He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 96: A Game Of Guessing

On the other hand, while Qu Mei Xing was happy, Mr. Qu who heard her idea frowned harshly and ruffled the phone with his hand for a moment.

"Isn't it enough for Mr. Wu to kill that woman? If Wang Li Lei found out- There would be more consequences!" -'If we do anything more and our plan failed, our whole life would end!'

Qu Mei Xing spoke with an almost shouting-like voice. "More consequences? Dad, we have gone into this too far, what's wrong with doing something more? If Wang Li Lei saw her face being cut countlessly without a single trace of her previous face, even a man like him would become crazy!!"

Mr. Qu thought for a moment. 'That's true...'.

"All right, do what you want!" Mr. Qu gave his permission.

Qu Mei Xing happily stood up and chillingly smile.

"Enjoy your last day, Xiao Yun!!!" 


As soon as Mr. Wu ended his call with Qu Mei Xing, he made another call with the rough-looking man. 

Xiao Yun who was trying to eavesdrop their conversation couldn't hear the least of their conversation and sighed. 

The rough-looking man looked at his phone before clicking his tongue. "Hello, Mr. Wu?"

Mr. Wu, "Where are you now?"

The rough-looking man glanced at the back before answering. "We are about to cross the South's tunnel."

Mr. Wu replied haughtily to the rough-looking man. " Good. Hi Gu Yuan, there will be someone who would come to see the target before you kill her, stop somewhere before you kill her." 

Hi Gu Yuan frowned and answered annoyedly. " I understand."

Mr. Wu could notice his tone but brushed it off lightly. "Protect her. If anything happens to her, your allies will meet the same fate!" 

"F*ck! That f*cking Wu-dog!" Hi Gu Yuan angrily end the call and throw his phone. The subordinate beside him flinched from his anger meekly. 

'Mr. Wu...? Where have I heard that name before...?' Xiao Yun thread her memories. 

Mr. Wu...

Wu... Wu Shuen?!

'The person who ordered these men to kill me is that man?! Wu Shuen?!'

There was once when she overheard Wu Shuen's name from Wang Li Lei's subordinates. 

Wu Shuen was one of the famous mafias who lends his hand to some businessman in order to eliminate their targets. The businessmen who made a contract with him would usually ask him to eliminate their rival. 

And most of Wu Shuen's client demand for "Clean assassination" without a trace. Meaning, these people were sent to kill me without leaving a single trace. 

Xiao Yun looked toward the black window that she blinded her view of their direction and murmured.

'Without a single trace...'

It would either means they would try to burn my corpse or throwing it off to the sea...

Burning takes a lot of time and a very high temperature, so perhaps they want to drown me...? 

That means... Their destination now is to the nearest port.

Speaking about the nearest port, wasn't there a very famous port near the city that said to hold countless corpses under the sea...? What was the name again...?

"Shui Port." Tian Yi murmur.

-'Yes... Shui Por-' Realized what Tian Yi said, Xiao Yun, flinched from his answer and turned her face abruptly. 'This man... Can he really read my mind...? From a moment ago he kept on guessing my thoughts...'

"Pssst-! Da-Jie... I think, now we are going to be killed and they would throw our body to the sea!! I guessed their destination now is to the Shui Port." Tian Yi continued. 

Xiao Yun's lips twitched. 'Tian Yi... Do you know that if you speak blatantly that way toward a "normal" young girl, she would faint...?'

Xiao Yun nodded to show her understanding. 

Tian Yi further answered. "You know, Da-Jie. I have a piece of good news."

-'A piece of good news...?' 

Tian Yi continued. "I have the key to our handcuff now. I took it while they were shoving us to the car-"

-'WHAT???!!!! You're amazing!!' 

Xiao Yun was about to kowtow in front of him and praise his nimble hand!! 

"-Here is the key. Hold for a while and use it later when we see some opening between them." Tian Yi passed the key to Xiao Yun's palm secretly.

Xiao Yun took the key and shove it up to her cuff. 

Suddenly, a deafening voice roared from the person who drove the car. "You two what are you discussing??!!'

Xiao Yun shrugged her shoulder and raised her chin pointing to her tightly taped mouth. On the other hand, Tian Yi gave a pitiful look and replied meekly. "Da-Ge... How could we possibly talk to each other when my lady's mouth is taped... You are for sure mistaken."

The man thought for a moment and humped. "If you dare to do anything funny, I'm warning you, your lives would end."

Tian Yi and Xiao Yun nodded obediently.

Silently, back to her thoughts, Xiao Yun resumed her observation. 

'Anyway, how long has it been since I was kidnapped? 13...? Or perhaps 16 minutes? Although I can't hear anything from their conversation, he did say that we are about to cross South's tunnel. So our prediction is right. He's going to kill us and throw our body to the sea...'

Another few minutes passed and when Xiao Yun knew it, the SUV trunk arrived at the Shui Port. They entered the port and passed a few large containers and stopped suddenly.

"You take the girl, I take the other one. "The rough-looking man ordered his subordinate.

Following his order, the subordinate walk down the car and opened the other door before forcefully dragged Xiao Yun outside. 

Before Xiao Yun's eyes, an old abandoned factory inside the port. The large building that looked both very eerie with a plank written with "Demolition" in front of the door. 

As they opened the door, a gust of wind blew coldly over her face. 

Seeing the dimmed large factory with nothing but leftover desks and couches, a sarcastic smile paint Xiao Yun's face. 

'It seems I'm not going to be killed that easily...'

The subordinates pull two foldable chairs and placed them back to back before placing both of them to the chair forcibly. 

Xiao Yun sat behind Tian Yi while observing the people in black with guns on each of them. 

'As expected... They didn't kill me first on that street because they do not want any evidence or witnesses...'

One of the subordinates whispered to Hi Gu Yuan and walked in front of Xiao Yun. Roughly, he snatched the tape on Xiao Yun's mouth, leaving a red mark on her cheeks. 

"Geez, can you do it more gently? That hurts!" Xiao Yun complained. She forgot that her mouth now could speak and reflexively blurt out her inner thoughts. 

Hi Gu Yuan glanced toward Xiao Yun and gave a laugh. He pulled the chair in front of him and sat in a rough manner. "Hey- young lady. How can you be so fearless? Are you not afraid that we could kill you at any time by now."

"Will getting scared of you and your people or perhaps shaking in fear would solve anything? If I'm going to die I wouldn't let my pride fall. And I've experienced something far frightening than being kidnapped any way-" Xiao Yun replied.

Hi Gu Yuan looked at her surprised by her thoughts. "That's quite interesting. I've never met someone as interesting as you."

"Should I be happy with your praise?" Xiao Yun retorted fearlessly. 

"I think you should. But I wonder just what did you do that could make Mr. Wu send all these people to kill you? He even sent the best crew only to eliminate you."

"Bos-" The subordinate cut between his words, wanting to warn him not to tell any unnecessary things toward the target. 

"Quiet! What's wrong with me talking? Could any of you do any talking with me? That f*cking old man switching all my allies with some garbage-" Hi Gu Yuan exclaimed. 

"That-" Meekly, the subordinate walk a few steps back. 

Seeing his subordinates unable to retort back to his words, Hi Gu Yuan scoffed."Then shut up and move back. It's getting interesting-"

"Hm- Let's see, I also do not know why the renowned Mr. Wu Shuen would go to such a length only to kill me. Could you fill in the blanks in my mind?" A cold glint passed through Xiao Yun's obsidian eyes. 

"How do you know his name?" Hi Gu Yuan asked in awe.

Xiao Yun shrugged her shoulder. "I told you that I'm someone very important." -'Well, to Li Lei that is.'

Hi Gu Yuan frowned in displeasure and mumbled. "That f*cking old man- so he's lying to me?" 

"What?- Was he the one who told you that my name is Hong Wu Ran?" Xiao Yun further pushed his doubt to the edges.

Hi Gu Yuan glanced at her and hold his cold gun before re-asking. "So that wasn't really your name little miss?"

"It is not. How much longer do I have to tell you that?" Xiao Yun looked straight toward his eyes, showing nothing but the truth.

Tian Yi quietly heard Xiao Yun's provocation in admiration, she was able to add fuel and made Wu Shuen's subordinate to doubt himself!

Da-Jie, you really deserve praise!!

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