Harbingers of Change

Volume 5 – Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Demiurge had finished his work on the captured humans and was eager to display the fruits of his labor to the guild members, a request Momonga didn't want to deny.

Sitting on the Throne of Kings he, as always, was the central figure, with his three friends joining by his side - each nestled upon their respective, albeit lesser, thrones. Besides each guild member were those dearest to them, which in his case were his three consorts. For Pero, it was a few of his concubines, while Buku had Souei and her children. By Veldora's side floated Ramiris and stood Pandora, which wasn't surprising. Their scientific research had brought all three together in a strong bond, as comrades-in-arms in the never-ending struggle for magi-technological growth.

{ So, are we placing bets on how fucked up the results are? } Pero shot a message to the rest while they waited.

{ Set up the scale and I'm in. } Veldora responded with roaring laughter.

Momonga, ever the observer, saw no reason to interrupt their fun and dampen their expectations regarding Demiurge's 'creativity'.

{ OK, ten thousand gold from each, and whoever's guess is the closest to one decimal takes the prize pool. 'One' is that he slapped some collars on and just brainwashed them, and 'ten' is that they're so gross we can't even figure out what has been done. } Pero then set up a rather simple spell that would gauge everyone's reactions and give a score according to the set parameters.

{ Eight point… six. } Buku was the first to guess.

{ Sis, going hard right away. I am going with seven-point nine. }

{ What could he possibly do that even comes close to Rubedo? I say six-point five. } Veldora set his bet.

{ Nine point two. } Momonga was the last to join in.

{ If you have insider knowledge, that's cheating! } Pero turned to silently glare at Momonga.

{ I haven't seen what Demiurge has done with humans. } Momonga defended himself against the baseless accusation.

But whatever the demon had done with the offending captures, he surely seemed proud of himself when striding into the throne room, his demeanor radiating barely suppressed glee. With a flourish, he knelt before the throne, his voice resonant with triumph. "My Lords and Lady, I am ready to present the newest additions to Nazarick's forces."

"Before we proceed, Demiurge, are you certain of their loyalty to the Great Tomb?" Momonga questioned, motioning for him to stand up.

"Without a shadow of a doubt, Lord Momonga," the floor guardian replied, confidence lacing his words. "I rebuilt their minds from the ground up and additionally utilized the skill Enslave, courtesy of Pandora's Actor, to leave nothing to chance," Demiurge stated.

"Very well, then let's see them."

Demiurge bowed as fifteen figures materialized behind him.

Pero immediately recoiled at the sight before them,{ W-What in the everloving fuck!? That's a freaking nine-point five on the messed-up scale! }

The former humans were separated into three distinct groups. At the forefront was a pair of two older men, their scalps completely removed to make way for metallic cranial plates that jutted out in a gruesome manner. Momonga recognized them from prior briefings as Razen and Folgen. The former was clad in a loose robe that concealed his form, and his eyes were sewn shut through stitches that had a silvery shine to them, with only a solitary gem inserted in his forehead serving as a centerpiece. Folgen, in contrast, bore a carapace-like armor, his humanity further stripped away by the integration of a monstrous, sword-like protrusion that served as his arm.

The next group comprised the young otherworlder trio who had supposedly tried to flee from the battle. Kirara was encased in a form-fitting leather outfit, missing most of her skin and flesh, leaving a cluster of metallic devices that silenced her voice and actively constricted her throat. Shogo seemed to have been dipped in metal entirely, his skin replaced wholesale. The most human-like one, Kyoya, still had a dozen or so blades that jutted from his spine, a living arsenal in the most literal sense.

The last group was composed of the ten saints - if they could even be called that anymore. Each exhibited a fusion of flesh and machinery, their exposed musculature spasming involuntarily, a visible display of their agony. Among them, a woman stood out, possessing what seemed to be a large sniper rifle hung over her shoulders. She also had her gaze augmented by a singular mechanical eye that glowed a subtle reddish tint.

All fifteen were embedded with an array of various objects - dozens of pins, bolts, and other things sticking out of their bodies, radiating power and malice. The sheer number of these enhancements would always be understated, with the ones seen on the outside only hinting at a conservative estimate of the true extent of their reconfiguration.

"As you can see, their forms have been altered to keep them in constant agony, to which they have been conditioned to enjoy and yearn as much as pleasure. Each has been given the skill Tormented, which amplifies their capabilities and base strengths in proportion to the pain they feel," Demiurge commented with a tone of clear excitement.

{ …Is it OK that I freak out a bit? Momo definitely has the closest guess… } Buku nervously shifted upon her throne, casting sidelong glances at Aura and Mare, who both peered at the figures with childlike curiosity, showing no signs of being bothered.

{ This reminds me of something… I think I know where Demiurge has drawn inspiration from. Remember the horror film series Tabula was always on about? } Momonga pointed out, riding the after-effects of emotional suppression.

{ About those hellish freaks that show up if the puzzle box was solved? Yep, I see what you're talking about. That's definitely what he's referencing… }

{ Are humans supposed to twitch like that? } Veldora joined in with a question.

Buku, struggling to maintain her poker face, chimed in { Hardly. These shitheads deserve it, though I think it's better if we limit who Demiurge gets his hands on in the future. }

{ Rest assured, he will not lay a finger on Hinata without express permission. However, I am inclined to agree that we must prevent the mass production of these abominations. } Momonga acknowledged his friend's input with a nod, then turned his gaze towards the demon.

"Deploy them in Falmuth for field tests, but make sure no witnesses remain behind. Moreover, until we've assessed their full potential, halt any further creations. While subjugating captured human champions has its merits, should anyone from the human nations see the state they are in, it might incite greater resistance."

Demiurge inclined his head in a respectful bow, "My Lord, the existence of these beings will remain unknown to the Western nations."

"Good. Is there more you wish to inform us about your newest troops?" Momonga asked, hoping that was not the case. Despite his near absence of humanity, the sight of these artificially enhanced creatures unnerved even him. They just looked wrong, for how far Demiurge had twisted them.

"That is all I have to report to you, Lord Momonga. I shall provide a comprehensive account of their capabilities and the outcomes of the field tests upon completion," the demon responded dutifully.

The Overlord's thoughts turned inward, a silent contemplation on the ethics of their creation. 'Was such mutilation necessary? Perhaps clearer instructions might have sufficed to ensure loyalty while maintaining their human bodies. However, they will likely be excellent shock troopers and work as a deterrent for other humans. I do not doubt that most would choose death over being turned into this' he considered, weighing the cruel efficiency of their design against the moral cost.


In the dimly lit chamber, Luminous had abandoned all pretense of control, her posture collapsed into a nearby chair, her face a canvas of fear, anxiety, and heartache as she once more brooded over her losing Hinata.

Roy, Louis, and Gunther stood in uncomfortable silence, awaiting her command to begin.

"Just give it to me straight. Save for Tempest invading, there isn't much left to lose," She spoke in a tone that indicated that she was just about done being in charge.

"The remaining five Luminaries… they've fallen. Granbell has slain them. We have lost all support in the West," Louis took a conscious step away from her as he delivered the news.

"That traitor," Luminous hissed, her nails clawing into the chair's armrests. "What are our options? Have Leon and Dino agreed to call for Walpurgis?" she demanded furiously.

"Dino refused, stating he didn't want to participate in that snoozefest. Lady Luminous, it's only a matter of time before-"

"I know dammit!" she erupted, letting out a feral scream, her voice splintering with the added strain. "What other options do we have left?" she pressed, sinking further into despair.

"To hide. We need to hide you and at least some of our kind in case the worst happens. The humans are likely to let Tempest armies march towards Ruberious."

"And where would we flee?"

"To the one place not even Hinata knew of," Roy murmured, his voice laced with trepidation.

"I cannot subject my people to that, not while they're still imprisoned there. Especially not that one," Luminous snapped, her glare cutting through Roy.

Few were privy to the fact that Twilight Valentine, her creator, had left behind a trail of failed experiments before succeeding with her and the other progenitors. Among these dark secrets were the original beings that inspired the creation of the mortal races, summoned from other worlds by their reckless creator. The most formidable among them was the original vampire, an entity so potent it could not be destroyed, only contained.

"Unleashing those monsters upon humanity would cast suspicion on Tempest, not us. And should they be eradicated, our worries would end with them," Roy continued.

"You…" Luminous closed her eyes. Doing that would be descending to depths from which there was no return. Still, the only other options were to either forcefully shatter Chloe's casket in the hope of her allegiance or to grovel before Guy to call for Walpurgis and essentially place her under his mercy indefinitely. "If we proceed, there's no turning back. That monster will be free forever. Once she gets enough blood, I won't be able to stop her."

"Your survival is more important, my lady. If need be I'll stay behind and take the fall for you," Roy pledged.

"No, I have lost enough as is. Start preparations for the complete loss of blood reserves and reinforce the vampire sanctuary. As much as it pains me to admit, Hinata probably revealed the shelter locations to those monsters so hiding Ruberios' human population will be a pointless endeavor. We are going under a complete defensive and abandoning the Western nations," Luminous declared, her full authority behind her voice.

She had been too reckless with her desire to get vengeance, and it was her people who would pay the price. For now, all she could do was unleash the imprisoned monster upon the human populace, something that might also help convene Walpurgis, drawing the attention and potential aid of the other Demon Lords.


The return to the Forge of Mortals, the forsaken laboratory of her creator, wasn't an easy one. This desolate place, dormant for thousands of years, had once imprisoned the earliest otherworlders and the initial, flawed creations of Twilight Valentine - secrets kept from the eyes of Veldanava. Found on an isle amidst a sea teaming with monstrosities, its existence was known only to Luminous and her late brother, Jahil, the progenitor of humanity.

Jahil's demise came at the hands of Guy, the first Demon Lord, when he foolishly thought he could bend the primordial to his will after recklessly summoning the progenitor of red demons into the Cardinal World. In a sense, Jahil was the bridge between the failed experiments and herself, who in Twilight's eyes, was the first true success.

The fortress had been slowly chipped away by the elements over the centuries, the derelict building a far cry from the prime it once was. Luminous gave it a passive glance and walked inside, followed by Roy and Gunther, the latter carrying one of the captured human spies working for Tempest over his shoulder. The man was more like a hired thug ordered to stir up trouble and spread anti-church propaganda, and knew little of his employers.

The descent into the underground holding was a long, silent one. The anti-teleportation measures were as strong as ever even after countless millennia, preventing anyone from teleporting inside. The air was damp and carried that familiar stench of rot and decay, reminding her of the old times when she was but a child assisting her father in his gruesome experiments.

The small group reached the lowest levels in about fifteen minutes, and it took about twenty more to get to the prison area. As Roy lit a light, the all-but-forgotten creatures let out cries of surprise and discontent.

Luminous remembered all of them, each and every one. How many times had she thought of killing them all but never got around to it, to find a way to make them stay dead? Twilight's dark legacy had left more than one unkillable creature behind.

In the nearest cell were a pair of elves. One of them, a male, appeared as young as ever and sat staring at the wall while compulsively picking at his arms, the wounds all healing instantly. On the other end sat his feminine counterpart, dozens of weeping eyes located all over her naked body, that constantly shed a ceaseless flow of black ichor, only to be eventually absorbed back into her in an endless cycle of torment; she had a permanent expression of agony upon her countenance. In another cell sat an unmoving dwarf, whose body was partly made of metal and stone.

A group of pixies were locked in another cell, having an odd number of limbs or deformed wings. A few lycanthropes were left in yet another, laying entwined, their bodies a melding pot of animalistic forms, from tigers to rabbits to boars - all bound in a hideous unity.

In the depths of the ancient prison, the final cell was a stark contrast to the others, containing a solitary figure. A young woman sat cross-legged, her skin a rich brown, her eyes a deep, dark hue that followed Luminious' every move. As she approached, the woman's mouth contorted into a snarl, sharp and menacing, and one that exposed her fangs.

"The daughter of my captor graces me with her presence. Come, partake of my blood. You might find it… exhilarating," she sneered, her voice a melodic poison.

Luminous' gaze lingered on the woman, noting the incongruous beauty marred by filth. Underneath the grime was the smoothest of skins, and the darkest of hair. By all means, she should have found her attractive. However, despite the allure that might have been, Luminous was all too aware of the malevolence that lurked beneath the surface.

This was the progenitor of vampires, a being of pure, unadulterated savagery, summoned by Twilight Valentine as a template for his experiments. A creature, so depraved, it would devour its own without hesitation - a being that even Luminous, with all her power, could not help but fear.

"I have not come to listen to your mad ramblings, Toltecatl. I came to make a deal and offer a tribute," Luminous retorted sharply, as the woman's pupils dilated and nipples hardened when Gunther brought the unconscious man closer to the barrier.

"Why don't you bring me that father of yours first? He has earned a slow and painful death for keeping me here," Toltecatl hissed, licking her lips and crawling closer to the barrier on all fours, malice emanating from her every action.

Luminous nodded for Gunther to toss the man through the barrier, which the dutiful butler did. The ancient vampire tore into him with animalistic vigor, tearing pieces of flesh with her unhinged jaws as blood and gore splattered.

"Twilight Valentine is no more. I ended him thousands of years ago."

"A shame," the vampire mused, her mouth full of flesh. "His blood must have been exquisite"

"I did not consume him, you beast" Luminous spat, her face twisting in disgust at the mere suggestion.

Toltecatl laughed, a sound that chilled the very air. "You're a disgrace to our kind. I devoured my mother and tasted divine. If only I could have sampled the blood of Huitzilopochtli"

"I came to offer you a deal," Luminous switched the topic away from the disturbing image.

"A deal?" the vampire's interest was piqued, her laughter subsiding into a curious silence.

"I will set you and the others free, but you will never step foot in my lands."

Toltecatl just glanced up in surprise, then let out a burst of laughter that echoed through the chamber. "You would set me free just like that? And how do you plan to keep me away?"

"A blood contract. You would burn alive if you crossed the barrier protecting my nation," Luminous produced a small scroll and pushed it through the barrier.

Without hesitation, Toltecatl severed her index finger, using the blood to seal the pact with an intricate rune, her eagerness to be free overshadowing any need for negotiation.

Luminous mentally reached out to be sure the contract was properly signed, and once she confirmed that the monster had put her signature with the full intent of keeping the deal, she began the ritual that would deactivate the cells' containments.

All of the former prisoners were offered simple clothing by Roy, and once clothed, Luminous teleported them to random locations in the human nations, ensuring their inability to trace their way back to the cursed fortress. As Toltecatl vanished into the world of mortals, Luminous' decision sealed a fate intertwined with revenge, a monster unleashed as recompense for Granbell's betrayal.

Editing by aidan_lo and Zprotu.

Proofreading by Lightflan, Sluethen, Malguis, Malguis, aidan_lo, Thea, Cay, Cakeeight, and Zprotu.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader (gives access to chapters months ahead of regular readers).

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