Harry potter: the ring maker

Discussing chambers

Dumbledore then went on to explain the rules for who was and was not allowed to place their names in the goblet. Like agreed upon Dumbledore had lowered the minimum age to fourteen so that Harry had a chance to enter. Other than that it was surprisingly similar to canon in that nearly every other detail was the same. To the point in fact that Nick wondered if it was somehow a fixed point in time and thus would always happen like this. That was the tricky part about time as a whole , without being able to grasp a large amount of it at once recognizing true fixed points was difficult if not near impossible.-

Nick was no seer so he lacked the ability to grasp time in even the most simple manner without stupid amounts of effort. Once the feast was over the other schools returned to their means of transport that also doubled as their housing while they were here. Nick was planning to leave with his friends to call it a night but Dumbledore signaled him to stay so he made an excuse. Soon enough Nick was alone in the great hall with those in charge of the tournament which was to say Madam Maxime , Karkaroff , Amelia Bones , Ludo Bagman and of course Dumbledore.-

"I may have said that we had the tasks already planned out but without your own that is not entirely true though we do have a backup task ready just in case." the old goat said calmly. "Not to worry I already completed my task and I dare say it will be the best to date." Nick said confidently. "Oh? What is so special about this task of yours?" Amelia Bones asked curiously. She was a brown haired witch with decent looks and a tired expression from the work she has at the ministry.-

Nick grinned and began to give the details for the task that he had designed and relished the looks he got from them all as he spoke. Dumbledores eyes twinkled in interest and the rest were also eager after hearing the details. "I must admit that I was skeptical of allowing a student to create a task but I see now my concerns were unfounded." Karkaroff said honestly and everyone seemed to agree with him. "Would you be willing to allow the DMLE to purchase this chamber and the constructs within it after the tournament? I feel it would be an excellent way to train new aurors." Amelia asked seriously.-

Nick shook his head "I am afraid not since I was planning to donate it to Hogwarts to enrich our DADA class with a similar type of experience. If any of you would like a similar chamber I do take commissions." he said with a grin. "I think I can speak for all of us besides Dumbledore when I say we would very much like to have such a thing for our own." Karkaroff said and Amelia and Madam Maxime both nodded in agreement.-

"Fair warning it's going to be very expensive as even for me this is no easy thing to craft. In fact it took me over two weeks just to inscribe the enchantments into the chamber due to how complex it was. In addition I will need to be personally involved since as you can imagine it is rather difficult to move these chambers after they have been set in place." Nick said seriously. "How expensive exactly?" Bagman asked curiously. "Tens of thousands of galleons at the least , and that is with the bare minimum amount of work needed to make each chamber."-

"If you want to be able to adjust the difficulty and realism of the chambers as well as any other features the highest I would price a chamber at would be a flat hundred thousand galleons should I pull out all of the stops." Nick explained honestly. There was a loud hiss as all of them minus Dumbledore and Madam Maxime sucked in air in shock. Both of them were also alarmed at the prices listed but had better control over themselves than the others.-

"Why is it so expensive?" Amelia asked seriously. "Well first I have to mix several different schools of magic just to create the environments that the chambers can possibly have , keep in mind the ten I currently have are vague generalizations of the real thing and as such lack many details the real thing would have. Even still they are complex and difficult to create with an enchantment as they are much less if I were to try and create true representations of those environments. Add on to that the difficulty of creating golems that have a certain level of realism based on magical beasts for those environments and you are already looking at a lot of money to accomplish."

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