Hogwarts: Bourne Returns from Warhammer

Chapter 276: The involution of the magic world starts with the baby (page 12)

On a sweltering summer day, the Potions classroom at Hogwarts was unusually cool.

Firstly, it’s because the potions classroom is in the basement, and secondly, it’s because Professor Snape is teaching a few young wizards a very special potion——

"Thermo-Regula Elixir".

Professor Snape's voice echoed in the classroom, and his eyes coldly swept through every focused face through the greasy black hair, and finally found a face that made him particularly disgusted, but had a pair of unforgettable eyes. It paused for a second.

Then, he continued: "The magic potion we are learning today, combined with some magic spells, can accurately control the temperature of a specific area in a very short period of time.

This potion is extremely helpful for wizards who operate in extreme climates. "

He turned around and wrote the ingredients and steps of the potion on the blackboard, and then began to explain the function of each ingredient one by one:

1. Frostcap: A rare magical plant found in the Arctic Circle that can absorb and store cold energy.

2. Tears of Salamander: Can release a large amount of heat for heating.

3. Gale Powder: Can speed up the spread of potion effects.

4. Argentum Elixir: a standard potion base liquid used to stabilize the magical effect of the potion.

Professor Snape began to demonstrate the production process. His movements were skillful and precise: "First, put the iceberg grass into the crucible and slowly heat it over a slow fire until it starts to release cold air." The students watched the iceberg grass leaves gradually grow becomes transparent and the temperature in the air drops.

Then, Professor Snape carefully dropped the tears of the Salamander: "Be careful, just a few drops, otherwise the potion will overheat."

As soon as the tear came into contact with the crucible, it made a hissing sound, and the liquid in the crucible began to take on a warm orange color.

"Now, add the wind spirit powder. This will help the potion spread to the target area quickly." Professor Snape said as he sprinkled in the powder, and the liquid in the crucible began to rotate gently, as if there was a breeze blowing.

Finally, he poured in the silver glow liquid: "The silver glow liquid will stabilize the potion and make its effect last longer."

Professor Snape stepped back and allowed the students to begin their own productions.

Byrne followed the steps carefully, his movements slower than most upperclassmen but meticulous.

Mainly because his hands are steadier.

Professor Snape patrolled the classroom, occasionally giving advice or correcting students' mistakes. He stopped in front of Bourne's cauldron, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then gave a slight nod of approval.

"Very well, Mr. Slughorn, your potion looks very stable." There was a rare hint of approval in Professor Snape's voice.

Not everyone gets this rating. For example, when he saw a young wizard drawing a lot of little people on his parchment notes because he was bored, Professor Snape was so angry that he said directly: "I really...even if it's It's easier to teach a troll to dance than to teach you some serious knowledge, Mr. Potter, do you think I'm right?"

Harry Potter felt Professor Snape's gaze piercing like an ice pick, and he knew that he had been caught in a typical trap again. His parchment notes were indeed filled with all kinds of strange little people, either dancing or engaging in a small duel. Harry's mind was always easily attracted by these whimsical thoughts, especially in this sultry summer day. Without the company of a good friend like Ron, the boring special training class of Potions made it difficult for him to concentrate. Spirit.

Professor Snape's voice echoed in the classroom, full of sarcasm and dissatisfaction: "Mr. Potter, it seems that you have no interest in making potions. Perhaps you should use your 'artistic' talents for more meaningful purposes." Place, for example, a tutorial on how to properly ignore professors’ instructions.”

Harry's cheeks heated up, knowing he shouldn't be distracted in class - especially not in Snape's class. He quickly used his wand to cast an "erasing spell" to clear away all the villains in his notes, trying to focus on making the potion again. However, when he looked at the crucible again, he found that the liquid inside had begun to bubble and the color had become extremely dark.

"Oh, Merlin's beard," Harry groaned inwardly. He forgot to add the sylph powder, and he also put in too much silverglow.

He scrambled to save it, but it was too late. The potion in the crucible suddenly made a loud noise, and spurted out a stream of alternating hot and cold steam, which shot straight to the ceiling.

"Perhaps I should suggest to Dumbledore that the courses during the summer vacation should also be based on the regular classes and adopt a 'college points mechanism'..."

Snape paused and looked condescendingly at Harry Potter with a malicious look.

"...Imagine what Gryffindor students will think when they see that your house points have become negative at the beginning of the next semester?"

At this time, Bourne had just poured the prepared "temperature-controlling spiritual liquid" from the crucible into the potion bottle. When he heard this, his hands almost shook, and the potion almost spilled from the glass bottle.

As the first and only young wizard who has created such an extreme start, Bourne has reason to suspect that Professor Snape is conceiving him.

"It doesn't matter what the little lions of Gryffindor think. Anyway, Principal Dumbledore will always take action." Bourne muttered in his heart.

But it's obvious that Harry doesn't have Bourne's broad-mindedness - there is a saying that when he transforms into the Primaris Astamagos form, it shouldn't be a problem to run a horse on his shoulders - as long as the horse As long as it's not a "talisman horse".

"No, you can't do this!" Harry protested loudly: "Professor, this is the summer vacation. No one will have classes during the summer vacation the same as when the semester starts."

"Really?" Snape retorted disdainfully: "In the east of the British Isles..."

(What are you thinking)

"...There is a magic school called Durmstrang, which, except for Gaul, uses most of Europe as a source of students.

Regardless of winter or summer vacation, Durmstrang Magic School will hold special holiday training courses.

Right now, at this very moment, they also have a lot of little wizards taking Potions lessons. Later, they will also have a Durmstrang-style Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.

The little wizards there love their winter and summer vacation courses, and every little wizard who can attend these courses will cherish this opportunity. And their professors are luckier than me and rarely encounter students who look like "trolls". "


"You 'trolls'!"

Alfonso Ripa, Durmstrang's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, looked at all the little wizards in the classroom. With an extremely dissatisfied tone, he raised his hands (a characteristic Italian gesture) and forcibly turned on the map cannon.

"How can the Defense Against the Dark Arts be effective for a wizard who doesn't know how to use the 'Supreme Skill'? He can only wave his wand casually. That's like a pizza chef who uses pineapple as a topping!"

Professor Ripa's voice continued to echo in the athletics classroom of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This classroom is located on the basement floor of the main building of the school. It is far away from direct sunlight and is shrouded in a mysterious and dark atmosphere all year round.

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