Hogwarts: Bourne Returns from Warhammer

Chapter 277 Zabini’s Choice (Extra)

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(It contains magical animals such as cockatrices.)

Coming to Durmstrang was Zabini's choice.

The little wizard believed that he made such a choice because he wanted to learn the most authentic defense against dark arts here.

Or, more accurately, black magic itself.

He wants to continue to accumulate strength here so that he can take revenge on several of his enemies in the future...

But, is this the truth?


One year ago, Manchester, England.

"We have to go."

A ghost lurked in his mind, whispering to the boy in the darkness.

The moonlight shone through the gaps in the cast iron fence overhead. Under the mottled moonlight, the homeless people huddled in the sewer were just hazy shadows, but it seemed that he didn't need to see their faces to know people's fear.

They reeked like the putrid stench of the past winter when the leftovers of wild wolves and scavenging birds thawed out in early spring.

Perhaps, killing these guys will accumulate some experience in advance for future revenge. Maybe this is the reason why he came to this place.

"We have to go," the "ghost" urged. "Right now."

"No," Blaise Zabini hissed, "it's here and it won't leave. A little delay won't be a problem."

"It's sleeping," said the fool.

The word "sleep" seemed inappropriate to describe the thing in Blaise Zabini's mind, but it made sense to him. If you want to find a word to describe the breath that slowly floats from the depths of the sewer, from the Destroyer, this word is the closest.

"How do you know that that thing won't harm me?" Blaise Zabini couldn't believe it.

In fact, since his mother, the beautiful and charming Mrs. Zabini died tragically in an "accident", he no longer believes in anyone or anything.

Even the "ghost" hiding in his mind is actually himself.

But I do know, Blaise Zabini thought. As a secret that dominatrixes try their best to hide, the secret his mother told him may be his chance to restore the glory of his family.

Ever since he arrived, he had felt the rage of the beast somewhere deep within him, and understood it with an intimacy he couldn't explain. It reeked of burnt flesh and sour wine, a malevolent sludge that was both exciting and nauseating, but a remnant of a bright future.

Just like people from the Dumbledore family can always win the favor of the Phoenix, almost all Slytherin descendants are born Parseltongues, and Blaise Zabini, who has the blood of a dominatrix, also has the opportunity to get a magical animal as a partner.

Before, he never thought that he would come to this sewer one day, because that magical animal was too dangerous, so several generations of the Zabini family had deliberately and accidentally forgotten that potential partner and collaborator...

Even, to a certain extent, a "guide" in life: a cockatrice that has lived for more than four hundred years and has a considerable degree of wisdom.

It loves to control others too much, otherwise, generations of the Zabini family would not have stayed away from it.

In addition, the cockatrice itself is also very dangerous, which is also one of the important reasons why the Zabinis keep it secret.

The Cockatrice is a magical animal created by wizards. It does not belong to nature, and it has not even integrated into its own ecological niche so far. Such magical animals can also generally be called black magical creatures. Similar black magic creatures include five-legged monsters, basilisks, etc.

According to legend, the first cockatrice was created around the 11th century by a Byzantine wizard.

He put two roosters in a basement made purely of stone and provided them with enough food. After that, the roosters laid eggs. The wizard then used toads to hatch the eggs, and a long time later they hatched into chick-like reptiles with snake-like tails...

The cockatrice is very weak when it is young, but when it reaches adulthood, this dark magical creature will become a very terrifying monster. They can learn many kinds of curses without any guidance.

Zabini blinked, temporarily suppressing the words of the "ghost" in his consciousness, and then recited a spell to the homeless man in front of him.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A slender green lightning bolt shot out from his wand in an instant, and then accurately hit the body of a homeless man.

The man suddenly screamed in pain, and then woke up from his sleep. At the same time, he also woke up all the companions around him.

(Note: In the original book, Barty, who pretends to be Professor Moody, said that even if a little wizard casts a death curse, he generally cannot kill a person directly. This means that the little wizard does not have enough "will to kill". "The reason is also related to their insufficient spellcasting ability.)

Several homeless people who woke up looked at the "outsider", a handsome boy with dark skin, but at this moment, Zabini immediately cast a spell on him that was more suitable for his age.


A stream of lava-like mucus spurted out from his wand, spraying all over the heads and faces of those people. Immediately, a large number of boils broke out on their skin, causing extreme itching and discomfort. The frightened homeless man did not dare to have any more thoughts, so he turned around and ran away along the sewer.

And right where these people had just settled, under the thick cardboard, there was a hidden manhole opening - there was actually a manhole in the sewer. Such a strange thing, this was probably not the design of a Muggle engineer.

Moreover, Zabini could feel that the "beast" he was looking for was already very close to him.

So, he didn't pay attention to the homeless people who ran away, but used "Alajo Open" to gently open the trap door disguised as a manhole cover, squatted down, and looked around.

After making sure that no one was there, he climbed along the ladder inside and gradually climbed to the space at the bottom of the manhole where the cockatrice lived.

When he arrived at the secret space, the boy with the blood of a dominatrix suddenly felt an indescribable throbbing. There was a smell in the air that he had never smelled before, but it was not unpleasant (only people with dominatrix blood like him and his mother would think so),

When he used "fluorescent flash" to summon a little light, he immediately saw at least a dozen corpses scattered around the ground, like dolls that were abused by evil children and filled with blood. Many were missing limbs and heads, and some were torn into mangled, unrecognizable pieces of flesh.

Frost crawled over the body, freezing its twisted shapes and turning the spilled blood into abstract paintings of butchery sprinkled with white ash.

A man was nailed to the ground by a fence pole, the wooden spikes used as wooden spikes piercing his chest like a giant's nails. Another man was hung on the wall, his entrails tangled with a broken, corroded water pipe, frozen solid and hanging low from his body, almost touching the ground.

At this moment, Zabini felt as if something appeared behind him, so the little wizard turned his head suddenly.


He saw the legendary cockatrice, but what shocked him was that the monster seemed to have a different appearance than the one his mother told him... its neck was bifurcated on the left and right, and it had two heads.

Just when Zabini wanted to mention his identity and persuade the cockatrice to become his partner, he was suddenly affected by some kind of magic, his eyelids suddenly twitched, and he fainted immediately.

When Zabini woke up again, he was already lying on a passenger ship heading to Europe. He completely forgot about his previous search for the Cockatrice, but only remembered that he was going to Durmstrang Magic School." study well".

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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