Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 81: A Minute To Aste (P2)

Despite the thick atmosphere during our walk to the lodge, the Matron turns out to be far more willing to lend an ear to whatever excuse we have for being here.

I still think we could have wrapped much of this up at the gates but, I can't deny that I'm glad to finally see the inside of the main Lodge.

As one would expect, the place is an epitome of luxury.

Every spec and corner of the place glittered with fine rugs, vases, flowers and long, large portraits of dignified looking persons. 

Seeing this I understand that the wealth Leriva projected back at Carbina was merely an attempt at recreating what she had lost.

And as far as my eyes can see…she didn't do a very good job of it.

Curiously, there are far less servants parading the main building than there are outside, is it for the sake of privacy? I can only speculate, but the large imposing portraits that greet you on the way in are a good hint as to why.

There are two portraits, one of a man and the other of a woman. The portraits stood on either side of the walls and were far more attention grabbing than anything else in the lodge.

The man is dressed like a person right out of the renaissance, puffy luxurious clothes that slickly matched with everything else on him from the short black cane to the golden stopwatch in his hand.

The woman is dressed in a similar manner; with an excessively large dress that tightens at the waist and spills over like a dandelion at the bottom. Instead of standing she sits, her hands gently crossed over one another and her head tilted slightly to bring focus to her tied up black hair and the faint, polite smile that graces her lips.

On both of the portraits is a painfully familiar insignia I've seen somewhere before. It could be nothing though.

The Matron strides past these portraits with noticeably increased haste while Audwin takes his time to stare and even bow at the portrait of the man.

All three of us enter a room, or…should I call it a hall given how large it is?

The room already has its tables set and servants already on standby to pour in with refreshments.

The Matron takes a seat on a rather long, fluffy couch and with a huff, finally breaks the stifling silence, "Please, sit and enjoy what refreshments we have to offer." She waves the servants in and they begin to set everything up.

One of the servants comes to my side and in a voice barely over a whisper asks, "Would you prefer tea, water or alcohol."

"Alcohol." I spurt out almost without thinking.

As the servant pours in my liquor, caramel in colour, I spy Audwin creep up to the Matron and kneel, it's obvious he's whispering something but the distance between our tables is far too large to hear a thing.

I will myself not to think much of it, he's probably just expressing more concern over Kaylin, who is blissfully unaware or unfazed by the suspicion regarding her presence, or rather, existence.

"Thank you for such warm hospitalities, Matron." Anselm says, completely genuine and totally not being a kiss-ass right now.

I can barely keep myself from rolling my eyes.

"Yes, thank you!" Kaylin follows, doubly excited. The elf is still much of a mystery to me, the strangest things excite her- given what she ought to be aware of- and the slightest things frighten and disturb her.

For most of my relationship with her, I have been the harbinger of the latter, as a result, it's getting harder to relate or even ask things of her. Perhaps I should send her back to her mother in Aste.

Mm. No. I should leave those thoughts for later, right now, lets just focus on the present.

"Thank you, Matron," I finally say, "Despite Audwin's…many warnings, you have still behaved as you ought to, as a proper host. How magnanimous."

Audwin glares daggers at me and then shifts his eyes to my left side; Kaylin.

The Matron chuckles and waves my comment off, "Oh please, don't be too cross with Audwin here, he is merely concerned about the boy's safety given what has transpired lately.

"Matron!" He yells, giving her a look.

She ignores him, "The boys are with their father you see. Their father as you must suspect by now, is a powerful man with many enemies and a trying time ahead of him."

I guess that's why there aren't as many servants, their father is back.

"Well, that is concerning." Anselm concurs, "However, we are not here to harm the boys, I simply thought it'd be polite, at the least, to stop by and offer a greeting and thanks for the gifts you got last time…they have proven useful."

At his words I stare at the red shining jewel resting on my finger. Yes, they have proven useful.

"What happened with the boys?" I ask, moving the subject along. "Are they safe?"

"They are quite safe, thank you very much for your concern, Sir." Audwin says through clenched teeth.

"Audwin! Restrain yourself, these people are not the perpetrators!" The Matron sighs, exhausted. She must have been dealing with his…misconceptions for a while.

"The boys went to stay with their father in Aste, he has been recently appointed Mayorship over the town and well…rebellious forces bloom in the changes of leadership."

Mayorship? The boys must really be important right now then.

Expertly ignoring Audwin's heat I follow up on her words, "What do you mean by rebellious forces?"

"Elves!" Audwin screams yet again, this time, pointing an accusing finger at Kaylin, "And you have brought them ample ammunition to destroy the Lord and the Young Masters! A Free Elf? Imagine the joy in their hearts once they hear that they have an ally amongst themselves, a powerful ally with barely any limitation to magical prowess!"

Ah. So that's why he's all worked up.

"I'm not an ally to any disruptors of peace!" Kaylin, having received eough insults strings to her feet, ready to defend herself, "I may be free but that doesn't mean I have freedom! I am forced to move in hiding, live in hiding and all because of a crime…no, no crime was committed, it's all because you humans-!"

"That's enough! Kaylin." I yell, standing to my feet, "Still yourself now and don't say another word."

I understand where she's coming from, how she feels. I've seen it, been witness to the true injustice committed against her people. However, I can't let her blow her lid here, at least, not until everything is in place.

"I'm sorry about my companion's behaviour, Matron."

The boys being the children of the Mayor means the plan changes, and for the better. With the revolution I have in mind, I'd need an inside, and that inside just happens to be this little relationship we have with the Matron and the boys.

It's an unlikely benefit from the past; I should exploit it all for the sake of the present.

"It's completely fine, in fact, I should be the one apologizing." She turns to Audwin and with annoyance on her face, she says, "You're dismissed for today, Audwin, go get some rest and clear your mind"

Audwin spends a moment seething at Kaylin and I before trotting out, outraged.

A moment of silence falls over us, not one of us willing to comment any further on his behaviour.

Finally, the Matron clears her throat, "So, is she is your companion, I take it you found the Mage you came to Aste looking for."

I chuckle at that, "Well, I suppose you could say she found me. But yes, Kaylin is a part of the team now."

"And Carbina?"


"I see. The Cult is cruel."

"Yes." I nod in agreement. "Do you know about any more sightings?"

"Cultist sightings? Gamma warriors?" She scoffs, "You must think of me too highly, although I manage this lodge in place of the Lord Mayor, I am still merely a servant…and an elf at that."

For whatever reason I don't believe I have thought of her too highly. The last time I was here, she wanted something and offered to help me with what I needed then, but there would be a costly price.

It was obvious by the sinister vibe she gave off that day.

"Well then, if you do hear of any sightings, please, let me know."

"Will you be staying here long? Or will you be moving to Aste now that Carbina is…forsaken."

"No, we won't be staying here if we can help it, and we can. We'll be staying at Aste while we get on our feet."

She nods grimly, "Of course, if you need any help finding a good place in the first strata, I will be much obliged to help."

I was actually thinking we'd stay close to the gates…the North gates, but it might be a good idea to distance myself from the chaos I'm bound to rumble up during my stay.

"We'll take you up on that offer then."

She looks surprised, pleasantly surprised, "Well that's perfect then!" She claps, "I'll dispatch my people and make the arrangements. And Anselm, don't fret, I'll make sure the boys know you were here looking."

Anselm basically kowtows at this.

"In the meantime, it is late, you should get some much-needed rest and a hearty meal before you head into Aste."

"Yes, of course, thank you again for your hospitality."

And the lot more you'll give me access to.

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