[̷̞̇Ḧ̶̖ê̸̯l̴̼̒p̶͖̊ ̷̣̑m̷̯̄e̴͎͌]̵̤̽ (This is ARG/Meta-narrative/Satire)

The Demon Queen Has a Human General?! Master Makes Her Become Good!

I noticed the newest chapters aren’t really getting any comments :( :(. If you’re reading and enjoying please comment!!! Otherwise I might have to stop writing this if i get sad… also someone else told me i was “spamming” too much so i guess i’ll start only posting one chapter a day? Im sowwy if i annoyed anyone uwu 


The next floor had a sey human lady there, sitting on a fancy chair! She was a big strong lady with  big boobies and a cool, fancy, shiny, elbarote suit of armor. I bet it was magic, too! And she had a big sword!!


Unlike the others, master did not attack her right away. 


“Hello, follow child of MAn,” he called out.


“THe woman looked at him, a sneer taking over her beautiful face. I hope she wasn’t so beautiful that master would fall for her! Haha, not really. Master would never have any girl when he already had me, right? 


She spoke ina an elegant, noble-sounding voice that aw as a little husky. “Greetings, fated hero. You have done well to make it this far, but I am afraid I can allow you to pasds no further.”


“That is a shame indeed,” myaster said, his eyes roaming over her scantily clad, armored, curvy body. “I had hoped, the two of us sharing a common race, that we could settle this like civilied people.”


The women stood, drawing her huge sword. “I[m afraid not, hero. You will meet your doom here. I cannot allow you to attack my liege.”


As the two of them started sword fighting, master also asked her questions.


“Why are you so loyal to this wicked sorceress, ruler of monsters? Have your loyalties swung so far that you would attack kingdoms of your won kind?”


The woman sneered. “My kind? Ha! I shared scarcely anything with the people of the human kingdoms. They would subjugate the other racds of the world to fit their own ends, and call it civilizqtaion. It is th e demon queen that brings true freedom and equality.”


[Oh god it hurts]


“Equality in death, perhaps,” master parried. Literally, too! He literally paried, is what I’m saying. Hhaha.


The women grunted as she thrust her sword at him. GHe dodgedasideat the last second and her sword became stuck in the wall. Then he waved his hand over her and some kind of SPIRIT^ energy flowers out of him.


Suddenly, the woman stood up again, bu with the fire gone from her eyes. She stood upright, robotically, and intoned “how may i serve you, master?” ina monotone.


Wow! How did master do that? Was he just so handsome and charming that she changed her mind?


Master motioned to both me and the lady. “Woman, where is the Orb of AIR@”


It is held by the last and greatest of the generals, the great  fairy Laenia” the woman said blankly.


“You two, mindless women, follow me,” he sid. We both followed him as he went up the steep stone staircase to the next floor. Hooray, I had gained a new friend! ...I just hoped she wouldn’t be a rival for master’s affections!

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