Harry potter: the ring maker

Early graduation

The chest and neck meanwhile had emerald green scales that Nick recognized as belonging to the basilisk he had killed long ago. In the same vein the head had silken silver hair and basilisk horns curled around its head like a crown with electricity sparking on the right side and fire flickering on the left. Each finger and toe was tipped with a sharp black claw and many of it's teeth were sharp and predatory. Nick was glad that he hadn't shed off his body like the system wanted him to after seeing this form. -

While that body was humanoid in shape it had a lot of beastly features that would have caused serious problems for him immediately. Sure he could transfigure it to look normal but should anything happen that required him to drop that transfiguration his appearance alone would cause him to be either arrested or hunted down. All in all though it wasn't a terrible appearance for a daedra to have and was only mildly off putting to look at. Anyways by creating this second body in the realm he was able to have it copy whatever his main body was reading.-

Thanks to his absolute control over the realm he even had time sped up so that the main body only had to flip through a book with the briefest glances in order to copy all of the pages contents in the realm. He had only started on copying every book in the library after waking up and was already finished with two whole bookshelves of it which was not even a single percent of the whole thing but still good progress. More than a few people had seen him flipping through the books and thought he was trying to show off but he wasn't even really reading them.-

Nick ignored them and only left the library at dinner time to see who got chosen from the goblet. "What were you even doing in the library anyways? I heard rumors you were just flipping through books all day." Harry asked curiously. "I was copying the books one page at a time since this year will likely be my last one here at Hogwarts." Nick said honestly. "WHAT!?" Ron exclaimed loudly drawing a lot of attention. "It's no secret that I don't belong here any more , not as a student at least. I figured that I would apply for early graduation this year with that in mind." Nick said without hiding it.-

"Can you even do that?" Hermione asked with a frown. "Of course , the requirements are really high but it is entirely possible. Honestly speaking I am surprised you weren't aware. Though I suppose it is rare enough that it could slip past you without being noticed." Nick said with a shrug. "How high are these requirements anyways , I would love to graduate early?" Ron asked interested. "First no you wouldn't since it would mean needing to find a way to support yourself and second so high that no one has done it in over sixty years."-

"You need nearly perfect scores in all core classes and at least four electives just to even request it. Then you need to show that you are able to support yourself after you enter the world and then you need Dumbledore to sign off agreeing that he believes you worthy of it. So to say it was next to impossible would not be an understatement for anyone other than me." Nick explained seriously. "How in Merlins name do they expect anyone to be able to do all that?" Lee Jordan asked from nearby.-

"Simple really , they don't. I am an anomaly , something that breaks all sorts of rules that would normally apply. In other words I qualify for early graduation due to being the exception rather than the rule." Nick said honestly. "Rather unfair to the regular folks like the rest of us isn't?" Seamus asked with a frown. Nick shook his head "Not really , it's to keep things working smoothly outside of this school. If the requirements were low enough that the regular top of the class students could pass it it would jam up the workings of the world outside."-

"One or two young people with ambitions but no idea how things actually work outside this school would be fine if it only happened every decade or so but if it happened nearly every year , it would be nothing short of disastrous. The fact of the matter is that the full seven years here at Hogwarts do in fact make you all ready for dealing with the real world , so long as you aren't muddle headed anyways." Nick said honestly. It sounded harsh but that was simply the way it was and as he said for good reason.

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