Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 63: A banshee's champion

Heather set the collar aside and rolled over to throw an arm over the sleeping man beside her. She felt relief to be out of the collar, its maddening call to return to her master tugging at her soul. The collar was a terrible tug of war and one she was becoming concerned with. Now that she and Frank were sharing intimacy, the true power of the collar shined. It made everything better, from frequency to duration to ever-increasing intensity. She had trouble imagining sex without it now, as what girl wouldn't want something that made it all so powerful?

The downside was that the collar made her crazy to remain close to Blackbast. The woman had adjusted the collars so they could spend some time away, but after about ten hours, she started to feel a need to return. If she resisted it, the need became an all-consuming desire to run to her owner and beg forgiveness. The answer was to take the collar off, but she actually felt naked without it. It was such a strange thing to look in the mirror and see that leather strap with a metal ring around her neck. She knew what it symbolized, but she had grown used to it. Now she enjoyed wearing it and didn't care what people thought when they saw it.

“I must be crazy,” Heather sighed and curled onto Frank’s chest. “I need to get married and get this nonsense out of my system.” She ran a hand along his side, causing him to shift and mumble something. She smiled at the thought that this man was Frank, and she had just made love to him. She had a whole new life that would soon include a husband and a home they shared together. Sex would be a regular part of life now, and there was the potential it would include others.

“Best not to start thinking about that again,” she softly to herself. “Stop trying to do ten things at once, Heather. Get married, then worry about the others.”

She looked out the archway to the balcony outside where stars glittered in a dark sky. Someplace out there, Quinny and Breanne were probably together, talking with Viylah and waiting for Frank. She thought about how Frank often spent his nights with the two women and how they must have a strong relationship. She wondered just how strong that relationship was as she fell asleep, dreaming of happier days with Frank.

The next morning she stood in the mirror holding the collar and wondering if she should put it on. It really wasn't a choice considering she needed the disguise, but part of her wanted to be Heather for good. Of course, somebody actually preferred her in red hair with slits for pupils, but Frank could have whatever he wanted.

She went to her wardrobe where her yellow dress hung and decided she wanted a change. She had a dozen other outfits to pick from, but none of them suited her current mood. She put on the yellow dress and then hurried from the room, heading through the tower to the magic portal. She put the collar on to change her devil form and arrived in the city with a single step. She quickly ran through Princess Hannah's gardens and made her way into the grounds around the castle. It didn't take her long to get inside, and after speaking with a guard, she was escorted to where Gwen sat in a study looking at an old map.

“Hannah!” Gwen cried happily and rushed up to embrace her. “What brings my daughter to the castle?”

Heather wanted to laugh at being called the woman's daughter, and with a smile, she answered the question.

“I need your help with something I think you will understand,” Heather replied.

“I will do my best,” Gwen said with a slight smile. “What did you need?”

“An outfit,” Heather replied. “Something sexy to wear for Frank.”

“Oh,” Gwen said with a widening smile. “Have you finally come around to how much fun this can be?”

“Let’s not get carried away,” Heather remarked. “Just something a little more enticing than this yellow dress.”

“I see,” Gwen replied with a nod. “Well then, to the dressing room we go.”

“Dressing room?” Heather asked as Gwen took her by the hand and whisked her off. A few minutes later, they were in a posh room full of couches, mirrors, and a dozen wardrobes stuffed with clothing. Gwen explained that she had purchased hundreds of outfits over the years, and Heather was welcome to any she wished to wear.

“First, get naked,” Gwen said and waited for Heather to finish blushing and finally strip.

“Goodness, you are still wearing the starter underwear,” Gwen laughed. “Don't you ever spend time buying clothing?”

“I live in a graveyard, not a palace,” Heather replied as she took off her cotton bra.

“Well, I have some things that are guaranteed to get his blood running,” Gwen said with a smirk and went to a wardrobe. Heather blushed again as she was presented with silk-laced undergarments that screamed sex. “Put them on and no arguments,” Gwen insisted. “If you stall too long, I will have one of the men come in here to encourage you to do it faster.”

“Mother!” Heather groaned and started to dress as fast as she could.

“Better,” Gwen said as Heather stood there in lace stockings, belt, and panties. Gwen then went to the wardrobe and dug out something she said went perfect with that outfit. It turned out to be a corset top that lifted her chest and had a lacy skirt that missed her knees by a good four inches. It was black with red roses woven through it, and after Gwen was done pulling it tight, Heather felt very exposed.

“You can see the tops of my stockings,” Heather said as she pulled a garter strap.

“That's the point,” Gwen said. “You can't wear full-length dresses all the time. You are a beautiful woman, and you deserve to show a little skin once in a while.”

“But this outfit just screams sex,” Heather said as she looked in the mirror to see it did compliment her devilish form. Her red hair went well with the roses, and the black made her soft purple skin stand out. Gwen produced a pair of high-heeled boots that laced up to her knees, making the outfit goth club fashionable.

“Now, you look like a devil,” Gwen said as she was pleased by the look.

“I don’t know if I can go out in this,” Heather said nervously.

“Please, nothing is exposed, and half the women in the city are wearing less,” Gwen said. “You need to learn to let go and enjoy yourself a little. It's a fantasy world, enjoy it and stop holding back.”

Heather realized she was right and took a second look in the mirror. Now that she looked at it, she was a ravishing sexy devil woman, but she couldn't help but feel something was missing. She had to ponder it a moment, then turned to Gwen to ask if she had any jewelry.

“I am a queen. I have more jewelry than I know what to do with,” Gwen laughed and took her to a table full of drawers. Heather wanted a golden wrap for an upper, with bracelets and earrings to match. Gwen produced a wrap that resembled a snake and two earrings with a coiled shape. For bracelets, she went for simple bands, but they clashed with the green stone bracelet Heather always wore. To compensate, she went for wide bands instead. Made of polished gold and studded with red gems to blend into her devilish look. She then looked to Heather's horns and pondered an idea. She had to open her kingdom heart to purchase something, but in a moment, Heather had golden horn spikes over the tips with a chain that ran between them. Now she was decked out, and even Heather was excited to see how the others reacted to the results.

“Happy?” Gwen asked as she looked over Heather’s shoulder to see her reflection in the mirror.

“You really are good to me,” Heather said. “Thank you.”

“Heather,” Gwen said as she stepped back and took a deep breath. “I know you don't realize it, but what you did for me can never be repaid. You also don't know how much it means to me to call you my daughter. You are making one of my dreams come true, and I will jump at the chance to return the favor. You need anything I can afford to give you, and it's yours.”

“Thank you,” Heather began and turned around to look into Gwen's eyes. “Mother.” She then ran to Gwen's arms and wrapped her up in a hug. This, too, was a part of her change of heart. Now that she wanted to stay, she wanted to embrace being a part of Gwen's family. She was grateful to call the woman her mother and hoped in time; she would well and truly feel she was.

“It makes me so happy to hear you call me that,” Gwen said with a sniff.

“Well, get used to it,” Heather replied. “Because that's what you are to me now. You are my mother, and I love you.”

Gwen choked while starting to cry, and Heather had to step back to see if she had hurt the woman's feelings. Instead, Gwen pulled her back into the hug and clutched at her back, holding her tight.

“I wish I could make you understand how much that means to me,” Gwen said between cries.

“I hope that didn’t upset you?” Heather replied as he returned the embrace.

“No, that just melted my heart,” Gwen replied as her tears fell on Heather's shoulder. “I have a confession to make. I came to New Eden because I was a broken woman. While I was pregnant with my only child, my husband was killed in a car accident. I felt so alone and out of control when I needed him at my side the most. It was such a terrible thing, but then I gave birth to my daughter, and I named her Hannah.”

“Oh,” Heather said as the thought dawned on her. “You named me after your actual daughter.”

“I did,” Gwen replied and started to cry harder. “My poor Hannah. Life was so hard without Ron, but I struggled to build a life. It was hard, there were so many things beyond my control, and I found it near impossible to manage them all. Then, when Hannah was fourteen years old, she got sick and slowly started to waste away. It took almost a year, but to me, it happened so fast, and my lovely Hannah was gone.”

“Gwen, I am so sorry,” Heather said as she felt terrible for the poor woman.

“The terrible irony is that the visitors opened the enrollment program a month after she died. If they had done it just a little sooner, she would have been rushed through on a medical emergency program,” Gwen explained.

“Gwen, are you sure you want to call me Hannah?” Heather asked. “Doesn’t that name cause you pain?”

Gwen stepped back and held Heather out at arm's length as she shook her head. “No, because you are just like her. You are brave, caring, and a little reckless. You help people just because they need help, and you befriend anyone willing to let you. I see her spirit in you, and it brings me comfort to be able to call you my daughter.”

“And this is why you came to New Eden?” Heather asked.

Gwen nodded and explained she came because at least here, she could be in control and prevent these kinds of tragedies from happening to her loved ones. So she picked her classes intent on creating a stable place where people could be happy again.

“Oh, so this is all a form of therapy for you,” Heather said.

“In many ways, it is,” Gwen agreed. “But I have dreamed night and day of having another daughter, and it means so much to me to hear you call me mother.”

Heather smiled and took her hands as the woman's tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt terrible sympathy for the woman, and she would see Gwen as her mother from here on out. She even leaned forward and kissed Gwen's cheek before whispering in her ear.

“You are my mother, and will I do everything I can to ensure you never doubt it,” Heather said.

“Thank you,” Gwen replied as they hugged once more.

“I hate to say it, but I need to go,” Heather said. “Frank is probably awake and wondering where I am. I promise to come back more often, and maybe you could help me pick out a few more outfits.”

“I would love that,” Gwen said with a nod.

She escorted Heather out of the castle to the gardens, where they shared a final hug, and Heather departed. It was so strange to think of how much things had changed in so little time. She realized her mad desire to escape and go home had blinded her to the happiness she could have had all this time. She stepped through the portal to arrive at her garden on the other side and went to the gate to see Quinny and Viylah talking again.

“Quinny,” Heather called when she was close enough.

The two women looked up, and Quinny did a double-take before smiling wide at Heather's outfit.

“Well, look at you,” Quinny laughed. “Did you let Jaina dress you this morning?”

“If Jaina had dressed me, I would be wearing even less,” Heather remarked as she strode up. “I went to see my mother and asked her to help pick out an outfit.”

“Tell her she has good taste,” Quinny laughed. “Actually, can I wear that sometimes?”

“You already wear my clothes,” Heather laughed and took Quinny's hand. “And you are welcome to wear this too. I think Gwen and I are going to do some shopping soon to pick me out a few more outfits.”

“I like this new Heather,” Quinny said. “You have really changed.”

“I realized that I could be happy here, and now I want to embrace it,” Heather replied as she tried to fight a smile. “Have you seen Frank or Breanne?”

“Breanne went back over an hour ago,” Quinny replied. “She wanted to talk to Blackbast about something. We haven’t seen Frank yet. I assume you wore him out.”

“Quinny, can we not talk about that,” Heather said with a blush.

“Everybody knows it's going on,” Quinny replied with a roll of her eyes. “Oh, and Legeis was through here a little while ago. He was grumbling about something to do with Umtha.”

“Oh, I should probably look into that,” Heather sighed.

“You live a most interesting life,” Viylah said as she stood in the roadway. “The more I hear about it, the more I wonder if maybe I should come to visit this other side.”

“It's just a camp far to the north,” Heather assured her. “If you really want to do something exciting, you should come to my wedding.”

“I might just do that,” Viylah said and then pointed behind them. “Here comes your Frank now.”

Heather turned to smile as Frank crossed the road and then stopped in his tracks. His eyes went up and down her body as if he couldn’t quite be sure what he was looking at.

“Pretty sexy, huh?” Quinny asked as she swung Heather’s hand.

“Why are you dressed like that?” Frank asked in surprise as he drew closer.

Heather couldn’t tell if he was impressed or aggravated. She was so used to reading his ghoul face that the human one was actually more difficult.

“If you don't like it, I will go change,” Heather offered, but Frank shook his head.

“No, you look beautiful,” Frank replied. “You look hot in that top.”

Heather blushed so red that Quinny burst into laughter. She hadn't expected Frank to use the word hot to describe her appearance. But, now that he had, she wasn't sure if she was happy with that expression or not. Surely it didn't matter, but she was used to Frank's language being so mild.

“Umm, thank you,” Heather said and squeezed Quinny’s hand to silence her laughter.

“Sheesh, loosen that grip,” Quinny complained and pried her hand free.

Heather cleared her throat as Frank walked right up to her and took her hands. He stared into her eyes so long that she blinked just to tease him.

“You really like the devil eyes don’t you?” Heather asked.

“I do,” Frank admitted. “They make you look dangerous.”

“Oh, do you like dangerous women?” Heather laughed.

“I like you,” Frank answered and leaned in to kiss her.

Heather froze and glanced at Quinny as their lips came together. Up until now, their romance was known but never openly expressed where others could see it. Now she was shocked that Frank was kissing her before the others, but when the shock cleared, she smiled and let the kiss go on.

“Aw,” Quinny complained. “When are you two going to form a harem with us?”

Heather's laughter ended the kiss, and she took one of Frank's hands while turning to address Quinny.

“We will consider it after the wedding,” Heather said. “And not a moment before. We have too much to worry about as it is, and I don’t need that piling on.”

“What’s to think about?” Quinny pressed. “We all want to do it, so let’s just do it.”

“After the wedding. That way, we should be through with Grumosh as well,” Heather insisted and turned to Viylah. “I hope you don't mind, but I really want to talk to Breanne. She is upset about this whole ogre thing.”

“I can imagine,” Viylah said. “I wouldn’t want to be sold either.”

“Doesn’t anybody think that’s exciting?” Quinny asked.

“No,” Frank, Heather, and Viylah said in unison.

“Bah, You three have no imagination,” Quinny balked.

Heather shook her head and went to leave when she had an idea. She whispered to Frank, who looked at her funny, but she pressed him to go on and do it. With a sigh, he reached out and took Quinny's hand, causing the woman to smile widely. He then walked off with Heather in one hand and Quinny in the other as Viylah laughed and told them to have fun.

They stepped through the magic door into the room where five goblins and a smiling Umtha now guarded the egg. Umtha ran up to Heather and practically danced as she praised her new outfit.

“Thank you,” Heather replied, once again embarrassed.

“You look pretty,” Umtha insisted. “Wedding need come soon.”

“It's only a few days away,” Heather assured her. “If you want to bring a goblin date, you are more than welcome.”

“Umtha come for you,” the woman replied. “I bring you gift.”

Heather smiled and made her excuses to leave, going through the door and out the other side. In seconds they were in the distant campground where the morning sun was streaming through the trees and casting soft shadows among the ruins.

“Roric!” Jaina called in sudden alarm. “Bring a collar quick. I see a new girl to add to our harem!”

“Oh, yummy,” Evalynn added as all eyes turned to see how Heather was dressed.

“You can all stop it,” Heather laughed as they walked toward the tent, still holding hands.

“Heather!” Gisley cried and fluttered up. “You look so pretty!”

“Thank you,” Heather remarked and noted the fairy girl was wearing a simple white dress. In fact, they were all dressed rather modestly, and she found the sudden change funny.

“Why did we all dress up today?” Heather asked as Roric, Blackbast, and Chandice approached.

“Because I noticed the nakedness was making you uncomfortable,” Roric said as he put an arm around Chandice. “Especially you, Frank.”

Heather turned her gaze on Frank and then felt her heart warmed. Of course, her Frank would be uncomfortable around naked women. He was too good a guy for that sort of thing.

“You big softy,” Heather said and leaned into him. “You just can’t help it can you?”

“I don’t want to stare at them,” Frank admitted. “It doesn’t’ feel right.”

“None of us mind,” Jaina said with a shrug. “But we thought it might be best to show a little more decorum since we are friends.”

“I appreciate that,” Frank replied and played with Heather’s fingers.

“But how funny is it that we finally put clothing on, and Heather takes it off?” Evalynn laughed.

“She is really sexy in that outfit,” Gisley agreed.

“Alright, let's not embarrass her,” Roric urged with a nervous sigh.

“Is something wrong?” Heather asked and looked to him and then Blackbast.

“Nothing is wrong,” Blackbast said with a raised hand. “But you need to know, Grumosh is here.”

Frank's hand tightened over Heathers as she looked to Blackbast with wide eyes. They all knew this day was coming, but she felt panicked now that the moment was here.

“We were stalling for time for you to get here,” Roric said. “We didn’t want anything to happen until you were here to witness it.”

“Nothing is going to happen,” Frank said firmly. “Breanne is staying with us.”

“That is up to her to decide,” Blackbast cautioned. “Now, if you will all come with us, we can get this fool business over with.”

Heather heard Frank let out a low grumble, and she looked at his face to see the anger that clouded it. They went up the steps of an old temple and into the shell of the building. The roof was long gone, leaving a sunny open space inside shattered walls. At the far end was the ogre, standing tall with his powerful frame. He wore black armor covered in short spikes and a helmet crowned by four small horns. At his side was a massive club, almost a small tree, banded in metal rings and sharp points. Before him stood two massive wooden chests and waiting halfway across the room was a very nervous-looking Breanne.

“You can’t sell her to him,” Heather whispered to Blackbast as they crossed the room.

“Of course, I can't sell her,” Blackbast whispered back. “And I intend to tell him just that. But in the end, she can still choose to go with him if she wants.”

“She doesn't,” Frank reiterated in a voice that dripped with anger. His tone drew a few glances from the other girls who noticed the storm flashing in his eyes.

They walked up to Breanne, who looked relieved not to be alone any longer. Heather immediately took her hand and drew her into their group, asking her if she was alright.

Blackbast and Roric asked them to wait there and went alone to meet with the ogre.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Roric said as they closed on Grumosh. “Frank looks ready to kill.”

“I have to admit I am not certain that was a good idea,” Blackbast replied and glanced back at Frank. “They have changed so much in the last few days that this might provoke a far greater emotional response than I was expecting.”

“It’s too late to change that now,” Roric said as they climbed the last steps to stand before the giant of a man.

“Welcome,” Blackbast said with a dip of her head. “I am greatly pleased you made it.”

“I am pleased to see you are here,” Grumosh replied. “Is everything alright?”

Blackbast twitched nervously as her tail flicked from side to side. The moment had come, and she had no choice but to continue with the plan.

“I am afraid my decision still stands,” Blackbast said. “I cannot sell you Lady Breanne as she is not my slave.”

“But you had plenty of time to lock the collar,” Grumosh insisted. “It took me seven days to get here.”

Blackbast nodded and explained that Breanne had refused to allow it to be locked on. She tried to explain that Breanne wasn't ready to be a slave to anyone and that she only wore the collar as part of a disguise.

“I want to hear it from her myself,” Grumosh insisted, his voice carrying out across the room.

Frank glared at the ogre as his blood started to boil. Somehow this man's desire to take Breanne away was making him angry. The whole situation was wrong, and Breanne didn't want any part of it. He desperately wanted to protect her from it, but he had no grounds to stand in the way. He watched as Blackbast and Roric called for Breanne to come forward.

“Just tell him no,” Quinny urged as Breanne trembled and went to the three at the far end of the room.

Breanne walked like a person on their way to an execution, and every step she took made Frank angrier. She climbed those final three stairs and stood face to face with the man who wanted to buy her.

“You are even more beautiful than I remember,” Grumosh said as she looked her up and down.

“I thank you for your kind words,” Breanne said softly. “But I can’t be your slave girl.”

“But you haven't seen what I have to offer yet,” Grumosh said and reached down to throw open the lids of the two chests. They were massive containers, large enough for Heather and Quinny to get inside just one of them. When the lids came open, the whole assembly could see they were filled with gold and gems sparkling in the sunlight.

“What is all this?” Breanne said in alarm.

“Everything I have,” Grumosh said. “It would be more if I had it. I would trade everything for you if you only saw how much you mean to me.”

“You can’t give all this up for me,” Breanne insisted. “We hardly know each other.”

“I know you risked your life to save me,” Grumosh said. “You are smart, brave, and well-spoken. I have never met a woman like you before, and I know if I don't do all I can, I may never have a chance to get to know you better.”

“But you want me to be a sex slave,” Breanne said with a shake of her head. “That kind of commitment is something I could only give to somebody I trusted with everything.”

“It doesn’t have to be like that at first,” Grumosh insisted. “We can take it slow and get to know one another. I wouldn’t lay a finger on you until you were ready for it. I am sure we can find our balance together and come to appreciate one another.”

“Grumosh,” Breanne said with a shake of her head while taking a step back as if preparing to flee. “I… I can’t. My heart belongs to another.”

The look on the ogre's face changed, and his brows sank. He suddenly looked as angry as Frank and let out a low rumble of discontent.

“I don't understand why you can't see how much you mean to me?” he said harshly. “Do you have any idea what I went through to be here? How much I am willing to give up just to kiss your hand?”

“I never asked you to do any of that,” Breanne insisted. “I rescued you because it was the right thing to do. I never meant for it to be anything more.”

“But we clicked, didn’t we?” Grumosh insisted. “I thought you and I made a connection during our escape. I carried you in my arms all the way back to your friends.”

“And I appreciate that,” Breanne said as she started to sound distressed. “But for the first time in my life here, I have a home and good friends. I want to be with them and share in what they are doing. I am just not ready to take a chance on a new life with you.”

“So, I’m not good enough for you,” he accused.

“Nobody is saying that,” Blackbast cut in, but Grumosh shot her a heated glare.

“I wasn't talking to you,” he growled and took a threatening step forward. He turned those angry eyes on Breanne, who wilted under his gaze and raised a hand as if to protect herself.

Frank reached a hand into his pocket and wrapped his fingers around the object inside. He had held his peace long enough, allowing this farce to play out. But Breanne had made it clear she didn't want to go with him, and he wasn't taking no for an answer.

“Heather, Quinny,” Frank said as he stepped forward. “I love you both, but there is something I have to do.” He walked ahead as the two women looked at one another in surprise.

“He loves us both?” they said in unison.

Frank waited until he was halfway there to speak the magic word, and in a flash, he was the gray monstrosity that he was known for. Grumosh was demanding a reason out of Breanne when he finally reached the steps and took her hand.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Blackbast whispered under her breath as Breanne turned to look into Frank's eyes.

“Breanne, go and sit with Heather and Quinny where you belong,” Frank said with as much calm as he could muster. “This meeting is over.”

“Frank?” Breanne said with a look of relief on her face.

“Please go sit with them. I will deal with this,” Frank urged, then turned to Blackbast. “Thank you for trying, but will you go make sure they are safe.”

“Of course,” Blackbast replied and took Breanne by the arm to lead her away. Breanne was speechless but nodded and walked away, going to sit with Heather and Quinny as the two women looked on in shock.

“What is going on here?” Grumosh rumbled in a voice that said his patience was wearing thin. Frank began to pace as Grumosh and Roric looked at him in surprise while noting how the massive ghoul flexed those powerful claws.

“Frank?” Roric said with a hand up for caution. “Is something wrong?”

“This is all wrong,” Frank growled in a powerful voice. “Breanne is not a trinket to be sold at a garage sale. She is my friend, and she belongs with Heather, Quinny, and me.”

“I wasn't offering pocket change, and I don't think you have any grounds to decide where she belongs,” Grumosh said as he folded his powerful arms. “She isn't yours to keep, and you have no say in what price she goes for.”

Frank turned to face Grumosh meeting him eye to eye as his hands flexed like he wanted to rip the ogre's throat out. “Breanne is not for sale, and even if she was, she wouldn't be leaving with you because I won't let her leave.”

“Is that so?” Grumosh asked as he started to snarl.

“Frank,” Roric said softly. “I realize you and I hardly know each other, but maybe we should all step back, and we can talk. I might be able to help you with whatever has you confused.”

Frank turned his angry yellow eyes on Roric, but his expression softened, and he let out a frustrated sigh. “I have nothing but respect for you, Roric, but I am not confused. I have finally realized what matters most to me, and I am not about to allow anyone to take any of them away.”

“Roric, I think you and your girls should move a safe distance back,” Grumosh said as he locked glares with Frank again.

Roric fell back immediately as the two titans squared off in a contest of burning glares. He grabbed his family and circled the field to join Heather, Quinny, and Breanne.

“Heather!” Jaina said in alarm as they reached the group. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“Tell anyone what?” Heather said as she shook her head. “I haven’t a clue what’s going on.”

“Frank obviously feels that Breanne belongs to him,” Roric said as he positioned Gisley directly behind them. “He probably feels all three of you do.”

“He feels I belong to him?” Breanne remarked in surprise.

“Oh, please,” Blackbast sighed. “That boy has been protecting you three since you met him. Can any of you honestly say he hasn't been anything but a champion for you?”

“So, Frank considers all of us to be his girlfriends?” Quinny asked.

“Are you going to tell me it isn’t true?” Blackbast demanded.

The three women looked at one another as Heather hid her face in her hands.

“Let's all stop playing this stupid game and admit it,” Heather groaned, now tired of how long they had been ignoring the truth. “We all love him,” she added and turned her gaze firmly on Breanne. “Even you.”

“Heather, I would never do anything to harm your relationship,” Breanne said defensively. “I knew you and Frank were a couple from the first days we met. I love you both too much to do anything to harm what you have. Oh, I wish I had just let him buy me!”

“I don't' think Frank's going to let that happen,” Quinny said as she watched the moment that was unfolding.

“No, he is not,” Blackbast agreed as all eyes turned to the tense scene where two giants squared off with murder in their eyes. “Frank is going to fight for the honor of his women.”

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