Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 64: I will fight for you

Frank tensed as the ogre set his jaw and threw out a hand. A massive metal pole capped by a ball of spikes appeared in his tightening fist. The spikes were stained with blood, and the weapon gave off an eerie red glow. Frank didn't budge an inch or show an ounce of intimidation at the sight of the weapon. He didn't care what he had to do; all that mattered was he was keeping Breanne, and Grumosh was leaving.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Grumosh asked as he tightened his grip on the weapon.

Frank knew Grumosh wasn't a weakling or a low level, but neither was Frank. While Grumosh's arms were thick and plated in iron, Frank had deceptive undead strength and skin that was natural armor. In the end, it was probably Grumosh that was stronger, but Frank had the advantage in the long run.

“I am not letting you take Breanne away from us,” Frank replied as he tensed his hands. He felt the strain of the impending battle and knew the opening strikes would be the hardest. He also knew Grumosh couldn't take her by force, and the collar would never lock on an unwilling host. The fact that Breanne had already said no and was being forced to reconsider was angering him. This whole situation made him realize how much he cared for all three of them and that he wouldn't allow anyone to bully his friends.

“Last chance to walk away,” Grumosh snarled and tightened his grip on his club.

Frank stared him back and shook his head. There was no turning back now.

Grumosh exploded into motion, the spiked club coming up in a backhanded arc. Frank lashed out with his claws as they started to glow with a green light, tearing rusting lines across Grumosh’s armor.

[lvl 5 Ghoul Skill: grave touch] Your touch corrodes and rots, destroying armor and rending weapons. Reduces a target's armor by 10% for one hour. Can be stacked 10 times.

The thick metal plates hissed as his touch began to rot the armor, but then that club landed home, and Frank was battered off. Under normal circumstances, he was nearly impossible to throw around unless his opponent had greater strength. In this case, Grumosh had the advantage, but only by a little, and soon that advantage would fade away. He scrambled back in, his long arms leading the way as he flailed at Grumosh, tearing ever-widening rusting lines across the ogre's armor.

Grumosh responded with a series of blows that left Frank oozing his black undead blood. The ogre eventually jumped back and stamped a foot while letting out a tremendous roar. His eyes glowed with light as his whole body was engulfed in red energy, indicating he was using a powerful ability.

[lvl 6 conqueror skill: Rampage] You gain superhuman strength and damage absorption based on the user's concentration. The effect lasts for the duration of your stamina bar. Once the bar depletes, the effect ends.

The next blow from that club felt as if his strength had doubled, and Frank came off his feet to hurl across the yard. He heard Heather call his name in alarm, but he was hardly injured and quickly regained his feet, rushing back to meet the ogre's charge.

Grumosh waded in with blow after blow as Frank continued to tear at him with glowing claws. The two finally locked arms, pushing at one another in a match of strength. Now Frank had him right where he wanted him, and as the armor of Grumosh's gauntlets rusted apart, he finally made skin-to-skin contact.

[lvl 10 Ghoul Corrupter skill: Weakening touch] Your touch drains your opponent's strength, transferring it to yourself. The effect is blocked by armor or magical defenses.

That red energy that circled Grumoshes body slowly began to leech over to Frank as he drained the ogre's strength away. The two wrestled in an effort to prove who was dominant, and while Grumosh was easily shoving Frank back at first, the tables quickly began to turn.

“Goodness, your Frank is strong!” Jaina said in surprise as they all watched him start to push the ogre back.

“Frank is stronger than everyone!” Quinny cheered. “You got this, Frank!”

“I should put a stop to this,” Breanne insisted as the two finally came apart, with Grumosh battering Frank with the club again. “I will go with Grumosh.”

“You will do nothing of the sort!” Blackbast snapped and turned on her. “Frank is out there because he wants you to stay with him. If you dishonor his sacrifice, you will painfully hurt his feelings.”

Breanne nodded and had to look away as an arc of black blood was thrown into the air. Frank was taking a terrible wounding, but somehow he was still going strong, unwilling to yield in his defense of her honor.

“Come on, Frank,” Heather said nervously as she felt helpless to do anything. Her mind was a storm of conflicting thoughts as she watched her future husband fight for the honor of another woman. There was no more denying the truth, Frank cared for all of them, and he intended to keep them safe.

“Your blows are getting weaker,” Frank taunted as he rushed in to close the gap. Grumosh set his feet and waited until the last moment before shouting the words, “Brute force.”

[lvl 11 Conqueror skill: Brute force] a powerful attack that staggers a foe. The defender must make a Strength check against the attacker or be staggered for 3 seconds. The attack is so powerful that it still delivers 50% damage even if blocked by a shield.

Frank turned his head as the spiked weapon dug lines down his face. Grumosh was clearly expecting him to be stunned, but Franks's toughness was so high he was resistant to it.

[Skill Power Resist Stun] Your supernatural toughness makes you difficult to stun. You have a base 50% bonus to resist being stunned, and all stuns wear off quicker. (Unlocked by Toughness 10)

Grumosh looked surprised that Frank was still coming and launched into another savage series of attacks. He used even more powers to boost his strength, but Frank stayed on him, lashing out with claws as his armor started to fall apart. Now his claws were scoring hits, and it was the ogre who was bleeding, the two savagely tearing one another apart as the others watched in awe.

“Can anything kill him?” Gisley asked in alarm to see Frank shrug off yet another powerful blow.

“Nothing can stop Frank,” Quinny bragged as she clapped for him. “He never gives up.”

“No, he doesn't,” Heather agreed as she looked to her right and saw how upset Breanne was that this was happening. She let out a sigh and decided it was time to open the door, so she reached over and took Breanne's hand to show support. Breanne looked over in alarm as Heather smiled and nodded her head, giving the banshee a firm squeeze to tell her it was alright. Unfortunately, the moment lasted only a few seconds as a roar Grumosh drew all eyes back to the battle.

He swung his club over his head, bringing it down as if he intended to split Frank's skull like a watermelon. Frank ran in while reaching up to grab the weapon with a hand, the long spikes going through his palmas. The women cried in alarm at the sight of the terrible injury, but it didn't slow the enraged ghoul. Frank wrapped his long fingers around the club, then, with a mighty yank, he tore it free of the ogre's grasp and tossed it aside.

“How did you do that?” Grumosh stammered as he realized Frank had just outclassed him for strength.

“I’m a ghoul,” Frank hissed as she lunged for the ogre while black energy coursed over his body. “And I can absorb strength!”

[lvl 11 Ghoul Corruptor skill: Wild attack] You go mad with rage and launch into a series of flailing attacks. Your attack speed is boosted, and you are 30% harder to parry for 30 seconds, but 20% easier to block.

Frank leaped on Grumosh, tearing at him with raking claws as the ogre tried to beat him off. The two exchanged blows, and blood started to fly until Grumosh finally got a hold of an arm and threw Frank into a thick tree. He then reached for his dropped weapon and went to charge in, but Frank was already reaching up and grabbing the trunk. With a surge of undead might, the tree started to snap, his claws easily tearing through the trunk until the massive object shuddered.

Grumosh looked up as Frank pulled the tree over, bringing the trunk down like a massive club. He dived out of the way and rolled to his feet before his eyes went red once more.

[lvl 21 Conqueror skill: Raging advance] Go mad with rage and charge your opponent, delivering charge damage followed by weapon attacks with a 50% strength bonus. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.

Grumosh covered the distance in seconds, slamming into Frank only to bounce off. He then went into a series of heavy blows, but Frank accepted the hits and wrapped a powerful hand around the ogre's throat. He'd absorbed enough strength to tip the balance well in his favor and wanted to show who was the strongest now. With a single hand, he hoisted the ogre from the ground and threw him into a nearby stone wall. It crumbled under the impact as Grumosh was pummeled by falling rocks. He rose to his feet with a low growl as Frank stalked in, dragging his sharp claws on the ground.

“You’re stronger than you look,” Grumosh admitted. “But you're not a good fighter.” He then got up and rushed in; however, his tactics had changed. Instead of trying to match Frank's strength, he tried avoiding being grappled. He landed blow after blow, causing dark blood to pour from Frank as he flailed to catch the elusive ogre.

“Frank!” Heather said in alarm as the fight seemed to turn.

“This is all my fault,” Breanne moaned. “I should have just gone with him.”

“No, Blackbast is right. You shouldn't have,” Roric replied as he winced from watching the fight. “It's clear who your master is; he is out there proving it.”

“You three look and watch,” Blackbast added. “No more of your silly games. When this fight is over, you will acknowledge who you belong to.”

The ground shook as Frank got a hold of the ogre and, like a titan, hoisted him over his head and then slammed him into the ground. Grumosh tried to roll away, but Frank pounced on him like a wild animal. He clawed and raked the ogre, cutting more bleeding lines across his body.

Grumosh produced a glowing red spike at the end of his fist, and with a powerful blow, it came out through Frank's back. He staggered away, clutching the hole as the ogre rose to his feet and lifted a stone as large as Heather. He hurled it at Frank, who was too slow to get out of the way. Frank reeled from the impact, the stone shattering into pieces, but he didn't fall. Instead, he ran at the ogre and took another stab from that red spike as he tangled him up.

“You’re strong but not that strong,” Grumosh roared and wrestled him back.

“I don't need to be stronger than you,” Frank snarled while ignoring the holes in his chest. “I just need to hold on.

“What?” Grumush replied as he felt his arms going cold. “What are you doing?”

“I told you, I can absorb strength,” Frank replied. “And you grow weaker with every blow while I grow stronger.” Frank felt the pain of his injuries, but he could tell Grumosh was losing ground. He overpowered the ogre and shoved him into a nearby tree, causing the trunk to rattle and a hail of leaves to fall. Grumosh tried to fight back as they locked hands, pushing at one another in a final display of strength. The two were roughly the same size, but ogres were all about strength-giving Grumosh the initial advantage. However, Frank steadily leeched that strength away; until now, he was the stronger one. He forced Grumosh back, pressing down as he stole even more of the ogre’s power.

“You have no claim to her,” Grumosh growled as he activated skills to boost his strength, only to discover it wasn't enough to push Frank back,

“Breanne doesn't want to go with you, and I want her to stay with me,” Frank replied. “If you honestly cared, you would see she is already where she belongs.”

“I didn't mean her any disrespect,” Grumosh wheezed. “I would have done anything to make her happy.”

“Then tell her you withdraw your offer,” Frank demanded.

Grumosh fell to one knee as his strength faded to the point where he couldn't resist. Then, with a deep sigh, he relented, and Frank stepped back.

“Fine, you win,” Grumosh sighed in exhaustion. “I withdraw my offer. Breanne obviously has a master.”

“I am not her master,” Frank replied as he loosened his grip.

“Are you sure?” Grumosh groaned and used a hand to hold his stomach as he bled profusely.

Frank stepped back, confused by what Grumosh meant. He began to stagger, the two massive holes in his chest and the dozens of bleeding wounds finally taking their toll. Blackbast was at his side before anyone could react, quickly pulling him away from the fight.

“Go back to your graveyard and heal,” Blackbast urged as she helped him limp away.

“But I need to talk to them,” Frank said in a weak voice as he looked about to collapse.

“I will send them after you in just a moment,” Blackbast said. “But you will recover much more quickly in the graveyard. Now go. You have proven yourself today.”

Frank nodded and silently went to the palanquin as everyone else watched in stunned silence. He removed the door from the back so he wouldn't get blood on the inside, then walked in and vanished to their distant homes. Blackbast waited until he was gone to turn her gaze on Heather, Quinny, and Breanne.

You three stand up,” she snapped and waited for them to comply. “You three have been under his protective shadow since the day I met you, and I am sure it has gone on much longer than that. You need to go to his side and assure him you understand he is the one you belong to. He is to have no doubt how you feel about him. Make sure you express it clearly.”

Quinny and Breanne hesitated and turned their gaze on Heather, who sighed and grabbed a hand from each of them and dragged them to the door.

“Come on,” Heather insisted. “It isn’t like it’s a secret anymore.”

They vanished through the door before Blackbast and Roric ran to the ogre, with Blackbast quickly casting heals.

“You did that superbly,” Roric said as he helped Grumosh to his feet.

“Yes, a most skill full act,” Blackbast agreed.

“I wasn't acting,” Grumosh said as he got to his feet. “I know you asked me to provoke him, but I didn't pull any punches when the fight started. Had he proven not strong enough to care for her, I would have laid it bare. He proved his right to have so precious a woman, and I know he will treat her well. I am glad she has somebody who is strong of heart and character. He must truly love her.”

“Frank was a boy who has become a man only recently,” Blackbast replied. “He cares about all three of them, but he never dared call it love for any of them but Heather. I am afraid he only realized the truth of his feelings when you threatened to take Breanne away.”

“Well, then something good came out of this,” Grumosh said. “I am sorry if I caused any of you some distress.”

“Are you kidding?” Gisley laughed. “That was so exhilarating! A duel over who will get to love Breanne, how much more romantic can it get?”

“It was romantic, but I have a few questions,” Jaina said as she and Evalynn walked up with frowns. “You mean to tell us this was all a big setup?”

“It was my idea,” Blackbast admitted. “Grumosh asked about the possibility of buying Breanne back when we rescued him. I explained that she wasn't really a slave, but I saw an opportunity in his offer. I knew Frank considered the three girls to be his but would never act on it. So I thought if I could threaten to take one away, he might admit it.”

“So you asked Grumosh to come here just to see if Frank would defend her?” Evalynn asked.

“I didn’t know what he would do,” Blackbast replied. “I assumed he would open up about his feelings before Grumosh arrived. That is why we planned for him to arrive days later, to give Frank time to think and make his decisions.”

“Wait,” Jaina said and turned on Roric. “Is that why you keep encouraging us to talk to them about how wonderful being in a harem is?”

“I was just trying to help them see the possibility,” Roric said defensively. “Mistress Blackbast explained her plan to me, and I thought you three could help prepare them in a way.”

“You could have told us your plan,” Gisley said. “I would have kept the secret.”

“None of you needed to know,” Chandice said as she joined Roric’s side. “It was far more genuine coming from your hearts. The real question now is, did it work?”

“I wonder if it did?” Jaina replied and looked to the magic doorway. “They all admitted that they loved him, but he is already marrying Heather.”

“I believe that will be their first step,” Blackbast said and smiled. “He will marry Heather first, and then they will marry Quinny and Breanne.”

“It’s too bad he can’t collar them,” Roric said. “They are his in every other way.”

“I have thought of that myself,” Blackbast said with a deep exhale. “I have seen them together for a while now, and I can honestly say they are one.” She paused and walked a few steps away, wringing her hand as her tail twitched. “I would make the sacrifice for them, but would Frank accept it?”

“What sacrifice?” Jaina asked.

“You’re not thinking about a submission collar?” Roric asked.

“I am,” Blacbast admitted and looked to the group. “And I would give it to him.”

“What's a submission collar?” Evalynn asked as Chandice nodded in agreement with the question.

“It's a collar certain master classes can summon. It works like a slave collar, but only they can wear it,” Roric said.

“A slave collar for the master?” Gisley asked. “What good will that do?”

“She gives it to the one she wishes to be her master, and if he accepts and hands it back, she can put it around her own neck and will be enslaved to him,” Roric said.

“Even if he's not a class that can keep slaves?” Jaina asked.

“It is my class that is doing the enslaving,” Blackbast said. “The submission collar will grant him some slave master powers, and all my slave girls through me.”

“Oh!” Gisley said with a happy smile. “So he will own Heather, Quinny, and Breanne.”

“That is correct,” Roric said but looked at Blackbast. “But are you sure you can do this? Your collar has to lock for him to have access to the girls. You will be his slave forever.”

“I am aware of the price to be paid,” Blackbast said. “But my submission comes with a price he must also pay.”

“What kind of a price?” Chandice asked.

“I am a priestess of Bastet; my power is tied to sharing sex,” Blackbast replied. “I will not be able to give up my duties, and he will have to allow me to keep comforting strangers. If any of the three decide to let their collars lock, they will have to serve in my temple as I do.”

“So you have to have sex with strangers?” Jaina asked.

“I don't have to do anything,” Blackbast countered. “But let me explain. My class requires that I establish a temple as a safe place for travelers on the road. When they come in, I am expected to offer them my hospitality, food, rest, comfort, and myself. If I deny a traveler, I suffer a penalty that is easily overcome by sharing with others, but those penalties build up. If I were to restrict myself solely to Frank, I would lose access to most of my power. If I went on long enough, I might even lose access to my class and suffer a forced reset.”

“Which would defeat the purpose of putting the submission collar on,” Jaina added.

“Precisely,” Blackbast agreed. “So I could make him the offer, but he would have to agree to allow me to have sex with others freely. He will also have to consider allowing the other three to help me from time to time.”

“He’s never going to agree to that,” Roric said with a shake of his head.

“I agree with Roric,” Grumosh cut in. “Judging by the passion of that battle, I doubt he could share any of them like that.”

“You never know,” Jaina argued. “He might need some time to adjust to the idea, and then he could see like we do one day soon.”

“Frank is not the sharing type, and he will never accept my offer,” Blackbast said as she turned to look at the magical doorway. “But at least the truth is out in the open now.”

Heather led the way down the tunnels, following the trail of blood. Her mind was full of confusion over what she had just witnessed and what it meant for her relationships. She was also feeling guilty that she couldn't rush up and heal Frank. It would raise questions about how she could heal the undead and risk revealing her terrible secret. They passed through the tunnels into the outer tower and down the stairs as the moment grew more tense. Frank battled that ogre to save Breanne, and he did it after admitting he loved Heather and Quinny.

“So, are we going to talk about this?” Quinny asked as Heather rushed down the stairs.

“I have to heal Frank first,” Heather insisted, not sure how she was going to handle this. Some part of her felt this was a natural evolution, which she was planning to do anyway. That it came out in the open so forcefully didn't change anything. But then there was the part of her that said love was meant to be one man and one woman. She felt a pang of jealously to think of sharing Frank and some measure of tension to think of Quinny and Breanne being her in her bed.

“Heather, I am very sorry,” Breanne began as they headed down the final stairs to the gates that would take them outside.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” Heather insisted and looked into the woman's eyes. “I think it's obvious that Frank has been more or less dating all three of us for quite a while now.”

“He has always been fixated on you,” Breanne insisted.

“And who did he spend all his nights with while I slept?” Heather asked as they reached the lower gates and hurried into the road.

“He doesn’t need to sleep,” Quinny pointed out.

“I am aware of that,” Heather sighed as she finally spotted him leaning in the graveyard wall, holding his chest. “But let's not pretend that he didn't get close to both of you.” It was the last thing she said before vanishing in a flash of green and appearing at his side. She put her hands on his body and channeled her power, mending his wounds as he coughed like he was about to fall over.

[Lvl 5 Necromancer skill: Mend the dead] You can heal the undead of their injuries, each cast restoring 30-50 health to a single target.

“Heather, I,” he started, but she smiled up at him and shook her head.

“Don't talk yet,” Heather insisted. “Let's get you healed up, and then we can sit down and straighten this out.”

Frank nodded as Quinny and Breanne hurried to his side, causing a gasp as they saw the wounds close up.

“Why were you pulling your punches?” Quinny asked as she caught his eyes. “You stuck with racking attacks when we all know you can punch like a sledgehammer.”

“I didn’t want to kill him,” Frank groaned. “I just wanted him to go away.”

“He would have gone away if you made him respawn,” Quinny retorted.

“Then he would have lost all that treasure,” Frank replied as his face started to knit back together. “I don't hate the guy. I just wanted everyone to stop trying to make Breanne do something she didn’t want to do.”

“Thank you,” Breanne said with a weak smile. “I can’t believe you fought for me.”

“I can,” Heather said as the green light continued to pour out of her hands into Frank. “How did any of us honestly think Frank wouldn't defend Breanne?” Heather saw the embarrassed expressions and knew her point had been made. She then turned her gaze on Frank, who looked very nervous. The holes through his chest were healed, and the bleeding had stopped, so it was time to reassure him. She threw her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, saying nothing but communicating everything.

“You’re not mad at me?” Frank asked.

“Why would I be mad at you?” Heather asked as she tried to think of a good reason. Frank had done what Frank always did, treat the three of them like they were special to him. Now that her eyes were opened, she realized that he had, in fact, treated Quinny and Breanne with the same love and attention that he did her. If she fell in love with him for it, could she expect anything less from them?

“I just thought you might be mad,” Frank replied and put an arm around her.

“For standing up for the women you love?” Heather asked. “I can’t be mad at you over that.”

“And she said it,” Quinny croaked.

“Heather, I didn't mean to,” Frank began, but Heather leaned back and reached up to silence him.

“Frank, it's ok,” Heather said. “We are still getting married, and then we will decide what to do about your other girlfriends. Maybe you should marry all of us.”

“Yeah!” Quinny said excitedly as Frank looked like he was about to faint. He had to sit on the wall and put a hand to his head as Heather gave him a little space.

“Why is this happening?” Frank groaned. “I was just trying to be a good friend.”

“By sacrificing everything you wanted to help me escape?” Heather asked.

“Or spending massive amounts of points on building me a home where I would be happy,” Breanne added.

“You spent points on me as well, plus you have been the nicest guy I ever met,” Quinny said. “But I was bad too. I let your appearance put me off for a long time.”

“We all did that,” Breanne sighed. “I am so sorry.”

“Nobody has anything to be sorry about,” Frank insisted. “I made myself ugly to drive women away. I don’t know why any of you stayed as long as you did.”

“Are you kidding?” Heather laughed. “Your appearance might have been hard to take, but you only had to spend a few hours with you to realize what a good guy you were.”

“Yeah, big guy. Don't sell yourself short. I loved our nights wandering your tunnels, listening to all your dreams,” Quinny said.

“Oh, so you have been taking romantic walks with Quinny while I sleep,” Heather accused.

“It isn’t like that,” Frank insisted. “I was just being nice.”

“Frank, I am teasing you,” Heather said and put a hand on his arm. “The fact is you have been dating all three of us, and even I see it now.”

“So, what does this mean for us?” Quinny asked with a hopeful expression.

“I think it means we should focus on their wedding,” Breanne insisted but looked at Heather nervously. “And then we can talk about what comes next?”

Heather took a moment to think about her answer. This whole situation was so out of her comfort zone that it made her head spin. She knew she could put an end to this right now, but that would hurt Frank as much as the others. On the other hand, she did admire what Jaina and Roric had, so maybe, just maybe, she could have something similar?

“There is just one question I need to ask,” Heather said as she walked a few steps away. “Does anyone here object to us having the kind of relationship Roric and Jaina have?” She waited to hear what they had to say, but nobody spoke up, giving her the answer.

“Then, yes,” Heather began. “After the wedding, we will discuss how to build our family.”

“Yay!” Quinny cried and practically tackled Heather in a hug. “I knew you would understand!”

“That makes one of us,” Heather replied and turned to embrace the zombie woman back. “No more sleeping with Roric,” Heather added as Quinny started to laugh.

“I already stopped doing that,” Quinny replied. “I felt guilty like I was betraying the person I really loved.”

Heather sighed and put a hand over her face as she tried to make sense of how her life had come to this. She had such a normal life with a future and long-ranging plans; now, she was in a fantasy world calling three undead monsters her family. Frank came to join the hug, wrapping them both up in one arm while holding the last out for Breanne. She joined it with a blush on her face, but Heather took her hand, and the four of them shared their first unified hug. It was the first step toward a new way of life, one Heather hoped was as beautiful as the one Jaina had.

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