He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 101: Three Fingers On Each Hand

Following Jang Hyun's cue, Wang Li Lei's subordinates dragged Mr. Wu and Mr. Qu whose face had been beaten black and blue beforehand.

Mr. Wu glared at Mr. Qu and screamed. "You f*cking b*stard!! You dared to tell me to kill Wang Li Lei's fiancee?!"

Mr. Qu with his haughty pride shouted back. "It is your own f*cking fault for being lustful, idiot!"

Mr. Wu struggled his itching hand that wanted to beat Mr. Qu in anger, but the man behind him had firmly taken hold to his arm that he was unable to do anything.

The subordinate who was irritated by their bickering harshly hit their head and brought them back from their anger to fear. "Silence! Our master is here!"

Hearing the word "Master" from Wang Li Lei's subordinate, the two instantly grew silent as if a cat got their tongue.

Their body subconsciously trembles from the cold aura that nearly froze the room. Even though they were right in front of Wang Li Lei, they couldn't muster any courage to lift their heads toward

Wang Li Lei cast a cruel glare as Mr. Wu and Mr. Qu was placed in a group along with Qu Mei Xing and the assassins.

Jang Hyun stepped forward beside Wang Li Lei. "Master, what should we do?"

Wang Li Lei tapped his finger on top of his lap and ponder for a moment before giving an answer.

"Cut three fingers each of their hand if they let out any voices, pull their teeth. "

Mr. Wu gulped with his pupils dilating from surprise. -'Three fingers on each hand...? does that mean... 6 of them each person...? Without anesthetic? And if we let out a voice, pull the teeth??!! This man... he is... a demon!!!'

Immediately, Mr. Wu walked toward Wang Li Lei to plead on his knees. Cold sweat drenched his face. Unable to clasp his hand into a pleading form, Mr. Wu detruded his forehead to the ground and begged fearfully.

"Lord Wang, P-Please forgive m...me!! T-This... I didn't know that girl is your fiance... P-Please, forgive me... That man... Mr. Qu was the one who forced me into this... I didn't know... Please spare my life..."

Wang Li Lei's eyes shifted straight to Mr. Wu's eyes as he answered. "That's your mistake."

Mr. Qu who understood the outcome from begging after he took a glance at her daughter whose mental state now had been in a brink of deranged and bit down his tongue to stop his fear from paralyzing his body before shouting.

"You!! Wang Li Lei!! Do you think by doing this, no one would know what you did??!! Are you not afraid of being captured by the police!!! Your fiancee, sooner or later if she stays by your side she would eventually d-"

Foolishly, Mr. Qu mentioned Xiao Yun and even dared to curse her to death.


Wang Li Lei shot his arm without pulling a single muscle from his face.

As if Wang Li Lei was swallowed by something else, his beautiful face turned blood-curdling, sending fear down to their blood cells. 

Wang Li Lei stood up in front of the big-mouthed Mr. Qu who dug his grave by mentioning Xiao Yun and pulled his trigger once again.

An icy, dagger-like aura sharply puncture their bones. 

As if they were kneeling into a monstrous being, like a predator and prey, the shadow looming in front of them were dreadful and horrifying. 

Wang Li Lei fixed his hand on the gun and continue to shot the unguarded Mr. Qu madly. 

Agonizing screamings fill the abandoned factory. 

Wang Li Lei who had not said anything from a few minutes ago finally spoke. 

"It was my mistake to let you go easily. But did you think that I let you go that easy only because I am afraid? It was because the woman that is your daughter 'was' my beloved's friend. Qu Zu Hen, mark my word. Even if you left the world today, not even a soul would know your death. "

Qu Mei Xing who saw the sight of her father grinding his teeth in pain and blood flowing from all over his limbs jumped in fear. 

Her mind had nearly broken from Xiao Yun's threatening, but now, after witnessing her own father powerlessly shot by Wang Li Lei, she screamed crazily as if she had just met a God of death wanting to reap her soul. 

Mr. Wu could only weakly flinched back in fear while trying to escape from the horrifying scene. 

But his movements were soon stopped by Hi Gu Yan who hadn't left the abandoned building to witness Wu Shuen's last pathetic end. 

Recognizing Hi Gu Yan's face between his red eyes glazed by tears, Mr. Wu altered his pleading to Hi Gu Yan. 

"H-H-H-H-HI....G- GU... Hi Gu Ya- Yan!!! Save me!! I will give you everything!! doubled the amount that the young lady give you...!! "

Hi Gu Yan shrugged his shoulder disinterestedly. 

Mr. Wu grew more frenzied from Hi Gu Yan's detached expression and shouted until his voice broke sharply. "N- No!!! Just tell me what you want!! Money? Land? Gold? Diamond? Or women...? Tell me!!! W- What...Whatever it is I promise I will give you everything- Just save me from that man!!! "

Hi Gu Yan lifted his brow from Wu Shuen's words and gave a hooked face to his proposal. "Everything...?"

Jang Hyun from behind gave a cold glare toward Hi Gu Yan and pulled his gun from the side, equipping his hand to attack Hi Gu Yan if he crossed the line.

Wang Li Lei raised his hand and stopped Jang Hyun and sat back to his chair before watching the scene before him.

Mr. Wu nodded tremendously. "Yes!! Yes!! What is it...? Tell me, quick!!"

Hi Gu Yan laughed and answered between his waves of laughter. 

"-Your life."

Wang Li Lei raised his hand and gave an order to his subordinate to execute his first order and stood up to leave the abandoned building. 

"No!!! H- Hi Gu Yan!!! Help!!! Mr. Wang!! Please spare me!!... No!! Don't!!!" 

"No!!! Help!!! Mr. Wang!!! I apologize!! No HELP!! HELP!!!!"

The voices echoed through the ink sky and colored the end of the day with agonizing screamings. 


Wang Li Lei felt a bit lightened after venting his anger and walked back at the car. 

If previously he walked for 17 minutes to the car with Xiao Yun's on his arm, now it took him less than 5 minutes to walk back to the car. 

As he arrived, Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan followed from the back with the word 'Hesitant' and 'Fear' written all over their face. 

Wang Li Lei cast a sideways glance and asked. "What do you want?"

Hi Gu Yan jolted from his eyes and answered with a lower voice politely. "Er... That- the little miss asked us to work under her..."

Tian Yi also nodded like a chick. 

Wang Li Lei thought for a moment while staring them. 

"Jang Hyun." Wang Li Lei ordered Jang Hyun before entering the car. 

Immediately, Jang Hyun nodded and spoke on behalf of his master. "May I know your name?"

"Tian Yi." 

"Hi Gu Yan."

The two answered. 

"Mr. Tian and Mr. Hi, I will assign a place for you two until we receive young lady Yu's order. Please enter that car."

"Wait." Hi Gu Yan halted. "I still have something to do. My allies are still held up by Wu Shuen's lackeys. "

Jang Hyun nodded. "If it is about that, Mr. Hi, I have received the story beforehand from the young lady, I will provide you with help and location."

Hi Gu Yan's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?!"

He knew that Xiao Yun promised to help his allies too, but she didn't expect her to quickly take action right after she was saved. His heart filled with respect toward Xiao Yun. 

"Then, Mr. Tian, you can go first to the-"


Jang Hyun, "..."

"Er... Can you give me food first...? I'm dying of hunger..." Tian Yi replied with a pitiful dog-eyes while holding unto his churning stomach. 

Jang Hyun covered his mouth and turned back to laugh. After finishing his laughter, Jang Hyun cleared his throat and put on his stern face once again. 

"Yes, the young lady has told me that as well, the food will arrive after a few minutes more, please wait for a moment."

Tian Yi's sharp dog tail swayed left and right in excitement, waiting for the well-deserved food to arrive like a dog waiting for a treat. 


At the same time inside the car, Wang Li Lei ordered Mr. Shuan to drive them back to Yu's family residence in Pearl Residences. 

The black car stopped in front of the white large residence. Wang Li Lei smoothly removed the blanket on top of Xiao Yun before moving her head gently from his lap and move his other hand to the waist. 

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