Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 25. Bloodline Awakening.

When it was time for bed, they had a little sweet moment. They kissed, caressed, and whispered until they slept. Yasenia didn't want to advance to the next step with Angel for the moment, so they never did more than kiss and some little touches here and there.

Then, with Yasenia's insistence, Angel climbed on top of Yasenia and used her breast as a pillow and her body as a mattress. Angel felt herself sink in softness and completely relaxed her body with a sigh full of satisfaction.

She didn't expect to feel something hard pressing on her navel. 'Hm?'

Angel opened her eyes and got up to look down… Only to see a big bulge lifting Yasenia's nightdress. "What is that, Yasenia!?"

Yasenia answered calmly. "I have both male and female genitals..." She raised her straight eyebrow teasingly. "...So it can only be one thing."

Angel opened her mouth, and her face exploded in red. 'She has a penis!?'

Out of embarrassment, she laid back down on top of Yasenia and buried her little face between Yasenia's breasts. She regretted this rapid reaction right away because now she was feeling it more clearly, increasing her shyness.

Yasenia said with a sad tone. "Do you… Hate it?"

Because of that downcast tone, Angel's mouth spoke before her brain as she lifted her head sharply. "I don't!"

Then her red face turned crimson, and she started stumbling with her words.

Yasenia pulled her up, holding her by the butt, and kissed her deeply yet slowly. It felt as if Yasneia was caressing her mouth with her long tongue, trying to calm Angel down and making Angel's body limp.

After feeling the petite girl relax, Yasenia separated and said with a tender smile. "I'm glad. I wouldn't know what to do if you disliked it."

Angel thought shyly. 'How can I hate anything about you if you always treat me like this?'

Although this happened the first time she laid on top of her, laying on her has become her second hobby; the first was staying by her side when she cultivates.

Because of their size difference and Yasenia's soft body, sleeping on top of her while her arms and tail were around her waist was extremely comfortable and gave her the feeling of being exceptionally cared for.

It was like sleeping on a flower bed, soft and fragrant. Even if she felt a noticeable hard part pressing her core in the mornings, she felt happy and excited instead of being nervous or disgusted because she could make Yasenia react like that for her. Moreover, Yasenia would always wake her with kisses and caresses, causing our little girl to melt in her embrace every morning.

Her third hobby was, of course, Yasneia's food!

Yasenia was an excellent cook. So, the breakfast and the dinner were hours Angel was always looking forward to. Yasenia told her that she learned from her maids at home, which surprised her.

In this manner, ten days passed, and Yasenia was progressing in her cultivation and new [Lingering star step]. She wanted to break through the fourth level before doing anything to gain credits.

The fourth level of the Body Modification realm strengthened the marrow. This level was a big step for almost everyone because it awakened the cultivator's dormant bloodline. When breaking through, the name of your bloodline will ingrain in your mind.

Yasenia knew her bloodline was related to dragons but didn't know which type. This day, thanks to her passionate cultivation, she was about to break through the fourth realm! By her side, there were Angel, Evelyn, Cecile, and Oliver looking at her.

It was worth mentioning that when Cecile and Evelyn saw her wearing the [Flowers and Spring] kimono, the first blushed a little, and the other was directly drooling while looking at her.

Yasneia gathered energy and waited. She knew she had to wait for the three types of celestial bodies to appear in the sky to break through.

When the Sunlight, Moonlight, and starlight created balance in her body, she pushed her energy to advance.


When she broke through, the energy of the Sun, Moon, and stars started gathering on top of her.

Yasenia felt something getting ingrained in her mind; it was the name of her bloodline, [Celestial Firmament Dragon]. Then, as if urged by something, she stood up and opened her mouth while lifting her head towards the sky!


A mighty dragon cry left her mouth!

The air pressure from the roar made the four people spectating feel a strong gale that almost pushed them back. It was as if Yasenia was shouting that she had been awoken and nothing would bar her path from now on.

Meanwhile, in the sky, the mysterious phantom of a Western dragon formed.

Its body was the same color as the night sky, and it seemed to carry the countless stars in the sky in its body. It also had golden scales with a crescent Moon shape on the left side and a Sun shape on the right.

The mighty dragon looked down at Yasenia, and it dived at a fast speed.

Yasenia didn't move. She just closed her eyes and opened her arms as if welcoming it.

The dragon transformed into an energy beam and entered her! Then her aura crazily exploded.

The shockwave made the awestruck spectators take a few steps back. Yasenia broke through directly to the sixth level of the Body Modification realm!

Moreover, she completed her marrow transformation perfectly in one go.

The four people spectating had their mouths open. Even Cecile had a flabbergasted expression.

Yasenia lowered her arms and then turned to them with a smile.

Oliver was the first to awaken completely and said while shaking his head. "As expected of little sis, I have already advanced to the fifth level and was proud of it, and here you come, jumping from the third level to the sixth in the span of one night. Moreover, I feel you are closer to the seventh level than the sixth..."

However, Angel, Cecile, and Evelyn felt pressure for the first time in their lives. During their years of cultivation, these three have been praised as geniuses. Of course, even if they didn't want to, some complacency and arrogance grew in them.

They were young, and getting affected by excessive praise was normal.

On the other hand, this event slapped away that little arrogance they were sprouting. It made them think. 'If she continues to advance at this pace… Wouldn't we be left behind?'

Their faces hardened, and they thought of putting more effort into cultivating.

Yasenia saw the frowns on their faces and thought for a moment before understanding. "You three are already advancing at a good pace. The saying I like the most is, "Haste makes waste." Do not compromise your foundation only to advance faster."

Seeing that they were listening, she continued. "Right now, I will need, at best, one month, at worst, two months to consolidate my foundation and start gathering energy for advancement again, so don't worry too much."

Then she approached them while sending Oliver away with one look. Oliver understood and left the house, winking at her.

After arriving in front of them, she used her tail and arms to surround the three of them in her embrace.

Angel was in the middle, with her head buried in her softness.

Evelyn was patted by her hand at her left, and her face was resting on her left breast.

The taller Cecile was at her right with her face buried in her neck by her right hand and being patted by the soft tail tip.

She thought briefly and said softly, "I have methods to upgrade your cultivation speed, but… It is too early to use them. When I think you three are prepared, I will tell you about them. Don't worry. I won't go away nor disappear."

With the setting Sun on their left and the beautiful Moon on their right, they stayed like that without saying anything, breathing that calming, sweet floral scent and letting themselves be pampered by the dragoness for a while.

After calming their emotions, she loosened her arms and tail and separated. Then she said with a soft voice and a gentle expression. "Because I wanted to advance, we didn't have dinner. Do you want to have dinner together?"

The three of them nodded with red faces. They had just realized what they had done and were all feeling shy. Yasenia smiled, turned around, and went to the kitchen.

While Yasenia was cooking, the three of them were awkwardly looking at each other in the living room. Evelyn broke the silence. "What do you think is that method she spoke about?"

Cecile responded, "Maybe she has a treasure that is too high grade for us to absorb right now?" Angel nodded. The conversation stopped again.

This time Angel spoke softly. "What do you girls think of Yasenia?"

Evelyn began jokingly. "Of course, our voluptuous flower is as beautiful-."

Angel interrupted. "You know what I am talking about, do not dodge the question."

Evelyn stopped and frowned. Cecile was as blunt as ever. "I like her."

Both of them looked at her, but seeing the deadpan expression without a hint of blush, they weren't sure what type of like it was.

It was Evelyn who asked. "What type of like?"

Cecile said, "What do you mean?"

Evelyn said, exasperated. "Do you love her or like her as a friend?"

Cecile looked for a while, then said. "Love? Can two girls fall in love? I've never heard of it." Evelyn was stumped, and so was Angel.

It was Angel who answered, "Of course they can! Why couldn't they? We have two couples between girls in our very class!"

Cecile said with the same deadpan expression. "Oh… I didn't know" Then she thought and said. "Then… Do you love her?"

Evelyn thought for a moment and said. "I don't think I love her. I really like her, and bantering or teasing each other is fun… But I don't think I love her."

Cecile couldn't help but say. "Doesn't your forehead hurt when she flicks you with her tail?"

Evelyn laughed. "It doesn't! She hits me with the soft state tail. Moreover, with the level of our current bodies, the soft tail feels more like someone hitting my forehead with cotton than anything else. To tell you the truth, I think she hurts herself more than me."

After explaining that, both looked at Angel inquiringly, who responded with a blushing face and a whisper. "I-I love…"

Both of them were surprised and were about to ask more when Yasenia appeared with four plates and said with a laugh. "What do you love, little Angel? Care to tell this big sister~."

Angel jumped with a start and said while making gestures nervously. "I l-love y-your food! It is very delicious!"

Yasenia laughed a little more. She put the plates in front of them and sat beside Angel. "What were you talking about?"

Evelyn said. "Of course, about how big are your-."


Cecile and Angel laughed. Then they started chatting about her breakthrough and the events that happened.

At night, when Yasenia came out of the shower, she looked toward the bed and saw a thoughtful Angel.

She went to her side, lifted her up by her butt, and started kissing her. Angel was surprised at first but then hooked her arms around Yasenia's neck and her legs around her waist and started kissing back.

She felt Yasenia's long tongue entering her mouth and savoring everything, licking her gums, tongue, or under the tongue. Angel couldn't help letting out moans.

Yasenia lay on her back while putting Angel on top of her. Their breasts squished against each other, sending pleasure waves to their brains while kissing.

After they stopped, Angel laid on Yasenia like she was used to these days. With Yasenias arms and tail securing her, she only felt bliss.

After thinking about today, Angel spoke softly. "Yasenia…"

Yasenia asked, "What is it, baby?"

Angel continued. "Today, we spoke about how we feel about you and-."

Yasenia silenced her with one finger and said. "If they want to tell me, they will. Since they haven't told me about it, just let them be."

Then, while patting her silky blonde hair she continued. "You only have to tell me if they plan to do something dangerous behind my back. The rest… Let them tell me when they feel ready."

Angel buried herself more deeply in her softness, took a deep breath, and then said sleepily. "Okay…"

Both of them fell asleep shortly after.

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