pride? }

{ Do your talking, but I am not backing away. }

Mariabell addressed the Overlord, her voice a blade of ice, "I get that you are speaking from a position of power. But if we have nothing to lose then we will not shy away from battle. Neither side gains anything from this confrontation, and if you think you can just scare us into submission, then you are quite mistaken. Let's not fool around anymore and lay our chips on the table. You seek to rule the world and so do I, but if it comes down to a purely military confrontation, humanity will lose. Just to be clear, I will rule the Western world in your stead as part of your empire, but I won't be some backwater clerk. I know my worth and won't sell myself cheap like some street whore. If we are to let you rule over humans, I want a place in your cabinet. In return, I will make sure that your financial control over both humans and monsters is absolute. Do we have a deal, or would you rather want to find out if Granbell can kill you or not?" She spoke with cold confidence, staring into the face of death itself.

Momonga silently gazed into her eyes for several seconds as his dreadful presence grew to an unbearable level. If not for her iron will she likely would have soiled herself. Instead of wavering, she offered a coy smile with a tilt of her head, an unspoken challenge to the tangible dread the undead emanated.

"Agreed, but you will follow our lead and not the other way around," he declared, his voice echoing with finality. "You'll hold a thirty percent stake in the United Company for the time being. As soon as the Western Nations are brought under the Tempest Hegemony, you shall be the one to rule over them in our name for as long as you choose to live. It would be a shame to squander your talents for something as mundane as aging, after all," Momonga stated, unleashing his aura a bit more as Rubedo appeared between him and Granbell with ludicrous speed, causing the old man to grit his teeth in frustration.

"I assume there won't be any written contract, nor any third party to enforce it, so how can I trust you?" Mariabell's voice betrayed a hint of strain.

"I am not one for wasting resources that can be utilized to Tempest's benefit. You seem to be one such resource. Moreover, someone would be needed to administer Western nations anyway, and who better than the one who already controls them? As long as you remain loyal, your position is secure."

"It's hardly an ironclad agreement, but I can work with it. As for the offer of eternal youth, keep that on the back burner. I may yet claim it," she conceded.

It appeared that the talks were successful, and it was clear that Momonga had bought her willingness to submit. She had found her foothold, an opening, the initial victory she needed. Now, just casual mingling among the leaders could reveal an exploitable crack, especially if immortality was thrown into the mix. With the day's events unfolding, the once-distant throne of the world now finally loomed within her reach.

Editing by aidan_lo and Zprotu.

Proofreading by Zprotu, Sluethen, athrav, Malguis, Working_Stiff, FantasyTroll, Antilene, Cakeeight, aidan_lo, Thea, Lightflan, Cay, and NuggetLover.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader (gives access to chapters months ahead of regular readers).

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