Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 71: Ron: I am also an ambitious man.

After dealing with the magic traces she left on Ron, Lothar waved her wand again and pointed at the diary.

Another diary with the same black cover appeared on the ground, looking no different from the original one.

But Lothar knew that one of them had been tampered with.

The original copy would be returned to Hermione by Ron thinking it was his own replacement.

As for the fake diary, Ron will treat it as a real diary and keep it with him.

There is a magic left by Lothar on it, which can still save his life at the critical moment.

After all, it was a magic item found in the Room of Requirement and modified by him.

Of course, it's not as good as the Horcruxes made by Tom.

Since they all chose to use Ron, they naturally had to give him something that could save his life.

At least he could get there before Tom killed them.

Unlike Tom, he uses people to use them, but he won't let the people he uses fall to death.

Thinking about it this way, Lothar really felt that he was a good person.

"I hope you won't disappoint me." Lothar's eyes looked extremely deep, as if he was looking at another person through Ron.

With a wave of the wand with his right hand, Ron gradually woke up from that confused state.

"What's wrong with me?" His body suddenly collapsed to the ground. He glanced around in confusion, and finally his eyes rested on the two diaries in front of him.

Then, as if suddenly enlightened, he remembered what he had been doing before.

With a little nervousness and a little excitement, Ron opened his eyes and looked at the diary in front of him.

"With this diary, I will never let others underestimate me again."

"Whether it's Percy, Harry, or Hermione, I, Ron, are no worse than you."

He murmured to himself, his eyes full of excitement.

Ron felt that he had found something that changed his destiny.

When he opened the first diary, it was completely blank. It was naturally a "fake" diary to return to Hermione.

What he didn't know was that the reason why he saw a blank space above was naturally because of someone's magic.

Opening the second book, there are all the things Ron has been pursuing.

There were some spelling methods on it, and a white light flashed from time to time, which made Ron even more mesmerized.

He knew the diary in his hand could do more than that.

Picking them up, putting the one he thought was "real" into his robe and holding the "fake" one in his hand, Ron stood up.

He was now going to go back to the classroom and put the diary on Hermione's desk before she realized it was missing, so that she wouldn't become suspicious.

Just, at the moment of getting up.

Ron's eyes flashed with doubt as he looked at the diary in his hand.

"Should I give the diary to Professor Dumbledore, after all?"

But his hesitation was only for a moment, and the whisper in his heart echoed in his mind again.

"Don't be kidding me. Without this, I would be just a follower of Harry and the others, and just a green leaf for the villagers."

Ron thought to himself, with a hint of self-deprecation in his eyes.

Only Lothar could clearly see the ambition in Ron's eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He liked this flame of ambition very much.

Ron wanted more, he didn't want to just be someone else's green leaf.

He thought again of his last treatment in the Gryffindor common room.

Just by finding Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, he enjoyed the admiring looks of many wizards in Gryffindor.

This is what he wants, he wants to be the center of everyone, the wizard who attracts all the attention.

Just like Lockhart.

Inexplicably, Ron thought of the admiration in Professor Lockhart's eyes that those fanatical wizards looked at at Lockhart's book signing in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore before the start of school.

Ron hated Lockhart very much before, but it was only now that he discovered that he was longing for him.

If, a thought suddenly arose in his heart.

"What if, I find the basilisk and defeat it."

"Then will everyone treat me?"

Thinking of this, the light in Ron's eyes became more and more dazzling.

If it was the original him, then Ron would naturally not have this idea.

but now

He looked at his robe, or to be precise, at the diary inside his robe.

To be more precise, he looked at the contents inside the diary through the cover.

The contents of the diary gave Ron a lot of confidence.

As long as he can learn

But Lothar and Ron seemed to have forgotten one thing, that is, Ron's wand was damaged when they were in the secret room.

Watching Ron carefully walking out of the classroom, Lothar got up and followed him out.

Originally, Lothar wanted to leave directly.

He had been wandering here for too long, and now it was time to continue looking for Ravenclaw's diadem in the Room of Requirement.

But who knew that as soon as he went out, he would see Ron standing motionless in the corridor.

Looking in front of him, Lothar saw a somewhat stunned Harry and Hermione.

Just a coincidence, isn't it?

"Ron, I thought you went back to the dormitory." Harry looked relieved and walked forward, preparing to come to Ron's side.

But to Harry's consternation, Ron took a step back, his face flushed, and he looked like he was angry.

At this time, Ron also had troubles that he couldn't express.

Just now, he was thinking about surpassing Harry and Hermione so that he could truly stand by their side.

He also thought about leaving the two of them behind, searching for the basilisk alone, and becoming a famous person in Hogwarts.

Of course, none of this matters, they don't know what they are thinking anyway.

What really made Ron feel bitter was that he still held Hermione's diary in his hands behind his back.

If they saw this, they would really be in trouble.

"Don't come here" Ron shouted to Harry, which not only shocked Harry, but also Hermione.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked, and Harry looked at Ron.

Ron hesitated and was speechless.

He made up his mind not to let them know that the diary was in his possession.

Otherwise, they will definitely discover the basilisk earlier than they do.

That will

Lothar on the other side had already bypassed these three people and headed towards the other person who was hiding.

He pointed his wand at his face, and with his superb transformation skills, Lothar's face change was completed.

Then, he came to the man's side.

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