Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 80: A Minute To Aste

Just like last time, we stood at least an hour away from Aste's tall walls, patrolled battlements and sturdy gates.

Except this time, I'm torn about where to go and Anselm is the cause of this dilemma,

We are, more precisely, standing at the edge of the road leading into the fancy lodge of…the Matron and the boys? I never got who exactly they all worked for or why they were here, not that it matters.

But Anselm wants to check in with the boys, Nelvar and Mevir, specifically Mevir, the prepubescent kid who handed him the heavy as heck book with all the history about Saia and other dead and fallen nations.

I can understand the basis of why he'd want to do this, but I can't really put togther if this will be a waste of time or not. 

Still, here I stand completely outnumbered by what is meant to be my crew, their hands raised up in votes to go in and say hello.

"Anselm's a ghost, his vote doesn't count."

Kaylin gives me a disapproving look, "It counts for at least half, even less than half and we still beat your one." She says, folding her arms.

"Why do you even want to go in? You don't know them, you're new."

"It's a lodge, a fancy lodge for rich people and their elements, plus, Anselm said the Matron is an elf, maybe we can get her on our side…our nation." She cringes at the last part.

I roll my eyes at her and sigh, "Fine, no point arguing about it then I guess, let head in, see if our unexpected visit is greeted warmly."

My last meeting, my talk with the Matron revealed a lot about the Cultists, of Phien and his lackeys. Last I was here she…offered me help, not the one I needed at the time but the one I would need eventually.

Eventually is now. However, my reservations on taking the Matrons aid still stands. Whatever gift, lending hand they give regarding magical growth…I have a strong feeling it comes at a high price.

Trotting through the field of tall grass, wet tall grass now; the rain has yet to subside, Anselm, Kaylin and I make it to the lodge, about ten minutes walking we soon come across the familiar excessive palace like place with many smaller buildings littered about.

"Wow, wow, wow." Kaylin can't stop giggling. "I can't believe an elf runs this place!"

"In place of the children's father." I add cautiously.

"Yes, but, there's that Audwin guy you told me about, HE answers to her!"

It's hard not to chuckle even a little bit at her excitement. I suppose, from her perspective at least, an elf in a position of power of any kind is strange.


"Why are you acting so weird? Your Mother is an S-rank Mage at least."

Her excitement tappers down but not out, "Yes, but she's under disguise all the time she works and she can't even unleash her true strengths always bordering High B-rank and Low A-rank."

She shrugs, "Can't have the Kingdom or the Synagogue getting too interested."

I say nothing but accept the answer. It does make sense, Maylin can't truly accomplish anything in this society, this Kingdom as her true self without inspiring fear, paranoia in the masses and worse…envy.

I don't know how the Matron did it but…technically, SHE is the most powerful elf I've met.

We arrive at the white gates of the lodge briefly, it's easy to look over and into the place; there aren't as many uniformed maids walking around as there was last time we were here.

I wonder if there's something going on, but if there were something going on wouldn't there be more people in here? I shake my head clear as Anselm begins to yell.

"Hello! Anyone home!"

"Not very Knightly, Anselm." It's my turn to take a jab at his honour, he makes it so easy.

He groans and battles for a moment whether to ignore me or retort. "I am not a Knight! I'm a squire, the hounor of Knighthood has yet to be bestowed on me by my liege!"

He scoffs, shaking his head at Kaylin and I as we barely subdue our laugh, "I've said this several times and yet-"

"What do you want?" A strict yet soft voice cuts through the chatter and our attention is drawn towards the short maid that stands on the otherside of the gate.

"Oh," Anselm fumbles a bit, cut off guard like the rest of us, "Uhm, we're here to see Mevir and Nelvar. The kids."

The maid looks between the three of us with a suspicious glint in her eye, not that I blame her; Three adults here to see some kids? I'd be suspicious too.

"We're also here to see the Matron, she won't be expecting us, this is a bit impromptu." I say to the maid as I push past Anselm.

She stills us with a scanning look, analysing us and our word before sayig anything.

She looks at the large mansion behind and then back at us with a sigh, "I'll have to report this, it'll be a while so wait here." 

Immediately I chuckle, "Relax, we're not bandits or anything, no need to call security behind out backs. I know you can contact the Matron or at least, Audwin with your gem."

I point directly at the crystal embedded on her glove.

"So just call one of them."

Still with doubt in her eyes she pings Audwin with the gem and asks for our names, "Sir, some people at the gate say they know you and the Matron and they want in…Anselm and Asher sir, and Kaylin."

We don't get the Audwin's side of the communique but by her body language I can tell he is not happy to hear our names.

I roll my eyes, not like I want to be here anyway.

"He'll be here in a moment to let you in." with that the maid scurries off to complete some job or another.

"I have a feeling this Audwin guy doesn't really like you two." Kaylin mutters.

"Ha, I have the same feeling."


Regardless of my gut pinging me and screaming that Audwin will have simply left us at the gate for out legs to sink into the ground as we wait, he eventually arrives and his unhappiness at our presence is not hidden.

"What do you want?" he glares.

"Nothing you can give."

"I just want to talk to Mevir again."

"I want to explore this place."

An awkward silence falls as he looks between us and processes our replies.

"Well…The Young Masters are not on the premise."

"Well, where are they?" is Anselm's immediate response, he brought the book with him and while I might not understand what he's feeling, I can certainly sympathise

"That is not your concern." Audwin huffs, "In fact, it would do you all well to leave the premise and hopefully never return, the Young Masters shouldn't mingle with such elements." He says this while eying Kaylin.

Expectedly, Kaylin squirms under his gaze.

"That's enough Audwin, your Young Masters aren't here? Fine, that's all you should have said."

He shakes his head, indignation rising to my challenge, "I should have said more, an elf? A free elf for that matter, do you realize the implications! I will not have danger nor the stink of complicity near the Masters!"

"You're just a D-rank butler, there's a lot out of your control."

As his nostrils flare and he breathes for another lengthy and insulting reply, a voice comes from behind him, "I think that's quite enough of mud tossing from the both of you, don't you think so, Kaylin?"

Her voice holds the same aged wisdom it did the last time we spoke, in the same manner she wore the same long black gown she did, or perhaps something similar.

"Matron!" Audwin gasps and steps back for a bow.

"Audwin, that's no way to treat guests of the Masters, you know better than this, don't you?"

As he mumbles and grumbles apologizes and excuses, I catch Kaylin slowly walking closer to the gate, admiration written all over her face.

"Hello again, Matron, this is Kaylin, Kaylin this is the Matron of this lodge."

"Hello!" She shrieks, "I can't believe it, you're really an elf!"

The Matron chuckles, "And I can't believe it, you're really a free elf." Her intonation held less excitement and more concern. 

It's obvious Audwin's words weren't baseless, a free elf near whoever the boys really are would carry a certain stink. The Matron is just more polite.

"Audwin, don't you think it's best we invite our guests in? Can't be a host through the bars of the gates, now can I?"

Audwin still seems reluctant, but inevitably carries out her instructions and lets us in.

"Thank you, Audwin." I say with a very smug smile on my face.

"My pleasure…" He damn near growls.

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