Harbingers of Change

Volume 6 – Chapter 03

Chapter 3

Momonga carefully eyed the reddish, semi-transparent liquid swirling in the wine glass that Pandora's Actor had offered. Though he knew that the Great Tomb's denizens would never dream of harming him, let alone drugging him, old habits from his human days on Earth lingered.

The Greater Doppelgänger sat poised in the guest chair at Momonga's office table, flanked by Demiurge. Together, they were deep in discussion over a scheme involving high-tier magical manipulation, a concept so complex it had never crossed Momonga's mind.

"Just to clarify, you've constructed a temporal accelerator solely for aging alcohol?" Momonga queried, taking a modest sip of the brandy that, while only two weeks in the making, boasted the complexity of a two-century-old vintage. Such a feat was unthinkable back in his world, but here it was reality.

"Indeed, Vater," Pandora's Actor assured him, chest swelling with pride. "The temporal accelerator is capable of aging a variety of products at Lord Pero's behest. Initially, I devised this gerät to observe the decay of radioactive materials, but the commercial applications cannot be overlooked!"

"I see. Ensure it remains within Nazarick's confines. Should our adversaries reverse-engineer such a device, the consequences could be dire," he said, savoring another taste of the exquisite brandy, not wanting to waste anything. It was good brandy, to say the least.

Moreover, the aging process could serve to compound further deception about how old and powerful Nazarick - and by extension Tempest, were. By vending bottles of centuries-old liquor under their names, it would insinuate that the leaders of Tempest possessed a comparable age, at the very least, given the quantity and price they could afford to sell at.

Demiurge's diamond-like eyes shimmered behind his spectacles with obvious excitement, "The implications for how larger life forms would react to such a process are intriguing. With your permission, my Lord, I wish to experiment with the temporal accelerator."

"Discuss it amongst yourselves," Momonga directed, shifting the conversation to more urgent affairs. "Now, what's the status of Yuuki, Luminous, and Leon?"

The trio topped the most wanted list, but thus far, only Leon's whereabouts were common knowledge. With the Tempest Hegemony still struggling to establish total control over its now forty million human population, an open war with a Demon Lord was not desirable, even if said Demon Lord initiated the conflict. Of course, that didn't mean he would get away with his crime - retribution for the unprovoked offense was inevitable. The punishment would merely be postponed until sufficient resources could be allocated.

Leon would be getting his dues for attacking the Great Tomb, that was a certainty. His place of residence was widely known across Nazarick's uppermost echelons, and now the approximate strength of some of his equipment and subordinates as well.

Demiurge rose, presenting his findings. "Yuuki is not to be found in Siltrosso. My reconnaissance of their hidden facilities, conducted during Granbell's absence, suggests the Eastern Empire as his likely refuge, knowing we prefer not to antagonize a nation protected by Lord Veldora's sister," the floor guardian dutifully reported.

"Keep on the lookout for him," Momonga accepted the papers, motioning for the demon to continue.

"The location of Luminous' hiding place remains mostly a mystery," Demiurge expressed in a regretful tone, possibly due to his own perceived inability. "However, through interrogation of her captured subjects, I have concluded the existence of an offshore sanctuary, likely the secluded island near former Ruberios. Leon may harbor her as a fugitive, but without authorization to breach El Dorado's barriers, I cannot test this hypothesis."

"Hmm… For now, avoid open hostilities with Leon. Before we confront another Demon Lord, I wish to establish a dialogue with Guy," Momonga stated, inwardly lamenting Demiurge's aggressive tendencies.

Pandora leaped into the discourse, "I would like to add that my initial analysis of Leon, corroborated by Ramiris' account, paints him as a being of diplomatic ineptitude. Therefore, peaceful negotiations are unlikely."

Momonga nodded, "Our priority is to establish full dominion over our current territories and begin preparing forces for future expansion, should the need ever arise. Demiurge, is the Jistav annexation plan ready?"

Sooner or later, the lands of the enthralled Demon Lords would be added to Tempest, but such a feat would be only feasible if both nations shared a wide enough border. At the moment, this wasn't the case as a large part of Jura was still unaccounted for on their maps. If not for the war with Falmuth, they would've reached the Eastern Empire's border months ago. The ideal time to strike would've been now, given how Ruberios, their largest rival to the West, had collapsed.

"It has been fully prepared, Lord Momonga. Once enough troops can be allocated for this task, Aura and Mare are ready to spearhead the full forest takeover within the day of your word. With Milim's energy contributions, we anticipate exceeding troop production expectations imminently," Demiurge fixed his glasses as he read aloud the main points of the plan from his clipboard.

"You may proceed. If that is all, the meeting is adjourned."

Milim joining the guild had proven invaluable when it came to energy generation. Troop production had tripled on top of what the likes of Veldora were already inducing, and the material production of rare metals had nearly doubled in terms of sheer volume. Nazarick stood ready to harness this gold mine, and Milim was all too willing to oblige.

"Vater, I have a proposition," Pandora spoke up.

"Go on," Momonga replied, mentally prepared to face whatever crazy idea his creation was about to unleash upon him, each more extravagant than the last.

"Lord Veldora and Ramiris have devised a way for Nazarick's UI assistant to be completely sentient. This advancement could automate the Great Tomb's operations, liberating your time for matters of greater consequence," Pandora elaborated, his arms weaving through the air, punctuating his vision with dramatic gestures and pointing at various maps around the room.

"Is there not an inherent risk in granting sentience to an AI, especially one with control over Nazarick?" Momonga questioned, internally suspicious of such a suggestion.

It was one thing to give the assistant limited intelligence to execute protocols and complex orders, but another to let it think on its own. As brilliant as the trio of researchers was, sometimes they were a tad too careless with innovation. If the countless fictional stories about AI had taught anyone anything on Earth, the prospect of it developing its own agenda was a risk not to be taken lightly. Momonga had no intention of wrangling back Nazarick's extensive capabilities from one of his own, not with current global tensions.

"Rest assured, Vater, even with heightened intellect, the AI would remain irrevocably bound to your will. After all, one could not possibly match the intelligence of the Supreme Beings, even if artificially created," Pandora assured him, hurriedly nodding. Demiurge smirked in approval of his colleague.

Momonga pondered the proposal. Their track record was impressive, albeit not flawless. The atomic lab incident - a near-catastrophic meltdown - had necessitated involvement by both Buku and Rubedo to clean up all the radioactive waste and rampant energy fields threatening to rip apart reality itself, with the world's space-time fabric only being held stable by Momonga's and Ramiris' intervention through Nazarick.

The miscalculation was understandable considering that otherworlder physics, when applied to materials existing in a separate universe, generally made for an unpredictable equation as every world held its own unique rules. However, the results - controlled or not - had led to an accident that, if performed in proximity to life, could have caused mass radiation poisoning and death. Pero had estimated that such an accident would've cost Tempest upwards of hundreds of thousands of gold coins to fix at the bare minimum. Moreover, the costs from the experiment itself numbered in the tens of thousands.

'It would require constraints more stringent than those on Rubedo. But Pandora is right; regardless of its intellect, no AI could ever overcome the entirety of Nazarick.'

"Very well. Construct the AI, but I expect a comprehensive report and a prototype for evaluation before its integration into Nazarick," Momonga decreed, his voice brooking no argument.

"Understood. Rigorous testing will precede any implementation," Pandora saluted, jittering with excitement.

After dismissing both guardians, Momonga contemplated on what else could be done to further strengthen Nazarick, to ensure no enemy could conquer it or the nation it belonged to. With Kagali still overseeing the Free Guild's reorganization, neither of them had the opportunity to utilize the vast reserves of souls and corpses. Subsequently, personnel recruitment of mortals had plateaued due to having already employed most of them from the very start.

'I suppose I'll have to order her to allocate time to prioritize this task. It's imperative to instruct both Kagali and Albedo to deal with it. We can't hold off the deadmen body creation for that much longer.'

Diablo had pledged that once the bodies were done and the order was given, he would return to the underworld and recruit the most powerful demons he could find and make them swear fealty to Momonga and the guild. That indeed would be a huge boon for Nazarick as a whole.

The Primordial had gone to extensive lengths outlining the benefits of such a method to obtain stronger armies. An army devoid of mortal needs and capable of relentless combat was always appreciated. His own undead skeletons could only go so far, while Diablo had promised sapient demons with stronger souls for Pandora to harness their skills.


With a rare moment of leisure at his disposal, Momonga decided that it would be beneficial to meet the various race leaders and tour the lands he ruled over. As the leader of the entire country, his public appearances had been scant as of late, and his subjects might have grown restless without a chance to show off what they had achieved or from believing that he was growing negligent.

Such endeavors might seem trivial to most, but it was the morale of the people that augmented or killed nations. An uncaring leader invited dissent, and he was not about to permit such a thing to occur under his rule. It was his nation, connected by his Nazarick, and he was determined to maintain its integrity.

Before Albedo could catch wind of his impromptu tour and make him travel with a massive, burdening escort, he simply opted for just Rubedo and Ranga. They took the roles of bodyguard and mount respectively, to quell any concerns regarding his safety. Ranga, in particular, had expressed a desire for a walk, eager to flaunt his exclusive privilege of carrying the Supreme Overlord of the Tempest Hegemony. Moreover, Rubedo's exposure to the mundane workings of mortals would enrich her understanding, preparing her for any future interactions that destiny might dictate.

Sensing his master's intentions, Ranga jumped out of his shadow, wagging his tail like there was no tomorrow.

{ Master! I am prepared to carry you forth! } The direwolf announced, his paws dancing with anticipation while the rest of his body frantically pranced in place.

"Very well, Ranga. I know you've been waiting for your chance," Momonga replied, his voice tinged in amusement. The wolf was far too petable to be ignored, so his skeletal hand moved on its own accord to scratch him behind the ears.

As Momonga indulged Ranga's excitement, Rubedo materialized, ready to assume her usual role as his bodyguard.

Now with his two assistants by his side, Momonga could start the tour. Without as much as giving it a thought, they teleported just beyond the royal palace's gates. Momonga flew up to settle onto Ranga's back as the wolf expanded to a formidable four meters in height. The wolf's true size, often concealed within Momonga's shadow, likely was much larger than that, hinting at a strength of SS rank in terms of raw power alone.

With Rubedo floating beside them, Ranga began to trod towards the mayor's office. The stunned citizens and tourists quickly parted before them as they moved forward, their splendor for all to see. The unprepared city guards, momentarily taken aback, soon sprang into action, clearing the way and managing the crowds with practiced efficiency.

The still-early spring wind was cold and refreshing, bringing in the scent of trees sprouting their first leaves and the tantalizing aromas of culinary delights from nearby vendors. The city, in a sense, followed the traditional layout of most medieval cities, and the districts closer to the castle were reserved for only the wealthiest and most powerful denizens. But that didn't mean people from all walks of life couldn't stroll along the polished stone streets to marvel at the architectural wonders of the monster nation's capital.

Upon reaching Rigurd's office, they found the imposing hobgoblin amidst a flurry of activity, orchestrating a symphony of aides and general emissaries, as well as frantically issuing orders to an ever-growing line of informants and racial subleaders.

The tempo of the office ground to a halt as Momonga's presence commanded attention, prompting a collective genuflection, Rigurd first and foremost.

"Rigurd, it is good to see you. How have you been?" Momonga greeted the kneeling hobgoblin, who had nearly pushed his office table away when he saw who entered.

"Supreme Overlord, your visit graces us with unparalleled honor. I strive to fulfill my duties with the utmost diligence," Rigurd stammered, his lip quivering, as he was visibly moved by the encounter.

"Rise. Tell me, is there anything I can assist you with? Regrettably, my own duties have kept me from being fully informed of your dealings," Momonga offered, gesturing for the hobgoblin to rise, with Ranga nodding in agreement.

"I have shamed you, my Lord. No matter how hard I have tried, I've struggled to manage all my responsibilities. Please punish me accordingly," he lowered his head in guilt as he reluctantly stood up.

Momonga gazed down at Rigurd's clenched fists. "Hmm… If I am correct, you're the mayor of the capital city and leader of the Hobgoblins?" If the hobgoblin was indeed trying to juggle two jobs at the same time, then it would be a miracle for him to have properly managed all this time.

"C-correct, my Lord," Rigurd admitted, his voice breaking midway.

"You bear the mantle of both mayor and racial leader. It's a herculean task for any individual. How about you choose the role you wish to retain, and we shall appoint a worthy successor for the other?" Momonga suggested, much to the surprise of the room's inhabitants. It wasn't often that they saw the leader of Tempest personally get involved with somebody.

"In that case, I will continue to work as the mayor of the city and let someone else be the leader of the hobgoblins," Rigurd responded with what sounded like a whimper.

Momonga observed Rigurd's struggle; it was easy to see he took great pride in keeping up with both responsibilities, but one person couldn't overwork himself forever. Momonga knew that all too well, and Rigurd would only keep pushing himself to overwork so long as he didn't intervene. It was a reflection of his own past overexertions. He resolved to aid in the transition, ensuring the hobgoblins would be guided by capable hands.

A quick mental chat with Albedo revealed an ideal candidate; Alysa, Pero's consort. The goblina was a great administrator and, when not taken seriously, could lean on her lover's authority to get her way. If anything, she should have been appointed as racial leader some time ago but hadn't since Rigurd had been cemented instead by Momonga's own word all those months ago.

Alysa's advocacy for her kin was evident even to the casual observer. Among the hierarchy of races, the hobgoblins and goblinas rarely ascended to prominence, overshadowed by the formidable prowess of their peers. They weren't exactly at the top of the pecking order.

The orcs' tireless dedication to construction and agriculture, the kijins' unmatched strength in smithing and combat, the kobolds' superior intellect, and the Dragonewts' exceptional agility and resilience relegated the green-skinned race to the margins of power. Thus, it was a rare exception to see them in higher positions while most other races held a tight near-oligopoly on them.

Yet, Alysa had done everything she could to provide her peers with opportunities they otherwise wouldn't get. For this reason, the majority of kobold assistants were of her kind. Her influence, bolstered by her status as one of Pero's esteemed consorts, was undeniable. Even Koby, who was not easily swayed, found it difficult to dismiss her petitions, aware that displeasing the goblina could incur Pero's ire.

This approach may have seemed to challenge the principles of meritocracy, but without her intervention, goblins and hobgoblins risked being systematically excluded from the significant roles they had once held when the nation was young.

They were still chosen for their merits, not out of nepotism, but simply given fair consideration alongside candidates from more traditionally favored races. For instance, when choosing a financial advisor, a kobold might be the default choice over a goblina, and the physically dominant kijins were gradually supplanting hobgoblins in roles where brute strength was paramount - when a single kijin could wrestle a dozen hobgoblins at once and win.

Seeing that all he would do was offer a title for the job she was already doing, Momonga contacted Pero. { Would you mind if I offered Alysa the position of the racial leader of hobgoblins? }

{ What do you mean? Wasn't she already that? } Pero questioned, sounding genuinely confused at the proposal.

{ Officially, Rigurd was holding that position, but he was unable to keep up with both the duties of a race leader and the mayor of the capital. Your consort had taken it upon herself to advocate for her race without anyone giving her the authority to do so. } Momonga explained, suspecting that Alysa likely was bending the truth when getting Pero involved in her shenanigans.

{ That clever- wait, you said you wanted to offer her the position? Not punish her? } Pero cautiously asked.

{ Indeed. It seems she has been doing that job on her own, so I might as well make it official. } Momonga replied, hoping he didn't just cause a brewing argument between the two.

{ Sure, I don't mind. Just to be sure, she won't face repercussions for her actions? }

{ No, nothing warrants severe punishment. }

{ That's a relief. She's still getting some from me. That clever minx… I should have noticed. Someone will have to work standing up for a few weeks. } Pero didn't sound too amused.

Momonga wisely chose not to inquire further into Pero's private matters and proceeded with his plan.

Locating Alysa proved effortless. She was engaged in a spirited discussion with the leader of the Rabbit people, debating the representation of their races in the service industry - a sector recently dominated by the Rabbit people, whose charming ears often swayed situations in their favor. They sat in a quaint tea house, a haven for those seeking the comfort of a warm beverage without the commitment of a full meal, musing over the advantages of wider hips versus larger ears in hospitality.

The sudden appearance of the Supreme Overlord halted their conversation mid-sip, their expressions frozen in a mix of surprise and apprehension.

"Be at ease. I am here to formally offer Alysa the position of Hobgoblin racial leader," Momonga declared with regal pose #13.

Alysa's response, initially hampered by shock, soon gave way to gratitude, "T-thank you, my Lord. I-I will gladly take upon these duties," she managed, stuttering out once her mouth stopped ignoring her order to move. With how much she had played around, it was only a matter of time before she got caught, and that time had come. Yet here she was, being promoted instead of receiving punishment.

"Excellent. Report to Albedo for an overview of your new responsibilities. And henceforth, channel any initiatives through the proper channels," Momonga instructed, his authority underscored by Ranga's supportive tail wag.

The goblina, despite already enjoying immensely high status as Pero's consort, became a few shades of green lighter at the mere idea of displeasing the absolute ruler of the Tempest Hegemony, and all she could do was nod while trembling.

"I-I will, Lord Momonga. Thank you for this honor," she said, bowing so fast that Momonga feared her spine might snap.

With the matter resolved and Alysa's promotion secured, Momonga took his leave, vanishing with a teleportation spell. His next destination was to meet with Geld, the orc whose contributions to urban development had been instrumental. The orcs, too, would soon have their moment in the spotlight.

Editing by aidan_lo and Zprotu.

Proofreading by Clagan, aidan_lo, shynavyseal, FantasyTroll, Thea, Cay, Gil, NuggetLover, and Zprotu.

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