Heather the Necromancer

Book 6: Chapter 1: A goblin with a new face

Heather opened her eyes to find herself still in her husband's arms. She smiled to think of Frank as her spouse and was reminded of how terrified she was when Gwen first proposed it. Now she realized that her mother knew they were a good pairing and set them on the path of being together. She turned to the side to discover Webster snoring at her feet, the noble spider having given up his pillow for Frank.

It was the morning after her wedding, and she could hardly believe it was over. She was married to the man she loved and looking forward to the life they would build together. Still, there was a lot of work to do, and they were far from done in the north.

“Well, let's deliver the egg and get back so we can enjoy our lives,” Heather said to herself as she got out of bed. Standing at the mirror, she wondered why they didn't make more use of the magic doors before. It was such a simple thing to travel by day and come home at night. Or even pause to visit home when the need struck. Unfortunately, something about being so far away made it feel like they had to stay the course, always marching north in pursuit of the egg's home. It was a silly concept, and thankfully Jaina spoke up and helped Heather see the truth. Frank was up a few minutes later, nervously coming to her side as they stared at one another in the mirror.

“We did it,” Frank said and took her hand. “We got married.”

“We did,” Heather agreed. “So now you don't even have to worry about being alone. No matter what happens, I will always be at your side.” Her smile returned when he took her into a firm hug, tears wetting his eyes. For all the boyish insistence that he just wanted to build his graveyard, Frank had been very lonely. Heather didn't see it at first, but over time she came to realize that all Frank wanted was a friend. Somebody to break the boredom of being alone at the edge of nowhere. Now he had a partner for life, something he never dreamed possible.

“Alright,” Heather urged as she turned to wrap her arms around him. “Get all those bad feelings out. Goodness knows I held on to mine long enough. Sometimes I think we like to torment ourselves.”

“I just never believed I could be so happy,” Frank replied and let her go. “I am married to the most beautiful woman I have ever known.”

“Ok, I will add those brownie points to your score,” Heather laughed and looked back at the mirror. “I suppose we move on today. There is nothing to wait for anymore.”

“Roric has the new palanquin, and Umtha is insistent we deliver the egg immediately. She keeps hinting that it isn't fair,” Frank added.

“Which only proves she knew exactly where it needed to go in the first place,” Heather commented and then remembered the plan to see if Umtha was an NPC. “Oh, yea, we need to check the witness list,” she said and lifted her arm to rub the tattoo. The panel's orange interface came to life as she pulled open her social listings. She didn't bother with anything but the wedding information, quickly flipping through the rest without reading it. Finally, she got to the listing for witnesses as she and Frank leaned in close.

“She is a player!” Frank said in surprise.

“I knew it!” Heather grumbled. “She’s been playing a game all along.”

“But why?” Frank said as they leaned back. “What does she have to gain from pretending to be clueless?”

“I don’t know, but I am going to find out,” Heather insisted and turned angrily to get her yellow outfit. They quickly dressed, with Heather taking time to put on one of her floppy sunhats with a long white ribbon. Then they went down the hall to the magic door and into the hidden room. Three goblins and her bone champion guarded the egg, but Umtha was nowhere to be found. Oddly the three goblins bowed to her, falling low as she went by.

“Of course, she isn't here,” Heather grumbled as they crossed over and arrived at the ruins for the north. She was greeted by the sound of the girls singing, Gisley leading the way as the other girls sang along. It was a happy moment that made Heather long to share such times with Quinny and Breanne.

“Welcome back,” Blackbast said as she walked up. “I didn’t expect you this early. You could have spent more time together.”

“We wanted to talk to Umtha,” Heather said and rubbed open her panel to show Blackbast that Umtha was indeed a player.

“So she is manipulating you,” Blackbast said as her ears pinned back. “And this egg business is vital to her plan.”

“But she's been so helpful,” Frank said, pointing out all the ways Umtha cares for Heather. He reminded them of the two rescues and that Umtha was building a fortress just to keep Heather safe in the invent of attack.

“This only proves she needs Heather for something,” Blackbast agreed.

“Of course she does,” Heather interjected. “She thinks I am Hathlisora, and I promised to help her and the other goblins escape this world.”

“Why would she want to escape?” Blackbast asked.

Frank was the first to think of it as he considered how badly Heather wanted to escape. She had been kidnapped and forced into this world against her will. Out of anger and shock, she refused to accept her fate and struggled not to comply with the system. Could Umtha share the same problem? Was the goblin woman a chosen? He voiced his opinion as the other two shared a tense glance, unable to deny the possibility.

“Of course, she has to be a chosen,” Heather said at last. “We know she is a goblin shaman. So how is she also a city builder? She must have a second primary class.”

“You are right,” Blackbast agreed. “Which only adds to the list of things she has been keeping from you.”

“I can't help but feel she has a good reason,” Frank said as he considered the goblin woman. “I think Umtha loves Heather and would do anything to keep her safe.”

“She did give us a wedding gift,” Heather said as she thought of the crown sitting in their bedroom. It was a strange gift, but it meant a lot to Umtha, and Heather did promise to accept it. Still, it didn't explain why Umtha was pretending to be something less than she was.

“Heather!” a musical voice called as the purple queen of butterflies fluttered over, her wings trailing silver dust. She was dressed in her usual manner, the barest slip of cloth between her legs and nothing more.

“Gisley,” Heather laughed as she put a hand over Frank’s eyes. “Must you dress like that in front of my husband?”

“He's seen me naked a bunch of times,” Gisley said with a smile as she landed before the group. “I had fun at your wedding. Thank you so much for inviting us.”

“Oh, you pretty little fairy,” Heather sighed and wrapped her in a hug. “Thank you and your family for making me see the love around me. I owe you everything. When we get back to consider founding our city, we will work on getting your family some magic doors.”

“Oh, for Rajeen,” Gisley said as she stepped back and tossed her long lilac-colored hair that bounced with curls. “I guess you didn't hear the new idea.”

“What new idea?” Heather asked and looked to Blackbast, who could only shrug that she had no idea.

Gisley giggled with that heavenly voice, her two antennae uncurling a little. She asked them to wait and fluttered off, her beautiful purple, blue and black butterfly wings spreading more glitter. She returned a moment later with her whole family at her side, exposing Heather to two more naked women in slave collars.

“So we did some talking,” Roric began as he looked at Heather and Frank with thoughtful eyes. “Rajeen wants to know if perhaps she could just move her inn into your new city.”

“She wants to move her harem to our city?” Heather asked as she took Frank’s hand for support. “But she’s so well established where she is.”

“She likes the idea of being a part of our new region,” Roric explained.

“You mean your forest?” Frank asked.

“We are going to call it the love wood,” Jaina said as she leaned into her master. “And any who wander in it are free to share in the love on offer.”

“I am confused,” Heather replied, so Jaina explained it. They planned to create NPC succubus guards that would not only patrol the forest but offer carnal delights to those who sought them. Jaina, Gisley, and Evalynn would also wander the woods, seeking similar adventures with anyone they could find. The more Heather heard, the more she blushed, unable to believe how free these three women were with their sexuality. The only one who wanted something normal was Chandice, who was going to open a magic shop to sell a range of potions and magical items to travelers.

“So Rajeen will put her harem in the city,” Heather said as her blush deepened. “I guess that's alright,” she added and looked to Frank, who was also flushed and staring at the three naked women. “Hello? Husband?” Heather said as she snapped a finger before his eyes.

“What? Oh, I am fine with it,” he said and cleared his throat as Gisley giggled again.

“Oh, that angelic voice fills me with such love,” Blackbast said as her tail lashed.

“Why don’t you move your temple to the forest,” Evalynn suggested. “You would be a perfect addition to the setting.”

“My temple?” Blackbast replied as she looked truly stunned. “I do not think I could. It is part of my calling that my temple should be remote and hard to find. A reward for the weary traveler who happens to stumble on its location.”

“We can hide your temple in the forest,” Evalynn offered as she smiled at Blackbast, her long golden hair drifting gently in a breeze. “I can use magic to obscure its location, or we can put the temple in the mountains and make the trail hard to find.”

“The mountains,” Blackbast repeated as she considered it. “I suppose that would make it remote. And you say you can obscure the trail in the forest so only a few will find it?”

“That part is easy,” Evalynn replied. “I could even make it so the trail becomes easier to find on special days or events. Like under a full moon, the trail is obvious, but when the sun is up, it's overgrown.”

“This is an idea I must ponder carefully,” Blackbast said as she looked at Heather. “But this raises another point.”

“Which is?” Heather asked as she noted the intense stare.

“You cannot wear my collar forever,” Blackbast said. “If I leave to go home, it will have to go with me.”

“But if you move your temple to the forest, she can be your slave girl,” Gisley urged.

“I don't think that's a good idea,” Heather said as she reached up to remove the collar. She took it off and held it in her hands, feeling a sense of sadness to think of it going. As much as she hated to admit it, sex was amazing with the collar on, and now that she and Frank were lovers, it came in handy.

“She can't be her slave girl while married to Frank,” Chandice pointed out and took Gisley's hand. “It would be too difficult an arrangement.”

“Not to mention that she would have to serve in my temple,” Blackbast reminded them. “That is something I am well aware she is not capable of.”

“Don’t say it like that,” Heather protested. “I just don’t like the idea of being, you know.”

“A whore,” Jaina finished for her.

“Please don’t be offended,” Heather begged. “It just isn’t me.”

“Oh, we're not offended,” Jaina said with a smile. “We know what we are and know that this path is hard to walk for most women. So don't ever be ashamed of what you are, be it a whore, or somebody more reserved.”

“Why don't we focus on the original conversation,” Roric insisted. “Rajeen wants to move so the doors will not be needed. However, she did suggest another idea that might be interesting.”

“Oh, the gate idea,” Chandice said. “That was brilliant.”

“The gate?” Heather asked.

Roric explained that Rajeen wondered if Heather could create a gate on a wall or an arch someplace in the city that was magically linked to her mother’s city. This would effectively create one large city where people could pass through the gate and not even realize they were someplace else.

“I have no idea if that's possible,” Heather said with a raised brow. Her mind was fast at work on the idea, dreaming up all the ways that would be beneficial. It would mean instant population and rapid access to her mother. It would also mean Heather and Frank could live in the castle if they wanted and never be far from home.

“She's got that; I am thinking very hard about something look,” Jaina laughed.

“She is fond of overthinking things,” Frank commented.

“I was just considering how such a gate would work and how useful it would be,” Heather said as she came back to focus. “I will ask my mother what she thinks.”

“Well, this has all been a wonderful experience,” Roric said as he bowed before Frank and Heather. “And I look forward to dwelling in my graces lands.”

“Oh, please don't start with that,” Heather said as she rolled her eyes. “Besides, I will give you a title as soon as we work all that out.”

“Ha, we’re going to be slave girls to a noble lord,” Evalynn teased. Roric shook his head as he took her into an arm, holding her tight as she beamed with a big smile.

“We should be going,” Roric said. “Oh, and thank you for the palanquin.”

“Oh, yes, thank you so much!” Jaina cried. “I can’t believe how much room it has.”

“You know, I never saw what it looked like,” Heather said as she became curious. Jaina insisted they see it and took her hand to hurry them off. Heather's jaw fell open as they passed a tree to see the round structure that was their new palanquin. It was made of gleaming white metal, capped with brass ornately carved into the shapes of beautiful women, birds, and hearts. The front and back were solid walls of what looked like polished marble, while white silken curtains hung the sides. At the front was a comfortable seat so two people could sit outside as if they were driving the device.

“Wow,” Frank said as Heather leaned inside to see their space was larger and covered in plush velvet padding. It was like one giant bed, designed for comfort and strewn with colorful pillows.

“Why is theirs so much bigger?” Heather asked.

“Legeis said something about that,” Chandice replied. “It had something to do with knowing how large the disk was. He said he made it round so it would balance on the disk better.”

“I see,” Heather said firmly as she stood back. “Well, I am glad he made you such a nice palanquin.”

“He is wonderfully kind,” Evalynn said. “And a little frisky.”

“I don’t need to know,” Heather quickly interjected with a raised hand that caused the girls to laugh.

“So, where do you go from here?” Roric asked.

“Back the way we came a little,” Heather admitted. “Then we use my magic bracelet to point us in the right direction.” She highlighted the point by holding up her wrist so everyone could see the green stones and asked it to show them where the egg needed to go. One stone glowed, indicating the direction, and as Heather turned her wrist, the stone changed to always point in the same direction.

“We need one of those,” Jaina laughed. “Why does she have all the fun magical gadgets?”

“We just got a palanquin,” Roric pointed out. “And we have plenty of magical tools like the tent and the chalice.” He gave Jaina a moment to smirk then asked how they planned to get home.

Heather hadn't given that point much consideration. She planned to get to where they were going and walk back. Roric said that if they wanted, Gisley could fly them back at much greater speed, and they could return together. Heather asked how that would work, and they explained how Gisley was the one who produced their floating disk. She could fly very fast if she wanted to, and the disk would follow. All they needed to do was put Blackbast on their disk, and then Heather's disk would follow them.

“Hugh, that would be faster,” Heather agreed as her mind pricked at an idea. “But I think I know a way to do it even faster.”

“You do?” Frank asked as she smiled at him.

“Yes,” Heather said with a smile. “We ask my mother to have a wizard open a portal to her city.”

“You want to drag a chain of magical doorways through a magical portal?” Blackbast asked with a wary tone in her voice.

“Is that an issue?” Heather asked as she looked around at the gathered faces.

“Not that I know of,” Jaina said. “But in a lot of games, you can't put magical pockets or doorways inside another pocket or doorway.”

“Quinny did mention she was surprised the room didn’t explode when we carried the doors through it,” Heather said as she considered it. This was some kind of gamer thing, and she supposed it made sense. However, they had already done it once, and just because some games used the mechanic didn't mean New Eden did.

“I bet we can ask the wizard opening the portal if that would be safe,” Frank said. “They must have detailed knowledge on how these things work.”

Heather was grateful Frank was here as once again he had the simplest answer. They would ask her mother for help getting home and arrange for a doorway back if it was safe. If not, they would try to meet up with Roric and his group to make use of Gisley's flight to speed the journey. They agreed to meet here at the ruins in ten days, or sooner if possible. Then with a round of hugs, Roric set about the task of breaking down the magic tent and preparing to depart. Quinny and Breanne arrived just as they were lifting the palanquin on the magical disk and said their goodbyes as well.

“Good luck to you all,” Roric said as he climbed into the front seat with Evalynn. “We hope to see you again soon.”

“Goodbye!” Chandice and Jaina cried as Gisley fluttered up, waived, and then darted off, carrying her family away into the forest.

“Aww, I miss them already,” Quinny said as she leaned into Breanne, who put an arm around her.

“They will be back,” Heather said and turned to look at the others. “But where are Legeis and Umtha?”

“We didn’t see them on our way over,” Breanne remarked. “I assumed they were here.”

“Maybe they hooked up,” Quinny laughed. “It was a wedding, after all.”

“Must you be so crude?” Breanne scolded as Quinny shrugged.

“Well, I suppose we can go on without them,” Heather said as she turned on Blackbast. “Assuming you don’t mind riding on my husband’s shoulder.”

Blackbast smirked as Frank fished out the magic statue and spoke the single command word. A moment later, he was a hulking gray ghoul ready to carry them off. Blackbast summoned her magical disk, carefully lifting the palanquin as the girls climbed aboard. Frank then lifted her to his shoulder, where she settled in like a cat, purring as she flicked him with her tail.

Frank ran off at a near full run, his ghoul body not losing stamina from simple exertion. He could run for over a full day without needing a small break, and before long, they were miles away from where they started.

Heather sat with the girls showing them Umtha's name listed as a witness, proving once and for all she was a player. The usual points came up, asking why Umtha would pretend to be an NPC and what was her interest in Heather.

Heather could only assume it all had to do with Hathlisora and the promise to help the goblin woman escape. This brought up Frank’s theory that Umtha might be a chosen, sharing Heather’s desire to go home and explaining how she could have enough classes to be a goblin queen, a shaman, and a city builder.

“She has to be a chosen,” Quinny agreed as they considered everything going on. “She must hate being here as much as you do.”

“If she’s a chosen, why did she choose to play a goblin?” Breanne asked. “I assume she arrived looking like she would have in the real world.”

“I did,” Heather said as she pondered Breanne's point. Umtha would have been human and, for some reason, chose goblin as her race. That seemed to be inconsistent with how Heather felt about the issue. When she wanted out, the last thing she considered was playing a race that was distinctly not human. She dabbled with the golden sprite and even a succubus, but she would never have kept them. She wasn't going to play the game at all; thus, a human was the only choice that made sense. Even as she considered that, she remembered that only the human race could have three primary classes, and if Umtha was a goblin, her last class had to be a mundane secondary one.

“You're right,” Breanne agreed as Heather explained it. “Which means she couldn't have played such a powerful city-building class.”

“Now I am confused,” Heather sighed. “I thought for sure we had it figured out.”

“What we need is to talk to Umtha,” Breanne insisted as a small green shape appeared through the magic door.

“Thank goodness I found you,” Legeis said as he arrived. “Somethings going on with the goblins, and I can't figure it out.”

“Oh goody, more trouble,” Heather complained as the three waited for Legeis to explain.

“I went to talk to the engineers, and they told me Umtha is upset about something,” he began. “She is refusing to come out of chambers and says that you aren't honoring your promise.”

“My promise?” Heather repeated. “We are on the way to return the egg right now.”

“No, it has something to do with that crown,” Legeis countered.

“The crown Umtha gave you?” Breanne asked as she looked at Heather. “Why would that matter?”

“You know what? Let's go ask her,” Heather said as she grew annoyed. “I am tired of this game anyway.” She crawled to the side door and shouted to Frank that they were crossing back to the swamp to speak to Umtha. Then she led the way through the door to have the goblins bow to her again. She and the others arrived in the tower and began the journey outside. She stopped at her bedroom to get the crown, picking up Webster, who was annoyed he had been left behind and chirped his disapproval.

“I let you sleep,” Heather said as he scurried along beside them. He chirped again, and she let out a sigh, promising not to leave him behind alone again.

They headed into the swamp and down the road that would take them to the goblin fortress. Breanne and Quinny were awe-struck to see the fortification, but Heather was more concerned by the banners.

“Why is there a red spiked crown over a skull and a rose on the banners now?” Heather asked as she noticed the change.

“That's not all that's changed,” Legeis said as they approached the first gate, only to have the goblins line up as if on inspection. They saluted Heather and company as they passed, giving Heather a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. All the goblins were the same crown emblem on their armor as if demonstrating their loyalty to a ruler.

Every goblin they passed took unusual notice of Heather and the group until, at last, they arrived at the fortress and walked right inside. Legeis took them to some side halls of polished black stone and iron-plated floors. It was lit by what looked like gas lamps hanging from high above, giving the space an unusual glow.

Heather was surprised that all the doors along the hall were unusually large, big enough for even Frank to use. A door to one side was guarded by six goblins in heavy armor, all as tall as Heather.

“I couldn’t get any farther than this,” Legeis said as they arrived.

Heather looked at the guards, who glanced at the crown in her hands and quickly stepped aside. Without a word, they went through the door to find a rather plush sitting room with human-sized furniture and a lovely glass table.

“This doesn't seem very goblin-like,” Quinny noted as they stepped on a plush red carpet.

“This looks like an Ikea showroom,” Heather replied. “I wonder why she went with this style when she is so small?”

“Heather?” A voice called from a distant doorway.

They all looked to the door, trying to place the voice. It sounded familiar but was more feminine with a smooth tone. Heather was sure she had heard that voice before but couldn't place where it was from.

“Yes, it's me,” Heather called back. “Is Umtha here? I need to talk to her.”

“You should go,” the voice called. “I am not in the mood to talk.”

“She’s not in the mood?” Quinny said as the group shared glances.

“Is that Umtha?” Breanne whispered.

“Obviously not,” Heather said as she played with the crown. “She speaks too clearly and doesn’t drop words.”

“Something strange is going on here,” Legeis said. “Every banner shows that crown on a skull with a rose growing around it. And why are all the goblins treating you like your royalty?”

“They are just bowing,” Heather replied as she started for the distant door. “Umtha probably told them I am going to rule this area.”

“You don’t understand,” the voice called as a dark shape appeared in the doorway. “You already rule here.”

The group stopped as a tall woman with soft green skin, and long curling dark green hair stepped into the light. She had elf-like ears, a slight ridge over her nose, and dark eyes, but otherwise, she looked human in every respect. She was an inch taller than Heather and wore a simple skirt at her waist with a wrap of purple over her chest. A golden band decorated her left arm, and she wore a silver ring on each hand.

“Oh, are you a friend of Umthas?” Heather asked as she was surprised by the strange woman.

“You don’t recognize me,” the woman replied.

“Have we met before?” Heather pressed.

The woman looked upset and turned to pick up a white cloth from a nearby shelf. She held out Umtha’s strange magical dress whose colored flowers danced when you sang the right song.

“Why do you have Umtha’s dress?” Heather asked in growing alarm.

“You were supposed to remember,” the woman replied. “This was supposed to bring back the memory of who I am and how much I love you.”

“You love me?” Heather said nervously as she stepped back. “I'm sorry, but you had better tell us who you are and where we can find Umtha, or I am going to fill this place with undead and find her myself.”

The woman looked at Legeis for sympathy and held the dress over her chest.

“Surely you understand what this means? You understand what happens when we make the choice,” she asked as Legeis started to cough.

Legeis had to remove his goggles so he could see the woman as she looked down in obvious torment. He knew it was possible, but somehow his mind insisted that it couldn't be true.

“I can’t believe it,” he said and pointed at the strange woman. “That’s Umtha!”

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