Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

Chapter 35 - Ancestral hall

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We didn’t enter the gate directly, but slipped to the wall first. Only then did I see clearly that the exterior wall was not painted in earthy lacquer, but that many walls were putty putty. I touched it with my hand. The putty is not dry yet. It should have been applied recently. As we all know, putty is not resistant to water, brush it up, catch up with the overcast rain, putty will be washed away. This is very problematic. I said to myself, is it that someone has only recently brushed it? But there was no pattern in the place where the pieces of putty were brushed.

Qin Yiheng also felt strange. After a long moment of contemplation, he took out a Swiss army knife from his bag and scraped away the putty, exposing the dark painted wall. Then he turned his head and told me that there was blood on it. I heard my mouth wide open, and looked up briefly, not to mention anything else, just on the wall in front of us, there were only a dozen places covered by putty, which would be really blood , How much must be splashed!

I asked Qin Yiheng, wouldn’t it be human blood? It would be terrifying if it was human blood. Fortunately, he told me that this was mostly cattle blood. Many projects, road construction or building construction will have the habit of killing cattle and offering sacrifices. It ’s just that there is so much blood, and there are a lot of cows killed. Bogey. The blood is heavy, is this not equivalent to pouring the face of the ancestor of worship? We have been together for a long time, and we can’t think of it. Qin Yiheng had to say that if we look inside, we may find the answer.

We slipped outside the gate and took photos with a flashlight. Entering the gate is a small yard, and only after passing the yard to the front door of the ancestral hall. Qin Yiheng urged me not to make any noise, he walked in first. As soon as I stepped into the house, I felt like a thief, because the house I had visited before, regardless of whether it was fierce or not, had the owner’s permission, so it was all swaying. This time, I was very uncomfortable. It seemed light and light to move forward crept, but it was also physically exhausting. Fortunately, the yard was not large. Qin Yiheng and I quickly walked to the front of the ancestral hall. He moved the door, and the door was not locked. He frowned a little, turning off the flashlight, and the person immediately disappeared into the darkness. We have entered the yard. Most of the previous moonlight was blocked by the eaves, so after seeing him turn off the flashlight, and I did the same, neither of the two people could see clearly.

After a while, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I saw Qin Yiheng still standing in front of the door, as if thinking about something. I used to press his voice and asked him, the door of this ancestral hall is not locked, it should be a normal thing. After all, there is nothing valuable in it, plus this backcountry, no one can steal it.

Qin Yiheng whispered that this was not the case. I felt resentful in this ancestral hall. It seemed that it was not too small. The opening of the door just startled me.

I heard him say this, my heart also mentioned his throat, and quickly asked him what to do now.

Qin Yiheng whispered again, didn’t I give you a sign? That one is made of peach wood. If you go in for a while and feel something wants to get on you, you poke yourself, poke hard, and it will be fine if you poke it.

I nodded quickly, and said with my heart, what he knew was all about self-mutilation. But he said so seriously that I couldn’t help but tighten the sign.

Qin Yiheng waited for a while, made a gesture to me, and opened the door. I followed. Entering the ancestral hall, Qin Yiheng did not immediately light up the flashlight, but held his breath for a while and then lit up the flashlight. I immediately followed the flashlight.

I first took a look at the corner of the wall. I always felt that if there was something in this room, I would be hiding in the corner. I was relieved when I saw nothing in the corner. Under the flashlight, I saw that this room was very small, presumably just the outer hall of the ancestral hall, mostly for the ancestors to change clothes and dust. I swept the flashlight forward. This scan almost scared me to death. I saw a **** man standing directly in front of me, looking at me without a word!

I screamed uncontrollably, and before the sound came out, Qin Yiheng covered my mouth. I thought he didn’t see the man. Although his mouth didn’t make a sound, he kept drawing pictures on his hands and wanted to remind him.

Who knows he told me in my ears, don’t be nervous, that is not a person, but a standing Buddha statue. Only then did I stabilize my mind and signaled to let Qin Yiheng release his hand and squat down to breathe. After my pant was out, I dared to shine the electric light over.

Just now I was panicked for a while and didn’t look at it carefully. Now I took a photo, and it turned out to be a standing Buddha statue, with a person tall. It’s just that this Buddha statue was covered with a lot of blood all over him. At first glance, it really looked like a **** person. Although I was a little scared, I still couldn’t restrain curiosity and got closer. The blood on the Buddha’s body was not yet dry, and it was obvious that he could smell the blood after approaching. I went to light with a flashlight and found that the Buddha’s eyes were covered with two leaves, and they were fastened with adhesive tape, which made me even more strange. Qin Yiheng also happened to be looking at this Buddha statue up close, so I asked him what was the situation.

He sniffed closer and said that it must be blood, but I am not sure what kind of blood is, but in this way, it should be black dog blood, and the two leaves are willow leaves.

After Qin Yiheng finished speaking, I was even stranger. What did the black dog’s blood splash on the Buddha statue?

Qin Yiheng said, it must be known that this black dog blood is evil, but that depends on how it is used. Blood is an evil thing, and black dog blood is anxious thing when it is white. It is actually equivalent to using impulse to flush out the evil. And this Buddha statue was splashed with black dog blood, obviously for the purpose of flushing the spirituality of the Buddha statue and making it lose its role as a town house. Covering the eyes is easier to understand. No matter whether it is world culture or Chinese culture, the eyes have a very special cultural position. There is a finishing touch in the idiom. Nowadays, when many art or folk products are painted by the artist, the last one Most of the items are also eyes. Even the younger brothers who joined the body of Wenlonghu, the last one of the eyes should be ordered by the elder brother. This is actually to make a point of life, so it is said that it grows with perennial backlighting The willow leaves cover the eyes, and people can see ghosts when they use them, and here, covering the Buddha statue and splashing black dog blood are one purpose.

Speaking of which, he paused for a while, and then went on to say, this is to break the town house, this person is trying to bring in something filthy.

After hearing Qin Yiheng say this, I immediately fought a cold war, and someone wanted to bring in something filthy? But what does this make sense? This is the ancestral hall. Although we have n’t seen the spirit position yet, it is at least the ancestor of the great ancestors! Although the ancestors were not gods, they did play the role of blessing the heirs in the town house. I’ve heard before that some people offer ancestral tablets in their homes, and they can actually send out movements to scare away thieves. Although they don’t know the true or false, at least from the side, they can see that the ancestor’s manifestation is not a false talk.

Thinking of this, I glanced at the Buddha statue again, and suddenly it seemed to be understood. Could it be that this man destroyed the ancestors’ cards in order to bring in the dirty things?

Qin Yiheng has gone to the back of the Buddha statue to check the back room. I also crept past and asked him, Can you feel the dirt in this room?

He shook his head and said that when he opened the door just now, there was indeed an obvious grievance that rushed in, but this time it disappeared bizarrely. Now it seems that he can only take one step at a time, at least to go to the back room.

After he finished speaking, he pushed the door of the back room, glanced through the door crack, but it was dark inside. But hesitated, he pushed the door a little further, and the man got in.

When I saw him go in, I had to follow suit, so I turned to my side and wanted to learn him to get in. Usually, we have similar postures when passing such a small space, but according to personal habits, some people are used to leaning into the head first, and some people are used to step into the leg first. I belonged to the former, but I did n’t expect that I just dived my head in and did n’t wait for my legs. The whole person was tripped by something. The person immediately lost his weight, and immediately planted in the back room, knocking the door open.

I fell so painfully after the fall, Qin Yiheng quickly pulled me up from the ground. This is good, don’t be sneaky, the door was so knocked by me that it was useless to hide. I simply stood up and immediately went behind me with a flashlight and wanted to see what tripped Lao Tzu. Then I realized that it was a very high threshold. The movement that Qin Yiheng got into just now was very consistent. I didn’t notice that there was such a high threshold. This threshold must be known, usually seen in ancient buildings or ancient buildings. Whether from the perspective of metaphysics or ancient etiquette, this threshold actually has a great effect. According to legend, the height of the threshold is specially stipulated. It is said that it can block the entry of unjust ghosts, and can also prevent the draught from entering the house. Some more outrageous claims are that the threshold is just above the height of the zombie vertical jump, so it is also possible Stuck the zombies. The ancient saying that everyone’s boudoir is not a good one, actually has this meaning in it. Ancient women’s feet are very private parts and cannot be shown. Therefore, even if a woman stands in the door and looks out, the threshold can just block the woman’s feet.

I have heard Qin Yiheng say so few words. This threshold can’t be stepped on because it blocks yin qi for many years. It is said that people who step on it will walk back words and their luck will be hindered. Thinking of this, I recalled that I should have just stumbled just now, and did not step on it, so the fortune will not decrease. So, I turned around and wanted to continue to follow Qin Yiheng. At this time, he had walked to the other side of the house, where the flashlight was sweeping around. I also flashed it with a flashlight, and found that the room was surprisingly large, similar in size to a stepped classroom that could accommodate hundreds of people in college. I quickly followed, but I saw that he was standing still, frowning at the thing that the flashlight caught.

What he takes is actually a spiritual position. Seeing the spirit position, the room did not say that it must be a shrine for worship.

I also raised my flashlight and swept it for a while. I was taken aback at this sweep. I saw that two-thirds of the house was filled with dense spirit cards, one next to the other, all placed on the same stone. On the base. This family is really a big family. There are so many dead people in this **** light worship? I used flashlights to highlight a few of the cards, and the spiritual bits were written with the surname of the deceased, who was it, and when did they hang up. The people I saw on the spirit card were all named Wan, and they all started with Wenwen. It was estimated that they were named according to their family tree, and then placed according to their seniority. I scanned it a few times, and there wasn’t much interest. When I turned around and saw that Qin Yiheng was still standing still, he shot him, and then he recovered.

Seeing a lot of sweat on his forehead, I was shocked in my heart and quickly asked him if he felt dirty.

Qin Yiheng shook his head, and then swept through the densely packed cards with a flashlight, and asked me, didn’t you find that some of these cards are not right?

My heart beat quickly, and I said, “If you see something is wrong, just say it directly. This tone can scare people!” But in such an environment, I had a bad time, so I turned around and continued to glance a few times. I saw the spirit cards arranged neatly one by one, but I didn’t see any tribute. I said, is it strange that these ancestors are not enshrined?

Before the words were spoken, Qin Yiheng told me the answer first. The people on the spirit cards all died one day.

One day dead? At first I did n’t respond to his words. I still thought about it. People must have died one day. I have n’t heard of a person who can die for several days. Then I suddenly understood what he was referring to. I took a flashlight to take photos, and took a few photos in a row. I was not reconciled, and I randomly took a few further cards. At this time, the cold sweat on my head had already flowed into my eyes.

Qin Yiheng is right. Although I do n’t know much about the years and days in the old calendar, but at least I can read. Even though these people are in different ages and even dynasties, they are all dead in time. The same day of the year! This is really unbelievable. Is it the tradition of this family to die on that day? But this is completely unreasonable. Unless it is suicide, natural disasters, human disasters, diseases, aging, who can calculate so accurately, all die on the same day?

I want to ask Qin Yiheng, who knows that he has started to check the starting cards one by one with a flashlight. He first glanced at the first few rows, then went straight to the last row to check a few, and finally settled in front of a card. I knew this was something. I hurried to the past and glanced along his eyes, and the whole person was shocked! This card is no different from others, but the name engraved on it is Wan Jinrong! This name is no stranger to me. He is the late famous architect, and I still have a chess piece from his house. Now I understand why Qin Yiheng keeps staring at this spiritual position, because there is a big doubt. First of all, we do n’t know exactly what this old man ’s family is doing. From the scale of this ancestral hall , Presumably a huge and wealthy family. Although the ancestral temple will be built in the place where the family first came up, the village is too remote and the surroundings are very strange. The old horse was restrained by people again, all of which seems very unreasonable, and the most important thing is This Wan Jinrong did not die long, so his spiritual position must have been here recently. Could it be said that the person who wants to bring dirty things into here is the one who established the spiritual position for Wan Jinrong? There are too many puzzles.

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