Hogwarts Asylum

Chapter 2 I’ve been here, tried, and failed

In London in August, the average daytime temperature is around 22C, but it starts to cool down in the evening when the sun is about to set. It is now time to get off work, and there are gradually more pedestrians on the road.

Anna helped Mr. O'Loughlin carry all the cakes into the taxi. After standing on the street and watching the taxi go away, she quickly returned to the cashier, picked out 24 pounds from the cashier and carefully put it into her clothes. Then she took out the sticky note, turned to the latest page, and wrote a line - On August 8th, Mr. O'Loughlin checked out for 15 pounds and tipped 276 pounds^v^.

This was a habit she started having after she became a bakery clerk. Although there was no surveillance camera installed in the store, she always felt that her behavior of taking money from the cashier was not good, so she checked Mr. O'Loughlin's bill every time. I remember the amount and tip clearly and put them on the cashier where the boss can see them at any time.

Of course, the most important thing is that she doesn't want to show her love for money in front of Mr. O'Loughlin, so she always waits for Mr. O'Loughlin to leave before taking out her own tips.


In the taxi, O'Loughlin wrapped White around his shoulders like a cat-shaped scarf. With one hand, he pressed the cake boxes stacked up in the back seat of the car that could not fit in the trunk, and with the other hand, he held the front seat and reported the address. After that, he began to close his eyes and rest.

The taxi driver was a very typical middle-aged British man from the Mediterranean. He was about to say something to relieve his boredom, but when he saw the passenger wearing a strange black cat scarf resting with his eyes closed, he knew that he had encountered something special. Passengers like talking too.

O'Loughlin was not actually resting. He just didn't like chatting with strangers outside the campus. Resting with his eyes closed was the most effective way to deal with the chatter - most middle-aged taxi drivers talk a lot - — a good way.

Since O'Loughlin sold his house two years ago, he has rented a small apartment near Charing Cross Street. It is not far from here, less than two kilometers, but the direction of the taxi is obviously not to Charing Cross Street. Near the Cross Street, because O'Loughlin also had to go to the Tower of London.

It's not far from the Tower of London. If the road is clear, it will only take a few minutes to get there. However, it is the rush hour now and the road is very congested. The main culprit of the traffic jam is the at least ten traffic lights on this road.

The city center is like this, as if someone is driving too fast, but so many traffic lights don't seem to have much effect - this road has always been a section with a high incidence of rear-end collisions.

The straight-line distance of less than 3 kilometers took more than half an hour to walk. It’s really unbelievable. It’s no wonder that driving licenses are becoming more and more difficult to obtain. If we don’t limit the number of people who can obtain driver’s licenses, this short stretch of road may even require a driver in the future. It takes hours to get through!

After arriving at the place, the taxi stopped slowly on the side of the road, but Ou Luolin did not get out of the car. Instead, he opened the window and looked at the lawn not far away. When he did not see the figure he was looking for, he raised his two fingers He pinched his lower lip, and a sharp whistle sounded, and he saw a raven with a metallic luster all over the Tower of London, reflected in the afterglow of the setting sun, flapping its wings and flying down, landing precisely where Eurolin stretched out the window. on the right arm.

Eurolin bought this raven before he entered King's College and used it to deliver letters.Originally, he was going to buy a white owl and name it Black, but when he went to the pet store in Diagon Alley to buy potions for White, a raven landed directly on his shoulder. After confirming with the pet store owner again and again, After the raven was able to deliver messages, Orolin simply took it home.

The name of this raven is Saruman, which is another one of Eurolin's bad jokes. Who calls him Eurolin? Eurolin was famous all over the world in his previous life and is even regarded as a novel story like the Bible by some people. The famous wizard in the book - the Gray Swordsman - is the Quenya name of Gandalf, and Saruman is a white robe wizard in that novel.

Orolin did not let Saruman take a taxi, because he knew that Saruman hated this kind of cramped space. After giving the order, Saruman flew away, and he would go home on his own.

In the taxi, the driver of the Mediterranean seemed hesitant to speak, like an old man who had been constipated for many years.

Eurolin knew what the driver wanted to say, but Eurolin was not prepared to give him a chance to ask. After giving another address, Eurolin closed his eyes again.

No way, not everyone can do it by whistling near the Tower of London to attract a raven. The status of ravens in London is much higher than that of ordinary people, because the legendary ravens on the Tower of London The day you leave here is the day when Britain is destroyed. Therefore, the British royal family has specially set up a raven officer to take care of the ravens. It is a well-paid position.

There was still a huge traffic jam on the way back, and Oluolin could only rely on memories of the past to pass the time.

When O'Loughlin opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a crumpled newborn in the crib next door.As a psychological counselor in his previous life, Oluolin, who was both materialistic and idealistic, quickly accepted the reality that he had traveled through time and became a newborn.But he still often finds it incredible.

As he grew up, he thought a lot. Should he show his wisdom far beyond his years when he was young and then continue to struggle with various mental illnesses in the field of psychology? Or should he use the memories of his previous life to become a business boss, or should he change his studies? other.

As a result, when he was 11 years old, an admission notice sent by an owl disrupted his plan.

Hogwarts is a school of magic. Of course, Eurolin is very familiar with this school. In his previous life, he naively waited for the admission notice until he was 30 years old. However, he did not expect to receive the admission notice before he turned 20 in this life. It's just that there was a [-]-year difference between the time he received the admission notice and the time the trio debuted.

Fortunately, the good news is that people in the same grade as him include: Severus Snape, Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupine, etc. .

To be honest, even O'Loughlin, who has read the original work several times, doesn't know exactly what happened to Snape's generation during their school days, but it doesn't matter, he still remembers some important plots, such as Something that Snape still regretted until his death.

Just like the protagonist of the novel he had read in his previous life, O'Loughlin was also excited to change the fate of familiar characters, but unfortunately, from the first time he came into contact with the arrogant teenager Snape on the train, he I always felt like there was a pair of invisible eyes staring at me from behind.

This is also the reason why he has not been preparing to return to Hogwarts until now.

When he was in school, whether Orolin was stealing wild animals and roasting them in the Forbidden Forest, or practicing magic in the Room of Requirement, or sneaking through the secret passage under the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack to watch the werewolf transform. He always felt like he was being stared at. The most outrageous thing was that even when he was taking a shower, that feeling was looming, making people's hair stand on end.

Olorin tried various methods to find those eyes, and even created the eagle eye magic for this purpose. This magic with a perspective effect allows him to have a 360° vision without blind spots. It was inspired by Alastor ·Moody's magic eyes, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never find those eyes.

Orolin also tried to evade, for which he created a unique illusion magic, but the illusion that could even deceive Voldemort ultimately failed to deceive the invisible eyes behind him.

In those days in the magic world, Olorin was like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head. He always had the feeling that the sword would cut off his head at any time, which forced him to continue on the path of magic. Go ahead and find a solution.

O'Loughlin didn't think that look came from Dumbledore. Although the old man was sometimes unreliable, most of the time he respected the students' privacy, and he didn't have that much time to keep an eye on him because he went to school there. It was the time when Voldemort began to show his power, and the old man had to be careful not to allow the Death Eaters any chance to poison the young wizard.

Oralin didn't think that the invisible eye came from any wizard in the wizarding world, because since he invented the eagle eye magic, no one can make small moves within 30 meters around him, including Dumbledore and Voldemort.

However, the invisible eye is not staring at him all the time. As long as he is not in the magic world, the feeling caused by the invisible eye will disappear without a trace.This is the reason why he stayed in the Muggle world honestly for ten years, only occasionally going to Diagon Alley to buy something, and didn't return to Hogwarts until the plot started. He had too many strange thoughts that he didn't want people to know. Miao wants to try it.

However, in the past ten years in the Muggle world, Oralin has missed the pressure brought by the invisible eye more than once, because pressure is also motivation. Since losing that pressure, Oralin's magic creation has become quite difficult, and it has become even more difficult. What's more, without the library with the largest collection of books in the world, many materials can only be obtained by communicating through letters.

Oralin didn't know if the Invisible Eye appeared when Oralin first entered the magic world, but he clearly remembered the first time he felt like he would die if he did anything else.

At that time, Evans went to Snape to ask about the guy who bullied his female classmates. Because Snape couldn't put his face down and was ready to defend his relationship, it was generally not even considered a friend. He could only say that they had a few conversations. When talking to his classmates, O'Loughlin knocked Snape out with a stun spell from behind. In front of Snape who had just woken up and was about to get angry, and Evans who looked puzzled, O'Loughlin knocked him out. After the Slytherin scum who bullied his female classmates was slapped into a pig's head, he had a premonition that he would die if he interfered in the lives of key people.

Oluolin also sometimes wonders whether it is because he disturbed the fate of his parents, which may lead to the unknown ending, thus attracting the attention of the world consciousness that does not know whether it really exists.

Especially after he rescued Snape who had his dirty underwear exposed by the Marauders gang, and broke the legs of Potter and Black in front of Evans (God knows what happened to these two guys in reality) He was so annoying, even though he still thought he was nice when he read the original novel), this thought reached its peak, because at that time he clearly felt that those eyes were almost attached to his back.

But even so, Oluolin still didn't realize where those eyes were staring at him, so he still often tried frantically on the verge of death.

And because he had some sympathy for the arrogant Snape when he read the original novel in his previous life, so after he was accidentally assigned to the same dormitory as Slytherin and Snape, he had been trying hard to prevent Evans from getting along with the gloomy and arrogant Snape. Snape, an arrogant young man with low self-esteem and bad temper, broke up and fell in love with James Potter, a spoiled rich young man.

O'Loughlin even tried to turn Evans' feelings for Snape into love, so that the ungrateful gangster would die.

But in the end he was still unable to change his destiny. After O'Loughlin accidentally broke the legs of the two gangsters, Evans took the initiative to take care of the gangsters because he was full of guilt for the atrocities committed by his friend's friend, O'Loughlin. The two guys were together for a long time, and then they were cheated out of their relationship by James Potter, so at best Orolin just made Snape never have the chance to say those three words to his Lily.

Thinking of this, O'Loughlin had to admire James's shamelessness, because at that time, Black, who had broken his leg at the same time, recovered in the second week, but James wanted to let Evans continue to take care of him. He pretended to be lame for half a semester so that he could pick up girls. He even drank the disgusting bone spirit as water in order to be more convincing. This was considered a sign of great perseverance. I don’t know if Old Fremont knew about his biological son. At school, it would tarnish the reputation of a product invented by the Potters' ancestors.

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