Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 60: It's time to dance

Frank tried his hardest not to scratch at his head as he and Heather stood before the entire crowd to explain themselves. Heather did all the talking, telling them that in exactly eight days, they would be married. She clung to his arm the whole time as if they were inseparable, smiling as she described her dress.

Roric's girls were excited at the prospect, and Gisley wanted to know if they could sing at the wedding. Heather was in love with that idea, and they were all a gaggle with questions about what to wear.

Roric congratulated Frank on making the commitment, and Legeis offered him a good job. However, it was Blackbast who seemed to be most understanding and pulled him aside to talk.

“You seem nervous,” Blackbast said as she pulled him away from the group.

“I am nervous,” Frank replied. “I love Heather, but I don't know what I am doing. I never thought I would have a girlfriend, and now I am getting married?”

“Relax,” Blackbast urged. “This is a beautiful thing that you will look back on fondly. It will feel stressful at first, but Gwen has it all worked out, from what I hear. You just need to show up to say I do, and then Heather is yours forever.”

“Is she?” Frank asked and looked back to see the group talking. “They are all acting crazy all of a sudden, and I don't know why.”

“What do you mean crazy?” Blackbast pressed with a raised brow.

“They keep acting like we are just like Roric and his girls. Quinny and Breanne even argued the other night about how we should be a harem.”

“And this troubles you?” Blackbast asked.

“Heather and I just admitted we loved each other a few days ago. It all seems too rushed and chaotic,” Frank argued.

“I think you need to change your perspective,” Blackbast said. “Let me explain how I see it. You have been the man in a relationship with three women for months. You say that Heather is your girlfriend, but I say they all are. You may not think so, but you have treated them with love, attention, and devotion. They have begun to respond, even Breanne to some extent though she is much harder to read than Quinny.”

“You are saying they all love me?” Frank asked.

“I am saying you have treated all three of them as if they were your girlfriend,” Blackbast said. “And I wish to share a secret with you. Heather has already come to me about Quinny and her love of you. Jaina and I have recommended that she consider inviting her in.”

“Is that why they are suddenly holding hands so much?” Frank asked as his head began to spin.

“She is testing the waters,” Blackbast said with a pat on his arm. “She is not closed to the idea of sharing you, and Roric's group has given her much to think about.”

“She said so herself last night,” Frank agreed. “She even called Quinny and Breanne my girlfriends. Then she told me to go spend time with them.”

“You see? She is trying,” Blackbast sighed. “But you must let her grow at her pace, or does the problem lie with you?”

“What do you mean?” Frank asked.

“If Heather was alright with it, would you accept Quinny into your relationship?” Blackbast asked.

“I don't know,” Frank said nervously and looked back at Heather. “Knowing Heather loves me has been the happiest experience of my life. I have never felt this way about anyone, but I am afraid that I am going to do something to ruin it.”

“And dabbling in a harem of your own feels like playing with fire,” Blackbast surmised.

“Yeah,” Frank replied and looked down. “I just want them all to be happy.”

“Well, you might want to consider that being your girls might be what makes them happy,” Blackbast said.

“Is it common for girls to be so willing to share?” Frank asked.

Blackbast had to cover her mouth and laugh for a good minute before she could gather enough control to answer that question.

“You really don't have any experience with women,” she moaned while trying to catch her breath. “Women can be the most venomous of snakes, full of deceit, poison, and manipulation. We will smile at one another and exchange kind words while plotting to destroy one another. We quickly learn how to wield words as weapons to tear nearly anyone down and will not tolerate competition.”

“Then why is Roric’s harem so happy?” Frank asked.

“Because he has carefully chosen the right girls. Ones who were looking to be loved and eager to show it to others. Don't mistake my harsh words as a condemnation of women. We can be many things, good and bad, but there is one thing we all share in common. A woman is a powerful creature of love, and when she wants to share that love with somebody, miracles can happen. You must remember that many of the snakes would rather die than come to New Eden. The girls that have come are the ones who are looking for that change of life. They are hopeful that with a new body and perfect looks, they will finally be able to find the love they couldn't in the real world. All our physical insecurities and much of the reason to compete are gone. They are like ripe fruit waiting to be picked, and many are more than willing to be a part of a harem. Especially to a kind and loving master.”

“A lot of them were men,” Frank pointed out.

“What does that matter now?” Blackbast asked. “If they have chosen to be female here, that is what they are. What they were has no meaning or bearing on their capacity to love. In fact, they tend to be far more honest about what they want.”

“I guess you're right,” Frank agreed and scratched at his head. “It doesn't matter.”

“Let's get to the heart of the matter,” Blackbast urged. “You love Heather, and you don't want to screw this up. So my advice is just to be you and let Heather sort the other things out. If Quinny is meant to be in your relationship, Heather will pull her in.”

“I guess that’s fine,” Frank agreed.

“I will talk to Heather about the others and not mention your concerns. Trust me. You will all be much happier if your feelings are out in the open,” Blackbast said.

Frank nodded, and Blackbast took his arm and brought him back to Heather. They spoke briefly for a few more minutes, then Blackbast insisted they needed to get moving. Gisley rode on Roric's back with her pretty wings tucked away. Frank ran beside Roric's magical disk with Heather on one shoulder so she could talk to the girls. They were an hour into the trip when Heather looked over at the palanquin to see Webster waiving from the roof. Frank could tell they were having a silent conversation, and then Heather leaned over to whisper to Frank.

“I am going to get on Roric’s disk,” she said.

“Why?” he asked in surprise.

She smiled and told him it was so he could carry Quinny and Breanne.

“Heather,” he said nervously. “We need to talk about this.”

“Talk about what?” Heather asked.

“About them,” Frank insisted. “Why are you being so open about us?”

“Frank, look to your right and tell me what you see,” Heather said.

Frank looked at the magical disk carrying three women who looked happy as could be. Jaina was lying on her back in Evalynn's lap, who had an arm around Chandice. Chandice sat on her feet while staring into Jaina's eyes and braiding her hair. They looked so at peace with one another, and their love was evident.

“I see three women in love,” Frank replied. “But I don’t understand why you are suddenly considering this.”

“Frank,” Heather sighed. “I have kissed a girl before. I mean, that's all we did, but I wasn't shocked or put off by it. It was in college, and I had a roommate. We were with each other so often, sharing stories and complaining about men, that we just grew close. I didn't date too much in school, but she tried to, and it never ended well. Then, one day we were talking, and before I knew it, we had our arms around each other. It didn't feel wrong or strange; I felt like it was about time, to be honest. We realized how close we had gotten, and then we kissed.”

“Then what happened?” Frank asked.

“Nothing,” Heather sighed. “The phone rang, and it was her parents complaining about her expenses. The mood was broken, and I had a test to study for. We never really had a chance to talk about what happened, and four months later, I graduated.”

“Do you like girls?” he asked.

“No, you're reading too much into this,” Heather grumbled. “I like men, but for one brief moment in my life, I considered liking a girl. It always stuck with me, and now that I see Jaina and the others, I wonder if maybe now is the time I consider it some more. We both know Quinny likes us; she hints at it often enough. You heard her when I said we could marry her for points. She outright said yes, let's do it.”

“I guess she did,” Frank sighed.

“Is this bothering you?” Heather asked.

“Heather, I love you, and I don't want to do anything to mess this up. I have no experience with girls, and I feel like I am walking through a minefield while blindfolded,” he said.

“This is all happening too fast for you,” Heather said with a nod. “I kind of went from cold to hot overnight, didn’t I?”

“Maybe,” Frank agreed.

“You know what, change of plans,” Heather said and turned to the girls on the disk. “Sorry for all the whispering, but Frank and I need to speak to Blackbast.”

“We don’t mind, “Jaina replied. “I just assumed you were exchanging sweet talk.”

“Ha, we don’t do that often enough,” Heather laughed. “We will be back in a few minutes,” she added and urged Frank to carry her to where Roric and Blackbast were.

“Oh, no,” Blackbast said as she eyed them closely. “Why are you two coming to see me?”

“Because we need advice,” Heather said from her perch on Frank’s shoulder. “Do you think we should let Quinny in?”

“I told you I would talk to her about this,” Blackbast said as she glared at Frank.

“It just came up,” Frank replied and shrugged.

“You two talked about this already?” Heather asked.

“Not exactly,” Blackbast replied. “I noticed how nervous he was, and I pulled him aside to ask why. He expressed how much he loved you but was afraid he would make a mistake any day now that would send you screaming away.”

“Oh, he told me that already,” Heather laughed.

“He also wanted to know why you were being so friendly to Quinny and Breanne,” Blackbast added.

“Ahh, that explains a lot,” Heather said and wrapped an arm around Frank’s head. “So let’s talk about our harem.”

“You are going to form a harem?” Gisley asked.

“Maybe,” Heather said with a slight blush. “I think Frank and I should get married first, but then we should seriously consider the others.”

“Aren’t you on your way to sell Breanne to the ogre?” Roric asked before giving Blackbast a nod.

“She doesn’t want to be sold,” Frank said. “She told me last night she wants to stay with us.”

“I thought the plan was to ask him to travel with you so they could get to know one another better?” Gisley said.

“It was,” Frank grumbled. “But she has thought about it since, and she doesn't want to go through with it.”

“But this Grumosh is on his way,” Roric said. “He is probably going through a great deal of trouble to show up with his offer. He might be insulted if she refuses to consider it at least.”

“I suppose she should,” Heather agreed.

“No, she shouldn’t,” Frank countered. “She belongs with us.”

“That is for her to decide,” Blackbast said. “I am sorry, but Roric is right, Grumosh will show up, and Breanne will hear what he has to say. You have waited too long to consider this move to a harem, and now you must give him a chance to claim her first.”

“But that isn’t what she wants,” Frank said.

“Then let her tell him that,” Blackbast replied. “You need us to camp at this location long enough for your wedding, so I am sorry, but the meeting will take place.”

“Why don't we just assume she will say no,” Heather offered. “What do we do after this mess is over?”

“Are you sure Breanne wants to be a part of your harem?” Blackbast asked.

“I asked her and Quinny to pretend we were Frank's harem, and she was willing to play along,” Heather said with a shrug.

“That doesn’t mean anything,” Blackbast pointed out.

“Look, I don't even know if I want this,” Heather said. “I love how your harem works, Roric, but I am nervous about being so open. I am normally a very reserved person, and I have my doubts.”

“Doubts are not a good way to form a lasting relationship,” Roric said. “You shouldn't take this step with them unless you hunger for them to share your love.”

“I agree,” Blackbast added. “You need to be sure. I know you are playing your games now to feel things out, but don’t say join us until you know for sure you can give them everything.”

“And you knew this for all your girls?” Heather asked.

“Me, no,” Roric laughed. “I knew it with Jaina. She and I hashed out our feelings on the matter for months. We knew exactly what we wanted from ourselves and each other. When it came time to add Evalynn, she was a bit of an enemy. We defeated her in combat and gave her a choice to join us. The early days were a bit confused, and we held the door wide open for her to go. But we grew together and found our footing. Gisley was more of a friend, working alongside Jaina and helping us at the inn we were staying at. We slowly won her trust, and she shared a secret with us and asked for our help.”

“I needed Jaina to teach me how to play my class,” Gisley said.

“So we offered her the collar and the help, and she accepted,” Roric finished.

“So you weren't very careful about this,” Heather said.

“No, but there is a huge distinction,” Roric countered. “They were essentially strangers, given an offer and slowly allowed to grow into the role. If they failed to fit into our mold, nothing would be lost. We would part ways and move on, wishing each other the best of luck. But your two girls are close friends, and you have a history together. If this relationship were to fail, your friendship might go with it.”

“I see,” Heather said soberly. “We have something to lose where you didn’t.”

“Indeed,” Roric said.

“If you want to bring them in, you should go sit with them,” Gisley said. “You too, Frank.”

“I barely fit in the palanquin,” Frank replied.

“Use your human form,” Gisley urged. “You should try to do everything you can together. Share it all like we do.”

“Sound advice from the love fairy,” Blackbast said.

“Actually, they call me the sex fairy because I –“ Gisley started to say, but Heather cut her off.

“Anyway,” Heather nearly shouted. “Let’s stop so Frank and I can get on the palanquin.”

Blackbast and Roric tried not to laugh as they called a halt, and the two went back to the palanquin. Roric waited until they were far enough away to turn to Blackbast with an approving nod.

“I believe this plan of yours might work,” Roric said.

“Let us pray it does,” Blackbast said. “I have seen them together long enough to know this foolishness needs to end. It is about time they were honest with each other.”

“Not everybody is cut out for this kind of life,” Roric argued.

“No, I do not believe they are cut out to be master and slave,” Blackbast agreed. “But I do believe they are meant to love each other.”

“A harem without the collars?” Gisley asked.

“The collar is only a means of enhanced roleplay,” Blackbast said. “They do not need it to be a family. Besides, it is Frank who detests the collar the most. He cannot be a master of three women when he hates the collar that marks them as his.”

“Then how will he form his harem?” Gisley asked.

“With a ring and a wedding vow,” Blackbast replied with a nod. “A man like Frank can't do it any other way.”

“Oh, that’s so beautiful,” Gisley sighed and looked down. “When are you going to marry Chandice?”

“We have discussed this many times, and the answer hasn't changed. It will happen when we find a place to build our home,” Roric replied.

“But Jaina said we could build our home near their lair. Heather said there was plenty of room,” Gisley insisted.

“Jaina said maybe we could, and I promise we will go look at it,” Roric sighed and shook his furry head. Gisley played with his pointed ears and looked back to see Heather and Frank outside the palanquin.

Frank took his human form and went to crawl in as Quinny smiled and moved to sit with Breanne. She snuggled into the elf woman throwing a leg over Breanne as she rubbed at her stomach.

“Will you quit molesting me,” Breanne groaned as Heather tried not to laugh and settled in with Frank on the far side.

“But you’re so soft,” Quinny said and snuggled in more firmly. “You elves must not have bones.”

“We do have bones, and I am not your pillow,” Breanne scolded but gave up when Quinny didn't move. She relented and put her arm around the zombie woman as the palanquin started to move again. They were zipping across the countryside at a brisk rate when somebody knocked on the side of the palanquin. Heather drew back the curtains to reveal Chandice smiling as their magical disk floated just inches apart from theirs.

“We were so close we thought we would let you know we could hear all your molesting talk,” Chandice laughed.

“Oh, that’s just wonderful,” Breanne groaned and swatted Quinny’s head. “This is your fault.”

“I don't care. I like molesting you,” Quinny sighed and hugged tighter.

“Well, you two look good together,” Chandice laughed as Evalynn joined her at the edge.

“It must be nice to travel in comfort like this,” Evalynn said. “You even have a roof if it rains.”

“Legeis is building you one,” Heather reminded. “I bet it will be just as nice.”

“That’s very kind of him,” Evalynn said and sat back so Jaina could join them. Now all three women were kneeling at the side of the palanquin so the group could talk.

“I hope there will be dancing at the wedding,” Jaina said

“Oh, god, dancing,” Frank groaned and put a hand over his eyes.

“Ha, not a big dancer,” Evalynn laughed.

“Frank is new to all this,” Heather said and took his hand. “But you will never find a more honest and decent man.”

“True words,” Breanne agreed as Frank blushed.

“Well, you should practice,” Jaina urged. “You have plenty of girls to learn with.”

“I wouldn’t mind teaching him how to dance,” Chandice agreed.

“Evalynn or I should teach him how to dance,” Jaina argued. “We did quite a bit of it, if you remember.”

“That's stripping, not dancing,” Chandice laughed. “I doubt that will work at a royal wedding.”

“It might,” Quinny laughed.

“I think Gwen is planning on a more formal affair,” Heather insisted. “It would be ballroom dancing, and to be honest, I don't know much about that.”

“Neither do I,” Jaina agreed.

“I do,” Breanne said and looked up. “I have a lot of practice in formal dancing. I would be happy to teach you all.”

“That would be great,” Heather said with a smile. “We have eight days to get good at it.”

“We should go to the graveyard and practice,” Quinny suggested.

“Not without telling somebody this time,” Heather suggested.

“Yes, you wouldn't want your master to get upset again,” Jaina added.

“She isn’t my master,” Heather corrected and looked at Frank. “You are.”

“Me?” he said in alarm.

“Awwww,” Evalynn cooed.

“I would wear this for you,” Heather said and touched the collar. “I would let you lock it and keep me forever.”

“I don’t want you to wear a collar,” Frank said. “I love the real you, not this disguise.”

“Oh, he's so sweet!” Jaina groaned.

Frank blushed a deeper shade of red and made the women laugh for a minute more before Jaina called up and asked if they could visit the graveyard. Roric told them to be back when the sun moved, so they all happily crawled over and through the magical door.

Quinny grabbed the treats from the fridge, carrying cakes, cookies, and sweet creams out into the graveyard. They wanted to share the moment with Viylah, who was delighted to see them and even more so to see a white cake layered with strawberries. She shifted some of her mass to make a table to set all the treats on and then added a few chairs and couches. Then she cut the cake into twelve slices, quickly stealing one for herself.

“She's like a mobile home,” Jaina laughed as Evalynn and Chandice marveled at the size of the graveyard and the towering mountain walls that surrounded the swamps.

“This place is huge,” Evalynn commented. “What’s beyond the mist in the distance?”

“My swamp,” Breanne said. “I haunt nearly the entire upper swamps.”

“So all four of your homes are here?” Chandice asked as she watched a zombie shuffle by.

Quinny explained that there were five homes if you counted Finneous and his keep. She described the layout of the forest, graveyard, swamps, and mountain stronghold of Heather. She then described the slightly hilly land in the east and how they had miles of land to build a magical forest.

“I hope Roric comes to see it soon,” Chandice said. “I am tired of talking about our home. I want to build it for a change.”

“So long as it doesn’t end up the same way the last one did,” Evalynn complained.

“What happened last time?” Frank asked.

Evalynn looked sad as she explained how some jealous players sabotaged their home and drove them away. They invested a lot of gold to buy points to build a truly expansive magical place. Unfortunately, they had to leave it all behind when it was attacked and pillaged.

“So players just up and decided to raid your home?” Breanne asked.

“One player, in particular, put them up to it,” Chandice said with a sour tone. “Her name is Alexandria, and she has had a hate crush on Jaina ever since she got here.”

“I should explain what she means,” Jaina said and set her cake aside. “You see, Alexandria is a slave master class of some kind, and she sticks near the spawn ring. She is looking for fresh, naive young girls with the right skills to be part of her brothel.”

“She runs a brothel?” Heather asked.

“There are lots of brothels,” Jaina explained. “But Alexandria is also a class known as a deceiver. She can convince you to do things and make you think it was your idea. When I arrived with Roric, she saw a player who could not only shapeshift but had seductress as a secondary class. She saw huge potential for profits with me, but I’m nearly immune to suggestion and was already Roric's, which drove her mad.”

“Did she try to buy you?” Quinny asked.

“Buy me, entice me, convince me to leave. She even tried to kidnap me a few times, and when all that failed, she tried to steal the money we made,” Jaina said.

“Oh, she is a terribly wicked person,” Evalynn added. “She hates not getting what she wants.”

“And she destroyed your home?” Heather asked.

Jaina nodded and took Chandice's hand for strength. “I know what I am about to say will shock you, but Gisley, Evanlynn, and I made quite a bit of money charging men for sex. We made so much, in fact, that we were ready to build a massive home when most of us were still below level thirty. Alexandria tried to steal the money once, but we turned the rogues that were helping against her and got it all back. A little bit later, we headed off to do some adventuring, and on our travels, we discovered the perfect place for a home. What we didn't know was that we were being followed, and Alexandria was just waiting to strike. She let us start our home, and we converted most of the money into points, building a massive magical forest, a beautiful, magical shop for Chandice, and a rustic camp for Roric.”

“Don’t forget Gisley’s amazing moon lake,” Evalynn said. “She only got to sing over it once before it was gone.”

“Oh, I try not to remember how sad that made her,” Jaina replied and shook her head. “The fact is Alexandria knew we had that gold, and she waited until she was sure most of it had been spent. Then she used her deceiver skills to convince people we were a threat. She bribed people, used sex to gain favors, and outright tricked them into thinking our forest was some kind of haven for degenerates. A few days after we started building, parties of players began raiding the place, destroying everything, and in the end, it became too much of a hassle to keep up with them. We started getting killed at an alarming rate, and poor Roric was hunted like an animal a dozen times. We eventually had to leave it all behind and flee far enough away where she couldn't find us.”

“How terrible,” Breanne commented. “The horrible things some players do.”

“Yeah, horrible things,” Heather agreed as she thought back to Moon and how the woman tried to manipulate Heather for profit.

“You had to leave all those points behind?” Frank asked.

“All of it,” Jaina replied with a shake of her head. “Which is why we are being so careful about choosing a new home. It has to be hidden and out of the way.”

“Well, it's not exactly hidden here,” Quinny said as she nibbled on a cookie. “But Gwen has promised to protect us all she can from marauding players. If needs be, she will send her armies to protect us.”

“Your mother sounds very nice,” Chandice said as she started on some cake.

“She loves being called my mother,” Heather complained. “So you may as well keep saying it, but she isn’t really my mother.”

“Why isn’t she?” Evalynn asked. “This body wasn’t exactly born and raised by somebody. So your mother is whoever your heart says it is.”

“Yeah,” Quinny agreed. “Gwen could be your mother as easily as Breanne could.”

“Don’t ever say that about me again,” Breanne scolded as Quinny shrugged.

“I don’t mean that your old, just that you are mature enough to be a good mother,” Quinny said. “You need to stop thinking about the past and see yourself now. You are young and beautiful and always will be.”

“Oh, were you older when you came to New Eden?” Jaina asked.

“Very,” Breanne replied. “Enough that most of the people in my life had already passed on and the few that remained weren't fit enough to understand the opportunity New Eden offered.”

“At least you made it,” Chandice said. “Maybe it was fate, and you were meant to have a new life with new people to love.”

“I suppose,” Breanne agreed as Quinny moved to sit with her and put an arm around her waist.

“Not going to complain that I am molesting you?” Quinny asked.

“No, I am growing accustomed to you being attached to me all the time,” Breanne relented and put her arm around the zombie woman.

“I try to forget my past life,” Evalynn said. “As far as I am concerned, this life is all there has ever been. I am a young sexy elf maiden, and I am going to enjoy my life with the people I love most.”

“And you do it so well,” Heather said. “I have to admit I have never seen anyone as happy to be here as your group is.”

“Why shouldn't we be happy?” Chandice asked. “Oh, we have the occasional sourpuss like Alexandria to deal with, but all she can do is waste our time. She can't take away our love or dreams, and we know one day we will have everything we want.”

“And we will get to hear Gisley singing under the moon,” Jaina sighed.

“We should get to practicing,” Breanne said and stood up with Quinny in her arm. “I will use Quinny to show you some dances, and then we can practice them.”

“What about Gisley?” Heather asked. “She should get to practice too.”

“Trust us, Gisley knows how to dance,” Chandice replied as she got up and took Evalynn's arm. Frank stood with Heather, and Jaina walked over to the surprised Viylah and asked her to dance. The two mimics looked bashful as Breanne showed them how to stand and hold one another. Then she started to walk them through steps, showing just how to twist and turn so that the dance flowed and the partners complemented one another.

The group danced as if a grand ball was being held in the middle of a graveyard. It was a magical moment that saw many partner changes, but the true magic started when Heather finally ended up in the arms of Breanne. The two danced and swayed as if perfectly matched, doing so well that the others stopped to watch instead of practicing it themselves. When the paces ended, Breanne looked into Heather's eyes and blushed slightly before suggesting they stop. The sun suddenly moved, racing across the sky to signify the time was up anyway. They waved goodbye to Viylah and left her with the remaining cake, and headed back. They soon discovered they had reached their destination, a sort of ruins of stone and marble that marked what might once have been a temple complex hidden in the forest. It was overgrown in places, but most of a stone plaza remained, and it was here Roric was already setting up his tent.

“Well, we are here,” Heather said as they climbed down from the palanquin. “And thus begins our wait.”

“Oh, eight days will go by in the blink of an eye,” Jaina urged as she took Evalynn's hand. “Well, we better check in with our master. Talk to you later,” she added with a wave. Chandice went with them, leaving Heather standing with Frank, Quinny, and Breanne.

“I guess we’re here for a bit,” Legeis said as he walked up out of his armor. “I’m gonna start bringing over pieces of their palanquin and begin the assembly here.”

“Do you need help carrying it over?” Frank asked, and Legeis was more than grateful for the assistance. They took the door off for easier access and began to bring over pieces one by one.

Heather plucked Webster from the palanquin roof and carried him off to sit with Quinny and Breanne as they talked about dancing. It was starting to feel very real, and the wedding couldn't come soon enough. Still, something was beginning to bother her, and it had to do with Frank. He didn't like any of them wearing the collars, and Heather didn't want to give hers up.

“What am I going to do, Webster?” she asked as she pet the spider in her lap. He chirped in his usual way and waved a leg as if trying to accentuate his point. Heather heard his thoughts in her head and laughed before saying she was not a spider and wouldn't eat Frank after mating.

The moment was interrupted when Gisley started a wondrous song, blessing the forest and ruins with her fairy power that caused everything to glow and sparkle as if infused with magic. Colors were brighter and shadows more defined as if the world had just been painted by a very skilled artist. Heather was once again reminded of how beautiful a life those women lived and had to wonder if she could have the same thing.

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