Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 70: Psychological suggestion and tampering with memory

"No, it's not like that."

"They're all my best friends."

"How could I possibly think that."

Ron roared at the diary in front of him, trying to curb the dark thoughts in his heart.

But the more we suppress it, the stronger those negative emotions deep inside our hearts become.

Ron, wake up. They never really considered you their good friend.

Before thinking about it, Harry shook your hand away, and he only had Professor Lockhart in his eyes.

In fact, you know very well that they just need someone to come to the village to support their existence.

Hermione needs your stupidity to show off your cleverness to others, and Harry also needs you to make a fool of yourself in front of others to show off your differences.

One after another soft whispers sounded in Ron's heart and went straight into his mind. At the same time, some pictures appeared in his memory.

The image had the indifferent look in Harry's eyes when he shook his hand.

Also in the library, Hermione held a book and looked at him with a haughty expression, as if she was mocking him for not knowing anything.

Moreover, a long time ago, Percy warned him as an elder brother not to do this or that.

But why, why should he listen to him?

Why should he be looked down upon by Harry and ridiculed by Hermione like this?

Gradually, the clarity in Ron's eyes disappeared. Instead, his eyes turned red, filled with jealousy and resentment.

At this moment, Lothar put down the wand in his hand.

"If this continues and Ron's character really deteriorates and he becomes a dark wizard, I will be in a lot of trouble in the future."

Lothar touched her chin and pointed the wand at the diary again.

The text above quickly disappeared and was replaced by a new line of text.

"I can help you"

This sentence made Ron's eyes light up, but it also made him hesitate a little, but his hesitation turned into determination in just a second.

He has only one idea now.

He wants to be the center of attention, the center of attention.

He wanted Harry, Hermione, Percy and everyone to look him in the face and acknowledge him.

He, Ron, was no weaker than anyone else in his life.

"what should I do"

Looking at these words, the smile on Lothar's face became brighter and brighter.

"Don't worry, I won't let you do anything that would be embarrassing to others."

"I just want you to do me a little favor."

"I'm sure you'll be happy to help me."

These three sentences appeared in the diary, and Lothar used a little trick to let his voice enter Ron's mind.

But Ron didn't react much, which was naturally expected by Lothar.

The darkness in his eyes flashed away, and then seemed to return to normal.

But if you look closely, you can still see the dullness and indifference in his eyes.

Lothar smiled softly and pointed at Ron with the finger holding the wand.

Now, it's not time to expose Ron yet.

For just a moment, Ron was the same as before.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is no aura in his eyes.

It's like a puppet, or Ron is indeed a puppet now.

His consciousness has fallen into Lothar's illusion, and he will always be like this until Lothar's magic ends.

Lothar lifted the illusion spell, came behind Ron, gently put her arm around his shoulders, put her mouth next to his ear, and whispered softly.

"What you want is very simple"

"As long as you find the basilisk and deal with it in front of everyone, you can get what you want."

"Deal with the basilisk" Ron's eyes were clear for a moment, but those clear eyes were full of joy.

"Yes, deal with the basilisk." Lothar still guided hard, like a teacher who was slowly guiding students to become "good people."

"Even if you just find the basilisk, you can gain huge fame. Not even weaker than Harry Potter."

When talking about Harry, Lothar paused for a moment before slowly saying the name in Ron's ear.

Under his gaze, the expression in Ron's eyes fluctuated significantly when he heard about Harry Potter.

"Beyond him." The light in Ron's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Lothar let go of Ron's shoulders and stepped back step by step.

A water-like barrier flowed down from above his head, enveloping him.

The next moment, Lothar's wand pointed at Ron's head.

After a seed was planted, it was time to tamper with Ron's memory.

He also needs to remove the traces of his own spellcasting.

He couldn't let the Harry trio know that he was seducing Ron, because that would be no different than Dumbledore knowing.

And if Dumbledore found out that he had done this, he would probably be bothered by the world's greatest white wizard in the future.

Although his life is not in danger, it is not a good thing to be missed by an old guy.

With the output of magic power, the white light on the wand flashed, and Ron's eyes became dull again.

After all, it's just a memory of this period, so it's not too troublesome for Lothar.

Soon, Lothar had modified the pictures about him in Ron's memory.

It was revised to say that Ron complained all the time, feeling dissatisfied, dissatisfied with Harry being so ruthless, and dissatisfied with Percy's disregard for brotherhood.

After the changes were completed, Lothar felt that he had done so too deliberately.

"No, Harry and the others might not be able to tell if you do this. But Dumbledore"

He frowned and looked at Ron again.

The wand waved again, but Ron's eyes were still blank.

Because it is a small-scale modification, it will not have a big impact on Ron's spirit.

You'll be a little sluggish at most, just take a few days' rest and you'll be fine.

This time, Lothar didn't add anything embellished.

Instead, he found the diary as it was, and then tampered with it.

After finding the diary, Ron secretly came to this empty classroom and saw many notes about magic spells in it.

He also learned that Voldemort's basilisk was wandering in Hogwarts recently, and at this time he was jealous of Harry and Hermione.

I want to find the basilisk by myself and become the great hero of Hogwarts.

So he hid it from both Harry and Harry

After some revisions, Lothar strengthened her psychological suggestion to Ron.

It made him desire fame even more, and also added dissatisfaction with Harry in his memory.

As for Percy and Hermione, forget it.

One may be a future member of the Brotherhood, that is, a member of Lothar's own force, and the other is a friend Lothar personally recognizes in this world.

It’s better not to cheat these two, as for Harry

Lothar said that things like the savior require more practice and practice.

Thinking about it this way, Lothar felt that she was really a good person.

Of course, he was also planning to use Harry to lure out Tom.

Use Dumbledore's help to weaken Voldemort.

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