Hogwarts Asylum

Chapter 3 He Actually Cares About You

On August 8, in a castle that couldn't be marked on the map in the Scottish Highlands, Snape, who looked like a big bat in a black robe, was walking on the way to the principal's office. He was about to make a final attempt - to stop Michael... Oralin - although Oralin would have preferred Snape to call him Michael instead of Michael (both spelled Michael) - is back at Hogwarts!

Snape didn't know why Dumbledore was so crazy, but he actually agreed to let that lunatic be the person in charge of some spiritual asylum!

After receiving the proud letter from Eurolin, Snape sent many letters to Dumbledore, but each time Dumbledore did not reply directly and kept using ambiguous words to prevaricate him, so he took advantage of today. The professors were all back to prepare for the start of school. Dumbledore would definitely show up. Snape was going to convince Dumbledore in person to let the damn Orolin go.

As Oluolin's roommate when he was in school, although they later broke up due to certain things, Snape dared to say that no wizard in the wizarding world could understand that madman better than him, not just because of what that guy did when he was in school. Those ridiculous things were all because he was a lunatic who had been a Death Eater for three years!

That lunatic O'Loughlin actually said, "I wanted to observe Voldemort's mental state up close" and "There are not many chances of encountering a terrorist with an antisocial personality"!

Although Snape himself was once a Death Eater and was deeply trusted by Voldemort, he did not think that he could be more harmful than that madman Orolin. After all, in terms of his status among the Death Eaters, then Madman is second only to Voldemort himself!

Snape didn't know where Orolin had the nerve to claim that he had never killed an innocent person. That guy was the one who released the Dark Mark the most among the Death Eaters!

Snape didn't know where the lunatic had the confidence to say that no one knew that he had been a Death Eater - including Voldemort himself. Although the Ministry of Magic did not trouble Orolin during the liquidation after the war, that was Such irresponsible words - O'Loughlin said that he successfully disguised himself as a wizard who graduated from Durmstrang. Who would believe such words and who would be an idiot!

Snape watched with his own eyes as Voldemort left a mark on the left arm of Orolin, who was aliased as Sauron!No matter how well he disguises himself, it's useless, the mark can't be erased!

Along the way, Snape thought about many words, and even prepared to tell the secret that Orolin had been a Death Eater, but when he walked in front of the extremely ugly gargoyle, he still could not convince Dumbledore. grasp.

"Damned piles of cockroaches." Snape muttered the command to the statue, but in a fit of anger, he added a rhetorical phrase so that the statue didn't react at all.

"Cockroach pile!!" Snape had to read the command again. This time he did not add any rhetoric, but his voice was so loud that there was an echo in the corridor.

After the password was correct, the gargoyle stood up and jumped to the side. The wall behind its original position split in half, revealing a spiral staircase that slowly moved upward.

When Snape opened the door to the Headmaster's Office, he realized that he was the last one to arrive.In the principal's room, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey were sitting around a round table eating snacks and drinking afternoon tea.

"Good afternoon, Severus, would you like some Iron Goddess of Mercy?" Dumbledore raised his glass and motioned for Snape to come over and sit down. "This is the green tea that Michael brought back from the far Eastern country. He specially told me He said that sugar and milk cannot be added to this tea. I guess he must have forgotten that I like sweet things. This tea is too bitter, but I think you might like it."

After Snape sat down next to Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore directed the teapot to pour a large cup of yellow-green liquid for him, and motioned for him to take a sip of tea first.

Snape had no idea what Dumbledore was playing, but he had no choice but to comply.

He held up the exquisitely carved silver teacup, and out of his understanding of Oroline, he only dared to take a small sip.

really!This tea was as bitter as the coffee Orolin once forced him to drink!

Well, Snape really liked the taste of this tea. Although the tea was bitter, it had a strange sweetness after the bitterness.

Snape took another sip, then put down the cup calmly.

"Dumbledore..." Snape was about to say something, but Dumbledore motioned for him to wait.

Snape was a little anxious, but Dumbledore was the master here, so he could only hold back his bad mood, but he really didn't know what Dumbledore wanted to do. It was clear that before he opened the door and came in, there was a room in the principal's office. They were talking and laughing, and he could hear the sound through the heavy door!

Fortunately, someone seemed to hear Snape's thoughts, so Snape didn't have to wait long. Before Snape drank all the bitter tea in the teacup, there was a bang in the fireplace not far away, and there was a person Snape didn't want to see. , wearing a gray robe and a gray hat, with a black cat standing on his left shoulder, a raven standing on his right shoulder, and a gray-haired man wearing three rings of black, white and gray and holding a suitcase in his left hand appeared in the fireplace.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I hope I'm not too late."

Snape was the first to react. He stood up and asked, "What are you doing here?!" Snape really didn't know that Orolin would come over today, but Orolin ignored him.

The only person who reacted slightly slower than Snape was Professor Sprout. She excitedly asked O'Loughlin to sit down: "Of course not, Mike, come and sit down quickly. The seeds you brought me have all sprouted. After a while, I'll take you to see my newly opened greenhouse, and let's discuss the new planting methods you brought back from China, as well as Mint Xian, that magical herb. I also planted a greenhouse in it."

Mint fresh was created by Oluolin when he was in school in order to get closer to Professor Sprout. As a Chinese soul, who doesn't know how to plant it?Just graft the mint onto the fresh mint, then add a little squeezed juice from the fresh mint, and then cultivate it for a period of time to get mint freshness that can both treat trauma and refresh the mind.

At that time, O'Loughlin planned to attribute the new herb mint to Professor Sprout, but she refused. She even refused the right to name it, so O'Loughlin chose a name at random.

But since then, Sprout has been very fond of this young wizard who has great ideas in herbal cultivation. She has thought more than once that if Orolin had not been mistakenly sorted into Slytherin, then he would definitely Would be a great Hufflepuff!

Thinking of this, Sprout turned his head and glared at the Sorting Hat, which was sitting quietly on the shelf.

The Sorting Hat was looking at this little wizard who had been judged to have to go to Azkaban sooner or later. It was a little curious. This little wizard didn't look like he had been in Azkaban at all. Suddenly, the Sorting Hat felt the stinging... Looking at it, it couldn't help but feel a little depressed. It was just a hat. Although it was extremely smart, it couldn't do anything to offend Professor Sprout.

After sitting down next to Professor Sprout, O'Loughlin greeted the professors present one by one.

Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick both nodded with smiles on their faces. Professor McGonagall just nodded slightly and turned away. Mrs. Pomfrey and Professor Sprout were more excited, but Snape was the most reserved - he He ignored Orolin at all, probably because Orolin did not say hello to Snape who was sitting next to him.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, Dumbledore spoke.

"I think you all already know - Michael O'Loughlin -" Dumbledore gestured, "is about to become the head of the newly established spiritual asylum in the school hospital."

O'Loughlin stood up again, took off his hat, put it on his chest and bowed slightly.

Everyone except Snape and Professor McGonagall clapped softly.

"I object!"

Snape's voice was very loud, and although no one else present was surprised by it, in addition to the beeping sound in the fireplace, the only thing left in the Headmaster's Office was Snape's echo.

In the principal's office, except for Dumbledore, the other professors looked at Orolin, wanting to see how Orolin would persuade Snape.

Eurolin, who sat down again, was not in a hurry to argue with Snape, but rather teased Fawkes with the snacks prepared in advance. The phoenix, which was about to enter the next stage of nirvana, was a little wilted, and it had its eyes closed. His eyes didn't want to pay attention to this guy who once had the guts to pluck out one of his feathers.

Olorin's actions aroused the dissatisfaction of Saruman, who had already flown aside and stood on the bookshelf. He squawked to indicate that the snack belonged to him!

Hearing Saruman's voice, Fox opened his eyes and ate the snack in Olorin's hand. He also glanced at Saruman. His smart eyes seemed to say: I'm just eating your snack, what's the matter!

This performance made Saruman even more angry, and its cry became more urgent.

Orolin stopped Saruman's noise: "Quiet, Saruman, be tolerant, you still have a lot of snacks, you are not short of this."

After Saruman calmed down, Eurolin looked at Snape. He pinched his throat and said in a very unbeatable tone: "Ah, Severus, it turns out you are here too, I just found out."

O'Loughlin glanced at Snape's head and asked in a more insulting tone: "How long has it been since you washed your hair?"

"You..." Snape was very angry, and Eurolin could arouse his anger with simple actions and words every time.

Dumbledore smiled and stopped the possible scolding: "Calm down, Severus, you still don't know how to get along with Michael. He actually cares about you."

"No, I (he) didn't!"

Orolin and Snape objected in unison, and then Snape glanced at Orolin, snorted, turned his head, and stopped talking.

Oluolin picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then choked on the super strong tea that had become very bitter due to too much tea leaves and brewing for too long. Although Ouluolin was not intolerant of strong tea, that one It still made him feel a little uncomfortable that the tea that cost a few hundred pounds of Ruanmei coins was so messed up. You know, this was a few hundred dollars in the 90s!Although the old man Eysenck tasted strange, at least he knew that he didn't need to put so much tea.

"Ahem, Professor Dumbledore, I remember I wrote you a tea-making guide... Tieguanyin is not meant to be boiled in a teapot, it needs to..."

After O'Loughlin introduced the steps of making tea one by one, Dumbledore said: "I know, Michael, oh, why not call him Michael, it sounds nice, right? Okay, I can I understand that you don’t like the popular way of saying it, but the way of saying it in Greek is still a bit difficult to pronounce.”

Dumbledore babbled: "I read the guide you gave me. The illustrations are very interesting, but the steps are too troublesome. You have to understand an old man's desire to be lazy, just like I insist on calling you Mi." Same as Caleb.”

Dumbledore winked at Orolin, asking him to take over the tea making.

Eurolin understood. He waved to the tea tray that he had given to Dumbledore along with the tea leaves. He began to instruct the tea set to make tea while chanting: "This is a pound of tea that costs six or seven galleons."

"You are becoming more and more skilled in wandless spellcasting, Michael." This was Flitwick's voice. His voice was a bit high-pitched, but it also gave people a gentle feeling.

This little old man who was short because of his elf ancestry was the professor that Oluolin had the most contact with and was the most familiar with during his school days.

At that time, O'Loughlin often troubled Professor Flitwick in order to realize a new inspiration. His effective Hawkeye magic, which was the cornerstone of his personal fighting style, was created with the help of Professor Flitwick. The most respected professor.

"I'm still not as good as you, Professor Flitwick. After all these years, I still often think of the encouragement you gave me when I was in school. You gave me a lot of help at that time."

Professor Flitwick is probably the wizard who is best at wandless spellcasting that Eurolin has ever seen, except for Voldemort. But the strange thing is that before Eurolin expressed his desire to learn to cast spells without a wand, Professor Flitwick had never. Shown to be adept at wandless spellcasting, he always waves his wand like a musician's baton, very gracefully.

Flitwick said cheerfully: "Don't say that, Michael, your fantastic ideas also gave me a lot of inspiration."

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