Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 34 - Where did Yuan Zhen go?

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Qin Yiheng said that I was a little puzzled. I quickly asked him where Yuan Zhen was, but he took a heavy cigarette and told me to prepare, we must go to that place as soon as possible.

When I saw him not answering the question, I asked it again. As a result, he shook his head and said that he had n’t been there yet, and he could n’t tell what it was like. Just asked me to take a rest early and save my energy. Lie down.

When I was in bed, I began to think that these recent experiences seem to be getting stranger. Taking Qin Yiheng as an example, I always feel that he seems to know something, but he refuses to tell me.

Although I was curious, he refused to say that I couldn’t get the answers after I asked deeply. After thinking about it, I ended up thinking too much and simply fell asleep. Unexpectedly, the next morning, as soon as the sky was bright, Qin Yiheng pulled me up and told me that I had to hurry up and prepare things today.

This is not the first time this happened. Although I was very sleepy, I was able to sit up with energy, simply washed my face, ate something, and finally became awake, then went out with Qin Yiheng to prepare the necessary Items. Unexpectedly, he first took me to an insurance company and gave us a large amount of life insurance. Seeing him being so active, I was a little flustered, could it be that the place I visited this time was extremely dangerous? Although the former house was dangerous and caused us some troubles, it came over with complete safety. Although Qin Yiheng couldn’t guarantee my safety 100%, at least he was completely safe.

Thinking this way, I was dreaded by the destination this time, and I was too nervous before I even set off. Qin Yiheng couldn’t see anything, but he rarely spoke on the road. Having been with him for so long, I also have some understanding of him. I feel that he is very upset now, but he hasn’t shown it.

After buying insurance, we went to the outdoor store to purchase a full set of donkey equipment, and then split up. He went to prepare some essential items for alchemy, and I went to the supermarket to buy a lot of compressed dry food and canned food, and finally the two gathered together, filled up with two big mountaineering bags, and took a taxi to the airport.

Qin Yiheng booked a ticket in advance, but the departure time was at night. I saw that it was still early, so I tried to talk to him. I wanted to see if I could find out what he was hiding from me. But he just reminded me that it would be better to cultivate more energy and accumulate because of this time. It was easy to walk, and I had to shut up.

Qin Yiheng was right. After getting off the plane, we immediately got on the train, and then took the small bus that traveled between urban and rural areas, and finally waited for us to get off the bus. It was already two days later.

Along the way, Qin Yiheng rarely talked, and I was really bored. I could only play mobile games all the time. But I didn’t expect that the section of the road after getting off the bus would be more perverted. Qin Yiheng said that he could still meet some tractors in his plan. He could pull us in. He didn’t expect to catch up with the busy farmer. We walked all the way and didn’t encounter a car that we could take. Finally, we walked for a long time before we reached a village.

This village is very remote, and there are only a few families in total. However, the surrounding fields are not small, and at a glance are endless crops. Qin Yiheng paid some money, we temporarily settled in a fellow hometown. The family is surnamed Ma, and the family is not prosperous. They are the old couple and a son who is said to work in the city. Usually such villages rarely see outsiders, so Lao Ma is quite curious about the two of us, and has been asking questions about that place. Qin Yiheng was able to deal with a few sentences at first, but was later annoyed, and simply lay down and pretended to sleep. I liked chatting with Lao Ma, so I asked the village about it. Lao Ma said that although the crops in their village are well planted, but because of the remoteness of the village, and because the village has few people, they are not willing to build roads for them, so their lives are still relatively tight. I said that it ’s no big deal to raise funds in the village to build roads by myself. This is a once-for-all and long-term investment. But the old horse told me mysteriously that they had thought about this trick, and the villagers also agreed, but the road couldn’t be repaired. After that, he asked me yin and yang, wondering why the road could not be repaired?

I was confused by these words, and it would be weird for an outsider to know. Unexpectedly, I haven’t waited for the old horse to say, but Qin Yiheng preemptively inserted a sentence because you are here next to the ghost gate, right? In addition to planting crops, whoever starts the land must die. The old horse was shocked, and I was shocked. Qin Yiheng sat up and continued to talk about the commonly-known ghost gate, which is the pass of the local government. According to legend, the ghost festival will open on that day, and the little ghosts in the dark Caodi government will take a walk to visit relatives and friends. However, the specific place where the ghost gate is closed is different, but this is also a normal thing, because the ghost gate is not actually a gateway in the legend. To put it bluntly is a yin cave on Feng Shui. What does Yinxue mean? It is because of the rotation of feng shui in the world, there must be good places and bad places. In short, it is a garbage station. There are too many such places. In fact, from the planning of the ancient city, we have already excluded these places, so even if there are similar places in the city, they are very rare compared to them. There are many such caves all over the country. People live around it. Although there is no intuitive feeling, it is inevitable that they will be affected. This is why many places in the report clearly have good potential, but few people have developed it. Locality, but the popularity has never been strong.

Qin Yiheng speaks quickly, but I can hear a rough idea. What he meant was that there might be such a crypt next to the village. In this way, I would not even understand his intention to bring me here.

The old horse seemed to understand something and nodded quickly. However, he didn’t say much, but said it was not early. He went to prepare dinner for us and left the house.

As soon as the old horse left, I asked Qin Yiheng, he brought me here, he came to find Yin? He shook his head and told me that we are going to an ancestral hall this time. When I heard it, I frowned straight. After a long time, he still brought me to see the house. Is it because there is an ancestral temple in his house? He brought me to worship the ancestors? Everyone must know what this temple means. It is a place to worship ancestors. In fact, it has the same function as the temple Taoist temple. Many famous families will have such a place. Once they are enshrined, they can protect the family’s prosperity and well-being; secondly, it can be regarded as a symbol of a family. Although many people have customs dedicated to their ancestors, few have the ability to build ancestral temples.

So I asked Qin Yiheng what the ancestral hall looked like, but he still shook his head as usual, just told me that if there was no accident, I would know tonight.

At dinner, Lao Ma made a few farm dishes for us, which were more delicious. After eating a full stomach, Qin Yiheng asked me to pack up, and we set off as soon as possible. So, I followed him along the path outside the village with the bag on his back. The moonlight was surprisingly bright that night, the visibility was very high, and the flashlight was saved. After walking for twenty or thirty minutes, Qin Yiheng stopped suddenly, turned around and called me, and pointed to me not far away. After he pointed this way, I saw that the small road ahead was split into two, and one of the roads meandered into a wood.

Qin Yiheng said that there were eight achievements there, reminding me to be careful. After that, I was given a wooden sign and told me to follow him. If I felt something was wrong with my body, I would use the sign to poke my palm.

I was surprised, and quickly asked him if we met something. Qin Yiheng pouted his lips and asked me if I had not noticed that the old horse had red ropes tied to his ankles. I recalled it, but I didn’t pay attention.

Qin Yiheng went on to say that the two ropes are not red ropes in a simple sense. The usual red ropes are things that ward off evil spirits, which are relatively thin, and few people like to use thick red ropes like the Chinese knot. The old horse’s feet are not only thick, but also tied in such a strange position. If he was right, the red rope contained the hair of a child under the age of the dead, and the red rope just wrapped around. This kind of rope is called foot restraint. It is a kind of alchemy. It is usually used to bind animals. It is afraid that the animals will be taken away by greedy devil at night, but it is very rare to use on humans. It’s not that they can’t build roads in their villages, but that people who are **** can never get out of this village. If he guessed right, I am afraid that the old horse is no longer a living person.

After listening to his words, my cold sweat immediately came down. Not a living person? The implication is that-Lao Ma is a dead man? But how could the dead be so lifelike? I thought about it. In many places, there is a custom of tying a thick red rope on the ankle before the body is buried, but that is to tie the legs together to prevent their scams, so we often see zombies in movies and TV shows. It was the legs that were standing together and jumping forward, but most of the reason was not because the body was stiff, but because the legs were already trapped by the red rope and could not move. But then again, it was also in the era of burial, and cremation has been practiced for a long time. Although many places in the countryside still maintain the custom of burial, even if the old horse is a zombie, the **** is not so lively. Right?

Qin Yiheng shook his head and said that this is different from zombies, because China is so vast, so the customs are not the same in most places, but most areas will have the habit of keeping spirits, that is, people do not directly bury after death, but Light up the Soul Keeper Lamp and morgue for three or seven days. In fact, this is also simple. From a metaphysical point of view, the soul of the deceased is not dissipated in a hurry. You can take another look at the nostalgic family, so that you can avoid the things that will cause you to be nostalgic after the death. The reason why people should be sent to guard the corpse is also that they might accidentally let spiritual things touch the corpse and cause real fraud. From a scientific point of view, this can actually verify whether the deceased is a fake death, so as not to rush to bury the dead. This happens from time to time in many areas that do not have this custom, that is, after this person died, he was buried in a hurry, and the result was a fake death, and he was finally suffocated in the coffin. There were also some coincidences. Hearing the news from the new grave, it was thought that the corpse was a corpse. In fact, it is also very likely that the deceased woke up and hit the coffin board constantly. The old horses are completely opposite to those. To say that he is not a living person is to say that most of his body is not his own soul. In short, he is put on something, and then someone has helped him to be stabilized in the body by means of alchemy.

In such an environment, I heard him speak such a big pass. Although his voice was very soft, I was still a little bit scared after hearing it. If this is the case, as long as the old horse just put something in the meal, the two of us will be here tonight.

Qin Yiheng was quite optimistic, saying that the food should be no problem, because the old horse was eating together at the time, we still go to the ancestral hall as soon as possible to see. Having finished speaking, he spearheaded the path. Before, I had vaguely seen the roof of this building from the direction he pointed. It felt like a big building, but I did n’t expect that when I walked for ten minutes from the woods and really walked to the house, Still taken aback.

This house is really magnificent. Although it is not as big as the palace, it must be one of the best in the ancestral hall. This family is definitely a big family on the rich side, otherwise no one will build such a big deal.

Qin Yiheng did not immediately take me forward, but asked me to hide in the trees and watch. I looked at this house thoroughly through the moonlight. The building has a high lifting frame, but I am not sure whether it is a multi-storey building, because many single-storey buildings will be built like this in order to pay attention to style. The roof is a uniform black tile, but it may also be blue. After all, it is far away and it is night, and the color will definitely deviate.

These are similar to most ancestral temples. The only strange thing is that the color of the walls is not ordinary gray or white, but rather mottled, white and yellow, looking a little nondescript.

I was a little strange. I asked Qin Yiheng quickly. Normally, in order to show solemnity, most of the ancestral temples used white or gray to paint the outer walls? Why is this house so strange?

Qin Yiheng was also puzzled, but he couldn’t tell the truth, but just took me to wait and see for a while, and when there was no movement in the house, he asked me to quietly touch him behind him.

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