Harry potter: the ring maker

New addition

The vampire princess went through three changes in mood in quick succession as she understood what Nick had said. The first was confusion because the name he said was not her own , the second was realization that he was baiting her and the third was anger at falling for it. The library was usually fairly quiet but as she released her bloodlust it got deathly silent. Regardless of all else she was still a powerful tier four being so to everyone in the library it was like death was leaning over their shoulder whispering in their ears that it was there.-

Nick sighed and flicked her on the forehead snapping her out of it and letting everyone else in the library breath out in relief. "Learn to take a joke or you'll find your stay here at Hogwarts much shorter than you may like." he chastised her firmly. She might be there for him but Nick wasn't going to let her stay at the school if she turned murderous every time he played a prank on her. That wasn't a laughing matter as she was legitimately wanting to kill something just now over his little prank.-

"Hmph! You were the one who played with my feelings to begin with!" she shot back angrily. "First you aren't even interested in me like that , second nobody is stopping you from leaving and finally you are the literal last person I would ever ask to go to the ball with me. That rumor you started is already irritating enough as it is , I don't need to add more fuel to the fire." Nick said calmly. "How can you possibly know how I feel?" She asked with a scoff. "Because you are a cat." Nick said bluntly.-

"What?" she asked dumbfounded. "Have ever seen the way cats act in general as a species? They are vain and apathetic creatures in most instances. They want attention on their terms and if they want to mate they make it abundantly clear while they are easily distracted and constantly seek stimulation. You Mina Tepes , are a cat and thus easy to understand." Nick explained and he could see that as much as she wanted to deny it the comparison was uncomfortably accurate. "The fact is that because you have had whatever you wanted on a silver spoon your whole life so finding someone that denies you has your interest peaked."-

"You want to be friends with me and that is totally fine but flirting is simply not the way to go about it." he added for good measure before returning to his copying while she was left to her thoughts. He meant it too as he was perfectly okay with being friends with her but all the advances on him that she didn't actually mean were annoying to deal with. The talk seemed to work too as Mina vanished for the next week before randomly choosing to insert herself into Nicks hang out with his friends.-

Calling that awkward would have been the understatement of the year as besides Luna that had the magical ability to gel with pretty much anyone who wasn't an insufferable jerk the others had no idea how to approach the vampire. They couldn't ask about what it was like being a vampire either as Mina was born one and simply couldn't explain the difference since she had never experienced it herself. "So like how old are you anyways?" Ron eventually asked and every single person in the room looked at him like he was an idiot.-

"Mate you don't ask a woman that , like ever. She's one hundred and five." Nick said with a grin as he directly exposed her age. "Is that a lot for a vampire?" Ron asked not sure about it. "Depends on the vampire but for a natural born like her not really , she's barely considered an adult by natural born standards so in human years like seventeen or so." Nick said with a shrug. "When did you become an expert on the subject anyways?" Tracy asked confused. "I think it would be rather strange if I didn't know a good deal about them since I have a fairly good relationship with the royals and even have the ear of the king of vampires himself , her dad for context." Nick said honestly.-

"Of course you do." Daphne said with a tired sigh after hearing what he said. "Aren't vampires considered dark creatures though? No offense meant of course." Hermione asked while covering her bases with Mina. "They are indeed but like most things it is more complicated than it seems. See the things that the ministry and most wizards are most concerned about are the blood thralls and lower vampire species that have a bad habit of being bloodthirsty monsters that kill everything they come across. Above that is the true vampires that are basically just people that drink blood to survive but are otherwise just the same as everyone else." He explained honestly.

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