He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 97: I Will Make You Prettier

Hi Gu Yuan couldn't see any lies from Xiao Yun's eyes, and her objective words have no flaw that his doubt grew bigger from her persuasive words. 

He clicked his tongue and tapped the holder of his gun in irritation. "Tch!"

If everything goes according to Xiao Yun's words, that meant Mr. Wu has breached his policy of not poking into anything deeper into the mafias.

That meant he has betrayed him and planned to make him a scapegoat.

Of course, Xiao Yun knew that actually perhaps even Mr. Wu himself doesn't even know who he's messing with. And took advantage of this and played according to her script to destroy his trust with Mr. Wu.

Xiao Yun gave a clever smile when she saw the doubt in Hi Gu Yuan's eyes and continued. "What are you still doubting yourself? Hey, Mr. Musclehead, what your purpose in helping Mr. Wu? Money-?" Xiao Yun glanced at his appearance blatantly and further commented.

"Let's see. Your appearance doesn't seem like you are lacking money. No ring on your left hand, also no mark after wearing a ring. And, you don't seem to be the type to tangle yourself into a relationship. Perhaps- you have always thought relationship as bothersome? Ah! Perhaps your policy goes something along the line of 'Don't do anything bothersome'?-"

Hi Gu Yuan's finger flinched from the words that come from Xiao Yun's mouth. Like the sharp arrow of truths, one by one Xiao Yun's prediction hit his heart.

Xiao Yun further probe."-Let me guess. You are very loyal and that is why you complained a lot with your new subordinates- it's because you are worried about your previous allies, don't you? Hm... To make a person like you to loyally follow Wu Shuen- a mafia without a heart... "

Xiao Yun paused and continued with a deep smile. "Is it possible that he either save your life or someone dear to you and you're doing this in order to repay him? And when you said that you want to be out of this, he threatened you and also switched your allies....? Am I wrong?"

"Young miss, what are- no... Who are you?" Hi Gu Yuan changed his speech.

Everything that Xiao Yun said was as exactly as his situation at the moment.

A few years ago, Wu Shuen saved him and his allies' life and that was the reason for him to repay gratitude. However, he has many dispute against Wu Shuen.

First, Hi Gu Yuan doesn't and would never kill children or women and that has always been in his first rule. Second, he never wanted any tie to the underworld mafia of China, because he knew how exactly the Chinese mafia work and how ruthless they are.

Hi Gu Yuan had warned Wu Shuen these rules, however, Wu Shuen who was already blinded by lust and fame could never agree to this. And when Hi Gu Yuan said he wanted to wash his hand out of it, Wu Shuen couldn't accept it and threatened his allies' life.

To top it all, Mr. Wu dared to order him to kill a young girl for his lust and that was what snapped his thin line of patience.

Xiao Yun replied steadily. "An aspiring businesswoman. Let say that I'm very good at reading people." -'After my past life experience, that is-'

Sensing something between Xiao Yun's words, Hi Gu Yuan questioned. "Little Miss, what do you want?"

Xiao Yun gave a satisfied smile, finally putting her final piece to the chest, she answered. "Good that you are quick to uptake! Let's see... Do you have an attachment to your new subordinates? "

Hi Gu Yuan shook his head firmly. "No, I don't."

Xiao Yun nodded. "That's good. Then, from now on will you work for me? I could see that you are very tame, calm, and can use your brain very well. Ah-! Also, you are very good at creating a plan!"

Hi Gu Yuan's eyes twitched from Xiao Yun's predictions. "Creating a plan?"

Xiao Yun lifted her brow and continued. "Wasn't it's you the one who gave formation to your subordinates and also the one who planned to ambush me?"

Hi Gu Yuan chuckled. "Yes, you are right. But, Young lady, are you not afraid that I will betray you?" The rough-looking man questioned.

"Are you not worried about your allies? I can also save them too. And I know that you will not  betray someone unless they betray you first." Xiao Yun answered.

"Pfft-" Hi Gu Yuan laughed. The girl in front of him spoke without any restraint. Demanding yet firm and somewhat threatening. 

It's as if he wasn't talking to an 18th-year-old-girl, but someone else.

"You are right. Then, I'll take your offer young lady. However, do note that I will not kill women or children. And I do not want to have anything with the Chinese mafias."

"Mn, deal. But I can't believe a person without credibility. " Xiao Yun continued and glanced away.

"What do you need?" Hi Gu Yuan spoke straight to the point.

Xiao Yun gave a smirk and answered. "First, I want to know who are we waiting for."

"Waiting for-?" Hi Gu Yuan was still in awe. He didn't expect such a childish frail-looking girl was able to guess everything based on very little information.

Xiao Yun nudged her brow. "Ah~ Do you want me to explain again? Isn't your job to kill me? So why haven't you kill me yet? There's only one possibility. You are waiting for someone to come here and I'm also guessing this person has a very deeeeeep hate toward me- Well because I am a very loveable girl, there are only thre-... four people who have that deep grudge toward me. But there's only one who dares to execute the plan."

"You are right. I also don't know who it is, because Mr. Wu hasn't told me yet." Hi Gu Yuan answered.

"Hm... Is that so... Then, lend me your ears-" As Xiao Yun was about to whisper her plan, Tian Yi who had been following the conversation from a moment ago objected.

"Da-Jie!! How can you possibly believe him that easily?"

Xiao Yun whispered. "Believe me! I've seen him somewhere!"

In the past, although it was only for a moment, Xiao Yun remembered to have seen Hi Gu Yuan's face Somewhere in her past.

However that time, he was not a dangerous person. If she wasn't wrong, Li Lei picked him off somewhere. But perhaps his fate changed because of the butterfly effect.

"Anyway- you two hear my plan!-" Xiao Yun whispered to both of them sneakily-


-As she finished declaring her plan, Xiao Yun leaned back to her chair.

Hi Gu Yuan froze and stared at Xiao Yun in awe. Subconsciously he questioned. "How do guess that...?"

"Because...Er... I guess?" Xiao Yun replied.

At the same time, Xiao Yun finished her answer, the door of the abandoned factory creak open once again, creating a woman's silhouette as she entered the building.

Accompanying her silhouette, Qu Mei Xing vicious voice like that of a snake's echoed through the building.

"Oh~ Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun, my dear friend. It's been a long time since I last met you."

Xiao Yun laughed for a moment and replied to her friend's greetings without looking back as if she had known the identity of the woman. "Oh~ My old friend Qu Mei Xing, you have come?"

Qu Mei Xing flinched for a moment and ran faster toward Xiao Yun, raging. "Who told you?!-"

Xiao Yun gazed at Qu Mei Xing's distorted face and naively asked. "Told what?"

"Don't put that play with me! You know what I am asking you about!" Qu Mei Xing's voice was almost hysterical. Too irritating for her ears to hear.

"Ah, you mean, who told me that you are going to come here? I just guessed, no one told me." Xiao Yun replied.

Hi Gu Yuan who heard Qu Mei Xing calling Xiao Yun "Xiao Yun" frowned angrily. The hand that he gripped tightly cracked from how tight his gripping was. 'That f*cking old man... He's really planning on killing me!'

Xiao Yun glanced at the rough-looking man and as Hi Gu Yuan noticed her glance, he moved a few steps back stealthily and disappeared in the shadow.

"Wha-?! You guessed? And you're not afraid? " Qu Mei Xing who has possibly lost all her mind to a wave of anger gave a grim smile.

"Afraid of you?- Never." Xiao Yun scoffed.

"Well, it's fine, let's see for how long you can keep that smile of yours!" Qu Mei Xing hold back his rage and pulled out a box cutter out of her pocket.

The blade of the box cutter shone upon the cracked on the roof, making it sparkle for a moment.

Xiao Yun narrowed her eyed toward the box cutter and guessed the gist of what Qu Mei Xing was about to do.

Qu Mei Xing pushed the box cutter's blade and smiled hideously. "Since you were young, you have been an eyesore to me. Especially that face of yours!! You have always looked down on everyone and thought that you were some kind of a sheltered princess waiting for a prince charming, didn't you? Seducing Wang Li Lei- I didn't expect him to be so stupid to go as far as taking a liking to a woman like you."

Xiao Yun planned to stay quiet, however, she would always lose her cool whenever Wang Li Lei was belittled by someone-

Especially by a vixen like her.

Xiao Yun snorted with a grin. "Wasn't it you? The one who always looked everyone from above and thought yourself as a princess sitting on some throne didn't you?"

Xiao Yun's on point words rub her innermost thoughts, making Qu Mei Xing fury shot up to her head.

With a red-eyed glare, Qu Mei Xing roughly grabbed Xiao Yun's hair. While lifting the box cutter to the air, Qu Mei Xing face curled up in a twisted smile.

" You don't have to worry Xiao Yun. With this, I will make you prettier and we'll see if Wang Li Lei will still like you."

The blade of the cutter box shone, seeing this, Tian Yi desperately exclaimed from behind.

"Stop!!! Da-Jie!!!"

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