Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 26. Senior sister and the dragoness.

Another two weeks passed, and Angel and Evelyn advanced a level in their cultivation, reaching the ninth and eighth levels, respectively. Cecile was also on the verge of a breakthrough to the half-step level since she had been stuck in the ninth level for some months already.

Yasenia has started to fight with her classmates from time to time.

With her new cultivation level, awakened bloodline, and [Lingering star steps], only the people in the top five were her opponents.

The only person she hadn't beaten yet, although she was close, was Cecile. She had Ice, wind, and space as her attributes, a strong bloodline, and a high-level earth rank movement technique. Above all of that, she was an archer.

Yasenia was having trouble closing the distance to attack her, and ranged attacks were not effective enough. Position-wise, Yasenia was fifth in the violet class.

Madelaine was surprised about her abrupt rise in cultivation. She asked about it, but Yasenia just said that it was an effect her bloodline brought, so she didn't worry about it anymore.

At that moment, Yasenia was walking to the blacksmithing branch. She wanted to sell some metals she found in one mission she did yesterday.

When she reached the shop, there were some people, so she waited in the queue. 

While waiting, she felt someone stop near her back, looking at her tail. She was a little annoyed and said while turning. "What, you haven't seen a tail before?"

However, once she turned around, she had to look up! You should remember that Yasenia was a 187-centimeter-tall woman, yet the female behind her was taller than her. At a glance, Yasenia guessed that she was 198 cm tall.

She had tan skin and a toned body, but without looking bulky. The muscle mass was just right to look powerful and beautiful. She had a very heroic figure without losing her womanly assets, like a slim waist, nice breasts, and wide hips.

Her entire body seemed to be suited for a war goddess. Middle-length brown hair and light-green eyes adorned her heroic face. Her whole being exuded a charm that even women would have difficulty resisting.

The woman, Andrea, answered with a smile, her voice deep and velvety, resonating with Yasenia's core. "Well, I have seen tails before. But I haven't seen one attached to a beautiful person like you until now."

Yasenia's eyelashes fluttered. 'Such a pleasant voice.'

She raised an eyebrow and smiled teasingly, "Now that you've seen it, what do you think?" Then she swished her tail in front of her, her golden eyes asking for praise.

Andrea was not someone that refrained herself from teasing, so she responded, deepening her smile and looking into her eyes. "How about you let me touch it later? I'm sure I will be able to tell you exactly how much I like it." Yasenia felt her heart skip a beat.

Recovering fast, she laughed aloud, finding this woman attractive and interesting.

Yasenia linked arms with her and pressed Andrea's toned arm between her ample bosom, making Andrea raise her brow. "I don't mind letting you touch it, but you must tell me your name first. I'm Yasenia, an outer disciple of the violet cultivation class."

Andrea chuckled and answered. "I'm Andrea, an inner disciple of the blacksmithing violet class."

Yasenia was surprised and asked, "What class are you in the cultivation branch?"

Andrea and Yasenia followed the queue forwards while talking. "None. Once you make it to the inner disciple level, you will be able to focus either on your profession or cultivation path. Of course, this doesn't mean we don't cultivate. It is just that our cultivation techniques are different. Instead of absorbing the world's energy normally, which we still can, we absorb energy while working. Alchemists do it while creating pills, and blacksmiths while forging. Formation masters are the only ones that still need to cultivate normally."

Yasenia nodded. She already knew this information. What she didn't know was that you could leave the cultivation branch after becoming an inner disciple.

They chatted a bit, Yasenia still hugging Andrea's arm as they walked. Seeing that it was almost her turn, our dragoness released her arm and asked. "How can I keep in touch with you?"

Andrea was surprised, thinking that this attractive woman was just teasing her a bit. Yasenia questioned with a coy smile. "Didn't you want to touch my tail?"

She moved her tail in front of Andrea and continued. "If you tell me how to contact you… I may let you play with it for a while~."

Andrea laughed with her deep and velvety voice and added. "I'm usually at the biggest inner disciple smithy. If you ask for me there, they should guide you to me."

Yasenia nodded, in a good mood. She took out her metals, sold them, and left while caressing Andrea's arm with her soft and smooth tail.

Andrea looked at the girl who left sashaying her hips attractively and thought. 'Maybe this year won't be as monotonous as the others.'

Then she heard. "Next, please!" Andrea woke up from her stupor and stepped forward.

After Yasenia left, she started thinking about her actions again. 'If Andrea were to be male, instead of teasing her, I would have either ignored her or slapped her… Am I too… flirty? If the woman interests me, I really am… It is good that Mom limited me to a maximum of five girls. Moreover, if I hadn't been in a relationship with Mom... I would have probably opened that massaging stall with the extra services….'

In the academy, there wasn't just one class for each color. For example, there were more than one hundred classes for outer red disciples. The only one with that peculiarity was the violet class of each branch and level.

If a disciple wanted to start learning any branches, there were always public classes that only spoke about the basics of each profession. Not only that, they have a lot of tests to see whether you are talented or not.

Yasenia had been trying to learn Alchemy and Formations during these three weeks. Yasenia was utterly useless in alchemy. Even when she memorized the herbs, effects, concoction time, and all those things, she couldn't even create the most basic pill. The cauldron would explode as soon as she used her energy on it.

On the other side, she was somewhat able to learn about Formations. Although she wasn't exceptionally skilled, she wasn't bad. If she were to classify in a class, she could enter the Green Class and maybe the Blue Class if she puts in the necessary effort.

After trying those two professions, Yasenia decided to go to the blacksmith class. She wanted to test herself in the three of them and, if it was worth it, learn one.

However, once inside, Yasenia couldn't help but be surprised.

The person giving the Blacksmithing public class was Andrea. The dragoness had seen inner and core disciples giving these kinds of lessons before, but she couldn't help but marvel at the coincidence.

She smiled at Andrea, who was a little surprised, and waved her hand. Then, she sat in the front row.

After that, the class started.

During the hour and a half of the lesson, many people left midway because they didn't understand anything. Spirit professions were very complicated, and one had to have talent and intelligence to do them.

By the end of the class, only ten people were listening, which was a regular occurrence.

After finishing the class, Andrea packed her stuff and walked toward Yasenia.

Yasenia was frowning a little while looking at the failed product on her table.

She could understand, but, like with alchemy, no matter how she tried, she couldn't even channel the energy correctly toward the tools.

Seeing the frown on Yasenia's face, Andrea laughed a little. "Try to go to the next three classes. Your theoretical understanding is at the same level as the violet class disciples. It's just… The way your energy reacts with these tools is indeed strange."

Yasenia looked up and pouted cutely. "The alchemy and formation teachers said the same, but I couldn't do them even after the few lessons I received. I don't understand why the tools react so strangely to my energy…."

Even her tail was throwing a tantrum, hitting the floor repeatedly. Andrea thought that she was too cute.

The tall woman patted her head and said with amusement. "Okay, okay, the floor isn't guilty, so stop slapping it with your tail. Have you also tried the other two branches? How were you in your formation classes? That's the profession with the least number of different tools."

Yasenia said, "I was decent. Even without real training, I could enter the blue class if I put in the effort and climbed. However, I still have problems with the tools, which makes my ability too limited to be worth spending time into."

Both of them walked together outside and around the area, attracting the attention of the other students.

They were whispering while looking at our two girls.

"Wow! They fit so well with each other. Are they a couple?"

"The girl with the tail sure is beautiful. That heroic woman fits her perfectly!"

"If they truly are a couple, they are like a match made in heaven."

"Right? I can't help but imagine them hugging and kissing each other, kya!"

Yasenia looked around, puzzled. "Do we truly fit each other?"

Andrea laughed and put one arm over Yasenia's shoulder. "They are all saying it, then we should."

Then she raised an eyebrow and looked down. "What should we do, beautiful? Should we start a relationship?"

Yasenia looked up, and seeing those beautiful light green eyes staring at her with a smile, she couldn't help but seriously think about it. "Are you teasing me? Or asking me honestly?"

Andrea didn't think that she would answer that way. She looked back at the beautiful golden slit eyes, confused. However, she couldn't help but be tempted to push her luck. Yasenia's soft body under her arm, pleasant scent, beautiful face, and womanly charms were indeed too attractive.

The tail behind her only gave her more charm.

She had those seductive curves and that pleasant personality. She could tell they would become close even if they had just met. What she didn't think about was how close they could be…

Receiving no answer, Yasenia said with a little simile. "If you are serious… Then I will have to tell you things about myself. I don't know what you are searching for in your future partner… What I will give all of my future partners, regardless of anything else, is trust and honesty."

She separated from Andrea, and while looking at her light-green eyes, she said. "If you want to hear about it… Come to the mountain tomorrow after classes finish." Then she turned and left.

Andrea stood still, watching that enchanting back disappear.

She didn't know what to do.

At first, she was just teasing her. She didn't expect…

Andrea sighed, then turned and strolled towards her quarters, her mind wandering and continuously thinking about the dragoness.

Many women and men have confessed to her during her years in the academy. She was currently thirty-two years old. Her current cultivation was at the sixth level of the Mental nourishing realm, a whole realm above Yasenia.

At first, she wanted to try being with someone. When one cute girl confessed to Andrea, she agreed. However, when she told her secret to that girl… That girl looked at her horrified and left. That situation broke Andrea's heart.

Fearing the girl from leaking her secret, she agreed to forge something for her for free if she gathered the necessary materials. They both swore to the heavens, and the oath was completed.

Some months later, she tried again, but this time, using the oaths more intelligently.

She tried starting a relationship with people who confessed their interest to her and whom she found interesting. However, neither men nor women wanted to be in a relationship with her.

She gave up starting a relationship and has already been alone for a few years.

Once, Andrea wanted to try having sexual relationships, so she occasionally went to brothels and the like. The women she met there were not judging, and she could find a fake comfort in those interactions.

But that is all the experience she had in the relationship aspect.

That is why she was very unwilling to go to the mountain tomorrow.

She liked Yasenia. She wouldn't even mind starting a relationship with her and getting to know each other. However, she was already afraid of confessing to someone or getting confessed to by someone.

'What should I do.' Andrea looked at the clear sky and sighed.

After thinking for a while, she decided to try one last time.

If even someone like Yasenia, who seemed very open-minded, couldn't accept her, Andrea decided to give up. She would focus on the cultivation road and wait and see what the future awaits her. 'One last time, Andrea, even if you are a little afraid, just go and try one more time.'

On the other side, Yasenia reached the house and, to respect Andrea, she didn't want to do anything with Angel this night. Therefore, they were lying on the bed, hugging each other, when Yasenia said. "Baby, tomorrow I will go to the back of the mountain. I'm meeting a woman, and maybe I will start a relationship with her."

Angel was surprised, she knew this day would eventually come, but it felt too sudden.

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine Yasenia with an unknown woman kissing. Then, she felt a slight pain in her heart. She didn't like this feeling.

Yasenia, who was highly attentive right then, saw the change in her expression.

She hugged her little Angel tightly and coaxed. "Angel, I know that it is unfair, extremely so. That is why I waited and never did the last step with you. I told you at the beginning I would be as clear as water to you."

Yasenia, although extremely unwilling, continued her sentence. "If… You want to… Stop this relationship. You are still on time."

What will happen!? Little Angel, Yasenia loves you a ton, don't get discouraged and say something stupid!
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