Harry potter: the ring maker


After ironing out all of the questions that there were in regards to vampires Mina was accepted into the group without issue. Things got much more relaxed after that as she stopped bothering Nick and focused her attention on the other members of the group instead. Luna had also accepted Nicks invitation to the ball and the mere fact he had asked her had gotten him several teases from his fiends but he had expected it to begin with and was unbothered. Nick had noticed something concerning however that he could see becoming a problem later.-

His pride had mutated after becoming a fully daedric being and he couldn't help but feel an instinctual disdain for the people around him. He kept it under control but it was clear that his elevated state wasn't entirely positive for him. It was not an issue at the moment as he had his friends and people like Dumbledore and Nicolas Flammel to keep him grounded but eventually most of those would crumble and fade or cease to anchor him. Thankfully Nick was fairly certain that that was a far into the future sort of issue.-

Two days before christmas Nick finally completed the chamber for Beauxbatons and it was a thing of marvel for him. So realistic and varied that the inside could easily pass for the real deal regardless of which environment or enemy one would face. His favorite part though was that he added an adaptation feature to the chamber and golems so that it was no longer a one size fits all type thing. Like if someone discovered a loophole in a scenario and exploited it the chamber and golems would change the scenario slightly to punish the next person if they tried to repeat the exploit.-

"It is magnificent Nick!" Madam Maxime said after trying the chamber out herself. "If I am being honest I almost don't want to give it up." Nick admitted. "That just means that it's as good as I had hoped for then." she said with a wide smile. "I am happy you like it and please do have a good evening. " he said before leaving since his schedule had finally opened up a bit. This meant that he now had the time to focus exclusively on copying the library books and emptying out the room of hidden things.-

Speaking of that room Nick had found some strange things in that place as he fed his realm the vast majority of it. A whole mummy , a can filled with human teeth , a leprechauns big toe on a string and several other unusual or flat out weird objects that boggled the mind. In terms of cursed items Nick was disgusted to find that after getting about ten percent through the rooms contents he had hundreds of unique curses recorded. Most were fairly harmless but others were totally messed up like ruin someone's life messed up.-

He wasn't even sure how but someone had trapped the maldictus curse in a small brightly colored orb that was set to infect the person who touched it. Nick took great pleasure destroying the horrible object by feeding it to his realm that was growing greatly. Not physically as there was not enough in the room to cause much change in the size of the planet in the realm but rather magically. The one leyline that the realm had from the cores integration had tripled into three thanks to all the pure magic that came from breaking down the curses with the realm.-

In a not so surprising twist the realm was uniquely suited for handling curses which Nick was willing to bet heavily was due to the realms daedric nature. In Nirn Daedra were infamous for their curses so it made perfect sense that the affinity for them was a part of their race. Nick himself likely also had a great affinity for curses but refused to cast them due to the corruptive effects of such dark magic. In this regard he was a bit unique in terms of daedra as unlike nearly all of them that couldn't be corrupted by dark magic because they themselves were innately dark magic oriented he was the exact opposite as he was light magic oriented instead.-

In a way he was smack dab in the middle between an aedra and a daedra with him leaning towards daedra due to how he became this way. Anyways more leylines meant that the concentration of mana in the air of the realm was even greater. it wasn't quite at the same level as Hogwarts at the moment but it was fast approaching that point. Late into the night of this day Dotty finally completed their evolution and the changes were drastic.

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