Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 59: A date set in stone

Frank leaned on the balcony of one of Heather's many bedrooms. From here, the moonlight shone on the graveyard that stretched to the horizon before being obscured in mists. Down below, his undead minions walked about as they always did. It felt good to be camping at night so they could return home, especially since Heather had become so open. Their nights were now filled with magical experiences he had never dared hope to have.

Now she lay asleep in the bed behind him after a night of passion. He felt so grateful to know what love felt like and, in particular, with her. Yet even as he looked down, he could see Quinny and Breanne sitting on tombstones as they talked the night away with Viylah.

He used to sit with them every night, sharing in their moments while Heather slept. It was a special time where they learned so much about one another and even shared in a few antics. They laughed, dreamed, and talked about future plans for their lairs. Quinny wanted to expand her forest all the way to Finneous's village and put some extra farms on the road to build quests with. Breanne Didn't so much want to build as grow her influence, making the swamps more and more haunted. Of course, she didn't have a building class, but Frank was more than willing to spend some of his points to build her whatever she wanted. She was so grateful for his help and thanked him often, even once plucking a rose from her garden to tuck behind his ear.

He longed to be down there with them again, but things had changed. He felt disconnected, as if somehow, by loving Heather, he had to give them up. The long nights were something they once shared, and now he was alone.

“What are you looking at?” Heather asked as she ran a hand along his arm.

He jumped to see she was awake and felt awkward when she looked down to see Quinny and Breanne. She stood there naked and yawning as she mingled her fingers with his, then leaned her head into him.

“I forget you don’t need to sleep,” she whispered. “I like it when you do, but you should go down and spend the night with them. Quinny told me you used to do it all the time.”

Frank was amazed to hear her urging him to be with the others. When he didn't respond, Heather pulled his arm and turned him to face her. She reached up to touch his face, but she did and laid her head on his chest.

“You only need to see me off to sleep,” Heather said. “Then you are free to go play with your girlfriends.”

“You're my girlfriend,” Frank replied, not understanding what was happening.

“Frank, I am your wife,” Heather said and rand a hand along his chest. “Or at least I will be soon.” She yawned again and had to step back to cover her mouth. “But you have always taken care of all of us, and we know Quinny loves us.”

“Why are you saying this?” he asked, now sure where this was coming from.

“Because I have seen how happy Jaina and the others are,” Heather said. “It's made me start thinking, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. I wonder if maybe we could be that happy too.” She looked up with sleepy eyes and gave him a gentle shove. “I'm not making any commitments, but it is on my mind. Now, go talk to your friends. I will still be here in the morning.”

He picked her up and tucked her back into bed, pulling the blanket over her shoulder as she softly whispered, I love you. He then went down to the graveyard and entered the mist to find the two girls talking to Viylah, who had taken a human form as she sat on the walkway.

“There you are!” Quinny cried as Frank walked up. “We have been missing you, big guy.”

“It’s good to see you again,” Breanne agreed. “Our nights are not the same without you.”

“So, did your wife let you out to play?” Quinny asked.

“He has a wife?” Viylah asked in surprise.

“Oh, nobody told you?” Quinny teased. “Heather and Frank are an item. They are engaged to be married one day.”

“One day?” Viylah asked with a curious expression.

“We haven’t set a date,” Frank sighed and sat on a tombstone. “And she saw me looking from the balcony and told me to come down. She said I should spend time with my girlfriends.”

“Ha!” Quinny said gleefully. “We’re still his girlfriends.”

“Will you stop making light of the situation,” Breanne scolded. “We are just his friends.”

“Oh, common,” Quinny pressed and moved to sit beside Frank. “We have been through so much together. I bet we know more about each other than most married couples.”

“This is very interesting,” Viylah laughed. “I didn’t realize you were all a harem.”

“They are not my harem,” Frank grumbled.

“Not for want of trying,” Quinny countered. “But Jaina is part of a real harem. She has two slave sisters and a girlfriend. They travel with their master, who is named Roric.”

“I thought about being in a harem once,” Viylah admitted. “A lot of women share a single man. It’s rather common here.”

“I have seen dozens of Harems,” Breanne admitted. “It is common because nearly three-fourths of the players are women. So it practically necessitates you form harems to have enough men to go around.”

“So why didn’t you join your harem?” Quinny asked.

Viylah tossed her head and made a chair rise from the ground to sit in. “My friend and I were close like you three are. We found a man and woman who were very fun to be with. We grew closer and closer and thought, why not? We love each other, and we get along so well with them, but then we learned that they were leading us on and had plans for us.”

“Oh, is this the person who tried to force you into a collar?” Quinny asked.

“He didn't do it directly,” Viylah replied. “He brought in someone who could once he had me trapped. That person had a collar, and they put me under a great deal of pressure to accept. Thankfully my friend discovered the plot and came to my rescue but not without terrible cost.”

“By friend, you mean lover?” Breanne asked.

Viylah smiled and took a deep breath. “I suppose it's silly to keep saying, friend. But, yes, I am very much in love with her, and I know she will come back one day.”

“You might end up in a harem,” Quinny said and looked at Breanne. “Grumosh can probably collar several like Roric.”

“Can we please not talk about that,” Breanne groaned. “I have no intention of accepting his collar.”

“But I thought the plan was to ask him to come with so you could get to know him?” Quinny said.

“I have thought about that some more, and I don't like the idea,” Breanne replied. “This is my home, and you are my family now. Even if he turned out to be wonderful, I wouldn’t want our relationship to change.”

“I don’t want it to change either,” Frank agreed and dragged a long nail on the ground. “I want you to stay with us.”

“See, we are girlfriends,” Quinny teased.

“It isn’t appropriate for you to keep saying that when his fiance is sleeping just above us,” Breanne quipped.

“Actually, Heather calls you my girlfriends,” Frank said.

“See, even she understands it,” Quinny suggested. “She's even been holding my hand recently, and she keeps asking me to ride on Frank with her. We are practically just like Jaina.”

“Is that why you keep running to Roric’s tent at night?” Breanne asked.

“Hey,” Quinny said in a hurt tone and suddenly looked down. She glanced at Frank and then let out a small sigh as her shoulders sunk. “I actually feel bad about that, and it's why I am not there now.”

“Why would you feel bad?” Frank asked as Quinny tried to avoid his gaze.

“Oh, common, Frank,” Quinny said as she blushed. “I admitted I loved you already.”

“When did you do that?” Breanne asked in alarm.

“After that werewolf attacked me,” Quinny said. “Frank rescuing me made me lose control, and I said things I shouldn't have.”

“I see,” Breanne said with an odd glance. “And now you wish to double down on your inappropriate comments.

“Don’t sound so judgmental,” Quinny snapped and looked up. “I know you like him too.”

“What? Don’t you imply anything improper about me,” Breanne countered. “I consider Frank and Heather to be very good friends.”

Frank sat back as the two launched into an argument about how they both had feelings for him. He looked to Viylah, who was struggling not to laugh and enjoying every moment of their banter.

“Can we please talk about something else?” Frank asked to end the debate.

“All I’m saying is we could be a harem if we wanted to,” Quinny finished.

“That’s up to Heather, not us,” Breanne quipped.

“Ha, caught you!” Quinny said with a pointed finger. “You didn't say no; you said it was Heather's decision which means you want it.”

“Will you please let it drop!” Breanne shouted.

“I agree. You should let this one go,” Viylah interjected. “I believe you are making your would-be master nervous.”

Frank saw them look at him and began to wish Heather had demanded he come back to bed. He let out a sigh and got up to pace, wondering how his life had come to this. He had no experience with women, so he did the only thing he knew to do and treated them as good friends. Somehow that hadn't worked the way he assumed it would.

“Frank,” Breanne called and got up to stand beside him. “We didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I am not upset,” Frank replied. “I just don’t know what to think. I am not very good with this sort of thing.”

“Just be who you are. That has proven to be more than enough,” Breanne urged. “Now, why don’t we change the subject and ask Viylah a little more about herself. I would love to know how she came to be in the swamp.”

He nodded and sat back down as they spoke to Viylah about her past. She knew a surprising amount about the world even before the sun broke. She also spoke of this mysterious lover fondly and mentioned something rather cryptic.

“She had something very special to her that was broken,” Viylah said and became angry. “That hurt her more than anything, and she cried for three days. I didn’t know what to do for her, and seeing her tears caused me pain.”

“How did it get broken?” Quinny asked.

“The people who tried to trap me broke it intentionally,” Viylah replied. “I don't want to tell you too much more, but they stole her very soul from her, and she was never the same afterward.”

“That's awful,” Breanne remarked. “I am sorry you had to go through that.”

“That’s part of why we were here,” Viylah replied. “She was gathering some friends to work on something. Her friends had been working on several projects for months, but we had business elsewhere. When we arrived, there was some concern that it might not be safe, so she went ahead to check on things. I waited here, and an hour later, she came back to tell me it had all come apart. She couldn’t tell me what had gone wrong but insisted she had to go and promised she would be back. We shared one last kiss as she cried and told me she loved me, then flew off saying she had to lead them away.”

“That sounds ominous,” Breanne said and looked to Frank. “I wonder if this has anything to do with the egg?”

“What egg?” Viylah asked.

Frank explained the strange egg they had found and the goblin's insistence they take it to someplace far to the north. It was the reason they weren't here currently, and they were still not sure how far it was to go yet.

“I do not have any knowledge of what they were working on,” Viylah said. “But it was very important to her. She said it was a plan to throw them off the scent.”

“I feel like we should tell this to Heather,” Frank said as he thought of the strange staff and letter left behind specifically for her. He wanted to ask who these friends were and who she was trying to throw off the scent. He dreaded the answer and that all of this might somehow be connected to Heather.

“If you don’t mind my changing the subject,” Viylah interjected. “Why don’t you have a date set for your wedding?”

“Because of the egg,” Frank sighed. “We plan to do it once we are home.”

“But you’re home now,” Viylah pressed. “Couldn’t you come back long enough to get married?”

“Hey, she’s right!” Quinny Laughed. “We’re planning on camping at the meeting site for a few days. Maybe you could get married then?”

“That might be a good idea,” Breanne agreed. “Especially considering that Roric and his harem want to attend. They could use the magic doors and be there for the whole thing.”

“But could Gwen plan the wedding that quickly?” Frank asked. “That only gives her a few days.”

“You should go and ask her,” Quinny suggested. “When Heather gets up, we should all go to the city and see your mother-in-law.”

“I seem to recall Heather mentioning that Gwen was already planning it,” Breanne said. “We know she has the dress picked out. I bet she has almost all the details worked out already.”

“Oh, I wish I could attend,” Viylah sighed.

“Why can’t you?” Quinny asked.

“The mass,” Viylah replied. “You have seen how big I am when I gather it all up.”

“Do you really need all that mass?” Quinny pressed with a curious expression.

“I don’t need it, but it comes in very handy,” Viylah replied. “That cabin you saw was a small portion of my mass. Most of it was hidden underneath.”

“How long does it take you to accumulate the mass?” Frank asked.

“I gain about ten percent of the mass from any monster I absorb,” Viylah said. “Of course, you have to absorb small monsters when you're small. Once you get bigger, you can start eating the bigger ones, and then the mass increases.”

“But what if the mass came in a long flood?” Frank asked.

“Do you plan to herd the monsters to me?” Viylah laughed.

“I could do that easily,” Frank said and gestured to the graveyard. “I have hundreds of undead that I could funnel directly to you.”

“Oh!” Viylah said as she pondered the idea. “You would let me consume your minions?”

“They respawn,” Frank said with a shrug. “You could give up the mass and come to the wedding, and then I could flood you with undead every day until you had the mass back.”

“That would certainly be much faster,” Viylah said as she gave it some thought. “If you don’t mind helping me regain the mass, I will consider it.”

“If you were smaller, you could come back with us to our camp on the other side,” Quinny added.

“I will consider it,” Viylah agreed. “But I do want some kind of marker made for where the cabin stood. Just in case my lover returns, I don't' want her to find I am gone. Heather said we could leave a sign?”

“I will have Legeis make one,” Frank said. “He is in his workshop making a palanquin for Roric anyway. What do you want it to say?”

“Just put my name on it and an arrow pointing here,” she replied. “That should be enough.”

They talked for hours more until the sun rose, and Heather woke to join them in the graveyard. Frank explained the idea of having the wedding during their stay at the meeting place, and Heather was overjoyed with the idea. She said they should see Gwen right away and then did something very strange. She went to Quinny's side and took her hand to lead the way as Frank looked at Breanne in confusion.

“They seem to be getting along well,” Breanne remarked and went to follow.

Frank made them stop to find Legeis and describe the sign for Viylah. He said that was easy to do and would have it ready by the time they got back. He bid them farewell, and they headed for the garden portal, where Heather took off her collar and then the magic crown. She sent them both to the buffer with a simple spell and then smiled at Frank as her normal self.

“Like what you see?” Heather asked.

“I kinda like the red hair,” Frank replied as Quinny started to laugh.

Heather smacked his arm and suggested he use his figurine, so he changed to his human form, and together they crossed into the magical cave beneath the gardens dedicated to Princess Hannah. The city was just waking up, and the trip into the castle was relatively uneventful. They found their way to the throne room, where Gwen stood in a resplendent gown of gold and green and wore a crown that looked like chiseled ice and glowed with blue light. She was holding out her kingdom heart, lost to the interface that only she could see.

“Do you have a hundred different crowns?” Heather said as they entered the room, drawing her from her efforts.

“My daughter,” Gwen said with a smile. “I am glad to see you.”

“Do we have to do this?” Heather sighed.

“Yes,” Gwen said with a wry smile. “I want a daughter, and you're it.”

“Fine, mother,” Heather replied and took Frank’s hand to approach as Quinny and Breanne followed.

“So, what do I owe this visit to?” Gwen asked.

“Maybe, good news,” Heather said and smiled at Frank.

“Oh, you’re home at last?” Gwen said hopefully.

“Not exactly,” Heather replied. “But we had an idea. We are on our way to a site where we intend to camp for a few days. So if it isn't too much trouble, we could come back one of those days to have the wedding.”

“How soon?” Gwen asked as she started to smile.

“We should be there in three days,” Frank replied. “But we could wait for another five if you needed it.”

“Eight days,” Gwen said and tapped at her lip. “We have your dress and all the planning ready. I have even informed most of the guest list that it is impending and could come at almost any time. Still, some will not be able to attend on such short notice.”

“And we have some guests of our own to invite,” Heather added. “I promised them they could come.”

“If they wore clothes,” Quinny added.

Gwen laughed and wanted to know why that had to be stipulated as part of their invite, and Heather had to explain Roric and his harem.

“I am not adverse to his girls attending naked,” Gwen replied.

“Nobody is coming to my wedding naked,” Heather argued with a raised voice to make her point.

“You are much too reserved,” Gwen said with a wave of her hand to dismiss the topic. “But I will take what I can get. I will plan the wedding for eight days from now. You had better be here, or I will send people to drag you back and make you apologize to every guest personally.”

“We will be here,” Heather replied with a smile. “I want this more than anything.”

Frank felt the very living heart in his chest beat faster as he looked at Heather. Her expression said she was delighted that they were finally getting married, and knowing that made him feel things he only dreamed were possible.

“They fell in love,” Gwen said with an approving nod. “I knew they would.”

“They were in love before you demanded they marry,” Breanne commented.

“Maybe, but they didn’t want to admit it,” Gwen replied. “Can I hold a feast tonight in honor of your announcement?”

“Sadly no,” Heather sighed. “We have to get back to finish the journey.”

“Are you close, at least?” Gwen asked with a hopeful expression.

“We think so,” Frank answered. “We are miles over the northwest portion of the spawn ring.”

“You’re on the other side of the known world,” Gwen said in shock. “It will take you months to get back unless you use magic to do it.”

“And we will,” Heather replied. “I promise we will come back, and I will be a good princess.”

“You had better,” Gwen laughed. “Oh, and Finneous has been here several times asking about you. He said players were visiting his town and using it as a base to explore the north.”

“More players are coming?” Quinny asked.

“It would seem so,” Gwen said. “He told me they had gone as far as the forest edge.”

“That means they are in our home,” Quinny laughed. “I can't wait till we get back now. I want to set up some adventures.”

“Well, it sounds like things are coming along just fine,” Gwen said. “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“Those friends we invited might want to set up a home here,” Heather replied. “But they haven't seen the area yet, so that's a little premature.”

“Any friend of yours is welcome here,” Gwen replied.

“Oh, and they might want a couple of doors,” Heather added.

“Do you have any idea how expensive those doors are?” Gwen balked. “I am making you get married to cover the last pair of doors I gave you.”

“If it helps, two of them want to get married too,” Heather offered.

“Unless they are getting married to you, it won’t help at all,” Gwen said. “I need one of the parties to be of royal blood.”

“I could marry them both?” Heather asked.

“You could get married a dozen times,” Gwen replied. “I could marry you to Frank next week, then marry the two of you to them a month from now. Then I could marry all four of you Quinny a month after that.”

“I’m ok with that,” Quinny laughed.

“And you would get points every time?” Heather asked.

“Of course,” Gwen said and explained that so long as Heather was involved and guests came to witness, it would translate into points.”

“Hugh, we could pay for the extra doors then,” Heather said as she thought it out.

“I am not marrying Roric,” Frank groaned with a squeamish face.

“Heather would marry this Roric, and you would marry his wife, whoever that is,” Gwen explained. “It’s called a polymatrimon where each husband shares the two wives.”

“I don’t like the idea of that at all,” Frank groaned and looked to Heather for support.

“It would just be for the points,” Heather urged. “It doesn’t have to mean anything.”

“But it means something to me,” Frank replied. “I want our marriage to be special.”

“Our marriage will be,” Heather said and waved the notion away. “You know what, forget it. It was a stupid idea. You know how I get when we start talking about ways to manipulate the system. I want our marriage to be special too. Besides, If we need the points that badly, we will just marry Breanne and Quinny.”

“I am also ok with that,” Quinny was quick to add.

“I would prefer my wedding to have some meaning as well,” Breanne commented.

“It's just for the points,” Heather said. “And besides, we're all best friends.”

“She would also become a princess and gain those special privileges,” Gwen added.

“See,” Heather urged, but Breanne shook her head.

“I want a proper marriage with a ring and a vow of love,” Breanne said.

“Hey, I want that too, if it’s on the table,” Quinny interjected.

“You two are hopeless,” Heather groaned and took Frank’s hand. “Well, we should be going before Blackbast starts to miss us.”

“Yeah, I am starting to crave going back,” Quinny said and tugged at her collar.

“I am, too. It is a most unsettling sensation,” Breanne grumbled. “I feel like I need to ask Blackbast to punish me for being away.”

“Well, runoff and tell your keeper I said hello,” Gwen said. “And remember eight days!”

“We won’t forget,” Heather said and waved as they headed off.

They hurried back as Frank held Heather's hand, slowly tracing his thumb over the backside. She smiled at him several times and then leaned in to kiss his cheek before saying how happy she was the wedding was set. Inside he was a wreck as he wondered what a royal wedding entailed. How many people would be there watching as he married the girl of his dreams? The very thought of standing before that crowd made him feel weak, but then he looked at Heather, and it felt right again.

They returned to the graveyard, and Frank checked on that sign to discover Legeis had made a simple one made from bronze with the simple message etched deeply into the surface. It was attached to a metal pole that Frank offered to take back and bury. Heather was sad to see him go, but she had to do her disguises and hurry through the doors before anyone grew concerned.

Frank showed the sign to Viylah, who was very pleased with the design. She offered to take him across the waters as she could shape herself into a boat that could easily carry him. Together they headed out, and Frank was genuinely amazed at how versatile a mimic was. He told Viylah about the wedding plans and reiterated that she was invited. She once again said she would think about it and let him know when the time was closer. She reached the shore in less than an hour, and with his claws and digging skills, he placed the sign with ease. An hour later, they were back, and he parted Viylah as she reshaped into the mausoleum.

Now he walked the tower halls, finally alone with his thoughts as he replayed Heather’s careless words. She had so easily suggested they could marry Breanne and Quinny, but the more Frank thought about it, the more he wished they could. Even he had been touched by the happiness that seemed to permeate Roric's camp, and he began to wonder, could he have a harem of his own?

With a shake to clear his head, he headed through the magic doors to find Umtha looking over a map. It seemed to show a mountain range with a bunch of marks that could be hiding places. She looked up as he came in, and oddly she smiled as her ears picked up.

“You marry Heather. Good on you,” she said with a nod.

“Did she tell you?” Frank asked.

“Heather, say Umtha invited,” the goblin woman replied. “Want Umtha to have the honor of being witness.”

“Oh, right,” Frank said as he remembered Blackbast's cunning plan to trap the goblin woman. Only players who witness the event will count, and several of them need to magically agree to be official witnesses. So if, after things were all said and done, Umhta's name appeared in the official list of witnesses, they would all know for sure that she was a player.

“I am glad you are coming. You are a good friend to Heather,” Frank said.

“Umtha, your friend as well,” she said and looked up to him. “But Legeis Umtha's heart.”

Frank struggled not to choke as Umtha admitted having feelings for Legeis and wondered if he knew. He would have to bring that point up with him later and see how he reacted. For now, he was just grateful to be back in camp and crawled out of the palanquin to find Heather, Quinny, and Breanne waiting for him.

“Umm, hi?” he said nervously as they all stared at him.

“What took you so long?” Heather asked with a funny smile.

“I had to place the sign,” Frank said and looked around to see they hadn’t even broken camp yet. “Why is no one moving?”

“Blackbast was talking to Legeis about something, and Roric wanted to give his girls a lie-in,” Quinny said. “But they will probably be going soon.”

“Ok?” Frank said nervously as they continued to stare at him. “Is something else going on?”

“No,” Heather replied and took a hand from each of the two women. “We were just waiting for you.”

“I, uh, wanted to talk to Legeis about something,” Frank said and walked away only to notice they were right behind him, still smiling. He tried to ignore it as they crossed the little camp and headed directly for Blackbast and Legeis, who was on the ground pointing to the north. Just as he passed the tent, Roric came out with his girls in a neat line behind him.

“Good morning, master Frank,” Roric said and then noted the line of girls behind him. “And good morning to your girls. I hope they are well.”

“They are not –“ Frank began, but Heather cut him off.

“We are fine, thank you for asking,” Heather said with s big smile.

“Do we have time for a song?” Gisley asked as she practically danced on her toes.

“A quick one,” Roric said as he tickled her chin. “Sing something beautiful.”

“Does she know any other kind of songs?” Jaina laughed as the four women gathered to pick a song.

Frank watched as Roric went to the one rope holding the magical tent. Roric untied it and let it go causing the tent to fold in on itself. In moments it collapsed to a small green bag that Roric plucked from the ground and tossed in his pack. Frank wondered where he found such an item, but it was time to confront Blackbast and Legeis, who were almost arguing.

“All I'm saying is if we turn north here, we stand a better chance of finding a pass through the mountains,” Legeis said.

“And our meeting sight is still two days travel west,” Blackbast countered.

“It will be a lot harder to cross there. The maps say the mountains are much taller,” Legeis explained.

“What are we arguing about?” Frank asked as he arrived, drawing a funny look from Legeis when he noted the three girls.

“I like this look,” Blackbast said as she observed the formation. “It is proper for the girls to follow their true master.”

“They aren't –,” Frank began, but Heather quickly cut him off.

“We thought so too,” she said.

Frank sighed in nervousness, then asked what they were arguing about. Legeis explained that the last bearing they got from the bracelet showed they needed to go more north. He had some maps provided by Maline that suggested some hills passed through the northern mountains nearby. If they went two days further west, they would be facing much steeper cliffs.

Blackbast acknowledged his concern but insisted they had to meet Grumosh and that there would likely be a trail through the mountains they could use. Frank didn't like the idea of meeting the ogre and glanced back at Breanne to see she had reacted with downcast eyes at the mention of his name. He was about to say something when a song broke out, and they all looked up to see Roric's girls singing a joyful song. Chandice, Evalynn, and Jaina were sitting on the ground, but Gisley was up and dancing slowly, being carried by the song.

“They sound so pretty,” Heather sighed.

“I bet you would too if you sang,” Frank offered. “I bet all three of you would be amazing.”

“Hmm,” Heather said and looked to the others. “We should try to come up with something to sing.

“I haven't sung in years,” Breanne said with a blush. “Not since I was young and beautiful in my twenties.”

“Well, you're young and beautiful now,” Quinny said. “So it's the perfect time to sing again.”

“Thank you,” Breanne replied and cleared her throat. “But, let’s not compete with them. We should discuss it and practice later.”

“So, back to what I was saying,” Legeis said as the moment wore out.

“We have to go to the meeting point,” Blackbast replied. “If we end up having to backtrack, so be it.”

“Why don’t we check the direction again,” Heather offered and held up her arm before asking where the egg’s mother was. A single green stone glowed to show it was indeed more north, but Blackbast was determined they had to go west first.

“We agreed to meet; besides, I am sure there are trails across the mountains not shown on the map,” Blackbast said.

“Actually,” Frank said as she looked at Heather. “We have to go to the meeting place and camp for a few days.” Heather smiled as Quinny let out a slight giggle. Blackbast and Legeis didn't seem to understand the joke, but they did notice the funny expressions.

“Alright, tell us what it is you are keeping,” Blackbast insisted.

Heather got up and clung to Franks's arm as she smiled widely before explaining.

“In eight days, we are getting married.”

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