Harbingers of Change

Volume 6 – Chapter 01

Chapter 1

The chill of the air was a sharp contrast to the turmoil within her; it seemed to amplify her unease rather than soothe it. Luminous walked through the frost-laden halls of Guy's castle, her steps shadowing those of the head maid, Mizeri. The emerald-haired woman was a powerhouse in her own right, easily rivaling herself in power and likely surpassing her in experience. Yet, in the presence of one such as Demon Lord Guy, an entity of unfathomable strength, she was relegated to mere servitude.

The castle, and indeed the entire continent Guy ruled over, was a frozen wasteland inhabited only by demons serving under their master's absolute rule. Only the strongest could survive here, a fact that Luminous felt with every frigid bite that seeped through her clothes. Whispers of the origin of this eternal winter mostly attributed the chill to the whims of Guy's consort, the True Dragon Velzard - though nothing had ever been confirmed.

The long halls, as cold and uninviting as the barren lands just beyond, were sparsely decorated with sculptures and paintings depicting the lord of the castle looking down smugly at whoever dared to pass. With Guy being known as the most prideful of demons, it came as no surprise to herself that all decorations were there to feed his narcissistic tendencies.

She was here to beg for help from a man whose wife's brother she had once tried to eliminate out of revenge. But there were no other choices left.

Her actions had cost her everything - her empire, her closest followers, even her own people. Now only her life remained, dangling precariously on the edge of ruin by a flimsy thread of fate. Should Tempest find her, even by accident, and her end would be certain. She was acutely aware of Tempest's powerful leadership, the trio of majin rulers easily capable of dealing with her.

'I have been so stupid. If I had been more careful, I would've seen the truth - that I was dealing with a calculating and cunning monster, not a careless and destructive brute.'

Whatever the outcome, regret would follow her, no matter how things played out. The one question she had to worry about was what Guy would ask in return. The rather notorious sex fiend of a demon was not above demanding sexual favors as payment for his involvement, given that spiritual beings could not have children. In a sense, he could be compared to a certain mythological figure Hinata had once told her about.

On Earth, in one of the more forgotten religions, there was supposedly a deity who bedded numerous mortal women, only for his ever-jealous wife to exact revenge on those women. Demon Lord Guy, too, had his own ever-jealous partner that Luminous knew she wouldn't ever be able to resist, akin to how those mortal women in Hinata's "mythologies" couldn't resist the goddess of marriage.

'I could crawl into his bed for protection; he likely would accommodate my tastes in exchange for my acknowledgment of his perpetual dominance, but… Velzard would not stand idly by.'

It was the wrath of the Ice Empress that she feared more than any of the degrading acts Guy would ask her to perform. From the scant rumors floating around, Velzard was vindictive and cruel, especially when protecting what was hers. As a True Dragon, she was at least on par with the blasted Veldora, if not stronger, and was one of the most ancient beings in the world.

Fortune had granted her a small favor; only Guy awaited her on the grand terrace, nestled on a throne-like ice sculpture. The barren scenery around the castle shifted around constantly, the harsh icy winds moving snow and sand alike.

She approached her host, who was bare-chested as always, his wavy dark red hair ignoring the environment completely. His eyes, a fiery red with silvery specks that mimicked the stars, fixed on her with an unabashed gaze, and his lips curled into a predatory grin.

"It's been a while. I was starting to think you had forgotten about me," he greeted her with a rumble, breaking the silence like a crackling hearth.

"You know how it is. Daily responsibilities make us forget about keeping up with friends," Luminous replied, tone measured as she took her place upon a similarly carved seat of ice.

"Everyone is so busy these days. You have to take a break once in a while and spend time with those you're acquainted with," Guy mused, taking on a philosophical edge.

"I suppose that you're already aware of the reason behind my visit?" Luminous cut through the pleasantries. Guy likely already knew the details and was playing the ignorant and out-of-touch recluse he often enjoyed presenting himself as to newbie Demon Lords.

"You don't know how to play nice, and it came back and bit you in the ass. Not the first occurrence, might I add," he remarked dryly, accepting a crystal goblet of wine from Mizeri.

"So do you plan to ignore Tempest's swift expansion? Will you wait until Momonga and his ilk knock on your doors? I think this is a valid cause for a Walpurgis, and all I ask of you is to support my call," Luminous firmly stated, as she too accepted a glass.

It was now or never. She had to get the approval or return with her nonexistent tail between her legs.

Guy smirked with a knowing look. "Luminous, Luminous, you're forgetting who you address. Only you went to say hello with a crusading army, led by that toy of yours. The others have basic manners and can get along with Tempest just fine. I even heard Veldora has become a refined and well-mannered gentleman, at least according to the rumors floating around. It's interesting what a few friends can do to a man - or dragon, in this case."

'He is intentionally messing with me. This blasted demon enjoys it!' Luminous scowled at the provocative demon. As if her immense guilt wasn't punishing her enough, he needed to pour salt in her wounds to satisfy his sadism.

"Oh don't pout, it doesn't suit you," he chided further, leaning back with ease.

Luminous tried her best to remain calm, the memories of long-past destruction threatening to surface once more. "Guy, they took everything. It's not just a funny joke anymore. If you refuse, then I will ask the others. I just need one more vote," she pressed, her voice betraying a hint of distress.

"You have made a friend? Do tell; I'm dying of curiosity," Guy's interest was piqued, though disguised in sarcasm as it was.

"Leon." She uttered the name of the fallen hero. Neither she nor Leon had even spoken with one another as the young Demon Lord wasn't aware she was the real Demon Lord Valentine, not Roy. Desperation usually made the strangest of alliances, and this alliance was one of them.

"Huh?" Guy, for once, expressed genuine surprise. It was a rare slip from his usually composed demeanor.

"Leon agrees with my request. Here is his signature." Luminous produced a small scroll and handed it to the demon, who quickly unrolled it.

"...That's interesting. He failed to mention this to me when we talked a week ago. Some friend he is. I wonder…" Guy leaned forward, using his much taller stature as leverage. "Tell me."

"Tell you what?" Luminous raised her left brow.

"Why would the pretty boy suddenly want to convene Walpurgis? You know he would rather let his teeth be pulled out one by one by hell's demons than attend a social event. And don't play around with your explanation," he warned her, grinning with an almost crazed look.

"From what I know, he tried to infiltrate Nazarick during the battle with the crusade and was intercepted by what he describes as a warrior in shining armor, much stronger than him, and a pair of dragons he assumed to be Veldora and Velgrynd. I have no information as to why he did such a thing, but you can rest assured that once the monster nation deals with me and Leon, the rest of the Demon Lords will follow until you alone remain. Momonga will take your allies, one by one."

Guy's laughter was dismissive. "Aren't you being a bit dramatic? I liked you better when you had that indifferent attitude and expression…" he snapped his fingers, trying to remember a phrase. "Mizeri, you know what I'm talking about."

"I believe you are referring to the term 'resting bitch face', my Lord," Mizeri responded in a deadpan tone, face still as stone.

"Ah yes, that one."

"Will you agree or not? I prefer not to waste time when my neck is on the line!" Luminous lost her cool, much to her internal dismay.

"Sure, why not? But we're having a regular Walpurgis, not the emergency one. It's not the end of the world, after all. So sit tight and let me announce it. That'll give everyone the preparations to be thorough," he decreed.

'That's better than nothing, perhaps it can distract Momonga for long enough,' Luminous mused. Her own life was already done for, but hopefully not the rest of her people's, and there was a possibility that she could salvage their fate.

The chances of getting out alive were slim, and even then everything was already taken from her. Her friend Chloe, whom she had completely trusted, had fed her blatant lies. The woman whom she desired the most was likely being tormented for her sins and participation in the war in the darkest depths of Tempest's dungeons. Most of her people were either taken as prisoners of war or slaughtered like sheep. Even her empire was gone with little chance to be rebuilt, with scheming vultures already circling the vacant lands, searching for succulent pieces to scavenge.

"Very well. I will lay low meanwhile." Luminous stood up. "Oh, and inform Dagruel that just because Ruberios doesn't exist anymore, those lands are not for his taking."

"I'll be sure to relay the message. Survive, Luminous. Parties without you aren't the same," Guy's farewell was a blend of jest and sincerity, as usual.

"Your parties won't be the same either way," she retorted, vanishing in a swirl of magicules.

The moment the vampire had fully teleported away, the atmosphere within the castle shifted. Guy straightened in his chair, his demeanor taking on a sovereign's gravity as he awaited another's approach. A youthful figure with hair that cascaded like a midnight waterfall appeared, settling into his embrace with an ease born of intimacy, leaning in comfortably as her hair intertwined with his.

"So?" Guy inquired.

"Don't be silly. Of course, it wasn't my sister. My brother likely has found some Dragon Lord toys to play around with. I would not put it past him to want someone resembling Velgrynd. He was always a bit too close to her and might harbor some, let's say, particular desires. Besides, Leon wouldn't know how my sister looks or what her aura feels like in the first place. And I know what you were thinking," she spoke, her nails pressing into his skin with a possessive claim.

"Jealous again?" Guy winced, seeing his wife's expression darken. Her aggressive jealousy was a fun foreplay, but he felt as if he was reaching the limits of how much the dragoness would tolerate him chasing other women.

"You are cruel to me, my darling. Luminous, really? Are my 'assets' becoming that boring?" she dragged her nails, leaving deep gashes that healed over nearly instantly.

"I was just playing around with her," Guy stated, pushing her hand away.

"You are always playing," Velzard coldly retorted.

"You know you are my favorite. Have I not given enough attention lately? Why be jealous of her? She's a goner, destined to die like other Demon Lords have. I doubt your brother's new friends will let her escape, anyway. They don't seem to be the forgiving kind."

"They are a curious bunch. Keeping that little troublemaker in line must not be easy. I wonder if I should pay a visit. It has been so long since you have taken me anywhere," she gently ran her hand over his cheek, leaning in.

Guy squeezed her waist. "I heard Tempest's capital is a wonderful place to visit no matter the season. We could have a stroll there after the Walpurgis blows over. You know both Milim and Ramiris are there, so you have to be careful about disciplining your brother."

"I have no reason to discipline him. If anything, I want to encourage his current behavior of playing nice and refraining from wanton destruction. You don't plan anything for Tempest as of now?" Velzard asked, leaning into him even more.

"First, I need to find out how Milim and Ramiris are involved with them. Wouldn't be nice of me to step on their toes."

"Why don't you call one of them for a chat?" she suggested. "This situation is growing bothersome."

"That's exactly what I plan to do. You want to join in?"

"I'll pass. I don't want to interact with my late brother's… offspring," she hissed, a venomous undertone lacing her words.

Guy wisely kept his mouth shut. Playfully teasing Velzard was one thing, but touching a sensitive subject such as Milim was unwise. She had never told him why exactly she disliked her so much, and it surely wasn't limited to the fact that Milim indirectly caused Veldanava's death by the mere fact of being born and taking her father's power, as all the children of powerful beings did. There was something far more involved with the dragonoid, something even he had shied away from for two thousand years.

Edited by aidan_lo and Zprotu.

Proofreading by Sluethen, aidan_lo, Arthav, clagan, shynavyseal, FantasyTroll, Thea, NuggetLover, and Zprotu.

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