He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 100: The Sweetness Needed After Bitterness

Xiao Yun seemed to be very satisfied by Qu Mei Xing who was already unable to speak or think anymore.

A crazed vixen, that's a better fitting name for Qu Mei Xing now. 

Xiao Yun stood up clap her hand to dust off her palm and continue to speak as she walked next to Wang Li Lei.

"Do you know? Sometimes fear is frightening than death, Qu Mei Xing." Xiao Yun giggled.

The people in the room except Wang Li Lei gulped.

They could feel shivers running down through their marrow, raising all the hair on their body from Xiao Yun's words.

Xiao Yun didn't want to end Qu Mei Xing's hand by her hand because she thought "the vixen" as dirty and because she wanted to show her something far scarier than death. 

Wang Li Lei stayed quiet and caressed her head gently as Xiao Yun stopped in front of him, trying to comfort her from the emotions that he couldn't grasp. 

Xiao Yun smiled warmly from the gentle patting on her head that felt like praise and subconsciously gave a tired yawn. 

"Are you tired?" Wang Li Lei asked with a gentle tone. 

"Mn... I am..." Xiao Yun answered while wiping the tears that formed on her eyes because of her yawning. 

Wang Li Lei gave a slight thought from her words. "..."

While gazing to Xiao Yun's face, he gently put his hand firmly on Xiao Yun's waist and wrapped the other one under her knees before lifting her up carefully. 

Seeing her view suddenly shifted to the roof, Xiao Yun's twinkling black eyes widened. "Eh...? Er..." Xiao Yun looked down at her surroundings and the perplexed expression written all over Wang Li Lei's black guards.

It was the first time for them to ever see such a world-shattering scene.

The robotic Wang Li Lei who has never shown an ounce of feeling carried a woman in a princess style and spoke in a very gentle tone!!!

How could that be...?

Are they still sane? 

Is the scene in front of them are hallucination?

The black guards except for Jang Hyun all rubbed their eyes in a hurry. But soon they realized even if they rubbed their eyes for eternity, the scene in front of them isn't a hallucination but reality!

"Don't speak, you can rest now." Wang Li Lei spoke with a tender, lingering voice while carrying Xiao Yun on his sturdy arm lightly, like a feather. 

"Ah... Er... Mn... Okay..." Xiao Yun's face blushed all the way to her fingertips as she answered Wang Li Lei's words with a slight stutter. Her loud heartbeat was enough to knock all her senses. 

Leaning to Wang Li Lei's bosom, a warm scent of sandalwood waft to her nose, relaxing all her feelings and the mixed emotions she had a few moments ago. 

Xiao Yun snuggled deep to his arm and heard the loud heartbeat that seemed to race madly. While softly patting to her chest she tried to calm down her heart.  'My heart, quiet down... Li Lei is this close, he could hear my heartbeat...'

However, something was different from the loud heartbeat that sounded on her ears. 

Although it beats as hard as her heart, the heartbeat sounded from her left ear... 

The sounds of the pit-a-pat heartbeat weren't hers but rather Wang Li Lei's!

'So this is what his heart sounded when he's with me?' Xiao Yun giggled in her heart and leaned deeper into the calming sound of his heartbeats. 

Silently, Wang Li Lei gazed at the adorable Xiao Yun on his hand with a faint gentle smile. 

Trying to think something in order to sidetrack her embarrassment, Xiao Yun look toward Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan who was still inside the abandoned factory and spoke. "Li Lei, can I ask you a favor?"

Wang Li Lei nodded. "Mn."

"Those two, they really helped me today, so I want to hire them to work with me, could I?" Knowing Wang Li Lei's adorable jealousy mode, Xiao Yun asked for Wang Li Lei's permission like a wife and a husband. 

Wang Li Lei paused his legs. "Work?"

"Mn! Be my bodyguard or right-hand man...?" Xiao Yun explained with a somewhat questioning tone at the end. 

Wang Li Lei cast a sideways glance toward Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan before nodding to gave his permission. 

Xiao Yun smiled brightly. "Thank you! Ah- then, can I ask you to arrange them a place for the moment and... save Hi Gu Yan's alley that is kept as a hostage by Mr. Wu?" 

Wang Li Lei nodded and ordered Jang Hyun behind him with a glance. Immediately, Jang Hyun nodded and make a phone call. 

"Ah-! Also..." Xiao Yun's eyes rolled to the side for a moment as she continued. "Please prepare them a large amount of food..." 

Xiao Yun could almost hear the harsh, loud growl from Tian Yi's stomach again and laughed. 

Wang Li Lei originally thought to arrange or come up with an idea to lighten Xiao Yun's mood, but after seeing her laughing, it seemed his worry was needless. 

After a moment, as if she remembered something, Xiao Yun pursed her lips and hesitantly asked with downcasted eyes.

"Li Lei... about just now... Do you find what I did to that vix-... Qu Mei Xing was perplexing?"

Although before she acted as if she didn't care about what Qu Mei Xing said, as a woman, she wanted to appear the best in front of the person she loves and truth to be told, she did look frightening a moment ago...

Wang Li Lei shook his head with a glint of apologetic eyes. "No. This was my fault, I'm sorry, I should have never let them kidnapped you."

Seeing Wang Li Lei's sorry face, Xiao Yun's heart tightened in pain. She couldn't bear to see Wang Li Lei holding such a sad glint on his eyes.

Xiao Yun shook her head moved forward with all her might and landed her red lips to Wang Li Lei's porcelain cheek to cheer him up. 

"No, nothing was ever your fault, thank you for helping me."

For a moment, Wang Li Lei who was kissed by her had his widened eyes fixed on her with a surprised expression.

Xiao Yun smiled and snuggled deeper to his chest. "Don't look at me too much... I'm also embarrassed." 

Wang Li Lei gave a soft chuckle. "Mn."

Although he said a positive "Mn" Meaning "Yes", Wang Li Lei had zero intentions to shift his eyes away from Xiao Yun. 

Xiao Yun peeked up from his chest and met his sharp black eyes for a moment. Pouting in an adorable way, Xiao Yun flushed fingertips covered the small gap between her face and mumbled. 

"I told you to look away..."

"Mn." Wang Li Lei once again gave an affirmative "Mn."

Xiao Yun once again peeked up with her rabbit eyes and complaint softly. "B...But you are not looking away..."


Xiao Yun's eyes spied on his eyes that were still attached to her face and grumbled in her heart. 'Geez! Your eyes are still stuck on me!'

Xiao Yun." Wang Li Lei called her name. 

Xiao Yun looked up with a still blushed cheeks. "Yes?"

"Let's go home." Wang Li Lei answered. 

"Mn." Just by three words from Wang Li Lei, everything that once became a burden to her heart disappeared.

The gentle fragrance that envelope Xiao Yun eases her senses and gave a reassuring air. 

Feeling the drowsiness on top of her eyelids, Xiao Yun rubbed her eyes and yawned. 

Noticing Xiao Yun's tired yawn, Wang Li Lei spoke. "Xiao Yun, you can sleep if you want."

Xiao Yun nodded and nuzzled warmly to her sleep. 

Sleeping while beeing carried by Wang Li Lei's hand, Xiao Yun thought that perhaps today isn't such an unlucky day as she had thought at first. 

Wang Li Lei stopped in front of the black car and immediately Jang Hyun who followed him from behind quickly helped him to open the car door.

Carefully, in order not to wake up Xiao Yun from her dreamland, Wang Li Lei put down Xiao Yun inside the car and caresses her head. 

"I promise this will never happen again." Wang Li Lei spoke as if he was declaring a vow.

Wang Li Lei glanced toward Jang Hyun and called him who was 10 steps back. "Hyun."

Jang Hyun stepped forward. "Bring the blanket and someone to guard Xiao Yun here."

"Yes, master." Jang Hyun accepted his order and brought a pastel-colored blanket. 

After softly covering Xiao Yun with the blanket, Wang Li Lei closed the car door and walked back to the abandoned factory. 

Inside the factory, Wang Li Lei's face darkens. One of the people from the black guards walked behind him and placed a chair for him. 

Wang Li Lei silently sat, crossed his long legs and swept his eyes over the group of assassins and Qu Mei Xing who was unable to speak anything out of fear and asked Jang Hyun. "Where are they?"

Jang Hyun answered. "Mr. Wu and Mr. Qu have just arrived."

"Bring them in." Wang Li Lei ordered. 

"Right away, master." Jang Hyun raised his hand and cue the other subordinates to gather them in.

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