Harbingers of Change

Volume 6 – Chapter 02

Chapter 2

Once again, Milim barged into his office, the doors swinging open with a tremendous thud that sent them crashing against the walls. The chosen maid of the day yelped in surprise, the shockwave alone enough to startle her.

"Hey, the session is over. I didn't lose control this time!" she proudly announced, leaping into a guest chair.

"That's indeed good to hear. Repairing the eighth floor isn't cheap," Momonga replied, glancing up from the proposals he was reading. "But next time, try knocking before you enter."

Milim's habit of barging into his quarters was an accident waiting to happen. Having already granted her permission to roam the inner city of Nazarick, it was too late to revoke it. 'Perhaps investing in cheap, easily replaceable doors would cut down on costs,' Momonga mused.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll keep it in mind," she carelessly dismissed his request, leaning back in her chair. "Besides, aren't you supposed to spoil me and not worry about the expenses that go into making me better?"

"Spoil you? Who gave you that idea?" Momonga questioned, suspecting the likely culprit.

"Erm…" Milim looked up, attempting to whistle to no avail.

"Was it Buku?" Momonga leaned forward, narrowing his gaze on the girl.


"Milim?" he pressed, the flames flaring up in his eye sockets.

"Maybe… I don't remember who told me that," she said, avoiding throwing Buku under the bus in fear of retaliation, not that Momonga fell for that.

"Regardless, it's good that you're making progress," Momonga decided to drop the topic. It could have been either of the siblings who planted the idea in Milim's head - Pero and Buku were both known for their indulgence in spoiling their children. Shalltear alone probably had the highest spending budget for a child of a guild member in the entirety of Tempest, and Buku's suffocating overprotectiveness of the twins was well-known.

Aura's recent attempts to gain independence from her mother by requesting missions directly from Momonga had been surprising. This held to a greater extent knowing the undying loyalty that the NPCs were created with. It was risky to keep Buku in the dark, but Momonga understood Aura's desire for autonomy, a trait ironically shared with her mother.

Thus came an agreement that Aura could partake in various missions across the nation, but they wouldn't be reported back to Buku, instead considered part of her regular guardian duties.

If Buku ever caught on to their scheme, Momonga was fully prepared to take the blame on himself and actually abuse his power for the benefit of both mother and daughter. Their relationship was much better when they weren't at each other's throats, and Buku remained none the wiser.

For similar reasons, Momonga didn't act as an overbearing figure to Milim, treating her as capable of making her own decisions, even if they led to mistakes. Of course, he occasionally exerted his authority to keep her on the path of becoming a well-rounded adult.

"Yup. I checked myself, and guess what? I'm starting to grow again. So…" Milim suddenly leaned forward with big puppy eyes, as if pleading for a reward.

"...I suppose I could get you something for the occasion," Momonga lightly chuckled at her blatant appeal. 'Perhaps time off with Mare would do her some good.'

"Great! And since I'm growing and becoming responsible… you promised," Milim persisted, holding his gaze.

"You want to join the guild?" Momonga asked, knowing where this was going. He had indeed promised her, and adding her to Nazarick would be a great boon. That would be especially the case if her nigh-infinite power could be utilized to expand armies and create raw materials to build advanced weapons.

"You said I could join if I worked on myself," Milim implored, making her eyes as large as possible, staring up with a stare that could melt any heart. At least, any heart that didn't have its emotions suppressed passed a specific threshold.

"True, and you have my vote. But remember, guild membership comes with responsibilities. We each contribute, whether through power or intellect. It's not just about giving orders and bossing around; it's about ensuring no one is left behind."

"I will, I promise!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Are you certain? Pandora mentioned that-"

"That was just one time! Maybe twice. But I'm serious about my studies," Milim interjected, glancing away and mumbling something about her adoptive brother being a snitch.

"Milim, being a guild member is a serious commitment," Momonga said sternly.

"I know! I'm helping wherever I can, you know… In my own way. You can't hold a few skipped lessons against me!" Milim protested, raising her voice in frustration as she rose to her feet and slammed her fists on the table, which cracked under the force.

"Milim!" Momonga's tone turned menacing.

The girl shrunk down, losing her fighting spirit. "You promised…"

"And I did. However, there is one last thing I need to explain before I call for the vote. Being a member of Ainz Ooal Gown means joining a family who stand for one another. If we were to enter a war with Demon Lords, you would have to take our side, regardless of past relationships," Momonga explained, using his lack of eyelids to his advantage as he unwaveringly gazed back at the pouting child.

"I understand. Look, if Guy starts a fuss, I'll kick his ass. Ramiris is already part of Nazarick and Frey will likely serve you soon anyway," Milim stated with a smirk. "What? I overhear things. Even if I skipped the politics course, I know how it all works."

"That shouldn't be surprising, I suppose. You're observant, despite your antics."

Momonga was aware that despite her childish nature, Milim was intelligent and observant when she wanted to be, letting the experience of a long life shine through her juvenile demeanor. She just tended to be childish, scheming like how a teen would.

"See? So, you can trust me. I'll stand with you all forever," she expressed, beaming with the energy of a thousand suns. "Call them in! I know the rest will say yes."

"Very well." Momonga contacted his friends, explaining that it was time to cast the vote.

Veldora was the first to arrive, his face and overcoat marred with oily smudges. "Congratulations kiddo. I knew you'd win over the Chief sooner or later."

"Agreed. If Momo is for it, I have no reason to vote against her," Pero added, materializing in the office.

Buku, teleporting in last, simply nodded in agreement and took a seat.

Momonga's demeanor shifted subtly, a quiet aura emanating from him as he stood behind his desk. The soft glow of the magical lights in the office seemed to gather around him, casting his figure in a regal silhouette.

"Then it is settled," he declared, his voice imbued with the power of his position. "Milim, from this moment forward, you are officially a member of Ainz Ooal Gown."

The words, spoken with a noble yet understated conviction, filled the room. Milim's status was elevated from guest to Lord through Nazarick. Since the guild skill had been absorbed long ago, it rendered any additional skills unnecessary.

"So," Milim probed the changing atmosphere. "Can I add my lands to Tempest?" she asked eagerly.

"I'd prefer it if we do not publicly announce your induction into Tempest. Not until we've dealt with Luminous and ascertained the positions of the other Demon Lords," Momonga stated, politely declining her offer.

Buku interjected, "We need to be careful about these things. Besides, aren't your territories completely self-sufficient and self-governed?" she asked, voicing Momonga's internal concerns.

"They are… kinda," Milim conceded, her posture deflating slightly. "I guess I can live without telling everyone for a short while. But I don't want to hide this forever!"

"There won't be any need to. However, we must ensure that your joining Nazarick isn't perceived as a provocation, which could lead to premature conflict," Momonga reassured her, inclining back into his chair.

"I know, but I expect someone to accompany me when I return to my lands. Standing up for one another and all that," Milim insisted, pointing fingers at each guild member, one by one.

"That we can arrange," Momonga agreed. "The only thing off the table is a formal announcement at this time."

"You know what? Fine. I only wanted to brag to Ramiris anyway and she… does she already know?" Milim looked at her new guildmates with her brows furrowed and lips tightly pressed together.

"Not exactly. She'll be aware once you are in her proximity. Nevertheless, you'll have a chance to impress your friend later. There are additional matters I need to show and explain," Momonga said, rising to his feet as his robes billowed impressively from his still-flowing aura.

The maid present rushed over and straightened out his robe before he could even step away from the table. That was quite fast, even for a denizen of the Great Tomb.

"Really? Are there more secrets I'm yet to learn?" Milim's curiosity was piqued.

Buku laughed at that. "Quite a few, I think. Oh, and if you're planning to raid the treasury behind Momonga's back, count me in for a share," she quipped with a wink before vanishing, much to Momonga's annoyance.

"Is that an option?" Veldora perked up, intrigued by the prospect.

"Sis was joking, buddy. Albedo will skin you alive if you try to pull that sort of stunt," Pero clapped his dragon friend's shoulder, chuckling.

"Indeed, we have established protocols for the allocation of equipment and resources. Milim, you'll have the opportunity to select outfits and weaponry, but you'll need to coordinate with Pandora on that front. As for materials, Albedo manages those affairs," Momonga clarified.

With both "bros" departing as well, Momonga was free to guide Milim through the previously off-limits sections of the Great Tomb.

The first and most obvious step was to assign Milim her own quarters on the Royal Floor, as she previously lived in Tempest's castle and could only visit Nazarick before becoming a guild member. Her new accommodations were to be made of specially reinforced metals just in case she tried anything funny or her aura went out of control; Pandora had gathered excellent data about her destructive abilities and was eager to test his newest experiments.

Of course, she also needed to be made aware of the research facility and the treasury, being given nearly unrestricted access to the entirety of the Great Tomb. The sole restriction was the chamber housing Ker's sword - a place off-limits to all but Rubedo and Momonga himself, with even Buku and Pero steering clear despite their likely impunity.

As they moved from place to place, Momonga methodically outlined the permissible actions and responsibilities, addressing a list of regulations to an evidently disinterested Milim.

"So, I can't just assign myself servants? I need to consult with Pestonya and Eclair first?" Milim asked, idly navigating Nazarick's UI.

"That would be for the best. However, they've likely anticipated your needs," Momonga confirmed.

"Man, this thing is great! I can see what roles everyone has!" she remarked while scrolling through the personnel list.

Milim's attention then suddenly fixated on a particular entry. "Huh!?" she halted, glancing at Momonga, and then back at the list.

"Is something wrong?" the Overlord asked, stopping beside her.

"How long have you owned Clayman? And is that Kazareem as well? You know, the Free Guild lady he was pretending to be," she was clearly surprised by the revelation. "Before you ask, I know it was one of the two for a while. I just wasn't aware that you controlled both."

"For quite some time. You will have to keep that information confidential."

"Sure… you know, Momonga, I'm starting to see why you're keeping secrets. Enslaving Demon Lords is kind of a big deal. Eh, but Guy won't care about Clayman. Still, I get why you were so serious about the whole joining thing."

Momonga nodded at that. "It's better to be safe than sorry. An inadvertent leak could be as detrimental as a brazen assault, so be cautious. Speaking of Guy, you'll have to arrange a meeting with him in the near future. I wish to know where he stands."

"Consider it done! I'll invite him for tea and snacks. He's easygoing so don't worry about him too much. He won't mess with my stuff," Milim replied, returning to scrolling through a long list of named majins.

Interrupting their conversation, Ramiris popped up between them. "Hey boss, Milim. Discussing Guy? I can help deal with him!"

"It's Lady Milim to you. I'm a guild member now," Milim proclaimed, beaming with pride.

"Fat chance. You earn your position first and then I'll think about calling you of all people a lady," Ramiris retorted, playfully sticking out her tongue.

Milim cracked her knuckles with a demonic expression, madly grinning. "I think it's time for my first disciplinary action as a guild member."

Momonga interjected before tensions escalated. "Ramiris, refrain from provoking Milim. And Milim, let's not commence your guild membership with conflict."

"But she-" "I'm her boss now." The pair simultaneously justified their positions.

"Do I have to keep you both apart at all times?" Momonga was having none of it. If the two were to be children, he would be the sole responsible adult in the room.

"Sorry boss, I'll respect Milim," Ramiris saluted, then added quietly, "If she does the same, that is."

"I was just playing around. I won't ask my friends to treat me differently." Milim snickered, feigning nonchalance, and resumed her UI exploration.

"Was there something you needed, Ramiris?" Momonga inquired.

"Pandora wants a crate of celestial uranium. We ran out of the stuff and the experiment we are working on is at a critical phase. Albedo won't let us take what we need and would probably write a report about it, so I came directly to you, Chief," the fairy explained.

"Albedo is in charge of material distribution for this exact reason," Momonga stared down at her, the flames in his eyes flaring up.

"Can't you do something just this once?" Ramiris pleaded. "We don't want to run out of fuel and cause an explosion. There was a slight miscalculation in the required amount. Celestial uranium has a slightly different atomic structure than regular U-235 and U-238."

"Then take what you need, but ensure Albedo receives a report by the day's end," Momonga relented, sending the appropriate request to the guardian overseer.

"I'll start documenting everything the moment Pandora has the material," Ramiris promised, hurriedly nodding.

Momonga dismissed her, suppressing the desire to let out a tired sigh, though Emotional Suppression did most of the work.

"I'll go see what they're doing," Milim announced, quickly darting off with Ramiris.

Momonga, now left to his thoughts, reassured himself of the lab's robust safeguards. 'It's not like Milim would attempt to add her energy… that won't happen…' the ever-paranoid leader walked on, pushing his intrusive thoughts away.

Editing by aidan_lo and Zprotu.

Proofreading by Sluethen, Arthav, clagan, aidan_lo, shynavyseal, Thea, FantasyTroll, Gil, NuggetLover, and Zprotu.

Link my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2)

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