Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 68: I do

The sun rose in its usual rapid way, going from dark to early dawn in seconds. Heather was awake to greet it, standing on the balcony and looking over all she and her friends had built. Soon there would be more as Roric and his family had come to love the land to the east and wanted to build a home. Heather was delighted to know they were staying as she had become fond of the funny group. Watching them helped Heather understand she didn't have to have a traditional relationship. Instead, she could embrace the love that was all around her, especially the man who cared about her with all his heart. He was the strangest of them all, so deeply in love with her that he'd devoted himself to helping her getaway. That selfless act changed everything and set them on a path that led to today.

Heather took a deep breath as she greeted the sunrise on this special day. Today was the day she would make the final commitment, and Frank would become her husband. She looked back to the man asleep in the bed behind her and knew in her heart he was already her husband. Frank was so important to her that she changed her one driving goal. She no longer wanted to escape the world that had become her prison. Now she wanted to stay because he was here, and it was at his side that she belonged.

Today she would declare to the world that she was in love with Frank and stand by his side forevermore. She closed her eyes to bask in that thought, allowing the last of the cool night air to blow across her naked body. So much had changed in so little time, and somehow it had changed for the better.

Warm hands wrapped around her waist, and a firm chest pressed against her back. She sighed as her reason for existing pulled her into a warm embrace, saying nothing as they looked over the swamp. That was part of why she knew they belonged together, the way they didn't need to say anything to know what they were thinking. It felt so good to be in his arms as if she had finally come home from a long journey.

For nearly an hour, they stood in silence as Heather relished being held by her husband. Unfortunately, there were things that needed to be done and prepared for. She turned in his arms to share a long kiss before smiling and telling him to get dressed. They both got ready and then sat on the edge of their bed to lean into one another, sharing the last moment of peace before it all began.

“Well, let’s get this over with,” Heather said and turned to bat her eyes at him. “And then we can start our life together.”

“You are sure you want this?” Frank asked.

“You always ask me if I am sure,” Heather replied as she put her hands over his. “And in the past, you were right to ask because I have a tendency to be impulsive and stubborn at the same time. But I have never wanted anything more than this. I love you, and I want to be where you are. I even don't mind living in your tunnels if it means I can be with you.”

“We agreed to live in your tower,” Frank pointed out.

“Frank, I was just making a point. That I want to be here because this is where the man I love is,” Heather said and leaned her head back to rest it on his shoulder. “The man who is my husband.”

“Not yet,” Frank interjected.

“Do you really need a ceremony and a ring to know I am your wife?” Heather asked as she closed her eyes.

“No,” Frank replied and pulled her tight. “I knew you were mine when you said you wanted to stay. I don’t understand why, but I knew right then everything had changed.”

“How do you not understand why I want you?” Heather said with a laugh. “Or, for that matter, every girl around you? You are a champion who selflessly protects the people who are important to him. I know you don't realize it, but the way you have behaved around Quinny, Breanne, and I has been exemplary. I don't know many men who could be so self-controlled. You just go on, like a true friend, never assuming too much, or trying to play a game. And you aren't an act or trying to impress. You are exactly what you appear to be, an honest man with an honest dream.”

“All I ever wanted to do was build my grand lair,” Frank sighed.

“And you will,” Heather insisted and stared into his eyes. “I think it's great that you have a mission and a dream. I want to join you on that journey, not alter it or slow it down. Take me with you, and show me the beauty of it. I want to help you make that dream come true.”

She was struck to see a tear in his eye as a dream he didn’t dare to have came true. He could have his lair and all the grand buildings while also having a woman who loved him at his side. She smiled and leaned in for a kiss, wiping the tear away with her fingertips as they shared the tender moment.

“I love you,” Frank whispered when they parted.

“Good, because I am going to be at your side forever,” Heather replied and stood up. “Now, let's go to the city and see what mother want's us to do.”

They went through the tower and into the yard to find Quinny and Breanne waiting. The two women were full of smiles as they excitedly talked about how the day would unfold. The wedding was at noon, with festivities going on until late into the night. None of them knew what these festivities were yet, but it was sure to be something grand.

“Shall we go?” Heather asked as she stepped up and held out a hand for Quinny and Breanne. Quinny readily took the hand, but Breanne hesitated until Heather motioned her to take it. She wrapped her fingers around Breanne's firmly and then led both women to the magic door that would take them to the city. Webster fell in line to follow the women as they stepped through and entered the caves under the city.

“Oh, my goodness,” Breanne remarked as they climbed the steps into the garden above.

The usual white flowers and banners hung everywhere, but high in the sky was a magical pair of golden bells, with a banner announcing that it was the wedding day.

“Are those supposed to be wedding bells?” Quinny asked as they watched clouds of white doves circle the bells.

“I am terrified to see what is going on in the rest of the city,” Heather remarked.

“Gwen has really gone all out on this,” Breanne said as she dared to look out the gate. “There are flowers everywhere, and the streets are covered in white and pink rose petals.”

“Oh, why does she have to make such a spectacle of it?” Heather groaned.

“For the points,” Quinny replied and moved to look out the gate. “Look, even the city guard are wearing flashy suites.”

“With top hats,” Breanne laughed. “Oh, I wish I had a camera. I want to save this moment forever.”

“I am sure my mother will preserve it somehow,” Heather moaned and joined them at the gate to see a city that looked more like a flower show. Further back, where it passed a main road, she could see red carpets rolled down the street as hundreds of people in their shiniest outfits flocked toward the castle. The whole thing made her so nervous she had to pick up Webster so she could pet him to relieve the stress.

“I wonder if they all brought you gifts?” Quinny asked as they watched the masses go by.

“This is ridiculous,” Heather laughed. “How many points is she going to get from this?”

“There you are,” came the sultry voice of Blackbast as Heather turned and went wide-eyed.

“Wow,” Quinny said in shock as the normally scantly clad woman walked up in a flowing dress. It was nearly all white with golden trims and Egyptian-looking symbols written down the sleeves. On her head was a halo of white flowers, and lace gloves covered her hands. She wore a choker of diamonds and three golden rings in one ear.

“You look, covered,” Heather managed as the woman stepped closer.

“She looks amazing,” Quinny added. “I love that dress.”

“It is the formal attire of a high priestess in my order,” Blackbast replied with a dip of her head. “Though wait until you see what Umtha is wearing.”

“Umtha is here?” Heather stammered and looked around to finally catch a glimpse of the goblin woman coming up the stairs. She was dressed in a simple black gown with silver flowers around the neck and a strange crown with six curved spikes and an odd oval gap in the front. She was in what appeared to be high heels, and her long green hair was braided, tied with black ribbon, and sported three silver pins. Her ears were hung with little chains attached to several points as they ran down the length.

“She took off her magic dress?” Breanne asked as the goblin woman saw them and came hurrying over.

“I guess it wasn’t formal enough,” Quinny suggested.

“Why is seeing Umtha in a nice dress disturbing?” Heather asked as the group waited for her to arrive.

“Good, marry soon,” Umtha said as Heather tried not to smile.

“That’s the plan,” Heather replied and knelt down to look Umtha in the eye. “And you look very nice in that outfit.”

“Thank you,” Umtha replied with an uncharacteristic smile. “You always pretty, no matter what wear.”

“I agree,” Frank added as Heather blushed and stood up to take another look into the streets. She caught sight of a carriage going by, pulled by two white horses and covered in flowers. It was another sign of just how out of control this situation was, but she was glad it was happening.

“Let's use the tunnels and go find my mother,” Heather sighed and turned them back to the caves. They were inside the castle a few minutes later, picking their way down the halls to the grand ballroom. Before they were halfway there, the guards stopped their progress and told them that Heather and party were to report to the blue chambers. When Heather pointed out she had no idea where that was, a guard volunteered to lead them through the massive complex to a modest hall ringed with balconies and tiled in blue mosaic.

“You are here!” Gwen said excitedly as she rushed out of a side chamber. “Oh, I can't believe this day has finally come.” She swept Heather into a firm hug, holding her tightly as she smiled from ear to ear. “I have your gown ready and dresses for your two girlfriends.”

“You have dresses for us?” Quinny asked as she looked at Breanne, who had a nervous expression.

“You two are her maids of honor,” Gwen replied as she released Heather. “And tonight, you will shine almost as brightly as she does.”

“Oh, boy,” Breanne said nervously as Gwen motioned them to follow her into the side room. This proved to be a vast dressing room full of mirrors, makeup tables, and endless wardrobes full of exquisite garments. Heather's dress was floating by magic in the center of the room. Its white lace and rose patterns glittering with magical light. She had a small train and a beautifully crafted veil that hung down from a crown of nearly transparent crystal flowers. Her shoulders and upper arms were bare, but she had long gloves that went past her elbows and boots that went up to her knees.

“Now, if the groom will wait outside,” Gwen said with a wink to Frank. “I want to show the bridge her undergarments.”

Frank blushed and fled the room as Quinny nearly fell over laughing. Gwen joined her in the chuckle, then introduced Heather to an outfit she never dreamed she would one day wear. It was full of lace, belts, stockings, silk underpants, and a sexy corset.

“You are not allowed to wear these,” Heather said as she turned a glare on Quinny while forcefully petting her spider.

“Aw, can I at least wear the top?” Quinny protested.

“These are special,” Heather remarked while putting Webster down and steeping up to touch the fabric.

“Ha, so you are already sharing those things,” Gwen remarked with a nod. “Well, take off your clothes, and let’s get you dressed.”

“What, here?” Heather asked and looked at all the people watching. “Couldn't I have a little more privacy?”

“No,” Gwen replied in a flat tone that left Heather nowhere to go. A few minutes later, she listened to Quinny snicker while putting on the lingerie. The torment only ended when Gwen finally helped her into the dress, turning her into a dazzling princess. Gwen added a massive necklace of diamonds with matching earrings before taking her to a mirror. With a magical brush, she colored Heather's cheeks and lips, then shadowed her eyes. In moments Heather had soft ruby lips, a faint blue blush on her cheeks, and a hint of purple around the eyes.

“Why blue?” Breanne asked as she considered the choice.

“It matches the crown,” Gwen replied. “And I happen to like the color.” She then took up Heather’s long golden hair and began to braid it by hand. She used no magic or special tools, instead doing all the careful looping with practiced steps.

“You used to do this for your daughter, didn’t you?” Heather asked when she caught the woman’s eyes in the mirror.

“I did,” Gwen admitted. “I hope this doesn’t make it awkward.”

“Why should it?” Heather asked. “You are my mother, after all.”

Gwen had to rub her nose as she stifled a cry and smiled. She added golden rings full of diamonds to Heather’s braids when she had more control. When she was done, Heather got up and pulled her into a hug, thanking her for making this day special.

“No, thank you,” Gwen replied and tightened the hug. “Thank you for rescuing me when nobody else would and for accepting my strange request to be my daughter.”

“It wasn’t strange,” Heather replied as she recalled that unusual moment. “And I am so glad you asked me. I don’t know that I have ever been so happy.”

Gwen smiled and had to step away before she got tears on Heather's dress. She then produced two frilly and lacy gowns for Quinny and Breanne, both in soft pink, trimmed with white gemstones. Heather was the one smiling now as the women were told to undress and get into their outfits. Breanne looked a little ashamed, but Quinny smiled and happily discarded her clothes.

“You have no shame,” Heather scolded her.

“Shame only gets in the way,” Quinny replied as she pulled up her dress.

“I am so very fond of her attitude,” Blackbast laughed.

“That’s because she reminds you of Jaina,” Heather quipped as the two women dressed.

“Oh, but how I wish you were all that free,” Blackbast commented as the two women dressed. A few minutes later, they stood beside Heather as Gwen smiled to see the effect.

“Well, don’t you all look beautiful?” Gwen asked with a trembling smile. “I never dreamed I would one day be hosting a wedding.”

“You have no idea how surprising this is for me,” Heather said as she looked at her dress. “A few weeks ago, I was still looking for a way to escape and go home. Now I can't imagine leaving this place. This is my home, and you are all my family.”

“Oh,” Gwen said and smiled wider. “You have made my life here more special as well. You have brought a new purpose to my kingdom, and I will always treasure your presence.”

“Hopefully, we can come home for good soon,” Breanne said. “I would like to spend time building my life in this kingdom.”

“That would be nice,” Quinny agreed. “I had a lot of fun playing with those adventurers.”

“Oh, that was fun,” Heather agreed as she thought of the fun adventure she and Quinny had in her forest. “I am sure more people have been as far as your forest by now.”

“After today, we may have a great many people staying on as residents,” Gwen said. “A royal wedding is a rare event, and it has drawn a lot of attention to our kingdom. People are sure to notice how much room we have to grow, and some will settle.”

“Well,” Heather said as she took Quinny and Breanne's hands. “Shall we show Frank?”

“No, Gwen laughed. “He doesn’t get to see you in your dress until you walk down the aisle. Besides, I had a few butlers waiting for him outside. They took him to another room to show him his outfit. I am sure he is getting dressed as we speak.”

“I can’t wait to see Frank in a suite,” Breanne tittered with a smile.

“That sounded awfully excited,” Quinny accused. “You got something for men in suits?”

“I am a product of a much earlier age when men wore suits to look good,” Breanne replied with a toss of her head. “I happen to think a suit on a man is as attractive as a sexy dress on a woman.”

Heather smiled as she began to dream about it as well, but her thoughts were broken when Gwen suggested they go to a formal brunch. Heather questioned how she was going to attend a brunch and not be seen by Frank. Gwen gave Heather, Quinny, and Breanne a magical ring that, when put on, changed their clothing to formal dresses. The outfits looked regal, and Breanne looked the most natural in the attire out of all of them. They were instructed to remove the slave collars as they were to be presented as they actually were. She sent a woman to collect Frank, and when he arrived wearing a rather smart shirt and coat, they headed off to the brunch.

Heather felt tense as they followed Gwen through the castle to a sunny balcony with a massive table that could seat fifty. It was set in the most fantastic way, with crystal plates trimmed in gold and jeweled bowls holding fruits or flowers. Dozens of people were gathered, talking and drinking in outfits or what appeared to be formal armors as fancy as their own. Many were covered in gold, silver, or metals Heather didn't recognize, and gemstones abounded. They ceased their conversations when a crier announced the arrival of Queen Gwendallen, Princess Hannah, and his lordship, Frank.

“I am so nervous,” Heather said and clutched Frank's hand as all eyes turned to them. She and Frank were taken to the side and, one by one introduced to the guests. All of them were Queens, kings, viscounts, or any of a dozen other titles. Heather and Frank thanked everyone for coming to her wedding and noticed a few funny smiles. She recognized some of these people from the tense meeting where she and Frank had accidentally switched bodies. They had been looking for a necromancer in their midst and were suspicious of Heather. Now they smiled and bowed ever so slightly, acknowledging Heather and Frank before taking their place along the table.

The meal was seven courses, every one of which was fabulous and paired with a lovely wine. Heather was careful to take only scant sips, afraid of staggering down the aisle drunk later. Frank drank only one glass of wine and did his best to field the dozens of comments and questions coming their way. How did they meet? Where had they spawned? What drove them to help Gwen? Why had they come to her kingdom at all? Heather held Frank's hand through the ordeal as she tried to shield him from questions. She knew he was uncomfortable in these situations and did her best to answer anything directed his way.

Umtha diplomatically answered uncomfortable questions about why a goblin and zombie were considered close friends. To Heather's utmost amazement, Umtha addressed her as Hannah and explained how Hannah had rescued Umtha and her goblin tribe from a dragon attack. She went on to tell a broken story about the day Heather came to Umtha’s village. She embellished the story and explained how Heather drove away a band of adventurers, one of which had claimed to be a necromancer. After these heroic acts, the goblins felt indebted to her and started following Hannah. They witnessed her many kind exploits for others, especially Quinny’s rescue from the hands of a cruel player. Now they considered Hannah a noblewoman of outstanding character and wanted to be represented at the wedding to present her a gift.

Thanks to Umtha’s tactful and downright manipulative retelling of the story, people began to argue about the rumor of a necromancer in the south. Some came to believe that it must have been Heather’s confrontation with this necromancer that led to the rumor that she was connected. Several guests complained they had wasted time looking for a woman of Heather's description. Now Umtha was saying it was a man, and Heather's involvement had made their job harder. They also pointed out that her choice of a carrion knight and a zombie for friends probably led to a lot of suspicion.

Heather felt obligated to defend her decisions, explaining that she saw no reason to dislike somebody for the class they played. In fact, she encouraged Quinny and other monster players to build lairs in the north of the kingdom. They would create adventures for the local population and provide a fun and challenging means to level. Both parties would earn experience and grow together as she believed the visitors intended.

That caused a few laughs and some pointed remarks about how few people shared her point of view. The topic then changed to the point of getting married as there was no real reason to do so. Several women thought the idea was old-fashioned, as they would live forever. They questioned why anyone would want to be tied to a single partner and joked that no marriage would last very long. Heather insisted that she was marrying for love and that she and Frank would be together forever. This prompted a few comments about how rare weddings were and how royal weddings were almost unheard of. Only one person in the room could attest to having attended one before, and that was years ago.

Gwen did her best to deter hostility and keep the conversation polite, even throwing out a few reminders that they were guests of her court. All in all, the moment was strained but manageable. Breanne and Quinny began to talk about how in love Frank and Heather were. Judging by the comments, few guests believed in love, but Heather didn't mind. She was going to marry Frank no matter what, and they could believe whatever they wanted.

When the brunch was over, bells began to ring, and Gwen announced that the cathedral was open and it was time to assemble. She took the wedding party back to the dressing rooms and left Heather and Webster to stand alone while she took the others to their places. An hour later, the bells had stopped ringing, but Heather's heart was beating fast.

Heather stood before the mirror in her wedding dress with the veil over her face. Even now, the guests were filling into the grand cathedral, anxious to see the event unfold. Heather was awash with feelings of panic, joy, and shock as she tried to grapple with what was about to happen. She would marry Frank before a crowd of thousands and be presented as his wife. She was giving up on her dream of escaping New Eden and committing to staying at Frank's side.

She tried to imagine being addressed as his wife and couldn’t help but smile. Since finding herself lost in New Eden, Frank had been at her side. He kept her sane and put up with all her tantrums, stubbornness, and downright stupid decisions. He'd been the greatest friend she ever had and treated her better than any man she had ever known. Now the hour had come, and she would dedicate the rest of her life to thanking him. If the rumors were right, that could be a very long time as nobody aged or died in New Eden, meaning they would be together a very long time.

Webster stood at her side, with a white top hat strapped to his furry body. It was a funny tradition that a bride who had a familiar walked down the aisle with her pet, so he was dressed for the part.

“You can do this,” Heather said to herself as she smiled again. “You love him, and he deserves all you can give him.”

Webster made his typical chirp, and she heard him in her head. He was in full agreement that she was doing the right thing. He was also grateful that she was staying as he liked her as his master. She reached down to pick him up and thanked him for the times he had rescued her. Like Frank, he'd been at her side through many dangers, and she was grateful to him.

“I am glad you are going to walk down the aisle with me,” Heather said as she put him down. “I need somebody to give me courage.”

He chirped his support again as there was a knock on the door, and Heather looked back to see Gwen come in.

“It’s time,” Gwen said with a broad smile and came to Heather’s side. “I am going to walk you down the aisle and hand you off to your husband.”

“Thank you,” Heather said and took a deep breath. “How much goes on after the actual ceremony?”

“I present you to the crowd outside, and then a carriage carries you two through the city to wave at the people. You are paraded around for a bit, then brought back to the castle for a banquet and dance. Then you are presented with your gifts, but you are not expected to open them all. I have already arranged for the most notable ones to be formally presented while the rest can wait.”

“Is that it?” Heather asked.

“After that, you are free to stay here in the castle or run home to be alone. I would suggest a honeymoon, but you are already traveling and are away enough. However, you are now worth a decent amount of social points and will be called by other rulers to attend their special events,” Gwen pointed out as she hooked Heather's arm. “Now come, there is no point in waiting any longer.”

Heather let Gwen lead the way, taking her through halls decorated for the wedding. They came to stand before towering doors of golden wood carved with the unicorn emblem of Gwen's kingdom. It was also the symbol of the chief faith of her lands, and it was under this faith Heather would be married.

“I almost forgot,” Gwen said and snapped her fingers, bringing a guardsman to her side. He presented Heather with a bouquet of white and green flowers, beautifully arranged and wrapped in white ribbon. She took it in her hands as Gwen hooked her arms again and squared her shoulders. Music began to play as a choir of silver voices sang a sacred song. Four guards pulled the doors open wide, revealing the cavernous space of the cathedral now packed with thousands of faces all staring at her.

Heather could hear her heart beating over the music as Gwen took the lead, guiding her down a carpet of white and green. The space smelled of roses, and golden sunlight streamed through the towering windows as she trembled with every step. The walk seemed like a mile as she passed row after row of guests with Webster scurrying at her side. She smiled to see Roric and Jaina and dared a wink as they went by. In front of them was a hundred women dressed in flowing silks and golden ties. She caught sight of Rajeen at their front, giving Heather a nod as they passed the girls of her harem smiling at the magical display.

She focused her eyes on the distant steps that would take her to where five people stood. Breanne and Quinny waited on the steps, as did Legeis and Finneous, of all people. She wanted to laugh to see the man in a black suit, wearing a green and cream sash, the customary smirk on his face. Beyond them were three people, Blackbast, Umtha, and a woman Gwen had picked. All three had signed a contract and become official witnesses. They sat on special chairs to the side of the stage, showing their special role.

The voices echoed through the vast space as Heather finally reached the steps. Up they went, Gwen, guiding her pace until she reached the one person who mattered most.

Frank looked as nervous as she felt, but he was resplendent in a dark green coat with military-like decorations. He had a medal that marked him as a champion of Gwen's kingdom and the honorary rank of lieutenant pinned to his shoulders. He also had a golden unicorn's head woven to a sash he wore over one of his broad shoulders. His long golden hair was meticulously parted and brushed back so perfectly he looked as if he had just come from a salon. He looked the part of a noble human man for the sake of the crowd, but Heather felt guilty for marrying him this way. She wasn't ashamed of the ghoul that would soon be her husband and wanted everyone to know it. They both understood why they couldn't, but deep down, Heather didn't care.

Gwen took her to his side and stood them together before turning to address the gathered audience. She announced that the wedding of her daughter Princess Hannah to Lord Frank would now commence.

Heather glanced at Frank as they turned to face another woman who looked amazing in green and cream plate armor. She wore a sword with a curved handle covered in green gems. On her head was a silver circlet with a unicorn emblem of the local faith. She announced that her name was Galadradine, the highest-ranking priestess of the order present in the world. Heather realized she was a player and that Gwen had found a proper representative of the faith.

The first order of business was to note the two people's ranks, with Heather as Princess and Frank as Lord. Next, she identified that the witnesses were in place and that the document of observance had been signed. She proceeded with a lengthy blessing, asking her god to unite the two lovers as one heart. She then placed a thin golden chain around both of them, uniting them in a single loop as she prayed for more blessing. Then she asked if anyone present could object to these blessings, and Heather held her breath.

Thankfully nobody said a word, and the woman turned to Heather, asking if she truly loved the man at her side. Heather said she had never loved anyone like she did Frank and dared to look at him as she blushed.

The priestess then turned to Frank and asked him if he truly loved Hannah, and he paused as the crowd gasped. He then said that he wished there was a stronger word than love to describe how he felt for Hannah. He'd never felt this way about anyone or anything and wished there was some way he could express it. Hannah was his everything, and all he cared about was her happiness.

The priestess smiled as the golden chain that united them began to glow with a soft golden light.

“The chain of truth says they have both spoken honestly,” the woman announced. “Then henceforth, let it be known that Hannah and Frank are marrying for love.”

The remark produced some ahhs from the crowd as the woman instructed them to face one another. She then asked Heather if she would take Frank to be her husband, united to him in heart and soul for the rest of eternity.

“I do,” Heather said in a trembling voice as the moment that once seemed so far away came true.

She then asked Frank the same question as he looked deep into Heather’s eyes. He smiled gently and took her hands as he gave his reply.

“I do,” he said firmly as Heather struggled not to cry.

“Then let the rings be given,” the woman insisted, causing Frank to take a hand away and turn to Finneous. The man produced two rings, handing them to Frank, who turned back to present them to Heather.

Heather finally saw her wedding ring and gasped at the ornate golden band. It was woven and etched with thin lines of tiny diamonds, twisting around a single soft blue diamond at the center. The central stone wasn't massive but certainly larger than any diamond she expected, and it glowed with a gentle light.

Frank lifted her hand as she trembled and slipped it on her finger, marking her as his bride. He then handed her a second band, this one wider with three smaller blue stones. She placed this over his finger, and then a blue glow enveloped them both. For a brief moment, they were like stars in the heavens as they held hands and gazed deeply into each other's eyes. When the woman said they could kiss, all Heather could think of was how badly she wanted to feel those lips.

People cheered as the kiss was joined, Heather leaning into his lips, hungry to express her love. The moment had finally come, and from now on, she was Frank's wife. When the kiss parted, the priestess lifted her hands high and presented them as Hannah and Frank, prince and princess of Ellowshire.

Heather couldn't help but smile as they walked down the aisle while bells rang out all over the city. White rose petals rained down on them as Gwen led the way to where their second presentation would take place. Heather and Frank stepped out on a grand balcony overlooking a castle yard filled with thousands of people. Voices went up in cheers as Gwen presented the new members of royalty, and they waved to the crowds. A cheer rose for Princess Hannah and Prince Frank as their subjects enjoyed the rare display. White doves flew into the skies as bells rang loudly across the whole city. Fireworks and magical lights exploded into life above them as Heather began to feel overwhelmed.

Gwen gave them a few minutes to wave, then whisked them away, taking them into the lower halls to a stable of sorts. Heather's eyes went wide to see the open carriage of white, gold, and green, driven by four of the most wondrous creatures Heather had ever seen.

“Unicorns!” she cried when she saw the flowing mains of silk and the twisting horns of gold that glistened in the light.

“Did you expect anything less?” Gwen laughed and opened the door so they could step into the coach.

The gates opened to reveal the outer yard swarming with people throwing rose petals and magical lights into the air. The driver took them out, slowly working his way through the masses as the two stunned riders waved to the endless seas of people. Heather had no idea why so many people had come to her wedding, but she could only assume what was said at brunch was true. People didn't get married very often in New Eden, and a royal wedding was almost unheard of. This was an event not to be missed, and masses of people lined the streets waving and cheering as the two went by.

The carriage took them on a twisting route, passing through areas of the city Heather hadn't seen before. By the time they were headed back, the carriage was full of flower petals thrown from windows and balconies. The carriage took them back to the castle yard, where the two dismounted before the crowds and walked hand in hand back inside. Thus began the festivities, and Heather finally danced with Frank to music provided by over thirty musicians playing all sorts of wonderful instruments. They danced to several songs while dozens of others danced beside them. It was a magical moment made even more special when Heather was allowed to choose a new partner. She chose Breanne while Quinny danced with Frank, the two women smiling as they turned in graceful circles. They switched partners for the next song, with Heather dancing with Quinny, then Blackbast, then, to her delight, Jaina.

“You look beautiful,” Jaina whispered as they spun with arms hooked.

“I feel like a princess,” Heather laughed.

“You are a princess,” Jaina replied as they stepped around one another. “And tonight, you will become his wife in every way.”

Heather blushed as she considered the outfit she wore under her dress. Frank was going to be very pleased to see that, and she blushed deeply to think of the coming moment. After hours of dancing and nibbling on a massive buffet of food, they were sat at the head of the room on two thrones. Quinny, Breanne, Blackbast, and Jaina were on hand to help while Gwen began to call people by name.

Now guests were permitted to present their gifts with fabulous treasures of crystal, glass, gold, and even artwork. Again, Heather and Frank thanked every person from their heart until, at last, only one person remained.

Umtha walked to present her gift as Heather and Frank looked at her empty hands in confusion. The woman bowed her head and then, without hesitation, removed the crown of spikes. She held it up to Heather with a smile, waiting for her to accept the offer.

“She’s giving me the crown?” Heather asked as she looked at Frank.

“I guess she is,” he replied, looking at the rather simple crown more closely. It was made of black metal, with a strange cut-out portion at the bottom lip right in the center. Three short metal spikes jutted up to either side of this notch. Goblin writing ran down either side in words neither of them could decipher.

“You did promise you would accept her gift,” Quinny reminded.

“And you said you would be happy with it,” Breanne added with a smile.

“I suppose I did,” Heather replied and reached out to accept the offering. Umtha shook her head and held the crown higher, making a placing motion with her hands.

“What?” Heather asked and looked at Frank again.

“I think she wants to put it on your head,” Frank replied.

“But I am wearing the crystal crown my mother gave me,” Heather reminded and looked to Gwen, who was watching the strange display. She walked up to Heather to carefully removed the crystal crown and suggested she get down so Umtha could reach her.

Heather felt silly having to kneel, but Umtha firmly planted it and then stepped back as Heather took her seat again. She was surprised by how well the crown fit and looked at Frank, who was studying it strangely.

“You know, that notch in the front is exactly where the green stone from the other crown goes,” he pointed out.

Heather reached up a hand to feel her forehead and realized he was right. This crown was perfectly designed to be worn with the other one. She looked to Umtha in confusion as the goblin woman stepped back with tears in her eyes.

“What did you just do?” Heather asked as she began to worry.

“I give you gift goblin want you to have,” Umtha replied.

Heather smiled as Umtha stepped back and melted into the crowds, leaving her with the strange crown. It was an odd ending to the day, but Heather was lost in another thought. Soon the party would end, and they would spend the night in the castle alone together as husband and wife. It would be the beginning of a whole new chapter of her life and one she was deeply looking forward to.

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