[̷̞̇Ḧ̶̖ê̸̯l̴̼̒p̶͖̊ ̷̣̑m̷̯̄e̴͎͌]̵̤̽ (This is ARG/Meta-narrative/Satire)

We Fight a Giant Liloi? Master Is So Cool!

Sorry these chapters are all so short! But I thinkwere’ almost to the epic fight with the demon queen!! Emma still hasn’t been responding to any of my message T_T ;_; Emma, I’m sowwy I accidentally called you Ella earlier! Are you mad at me for that? Pwease don’t be mad at me. Pweaseeeeese 🥺. I’ll be a good girl from now on, I pwomise.


The next floor had a Liloi, but giant! He looked like a giant version of a porcelain baby doll, and he had a huge stone rattle that he tried to hit us with!


Master skillfully doged back and forth, while I humg back. Master used WIND@ arts to help him evade! Cool! 


Eventually, master hit the Liloi with a blast of EARTH&, WATER~, and AIR@ and the guy rusted, frozen in place. Even though it looked like porcelain, it was metal! Good job, master!


Master strode over to the Liloi and used his own rattle to smash the body open. It was hollow inside, and there was an orb! Yay!


Master examined the orb closely, a serious and solemn expression on his handsome, drawn face with fine, aristocratic features. “This is likely the Orb of METAL=,” he intoned in a solemnly,m dreary, charismatic, compelling, stoic voice that was full of intelligence. “With this achieved, we have obtained all but the final orb.”


“Which orb is that master” I inquired, staring at him with cute, big, shiny pleading catgirl eyes full of question.


“That is the Orb of AIR@, girl. We obtained the orbs of WOOD| and EARTH& from the capital of Lilitia, the orb of SPIRIT^ from the tower of beats, the orb of FIRE” fromthe desert wastes, the orb of WATER~ from the fortress of frost, and just now we hve obtained the orb of METAL= from this Liloi demon general.”


I immediately forgot all of that, except that we had one orb left! Cool! We were so close! I felt happy, but also sad. Is that a thing that culod happen? Feeling two emotions at once? Weird!




Master turned, pinning me against the wall with his sharp, intellectual, charismatic, solemn gaze, and als his arms and hands. 


“I fear I’m am becoming distracted by the… unfortunate needs of this body, Help me out, girl.”


Then master had his way with me! I was so happy! He even ate the little bit of cheese that was still in my naughty parts! And I finally got to drink his milk! It was so yummy! I was a good girl!


I turned to realized that, while I was distracted matser wasd already asfending the staircase to the nex5t efloor, having already puit the new orb in his magic bag. Oh no, master, wait for me!

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