Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 61: To much to think about

Heather listened to Gisley sing for nearly an hour as the stars twinkled overhead. She was lost in thought while petting her spider, who chirped soothingly. Suddenly Gisley stopped singing and fluttered over to Chandice, Jaina, and Evalynn. Heather didn't hear everything, but it was clear Gisley overheard them talking about the dancing and was upset she missed it. It seemed a shame that such a beautiful creature should be so upset, so Heather set Webster down and walked across the magical forest.

“We didn’t do it to make you angry,” Jaina insisted as she tried to comfort the upset fairy.

“I keep missing all the fun because I have to pull the disk,” Gisley said sorrowfully. “I want to dance and play too!”

“Excuse me,” Heather said as she approached with a smile. “I know it's none of my business, but would it be alright if I danced with Gisley?”

“You want to dance with me?” Gisley asked as her eyes suddenly changed colors from red to deep purple. Little sparkling lights twinkled in them, and the fairy did a little fluttering bounce.

“I think she loves the idea,” Chandice laughed.

“Of course,” Roric agreed and turned to consider Gisley. “Would you like to dance with Heather?”

“Please!” Gisley cried excitedly and fluttered up to Heather and dropped to her feet. “I love dancing.”

“I could tell,” Heather laughed as she looked to Roric, who nodded that she had permission. She took Gisley's arms and pulled her close, ready to begin the dance, when Gisley said they needed a song. Heather smiled and said she would sing Gisley a song, and the two would dance to it together.

Gisley practically jumped to her toes in excitement as Heather considered how she wanted to do this. She had a lot of powers based on singing and thought Gisley might appreciate a little magic in her dance. Then, with a smile, Heather began a sweet song that echoed a call to nature. It was filled with sunshine and rainbows that delighted those who heard. She pulled Gisley into the steps, swinging her around the field as flowers began to blossom all around them.

[lvl 4 flower singer skill: call to nature] Sing a song to the spirits of life and nature, causing flowers to burst forth and blossom in seconds. The effect is a four-meter radius around you but can be directly targeted by using hand gestures.

Gisley saw the flowers and squealed with such joy that it turned every head to their dance. It filled the onlooker's hearts with love as the most beautiful scene of magic began to unfold. Heather intentionally chose a dance full of twisting spirals as the flowers continued to grow thick around them. At the same time, Gisley's magic glitter filled the air, enchanting the flowers to glow with magical light.

Heather wasn't done with magic and quickly activated a fun skill she hardly used. Now her very steps would cause flowers to grow so that no matter where the dance went, the flowers would follow.

[lvl 3 Flower Singer skill: Blooming steps] Flowers spring up around your feet and trail behind you, growing rapidly into full bloom. You trail faint trails of golden pollen around your feet, causing the magical effect.

Silver glitter mixed with golden pollen as Heather continued her song of growth. Gisley was swept off her feet, smiling wide as she looked around to see the unfolding magic. It was now that Heather unleashed her final trick as her feet floated up, walking across the flower petals as if on firm land.

[lvl 15 Flower Singer Skill: Natures steps] You can step over any plant without harming it, your feet floating just above the delicate stems as if you weighed nothing.

Gisley cried out in such happiness it made Heather smile. She had to flutter her wings to keep up with Heather as the two women danced in the air over a carpet of magical glowing flowers. Around they spun, gold and silver sparkles spiraling out in all directions. Gisley's eyes sparkled with bright green light as her two little antennas unfurled to their full length. She was lost in the excitement and magic of the dance, and her enthusiasm affected her magic.

[lvl 20 lunar fairy skill: Dance of the lunar queen] [Boosted 10] When you dance under the moonlight, you produce a magical glitter that has the effect of enchanting the world around you. Shadows become sharper, fireflies come out to dance with you, and the moonlight glitters on all reflective surfaces. Your glitter pool, health, and stamina recover 10% faster during this dance.

Gisley began to glow with white light as fireflies filled the air, dancing with the two girls as their song carried on. Gisley joined Heather in her song, the two voices blending as Heather continued to lead the enchanting dance. Moonlight began to streak down in glittering rays, and every droplet of dew sparkled in the light like a thousand diamonds.

It was a powerful moment, and Heather decided she wasn't done yet. With her voice soaring high, she called to the trees around them, filling them with budding flowers and golden lights that floated about as if alive.

“What is happening?” Frank said as he came to stand with Quinny and Breanne.

“The most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” Breanne replied with a tear in her eye. “Those voices are like angels singing in unison, and their magic combined is breathtaking.”

“Heather and her pair up perfectly,” Quinny laughed. “The magical fairy who likes to dance, with the magical singing girl who summons flowers.”

“They do look good together,” Breanne agreed. “I have to admit I admire how in love those girls are.”

Frank heard that comment and wondered once again if maybe this was something he could have. He dwelt on that thought as the dance went on, until an hour later, flowers grew everywhere. Heather and Gisley stared into each others eyes as the fairy woman thanked her for the dance, then fluttered happily to her family to forgive them.

“Well, that was fun,” Heather said as she joined Frank and the others. “I had no idea that would make her so happy.”

“That was amazing to watch,” Quinny replied. “You two were dancing in the air.”

“I just wanted her to feel special since she never gets to come to the graveyard,” Heather replied as she looked at Frank to see Breanne on his right and Quinny on his left. There was no place for her, so she turned around and sat comfortably in Frank's lap.

“You look comfortable,” Breanne remarked as Heather leaned back into Frank’s chest.

“I am comfortable,” Heather replied. “I should have done this a long time ago.”

“You probably should have, but at least it happened in the end,” Breanne said.

“I am glad how it happened,” Frank interjected. “I needed just as much time as Heather to come to terms with this.”

Heather was pleased to hear him say that especially considering all the chaos going on in her head recently. For the last few days, she had been trying to identify what started the change, and as she danced with Gisley, she finally understood it. What changed was her primary desire to escape New Eden and go home. Now she wanted to stay and be a part of Frank's life, seeking a happily ever after. This created a shift in her thinking and made her reconsider the people who were part of her life. She intentionally avoided relationships, especially with Frank, because she planned to leave. But, now that she was staying, there was no reason to hold back anymore. What took her by surprise was the arrival of Roric and his girls, showing her a life that she hadn't considered.

Those four women loved one another, sharing everything while dancing and singing from the joy they experienced. Could she have a similar relationship with Quinny and Breanne? The first question was simple, could she love another woman? The truth was she really wasn’t sure. She had shared a kiss with one back in college that made her desire more, but it hadn’t amounted to anything. However, there was another encounter that couldn’t be overlooked. The day she was bathed by Blackbast before receiving a sensual massage that included her rear. As much as she didn’t want to admit it back then, Heather wanted to do more. What might have happened if she had surrendered and let the woman do what she wanted?

The question fascinated her mind, and the dance with Gisley had stirred some strong feelings. Heather blushed to realize how badly she had wanted to kiss the woman, making that magical moment even more intense. She held back only because Frank was watching, and she had no idea how he would react.

The groups settled in for the night, talking about all sorts of things as two groups of women banded around their chosen men. Blackbast joined Frank, sitting with Quinny as the two snuggled into one another. Heather wasn't surprised by the affection; after all, Quinny openly admitted to having sex with Blackbast. Still, she felt a touch of jealousy to see Quinny with another woman. She put the thought out of her head and focused on what was important. She was getting married to Frank in a week's time, which would be the final commitment. Once she accepted his ring, she was here for good, the wife of a ghoul who lived in tunnels under a graveyard.

“I can tell by the silence that you are thinking about something,” Breanne remarked. “Are we allowed to know what has you so occupied?”

“I was just wondering if Frank would mind my moving into his tunnels,” Heather replied.

“You want to move into my tunnels?” Frank asked in surprise.

“We are getting married,” Heather laughed. “I want to live where my husband is.”

“What’s wrong with living in your tower or the mountain tunnels?” Frank asked.

“Nothing,” Heather said with a shrug. “But you prefer your tunnels, so I thought it would be nice if I moved down there with you. Are you saying you don't want me in your tunnels?”

“No, that isn’t what I am saying,” Frank sighed and let the point go.

Heather felt a twinge of frustration from Frank, so she did the only thing she could think to do. She urged him to go back to the graveyard with her and took him to bed. They reaffirmed their love, and Heather asked him to stay until she fell asleep, drifting off just minutes later as he sighed.

Frank slipped away an hour later to find someplace to think. So much had changed in the past few days that his mind was burdened. He tried to wander the graveyard, but to his dismay, Quinny was there talking to Viylah, the two carrying on as if they were old friends.

He paused to consider the newcomer and the circumstances under which they found her. Viylah seemed honest, but there was obviously something more going on. She admitted to coming to the swamp with a friend to help in a secret project. That project was ruined even before she learned what it was, and her friend abandoned her with a promise that she would come back. Frank knew the strange history of Heather and all the various clues that indicated she had been here before. The letter from Hathlisora outright stated Heather had been here working on something for her. The staff was left behind, attuned to only her, and now helped regulate her unusual power. He strongly suspected that Viylah's friend was Hathlisora, but he wanted to establish that by talking to her alone.

He slipped around the edge of the yard, wading into the grave mist as zombies took notice of his passing. Right now, he was more concerned about Heather and her sudden change of attitude. He was grateful that they were being intimate, but it caused him to rethink his previous motivations.

Everything about his ghoul form was inconvenient for tender moments. His arms were too long and ended in razor-sharp claws that could cut through stone. His skin was cold and rubbery, unable to feel the same level of sensation the human form could. He had no lips to speak of and jagged teeth that would make the most hardened of dentists gag. For so long, he never regretted his choices, but now he had something he never dreamed of. Of course, he could always use the figurine, but Heather didn't' like that. She wanted to express her love to Frank as he truly was, and that was the ghoul who lived in dirty tunnels below a graveyard. She didn't want to hurt his feelings by desiring the human form, but he honestly didn't care. The human form was far better suited to sharing love, especially for kissing. He began to wish he really was a carrion knight. At least then, the human form would be a part of him.

All of this started when Roric arrived with his harem of scantly clad women. They brought with them a strange happiness that was hard to explain. They were wholly devoted to their master and expressed sincere love for each other. They laughed, sang, and even danced with broad smiles. It wasn't uncommon to see them holding hands or sharing a kiss before whispering; I love you.

Heather had already begun to express her feelings, but with their example, she was now thinking about more. He realized that, to some extent, so was he, but this harem business sent a chill down his spine. Heather was a dream come true in every possible way, and he was terrified that his lack of experience would spoil that somehow. His deepest fear was that she would come to her senses a few weeks from now and realize she had made a mistake. If they had pursued the harem when that tragedy struck, the close friendship that marked their relationship would be over.

With a sigh, he headed deep into the graveyard and reached the water's edge. He decided to cross the long bridge to Breanne's island, where he hoped he could find peace. The large central island was bigger than his graveyard when Heather first arrived. It was dominated by a large mausoleum that served as Breanne's home and the place where her phylactery was hidden. Around it were areas of graveyard and garden hemmed in by thick hedge walls. It created a lot of secluded and private spaces with an almost maze-like atmosphere. It was also heavily planted with colorful flowers and trees. It was a magical place in many ways, and he appreciated the beauty.

He decided to sit on the far side and stare across the water as he tried to work out how he had come to love Heather. He never wanted to fall in love, just have a friend he could talk to for a change. But somehow, they got closer and closer until something happened that he couldn't imagine. Now they were making love and talking about marriage as the world he once imagined slipped away.

He sighed and played with the water, using a long nail to stir the surface. He had never had a relationship before, and now he was in one so committed it scared him. Heather was looking forward to being his wife and even talking about moving her personal rooms to his lair. She wanted to live in the tunnels with him, sharing his life as a ghoul.

“But what if that isn’t what I want?” Frank asked no one in particular. He leaned over to see his horrid reflection in the water and contorted his face to try and make it look more normal. “My eyes have opened too,” he said to himself. “And I am not sure I want to be this anymore.”

Oddly he heard a voice in answer, but it wasn't his own. Instead, it was Breanne speaking in strained tones someplace nearby. She sounded hurt, or at the very least distressed, so Frank got up and followed the sound to discover her pacing one of her gardens.

“Why is everybody encouraging this?” Breanne muttered to herself as she paced angrily. “Don’t they see how foolish an idea it is?”

“I do,” Frank said as he immediately understood what she was talking about.

“Frank?” Breanne said in alarm. “I didn't know you were there.”

“I'm sorry,” Frank replied and stepped into her yard. “I needed some time to think, and there was no peace in my graveyard. I like your gardens, so I thought I could sit here for a bit and clear my head.”

“Your mind is spinning, too,” Breanne said with a nod. “Small wonder considering Heather's sudden change of attitude. It isn’t helped that those other girls are prancing about in less than Blackbast makes us wear.”

“Yeah,” Frank sighed. “I don’t understand what’s going on, but I will be honest. I am more worried about you.”

“Me?” Breanne said as a slight smile curled her elven face. “I suppose my situation is rather dire. I don’t understand why everyone is pushing me to consider being a slave girl of some ogre?”

“I think Roric’s girls are happy with what they are, but they can’t assume everybody else will be,” Frank suggested. “I am sure they found something special in their relationship, but you aren’t them. What makes them happy isn’t guaranteed to make you happy.”

“No, and I am thrilled to finally hear somebody say it!” Breanne cried. “I have been going out of mind with worry these past few days.”

“I didn’t want to argue with them in camp,” Frank said as he drew closer. “I know Jaina and the others like what they are, but I don't like these slave collars, and I wish you would all take them off.”

“Quinny jokes about how we should let them lock,” Breanne said and folded her arms. “That girl has been pushing me to accept Grumosh’s offer harder than any of them.”

“That's because Quinny could be like Jaina. She has the right temperament to wear this all the time,” Frank said.

“In my case, it isn't that I hate the idea of wearing the collar. It's just I am old enough to understand the commitment,” Breanne said and reached up to take her collar off. She changed back to her noble elf appearance with long black hair and fair skin. “You don't just put something like this on for shallow reasons. This gives the owner power over you that you need to be sure you want them to have,” she said and clutched the collar in her hand. “I would gladly wear this collar for the right man, but those men are hard to find.”

“I think Heather would too,” Frank replied.

“Heather would gladly wear it for you,” Breanne said with a sad note as her gaze wandered away. “We all would.”

“What?” Frank said as he struggled to believe what he had just heard. His mind spun to hear Breanne, the voice of wisdom and reason, admit her feeling to him.

“Why does that surprise you?” Breanne said and turned away. “I have lived a long time and seen many relationships that ran for fifty years or more. I know what qualities make a man you can depend on to be your strength when you need him. I know when a man has a caring heart and the ability to do what's right. I have watched you fall madly in love with Heather, all the while doing your best to help her escape. You are selfless, caring, and loyal to a fault. Then you took on us, showing Quinny and I the same level of support. You have made us feel wanted with how much care you give us. Honestly, you have been like a boyfriend to us all. Fighting our battles fearlessly, and always there to support us with a genuine kindness that can't be faked.”

“I just wanted to be your friend,” Frank said as his confusion grew. “I wasn’t trying to win any of you over.”

“And that’s just the point,” Breanne said. “I have dated many men, and I know how we all put on our little acts. We try to pretend to be all those things that the other person wants when we know that isn't us at all. But you were never acting or trying to win any of us over. All those qualities are just who you are, and it makes you a good man.”

“I wouldn’t know how to act if I wanted to. I’ve never even had a girlfriend before,” he protested.

“I know,” Breanne replied and looked at the collar in her hand. “But you got the girl you deserved in the end, and I will go to an ogre I hardly know.”

“No, you won't,” Frank said and came to her side. “I don't want you going to him. You belong here with us.”

“Nobody else seems to think so,” Breanne argued. “Blackbast believes I should be honored by his offer. Roric’s harem all think I am going to miss a wonderful opportunity if I don’t go.”

“Roric and his girls are different,” Frank said and started to pace angrily. Breanne was right; people were pushing at her from every side to give this idea a chance. They were making it sound like she would be crazy to miss it, but to Frank, it felt wrong. He didn't want Breanne to go, and he realized it wasn't just because she was his friend. Frank felt some connection to the woman after all those long hours spent talking in the graveyard. This Grumosh was like a challenger, coming to take her away from him, and he wasn't sure he could let that happen.

“You belong here,” he said at last. “I want you to stay, and I don’t care what Blackbast, Roric, or the rest of them have to say.”

“I appreciate that,” Breanne said and smiled softly. She turned the collar over in her hand as if trying to decide what to do with it.

Frank could see the turmoil as she tried to decide if she should put it back on. The more he saw of these things, the more he disliked them. It was fine when the collar was just a magical tool to help disguise who they were, but now things were changing. The pressure was being put on his friends to consider wearing the collars for more than a simple disguise. He felt like he was losing them somehow, as if the collar was calling them away. Even his precious Heather showed signs of attachment, refusing to take it off even when they went to bed. He couldn't bear to see her indecision, so he reached out and put his hand over it, making the decision for her.

“Don’t put it on,” he said and curled his hand over the device. “You are far more beautiful this way.”

“Frank,” Breanne said with a little laugh. “That was a very sweet thing to say.”

“Please don’t let them push you into something you don’t want,” he urged. “I need you to stay.”

“I want to stay,” Breanne said and looked around. “This is my home, and you built it for me.”

“Heather used the kingdom heart to do most of it,” Frank reminded.

“And you never take credit for anything,” Breanne said with a smile. “But you were the one who spent a sizable amount of points on building my mausoleum. And you created all the lower rooms so I would have space of my own. I seem to recall how you asked me to describe everything in exacting detail so you could make it just right. You cared enough about me that you wanted to make sure I was happy.”

“Because you’re my friend,” Frank said.

“Frank, friends, don't go to such lengths for one another,” Breanne said and pulled her hand away. “And I can't get in the way of your relationship with Heather.” She walked away and snapped the collar around her neck before silently heading back to the bridge.

Frank was finally alone with his thoughts, and they were dark indeed. He looked to the grand mausoleum built in the center of the island with its marbled halls and decorative trims. She was right; he had built it for her because he cared. He gave it to her as a gift, expressing how he felt for the noble elf woman. That revelation staggered him as he walked away, unsure who he was or what he wanted anymore.

Too many things were happening too fast. Breanne was in danger of going to a man she didn't know or love. Heather was opening up in new and unexpected ways while clinging to her collar. The wedding was drawing ever closer, and Rorics harem was causing a disturbance in them all. Frank wished he could tear the collars from all their necks and cast them into the sea. All he wanted was for his friends to be happy, but he didn't know how to accomplish that right now. Brute force and raw strength couldn't win this battle, and he had no experience in the other ways. There was only one person who might be able to shed some light on his situation, and tomorrow he would ask Blackbast for her help.

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